MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 59 Militant X Buck X Clash

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  Chapter 59 Militant X Buck X Confrontation

  Practice, practice hard, practice hard...

   The way to improve strength is so unpretentious.

   This is also what Moyu has been doing, straight forward, never slack.

   But there is another way to increase strength.

That is-

  The battle between life and death!

   On the steel wire that could be killed at any time, go to a close-up experience of your own inadequacies, so as to take a new step.

   That's why Moyu is so excited.

   Now, when Bisji pointed out that there was a person with a bad mind outside, Moyu couldn't hold back, and he couldn't help but feel regret.

   If the ability of "Soul Echo"'s "Mimicking Shared Appearance" is developed, it may be possible to use this actual combat opportunity to accept the tactical value.

   Regret is Regret.

  Moyu looked out of the office, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

   He didn't want to miss this opportunity to fight.


   The "ten seconds" I once experienced at the temple...

   made him cherish every opportunity to fight.

  Bishiji watched Moyu's expression with interest.

   I didn’t expect it…

   Beneath the gentle surface of the boy, there is actually a militant element of the martial arts faction.

   Having noticed this, Bisuki became more and more interested in Moyu.

at this time.

   The hour hand points to eleven o'clock.

   Compared with the brightly lit commercial street on the other side, there are not many people on Yujin Street.

  Because at this point in time, including Suibian Law Firm, the non-catering shops on both sides of the street are basically closed.

  As the popularity dissipates, the streets become quite quiet at night.

   Along the street, only the street lamps standing here are releasing temperature.

  Where the light was shining, a figure swept past.

  The figure walked along the place outside the light, slowly approaching the Suibian Law Firm.

at last,

   The figure stopped fifty meters away from Suibian Law Firm.

  This figure is a man wearing a hat, with a slender body, long and narrow eyes, thin lips, and a hint of lingering sinister expression in his expression.

  The man's name is Buck Arnold. His occupation is between a mercenary and a killer. He has always only accepted commissions related to murder.

   "What a bunch of idiots."

  Buck's nose twitched, carefully sniffing the faint smell remaining in the air, and then he looked at the Suibian Law Firm not far away.

   "Obviously you have already gained the upper hand, and then as long as you cooperate well, you can easily kill the target, but you have to rely on a lot to win the first prize..."

  Buck stared at the office closely, and said coldly: "If you look down on professional hunters, you should die at the hands of that woman."

   Having said that, Buck raised his arms horizontally, and in his right hand held a short knife with an exaggerated appearance with a blade that bloomed like a stamen and looked like a canine tooth.

   At first glance, it looks like a small mace.

   However, judging from the multiple blades that extend outward, it is barely a weapon like a short sword.

   "Now... more troublesome."

  Buck was holding the short knife called Toothblade, and although he had already made clear the target's location, he had no intention of continuing to press toward the follow-up law firm.

   He was able to confirm that the woman who killed several of his colleagues suffered serious injuries. In this case, it was a very simple matter to succeed in pursuit.


   Just stopped here, and Buck vaguely sensed a lingering sense of crisis.

   It was this almost intuitive sense of crisis that dispelled his idea of ​​pressing directly over, so he stopped fifty meters away.

   Carefully sail the ship for ten thousand years, and only shoot when you are sure. If you notice something is wrong, even if it is only a little bit, you should wait and see first.

   This kind of behavior, even if you are scolded for being timid, it doesn’t matter—

  Buck didn't care what other people thought, and never thought about changing.

   is also because of this, so when the group of peers are fighting each other, Buck will choose to paddle and wait and see.

   That's why he was safe and sound, and came over at the end.

  According to the original expectation, since he came here, he can enjoy the victory alone while his colleagues are dead.

   But the sudden and inexplicable sense of crisis definitely hindered his thoughts.

   "Do you want to give up?"

   Buck paused to think.

   Giving up the risk because of an inexplicable sense of crisis is the fundamental reason why Buck can survive countless murders.


   Just when Buck was thinking about giving up, he suddenly became alert and threw the weapon in his hand between his hands.


  The interlaced fangs suddenly shot out like an arrow from a string, and were nailed to the ground twenty meters away.

   And under the tip of the knife, there was a shadow the size of a manhole cover that was different from the normal shadow.


   Buck stared intently, a strange color flashed across his eyes.

   Extraordinary phenomena can basically be considered to be caused by the ability of mind.


   After seeing the tooth blade pinned to an independent shadow, Buck prejudged that he would get the information that the person with the ability to think would attack him, and instantly tightened his nerves, and his vigilance was directly full.

   At this moment, Moyu, who concealed his breath with "Absolute", attacked from the blind spot of his vision and kicked Buck's calf with all his might.

During the    attack, the sperm hole is re-opened, and the abundant psychic power is wrapped around the feet, thereby enhancing the power.

  If this kick can be effective, it will definitely destroy part of Buck's mobility, thus laying the foundation for the gradual plan.

   However, Buck was mentally prepared and reacted immediately.

   Hit hard!

   He twisted his waist abruptly, and immediately kicked Moyu's neck.

   In exchange for the lore of the enemy at the cost of the calf.

   It's a good deal.

   But how could Moyo make Buck's wish come true, realizing the moment the attack failed, he leaned back with his upper body, and at the same time changed the action of kicking Buck's calf.


   in a sharp air breaking sound.

   Because Moyu leaned back, Buck's point-blank kick was missed.

at the same time.

  Moyu changed his kicking motion and put his foot on Buck's knee instead.


   With the help of the reaction force of this kick, Moyu maintained the movement of leaning back, and the whole person flew out directly, thus widening the distance from Buck.

   Also at this moment—

   A flash of lingering knife light crossed Buck's side and stabbed obliquely on the ground where Moyu was originally.

   was the odd-shaped short blade that Buck threw just now.


  Buck secretly said what a pity, he lifted his back hand back and pulled the thread tied to the end of the toothblade's handle.

   With his movements, the blade that was stuck on the ground flew upside down.

  Bake raised his hand, quite skillfully caught the blade that flew upside down, and then stared at Moyu, who had retreated a distance.

   The seemingly sloppy throwing of the weapon in hand, on the one hand, has the ability of instant recovery, on the other hand, it can create the illusion of temporarily losing the weapon while attacking the enemy, thus attracting the enemy to take the lead.

   Then wait for the chance to counter the lore.

   In the extremely short confrontation just now, Buck's real ultimate move was to recover the flying blade from the blind corner of his field of vision, and he only needed to hit the enemy to end the battle.

   The result was a miss.

   "At that angle, you can't see Toothblade's counter-attack, but this kid's defense is like predicting the attack in advance... Is it the ability of the shadow just now?"

   Buck stared at Moyu and speculated silently in his heart: "It seems to be a function similar to a monitor, with the ability to transmit pictures in real time."

   In the dark.

   Bisuki quietly watched the battle.

   "The level of the enemy..."

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   (end of this chapter)