MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 6 Beautiful roommate?

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During the process of entering the shelter, Roger told Lin Xinghai a lot of things. In addition to the genetic medicine, there was also general information about the shelter.

The entire Star Shield Refuge is divided into upper, middle and lower floors, but most people can only live in the lower area.

If you want to live in the middle class, you have to be a genetic optimizer.

As for the upper area, it is the place where the management of the shelter and the strong live.

Of course, those who have just been rescued like them can only stay in the lower area.

At this time, the administrator of the lower area had arrived and took over the work of the army. Under the greeting of the security team, everyone lined up in columns after getting off the car, and then followed.

The area of ​​the lower area is about 200,000 square meters, but according to Roger's description, there are also a lot of people living here, already more than 150,000, so the population is not generally dense.

And as he moved forward, Lin Xinghai discovered that this lower area was even more unbearable than what Roger had described.

There is no plan, the streets are scattered, and the houses are crowded together to save space, giving people the feeling of chaos.

More than 80% of the pedestrians on the street have yellow faces and thin skin, and their clothes are quite dirty. When they approach, they will smell a stench. It should be that they have not showered for many days.

"It's almost like a refugee zone." Lin Xinghai couldn't help sighing.

But he also understands that this is impossible, and in the final analysis it is a problem of lack of resources.

Thinking of the desolate scene outside the surface, it is a miracle that the Star Shield Refuge can support so many people.

After advancing for about 15 minutes, the team stopped, and what appeared in front of everyone was a dilapidated building.

At this time, some residents were coming out of these buildings with their luggage. Most of these people's eyes were numb, and then they left in a hurry under the whistle of the patrol team.

At this time, an administrator in front of the team walked up to the steps with a loudspeaker and said loudly: "Hello everyone, let me introduce myself first, my name is Jiyuan. As you can see, this area is a temporary area. Make room for you to live."

There was a commotion in the field, because these buildings are not ordinary dilapidated, and many parts of the outer wall surface have fallen off. They all doubt whether people can live here.

So some people started to protest. The protest was only a few people at first, but gradually became louder and louder.

Ji Yuan stood on the steps with a smile on his face. After he raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, he continued: "You think the exterior of these buildings is very shabby, right? Don't worry, the inside of the buildings... will only get more shabby."


The commotion suddenly escalated into an uproar, and many people wondered if their ears had heard it wrong.

The interior will only be more shabby? Reassure us?

Listen, is this still human?

Ji Yuan didn't seem to see the reaction of the crowd at all, and even the smile on his face didn't change, "I know you have a lot to say in your heart, but please listen to me first."

He cleared his throat and suddenly roared, "I can't stop loving, I can't stop getting out of here."

The field was quiet.

At this time, Ji Yuan's smile has completely disappeared, and it is replaced by seriousness, "The resources here are limited, and there is no support for idlers and waste. If you want to eat well and live well, then show your ability well, earn points, just move out of here."

After he finished speaking, he gestured to the side, and immediately a staff member came out, and then distributed sheets of paper full of content.

"Let's not waste time. Everything I want to tell you is written on this piece of paper. You can read it when you have time."

"The buildings behind me are all group dormitories for 6 people. You can find someone you know to live with. If you can't find it, we will arrange it later. Now, I will give you 10 minutes." Ji Yuan finished, Looking at the time on the watch, he stood quietly.

Ji Yuan didn't say much, but each sentence contained a huge amount of information, which made many people a little confused.

But these people had to act, the situation is bad enough, and if they also arrange to live with strangers, they can't imagine it.

At this time, Lin Xinghai seemed to be an outsider. He put his hands in his pockets quite calmly and stood there.

The Split Sky Mercenary Group will arrange accommodation for the official members, and it is still in the middle-level area, but the only trouble is that you need to become a genetic optimizer to live in the middle-level area.

Becoming a genetic optimizer is a luxury for many people. But for Lin Xinghai, it only took a few days.

So he looked around a little bored, waited for the time to end, and then assigned him a dormitory.

"Ah! Lin Xinghai, I've finally found you." An exclamation sounded from the side. When he turned his head to look, he saw a slim beauty with her beautiful eyes staring at him without blinking.

"Uh..." Lin Xinghai didn't react, and at the same time he found that he had overlooked a very serious problem.

That is, although he has passed through, he has not inherited the memory of this body. Now, he does not know the name of this beautiful woman.

Before Lin Xinghai could figure out how to respond, his hand was pulled by the other party, "Follow me!"

"Fuck! Are all women of this era so proactive?" Lin Xinghai couldn't help but complained in his heart.

But the opponent's hand is really white and soft!

Lin Xinghai shook his head to wake himself up. Now is not the time to think about these things, but to think carefully about how to deal with this beauty later without revealing any flaws.

Many thoughts circled in his mind, and then they were denied one by one. Finally, Lin Xinghai decided to pretend to have amnesia.

While thinking about how to speak more appropriately, the beautiful woman who was pulling her suddenly stopped.

"The last roommate, I'm here!" Pulling Lin Xinghai to a group of people, the beautiful woman announced loudly.

In an instant, both Lin Xinghai and the four people in front of him were stunned.

Because these are all women, UU reading www. and also young and beautiful women.

"Liu Miaomiao, are you crazy, how can you find a man to come back?" After the atmosphere in the field was dead silent for a while, the hottest beauty exclaimed first.

She immediately pulled Liu Miaomiao aside, and the others followed quickly, leaving only Lin Xinghai standing there awkwardly.

Although he was standing in the same place, his genetic optimization has reached 26%, and his body has improved a lot, including his hearing ability, so he can vaguely hear the conversation of a few women not far away.

"Wang Yao, don't get excited yet." Liu Miaomiao looked at the companions beside her and said seriously, "It was after careful consideration to find him. Think about it, now is not the peaceful age of the past, we Several beauties are together, what if they are targeted by people who are scheming?"

"So for safety's sake, the best way is of course to hire a 'bodyguard'!"

"Bodyguard, just him?" Wang Yao's voice was full of doubts.

"He doesn't seem to be very strong physically, but when he was a freshman, he won the provincial 'Sanshou' championship. It would be easy to beat four or five people against ordinary people." Liu Miaomiao said.

"This...even if what you said is true, but you are not afraid of bringing wolves into the room?" Wang Yao asked another question.

"Don't worry, he's just a 'wood'. He used to be a figure in our class before. Many girls wanted to post it backwards, and some of them were not much worse than me, but he was indifferent. There were even rumors that he Sexual orientation is a problem."

"So don't worry!" Liu Miaomiao assured with a pat on her chest.

Lin Xinghai, who was not far away, overheard this, and his face darkened instantly.