MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 4 Join a mercenary group

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Lin Xinghai had a lot of guesses about the three different attributes, but he didn't have time to study them now.

Because there are already many people, after touching the zombies, they began to return to the personnel carrier.

There is not much time left for him to collect the power of blood energy.

Putting away the attribute panel, Lin Xinghai quickly hurried to the next zombie corpse, and when he started running, he immediately felt the difference.

"My speed is too exaggerated!"

He was able to run out of the speed of the previous full sprint with ease, and even worried that he would be targeted by someone with a heart, he dared not let go of the speed to run.

The increase in speed also made Lin Xinghai collect blood energy faster, and finally collected 13 blood energy.

At this time, there were very few people still here, and in order not to attract the attention of others, he could only return to the troop carrier.

"How? Did you find the reason?" As soon as Lin Xinghai sat down, Roger sat next to him and asked.

"There is a guess." Lin Xinghai said after hesitating for a while: "The wound on the back of the head should not be a patch, because the wound is not deep, and more importantly, the wound was cut, not stabbed directly. It doesn't seem reasonable."

"Of course, the most important thing is that I restored the flesh and blood, and found that the flesh and blood there seemed to be missing a piece."

"If I guessed correctly, there should be something on the back of these zombies' heads, and they were taken away."

After Lin Xinghai finished speaking, he looked at Roger. He was not talking nonsense, but had really carefully observed it.

The look of surprise on Roger's face flashed away, and he nodded, "Yes, that's Yuanjing, a crystal that contains special energy."

After being silent for a while, Roger continued: "Now that you have seen the situation outside, you already know something about the situation in the end times. Let me ask you again, are you willing to join my mercenary group?"

"Can I ask, are there any benefits after joining the mercenary group?" Lin Xinghai asked.

Seeing that Lin Xinghai finally moved, Roger smiled and said, "There are many people here, so let's find a place with fewer people to chat."

Lin Xinghai glanced around, everyone pricked up their ears and glanced at them from time to time, this is indeed not a suitable place for conversation.

But the question is, where are there less people in the car?

However, Roger said that he had already stood up, and he could only quickly follow.

Coming near the front of the car, Roger tapped the alloy steel plate twice.


Under the action of the pneumatic device, the alloy steel plate, which was originally tightly seamed, slowly opened, revealing a small door, which could lead directly to the cab.

Following Roger bent over and walked in, Lin Xinghai found that the space in the cab was quite large, more than enough to accommodate five or six people.

After saying hello to the soldiers driving the troop carrier, Roger and Lin Xinghai came to the corner and sat down.

"Let me introduce first, our mercenary group is called the Splitting Sky Mercenary Group. It is a first-level mercenary group registered in the Mercenary Guild. Among the hundreds of mercenary groups in the shelter, it is probably in the middle."

"With your B-level genetic evaluation, you can get 100 points a week as a reward for joining our mercenary group."

"Points?" Lin Xinghai interjected and asked.

Roger explained: "Points are equivalent to currency. Everything in the shelter is purchased with points. The reward of 100 points a week is definitely higher than any normal job."

"And this is only temporary. If you can become a genetic optimizer, you will be paid at least 150 points a week."

"Gene optimizer?" Lin Xinghai's heart skipped a beat, he vaguely felt that it had a lot to do with the degree of genetic optimization in the system panel.

"Yeah!" Roger seemed to have known that Lin Xinghai would ask such a question for a long time, and immediately explained: "This starts with our genetic engineering. In the 20th century, human beings' research on their own genes has not stopped, but for more than 200 years There has been no major breakthrough until the emergence of Yuanjing."

"There is a special kind of energy inside the crystal. Although we can't directly absorb this kind of energy, after special treatment, we can make it into a genetic medicine to optimize the genes in our body."

"When the genetic optimization of the human body reaches 30%, it will be like breaking through a shackle, the strength will be greatly improved, and there will even be a small probability that some special abilities will appear."

"So we also refer to people whose genes are more than 30% optimized as genetic optimizers."

"If you join our Sky Splitting Mercenary Group, you will be given a certain share of genetic medicine every week according to your talent to help you become a genetic optimizer as soon as possible."

After listening to Roger's explanation, Lin Xinghai's pupils shrank slightly, but he was relieved quickly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He is systematic, and now the degree of genetic optimization has reached 19%.

What's more, he still has 13 points of blood energy to use. If he wants to become a genetic optimizer, this is a matter of minutes!

However, with such a rapid increase in his strength, he definitely needs some cover up, so joining the Sky Splitting Mercenary Group is undoubtedly a good choice.

"If I choose to join your mercenary group, how do you plan to train me? Especially genetic medicine, how much share can I get each week?" Lin Xinghai asked.

Although he has a system, genetic medicine is a good thing at first glance, of course, he has to fight for himself more.

Seeing that Lin Xinghai was finally moved, Roger said with a smile on his face: "3 bottles, I can get you 3 bottles of genetic medicine every week."

"Three bottles are so few? Why should I have twenty or thirty bottles of my B-level genetic rating?" Lin Xinghai immediately charged the sky.

As soon as he said these words, Roger's face suddenly darkened, and even the soldier who had been concentrating on driving gave Lin Xinghai a strange look.

"Do you know how many bottles of genetic medicine can a new member of the mercenary group have in a week? One bottle!"

"Even if it is an official mercenary group member, there are only 2 bottles a week."

"Even with my strength and the subsidy of the captain's position, there are only 6 bottles of genetic medicine a week."

"You still want 20 or 30 bottles, and I can give you 3 bottles. I have to be shameless and apply to the head of the regiment." Roger said with strong anger.

When Lin Xinghai heard it, he couldn't help but be surprised. If that's the case, then the treatment given to him by the Sky Splitting Mercenary Group seems to be too high!

With a slight movement in his heart, he called up the system panel, and then used the exploration technique on Roger.

Name: Roger

Constitution: 50

Strength: 65

Speed: 43

Ability: Giant Strength (within three seconds, the strength of UU reading increases by 30%)

Degree of genetic optimization: 65%

"This strength is much higher than I guessed! And even the supernatural powers are awakened. But the opponent's strength can only be distributed 6 bottles of genetic medicine a week, that can only explain." Thinking of this, Lin The corners of Xinghai's mouth turned up slightly.

"Captain Luo, you shouldn't have a B grade in your genetic evaluation, right?"

Roger's annoyed expression faltered slightly.

After getting the answer from the other party's face, Lin Xinghai continued: "Then my B-level genetic evaluation should be of great value! If I spread it out, then other mercenary groups..."

Lin Xinghai didn't continue talking, just smiled at Roger.

"You can choose to come to the military if you have a talent with a B-level genetic assessment. It is safer than joining a mercenary group. It is also three bottles of genetic medicine every week." The soldier who had been driving silently suddenly said.

Roger's face turned even darker. If he had known this, he might as well stay in the carriage and talk to Lin Xinghai.

"Four bottles of genetic medicine a week, this is my limit. In addition, I have a request. Within a month, the speed of your strength improvement must be worthy of your talent."

"Otherwise, a maximum of 3 bottles of genetic medicine a week." Roger could only re-open the conditions.

"Yes! But if I increase my strength faster than you can imagine, what about this genetic medicine?" Lin Xinghai laughed.

Roger's eyes narrowed slightly, but remembering Lin Xinghai's previous attitude of touching zombies, he suddenly laughed, "You're so bold, I hope you don't say it with your mouth, if that kind of thing really happened, our Sky Splitting Mercenary Group will definitely I won't treat you badly."