MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 96 The Hunter Guild needs your abilities

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  Chapter 96 Hunter Association Needs Your Ability


  Moyu's brainstorming only lasted for a while before being interrupted by a strong hunger in his stomach.

   After all, I was lethargic for two days, no dripping water, no grain of rice.

   Put away the re-engraved reading box, Moyou got up and left the room and came to the living room.

  Moyu glanced at the living room.

  Only a single sofa and a low table can be seen, and there are no other furniture and decorations.

  The overall style is terribly simple, like a house that has just been renovated.

   "Is this sister Lizi's house? It doesn't look like it."

  Moyu's eyes flicked over the single sofa, and turned his attention to the kitchen.

   Fortunately, there are a lot of fast food such as bucket noodles in the kitchen.

  Moyu boiled a pot of boiling water, then took out a large pile of bucket noodles and placed them on the dining table outside the kitchen.

   After a while.

  The unique aroma of instant noodles wafts in the room.

  Moyu was really hungry, so he took out all the instant noodles and put them in a basin, then devoured them.

   Halfway through eating, there was a sudden sound of unlocking from the entrance.

   Hearing the movement, Moyou just thought it was Lizi coming back, didn't care much, and continued to eat instant noodles.

   The next second, the door was opened.

   "Wow, this property is not in your name, and there is no related lease relationship. It will take some effort to investigate, barrister, isn't this property given to you by some rich employer?"

   A strange female voice sounded from the entrance.

  Moyu immediately stopped eating noodles, and immediately heard Lizi's voice.

   "Mao Rabbit, if you don't want to waste your time, don't be so weird there."

   "Just kidding, hey, what a heavy instant noodle flavor."

  Pyorn walked in front of him as if he was distracting himself while playing with his mobile phone.

   After passing the entrance, Pyeon held the phone flat in front of his face, quickly pressed his hands on the keys, and quickly glanced at Moyu in front of the dining table.

   A shimmer of light flashed across those pale pink eyes.

   This young man is exactly the goal of her trip.

  Moyu also looked at Pjorn.

  The cool bunny girl's dress-up style with bare shoulders and legs, combined with Li Zi's just calling this woman a rabbit, doesn't need to think too much, her identity is about to come out.

   Member of the Twelve Earthly Branches, the Rabbit Piyeon, the ancient document hunter.

   was found at the door...

   It seems that the Hunters Association has already started to deal with the Numao incident.

   Moyu looked at Pjorn calmly.

   Just based on Liz's name for Pyeon's "Usagi" and the tone of voice when she spoke, it was possible to conclude that their relationship was normal.

   From this, a basic conclusion can be drawn.

  卯 Rabbit was not brought back by Lizi as a friend, but more likely to represent the Hunters Association.

   In just a second or two, Moyou deduced the reason, and was mentally prepared to be discovered.

   The worst result is that his behavior in the restaurant is exposed to the Hunters Association.

  How to explain the phenomenon of absorbing jet black sticky substance?

   Actually it’s not that difficult.

   "Although I'm not a mind remover...but I can use mind remover as a shield."

  's thoughts turned, and Moyu made an excuse in his mind in advance.

   Most of Pyeon's attention was on the phone, but it didn't prevent her from looking at Moyu.

   She walked over and sat directly opposite Moyu.

   Moyu glanced at Pyeon who kept his phone in his hand, ignored it, and ate his noodles in a big mouth.

   Pyeon didn't mind Moyu's indifference to his own reaction. He concentrated on the phone and pressed the keys faster and faster.

   At this moment, Li Zi, who had closed the door, came over and saw Moyu eating noodles at a glance.

   "Kester, you are awake."

   In the presence of Pyeon, she addresses Moyu by the name on the fake ID card.

   "Stop eating these, I'll order for you now."

  Lizi hurried to the dining table and reached out to hold down Moyu's chopsticks.

   She usually eats fast food, but this will prevent Moyu from touching them.

   "Sister Lizi, it's fine."

   Moyu gently pushed Li Zi's hand away, and didn't care about the presence of outsiders, like a starving ghost reincarnated, shoving the instant noodles in the basin with big gulps regardless of his image.

  Lizi was helpless, and could only watch Moyou gobble by the side.

   She knew that Moyou had slept for two days, and she should be starving by this time.

   Hearing the sound of Moyu eating instant noodles, Pyeon turned his attention away from the phone for the first time and turned to Moyu.

   That wild look made Pyorn swallow subconsciously.

  My darling, can instant noodles be so delicious?

   I can see that my appetite is up.

