MTL - I am a Chef in the Modern Era-Chapter 80 Assorted fruit plate

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Until the noon, Lin Yiyi still has a little shyness to bury himself. On the last day of the solar calendar, is it because of this in bed? Lin Yiyi has some hatred.

In fact, if he knew that this was something they had already done in Shen’s heart, they would probably not be ashamed.

By noon, Shen Ma finally couldn't help but knock on the door.

She wants to tell Lin Yiyi that they are all open parents. These things don't have to be embarrassed. What's more, the aunt who promoted this thing will never say that she secretly listened to the corner, but the wall sound insulation effect is too strong. Shen Da, who was ruined by anger, brought back the room.

"Hey, is it a small idea?"

The voice of the aunt suddenly passed into the room, and the two overlapping figures on the bed slammed, and then the red-faced Lin Yiyi pushed Shen Fu down, panicking the clothes that had been pulled up. Packed up neatly, with the eyes of Mingli Ling Li secretly screaming Shen Fu to open the door.

Shen Fuyu slammed the painful ass, and licked his mouth to open the door.

I said, my mother, when are you coming, don’t pick this time.

He still didn't even eat the tofu of the eight classics, and his **** was almost broken into eight!

Shen Mama stood outside the door. "How come it takes so long to open the door."

Shen Fu: ...

This kind of hurried situation, it is good to open the door for you?

Then Shen Ma smiled and turned to Lin Yiyi. Lin Yiyi had already opened the quilt and stood up. There was nothing wrong with the face except for a little red.

It’s just that Shen Mei smiled and looked at him for a while. “Well, is it better?”

Lin Yiyi:......

He has another point to go to bed.

Shen Fu took care of his mother who was addicted to his house and took it outside the door. "Small is fine, he is a little dizzy, already good, and is preparing to get out of bed."

Although the whole family is tacit, it is obvious that Lin Yiyi still needs a step, the focus is that Shen Ma speaks too straight, and Shen Fu is afraid that Lin Yiyi is poked, and he is sad afterwards.

Shen Mama immediately looked at her expression, nodded, "Well, good, then I will go down first."

Lin Shuyi looked at his aunt's lips and sank Shen Shen's reluctance to let Shen Fu take it away.

When the door was ready to go down the stairs, Shen Mama had already said that she had already said something with Shen Fu. "That, indulging in injury, small intentions are still small, or appropriate."

Shen Fu was unstable and almost planted from the stairs.

He knew that his mother was an enlightened one, but he did not expect that the mother was so open.

But he can't really talk about it, but he knows that he is the first time he can open it. He can hold back only twice. He has already died alive.

Looking at Shen Ma going downstairs, Shen Fu turned and went to the room, but Lin Yiyi had already come out.

Changed a vertical collar shirt set with a rhombic sweater, with dark blue trousers of the same color, the whole tender and tender green onions.

Thinking of the small green onion last night under him, Shen Fu couldn’t help but breathe a few points. He stepped forward with his hands and asked for a broken hair in front of Lin Biao’s forehead. "A little better?"

Lin Biao nodded, then looked at Shen Fu, and the black-painted eyes were still a bit shy. "Can this dress cover it?"

Shen Fu:?

After two minutes, Shen Fu reacted. Lin Yiyi said that the hickeys on the neck were actually. In fact, Shen Fu felt that he was very restrained. After all, he was at home, not to mention that he was seen by Shen’s father. First, Lin Yiyi must It’s not a shame, but it’s probably because of Lin’s relationship with white skin. It’s not so much force. The place near the chest is still a lot of traces of blue and purple. It’s like a fierce feeling. The look of things.

Lin Biao did not say that he had not thought of it. At this time, I would look at Lin Yiyi’s vertical collar shirt. Obviously, it was premeditated. It just happened to cover the traces, and it was a heavy smile. "You look down and look at me."

In fact, with the difference in height between the two, Lin Yiyi does not need to bow down at all. Shen Fu can also see clearly and clearly. However, Lin Yiyi is now "obscuring the ugly" and is not aware that Shen Fu is teasing him. Slightly lower, I asked, "How? Can you see it?"

Shen Fu reached out and pulled Lin Linyi’s collar. "Turn it, I can see the side."

Lin Biao listened to the body and turned his body. Because of the bowed posture, the snow-white neck of the big lara fell into the sight of Shen Fu.

Shen Fu began to feel difficulty swallowing.

The finger went forward a little further, and Capricorn touched Lin Biao's beautiful but not thin clavicle.

Shen Fu's fingertips are a bit cold. Lin Yiyi couldn't help but shrink his neck. He felt that he was not right. See how he still got up.