  Pjorn suddenly had the urge to take out his mobile phone to shoot a video.

   is by no means a boring reason to gain clicks, but based on truth, goodness and beauty, I want this video to cure those netizens with anorexia.

   But she held back.

   After Moyou finally finished eating the instant noodles in the basin, Pyorn, who has always spent most of his time on his mobile phone, will instead stick to the principle of never wasting time and go straight to the topic.

   Even the self-introduction step is omitted.

   "The incident at the Deltaana restaurant, I have seen the live video, the situation at that time was really thrilling."

   When talking about business, Pyeon still didn't mean to put away his mobile phone, looked directly at Moyu, and said seriously:

   "When I saw it halfway through, I actually thought that the two of you were dead. After all, the opponent's strength was obviously stronger than you, and the tactics they implemented didn't leave you any room. As a result, you were slapped in the face after a while."


  Moyu greeted Pyeon's undisguised inquiring eyes, and quietly pulled out two tissues to wipe the soup stains from the corners of his mouth.

   As expected, he still couldn't escape.

  At the dining table, Lizi frowned when she heard Pyeon's words, and turned to Moyu with apologetic expressions in her eyes.

   clearly agreed to Moyu's request, but failed to sweep his tail clean.

   Moyu noticed Lizi's apologetic look, and didn't feel any blame in his heart.

   Not to mention the involvement of the Hunter Association.

   In the end—

   The fight that night was certainly avoidable.

   But in terms of results, Moyo had a lot to gain.

   If he had to do it all over again, even if Liz could simply avoid the battle and leave the restaurant, he would take the initiative to take risks and participate in order to get a reward.

"You are?"

   Moyu put down the tissue and looked at Pyeon suspiciously.

  Pyeon did not answer, but looked at Liz beside him.

   As a newcomer to an outsider, it would be more convincing for Lizi to do such a thing as an identity introduction.

"She is a member of the Twelve Earthly Branches of the Hunter's Association. She came here to investigate the incident at the Deltaana restaurant. It is also related to the fact that the group of people in Tolan turned into black unknown objects after their death. They seem to be one and the same. The existence of a species called Swamp Man is quite dangerous."

  Lizzie helps Pyeon introduce her identity at the right time, and reveals more information to Moyu.

  Moyu nodded at Lizi, then looked at Pyeon and asked, "So you came to me specifically? Are you planning to arrest me for 'intentional homicide'?"

   "Yeah, you're so funny."

  Pyeon habitually lay on the table, holding the rabbit-ear mobile phone upright in front of him, pressing the key, and said quickly:

"Although it is still difficult for the association to define the question of 'whether a swamp man is a human or not', but in my opinion, how can a normal human turn into a swamp-like thing in a snap? Since it is not a human, how can it be? What about intentional homicide?"

"I can rest assured that."

  Moyu nodded calmly.

  Pyeon looked at Moyu's reaction and sighed: "Don't try to change the subject. In order not to waste time, let's just open the skylight and speak up. First of all, I have a question..."

   Halfway through the sentence, she suddenly screamed, her eyes locked on the screen of her mobile phone, and she said with a long tail, "Where's the little bunny who came to steal resources when I wasn't paying attention."

   At the same time as she spoke, she pressed her hands very quickly, and even used her mind power to release a soft and stable air that wrapped her hands and mobile phone.


   Seeing this scene, Moyu's eyes twitched.

   Is this the Twelve Earthly Branches...

   Looking at Lizi next to her, she frowned.

   At the Deltaana restaurant, although she had already recognized Pjorn's inconspicuousness, this meeting refreshed her perception.

   About half a minute…

  Pyeon seemed to have ended the battle on the phone, slowed down the speed of pressing the keys, and said yin and yang strangely: "No, no, no, there are really fools who steal resources and leave no way out, you deserve a complete defeat."

   Seeing that Pyeon was so addicted to it, Moyu couldn't find the time to insert it for a while.

  Fortunately, Pyeon finally remembered his business after the battle and looked at Moyu.

   "Little handsome guy, let's continue the topic just now."


  Moyu was silent.

  Pyeon, as if nothing had happened, asked as usual, "Why are you able to absorb those unknown objects that are like swamp mud?"

   Hearing this, Moyou didn't answer Pyeon's question directly, but pretended to frown, showing a look of hesitation.

   This is a necessary foreshadowing.

  Because the ability to remove the mind is equal to the ability of mind, and a normal person with the ability of mind, if he gives a straightforward answer to a question involving his own ability, it will be abnormal.

  Pyeon stared at the phone for a while, and watched Moyu's reaction for a while.

   In fact, before throwing this question, Pjorn withheld a vital piece of information.

  According to the information collected by the association, after death, the swamp people are actually no different from the corpses of normal humans, and they will not turn into unknown black things like swamp mud at all.

   This is also the fundamental reason why associations and official institutions are temporarily unable to define the question of "whether Marsh people are human or not".

   If it weren't for the difficulty of distinguishing between normal humans and swamp humans, there were too few materials that could be used to verify the conjectures that met the experimental conditions, or we should have more information now.

  Pjorn actually thinks that he can use those heavyweight criminals who have been sentenced to hundreds of years in prison as experimental materials. Unfortunately...

   Those troublesome departments above actually used "human rights" as the reason, saying that this kind of thing needs to be decided through multi-party negotiation.

   At the same time, taking into account various reasons such as influence and national image that gave Pjorn a headache, the ruling on this application has been delayed for several days.

  Pjorn feels—

   has already committed a brutal crime that should be sentenced to hundreds of years in prison. Does it still have the meaning of reform through labor? Wouldn’t it be more straightforward to give a peanut directly?

   Yet so is the law.

  Pyeon felt too stupid, and felt that some institutions were really ineffective, but at most he could only complain here.

   But the question now is…

  Why did the swamp man who died in Moyu's hands turn into an unknown object like swamp mud?

   That's what Pyorn has to figure out.

   "I can get rid of thoughts."

   Moyu hesitated for a moment, and finally answered Pyeon's question.

   "You are a mind remover, no wonder you can absorb those black swamps of unknown origin so calmly."

  Pyeon had already guessed, and he was not surprised to hear Moyu's answer at this moment.

   The abilities of chanting masters vary, but the methods of chanting are similar.

   Basically, in some way, the "thought" that needs to be removed is transferred to oneself, and then purified and eliminated.

   But Pyeon was still suddenly enlightened one second before, but the next second, the conversation suddenly changed:

"I just noticed that when the first 'swamp man' turned into swamp mud after death, you didn't seem to be surprised at all. Did you already know that he was not a normal human before you shot? Or know that he died after death. Will it turn into swamp?"

   "I'm not surprised because I've already met a Marshman once before that."

  Moyu's expression was as calm as water.

  Pyeon heard the words and lowered his mobile phone slightly, and said seriously: "If possible, please use an oral method to restore the situation when you first met the 'Swamp People', this is very important."

"no problem."

  Moyu nodded, then talked about the **** pervert he met when he checked into the hotel.

   Hearing Moyu's remarks, Pyeon dispelled his doubts.

   It's just that she hasn't figured out the most critical issue yet.

  Why other "Swamp People" are left as normal corpses after death, while the "Swamp People" who died in Moyu's hands turn into swamp mud?

   Is it just because Moyu is a mind-eliminating teacher?

   In order to understand the difference, it is necessary to reveal to Moyu the information that "the Swamp Man is a normal corpse after death".

   This would obviously put her in breach of confidentiality.

  Pyorn, as one of the hawkish representatives in the association who is more inclined to reform, often has nothing to do with the meticulous rules of the association or country that need to be strictly followed.

   In order to turn Moyu from an "outsider" into a "own person".

  Pyorn thought of a way.


  Pjorn's phone was finally out of hand and placed on the dining table.

   She looked at Moyu with a serious expression.

  's name for Moyu was also changed from handsome boy to Kester.

   "The Hunter Association needs your abilities, so I now invite you to join the 'Swamp Male Phenomenon Emergency Response Team' on behalf of the Hunter Association."


  Moyu was silent.

at the same time.

The other Twelve Earthly Branch members of the    Hunter Association found the three Marsh family that Moyou had met on the spaceship.

   At present, it is difficult to find too many marsh people through various means such as the location, monitoring, and even inspection of the humanoid scorch marks.

   In order to find a way to efficiently differentiate between swamps and normal humans…

The   Hunter Association can only hope that the "psychological consultation room" of Nooma Saqiu can work.

  Otherwise, it is to find Davidson, the author of Swamp Male, who is suspected to be the culprit as soon as possible.

   As for the character portrayal of Yoen the Rabbit, I didn't think about tying her with the characteristics of super-standard bow-headed people and internet-addicted girls at first. I felt it was too deliberate and exaggerated.

   But today, when I went to a friend's house as a guest and came back, I took the elevator down from the 16th floor. On the way, five residents of the community came up. After entering the elevator, everyone was playing with their mobile phones with their heads down.

   And of course myself...

   Then I suddenly felt that Pyeon, a character who had to stare at his phone no matter what he did, seemed to have become normal.



   (end of this chapter)