Seeing Lin Yiyi looking up at him, Shen Fu only coughed a bit, and shrank his hand back, a serious saying, "Well, I have seen it, all angles can not be seen, rest assured."

Lin Yi looked suspiciously and glanced at him.

It’s dangerous, I almost didn’t hold back.

Just after opening the door from the study, the heavy brother who was watching the whole process walked over from Shen Fu with a blank expression. He ridiculed the whole card and said, "Look at your point."

Shen Fu: ...

Shen Ma is making a fruit plate below.

In order to prepare this small reunion dinner, Shen Ma settled in the aunt to buy a variety of meat and vegetables, and personally picked a lot of fresh and delicious fruit, is prepared to be used to make a big delicious fruit plate.

Seeing Lin Yiyi coming downstairs, Shen Ma quickly waved, "Come and come, eat fruit."

Shen Mama shouted, Shen Laozi, who was building flowers, and Shen Da, who was watching the financial version, turned to look at Lin Yiyi, and then he said nothing, and Shen’s father said hello, “Come down and taste. Now, these fruits are really different in all seasons. Although there is no seasonality, it is enough to satisfy people’s stomachs."

At this point, Lin Yiyi has exactly the same views as Shen’s father.

In Dayan, there is no greenhouse. But at that time, greenhouses were not called greenhouses, but warm houses. There is no such high-tech high-tech. The temperature is maintained from morning to night. Expensive, in addition to the Royal Palace, not to mention the ordinary people, there are not a few warmmen, but the warm house in the palace has never been used to plant fruit trees, but the aroma of the harem for the harem Used flowers.

The big Yan Emperor is ruthless and ruthless. If it is not like this, how can he come to such a place, even though he doesn’t know much, but now the world is like Lin Yiyi, just like the paradise There are no intrigues and tricks, and there are so many people who love him. He hasn’t remembered Lin Yan’s thoughts for a long time. It’s so painful to think about it at the time.

However, no matter how many times he wants to think, Lin Yiyi always has an incredible feeling of dreams. He actually crossed from one world to another completely different world.

Without waiting for Lin Yiyi’s feelings, Shen Fu and Shen Yan came down together.

Lin Yan’s gaze of Shen Yan seems to have passed from his neck. However, without waiting for Lin Biao’s attention, Shen Yan has not sat over the sofa.

Lin Yiyi turned to look at Shen Fu, is it really not obvious? ! Can't you really see it? !

The maddant has already cut the fruit plate and put it on the table. "Dad, eat fruit, small, what are you doing?"

Lin Biao did not want to trace the collar and pulled it up again, and this went to Shen Fu next to the well-being.

Lin Yi didn't know why Shen brother looked at him, but Shen Fu knew it. Immediately, he laughed at the hand of Yulin, and whispered in his ear. "I really can't see anything, don't need to. tension."

Lin Yiyi looked at him with suspicion and never believed what he said.

Shen Fu: ...

The aunt is a Western chef. A simple fruit plate comes out of her hands. It can also be full of emotions. Lin Yiyi studied the flowers carved out by the oranges for a long time. Finally, I think it is still more important to taste the Chinese food. Suitable for him.

After eating the fruit, Lin Yiyi and Shen Fu are ready to go out and go, the destination is actually not, but there is a huge artificial lake next to the Shenjia Villa, the scenery is not bad, plus the sun is also exceptionally warm today, warm I didn’t feel cold when I was on the body, so the two were ready to go there. I thought that the children should have their own private space. Shen Da’s mother waved and bid farewell to the two, so the two men changed shoes. Go out.

At this time, Shen Yan stood up with a calm face. "I just have nothing to do. Let's go together."

Seeing Shen Yan actually went to act as a light bulb, Shenmang was dissatisfied, but Shen Ma had not had time to talk, Lin Biao nodded and agreed, "Okay."

Shen brother smiled slightly, Shen Fu looked like a dish.

So the two of the two men became a weird threesome.

Shen Yan and Lin Yiyi walked in front of each other, and the heavy brother who had been calmly facing the face had more words. He told Lin Yiyi that this is exactly two people. The most important thing is that Shen brother is merciless. They talked about Shen Fu’s childhood anecdote, and did not care about the face of Shen Fu, which followed, and the funny Lin Yiyi laughed from time to time.

And the two people said as they walked, they didn't want to let Shen Fu interject.

Although Lin Biao’s smile is very happy, Shen Fu, who has always been happy with Lin’s happiness, feels a little funny, and can’t laugh at all!

Shen brother said that he also took the time to glance at his eyes and look at the darkness of Shen Fu's cloud. He must use his actions to let Shen Fu know that it is a price to pay for his love in front of him every day.

The air is full of sour smells of love, and he almost wants to fall in love!