MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 890 Position No. 113 (below)

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Of course, it is impossible to tell ordinary soldiers that there is no reserve force.

But at this time, looking at the dejected look of his subordinates, Captain Sun also understood that he wanted to say something encouraging.

He smiled dryly and comforted: "You don't have to worry so much, I'll say hello to the old man in the back later and ask him to give us a few more firepower reinforcements at position 113, and it's easy to stick to the last hour. ."

"When we get through this round, next time we come up to defend, I promise you that we will definitely apply for a batch of high-energy bombs, so when we defend later, we don't have to be so tied up."

Captain Sun used his brains and tried his best to draw cakes for the soldiers under him.

It's just that he has said this once before, and this time he just said it in a different way, it is estimated that the effect is not very good.

However, what surprised him was that the deputy captain beside him had an excited look on his face.

Seeing this scene, the first thought that popped into Captain Sun's mind was: Is he acting with me?

But soon, he saw not only the vice-captain beside him, but glanced over, several members had excited expressions on their faces.

This situation made Captain Sun look confused.

"Could it be that I suddenly awakened some inspiring power?"

But soon he found himself thinking too much. The eyes of these players did not fall on him, but looked behind him.

As if thinking of something, Captain Sun turned around quickly. The next moment, the change in the expression on his face was even bigger than those of his team members. These team members were just excited, but he felt a little bit crying with joy.

There is no way, only he knows here, they have no backup force that can be replenished, that is, there is no way out.

Therefore, when I saw reinforcements coming, I was even more excited.

And the reinforcements that came this time are obviously not ordinary, and there is no need for the other party to take action. Just look at the modified armored vehicle and you will know.

In the eyes of everyone looking forward to it, the armored convoy that was driving quickly spread out as it approached the defense line.

The soldiers on position 113 quickly locked their eyes on one of the armored vehicles that was heading in their direction.

Of course, this armored vehicle did not come straight towards them, but towards the occupied position 114 in front of them.

Even so, these people are full of anticipation, because that position is recovered, their pressure can be reduced by at least half.

Under the eyes of everyone's expectations, this armored vehicle stopped easily after coming to their position. This is the closest safety point to the front line.

Then the doors opened, and nine heavily armed soldiers filed down from above.

All members of position 113: ? ? ?

" this a joke? A single armored vehicle transported 9 people? They plan to use these 9 people to recover position 114?" A soldier expressed everyone's wishes.

Of course, he made a mistake. There are 10 people in an armored vehicle, but one must be left in charge of driving the armored vehicle. When necessary, the other party can directly drive the mecha to rush out.

When these soldiers were still full of question marks, the Thunder Team who got off the car, without any delay, quickly formed a charge formation and rushed straight towards Position 114.

Without a defensive position as a bunker, they can be said to be the biggest target.

The Thunder team was less than 10 meters ahead, and more than a dozen fish zombies nearby rushed towards them.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers on position 113 became nervous involuntarily.

If it was them, in the face of such a situation, they would retreat and keep a safe distance while shooting, and try to kill these fish zombies before the opponent rushes forward as much as possible.

However, the 9 people in front of them did not have any intention of retreating at all, they just raised their guns and shot.

It's not a strafing shot, but a rather confident burst shot.

The battle started quickly, but ended faster.

The entire battle took less than 10 seconds, and after three rounds of burst shots, the dozen or so fish zombies that rushed towards the Thunder Squad were immediately killed, and they couldn't even get close to this squad.

This scene made the soldiers in position 113 straighten their eyes, showing a look as if they had seen a ghost.

"Why do I feel that we are not fighting the same species at all?" A soldier asked with a puzzled face when he came back to his senses.

"It's their guns that have a problem." Captain Sun, as a Blood Qi Realm martial artist, observed more details. "The Ripper rifles in their hands are different from ours, and they are more powerful."

"I just saw a three-meter-long fish zombie that was killed by a single shot. If I guessed correctly, it should be the second-generation ripper rifle that was launched not long ago."

"Besides, these people's marksmanship is very good, and they are definitely at the level of veterans of hundreds of battles, especially the person in the lead. He just fired 4 shots in a short period of time, and every shot can hit the head of the zombie. "

"They cooperate with each other. Those four or five meters of fish zombies will be killed if they are shot three or four times. How can it be unpleasant to fight like this."

"So to sum up, the guns in their hands are also better, and their marksmanship is better, and they have achieved such results, just like we deal with those ordinary zombies."

When the rest of the soldiers heard it, they could only envy and sigh.

"But even so, they are too arrogant! They dare to fight against the corpse tide. How will they fight next when there is no positional defense?" The soldier who first asked the question said again.

At this time, after the team of Thunder Legion quickly eliminated this batch of fish zombies, other fish zombies felt a great threat in an instant.

The nearby fish zombies that were going to attack other positions turned around at this time and rushed towards the Thunder Squad.

The number of fish zombies in this wave must be at least 100.

If it is position 113, in the face of such a situation, the only way to support it is to call the artillery team immediately and carry out fire coverage.

However, this 9-person team seemed to have no idea what fear was, and did not even slow down its movement speed, and continued to move towards position 114.

As a matter of course, they met the more than 100 fish zombies rushing towards them.

Compared with these giant fish zombies, the size of human beings is really too small, just like facing hundreds of pickup trucks.

The soldiers at position 113 all suspected that these fish zombies did not need to attack when they rushed forward, and they could crush the 9 people into flesh by directly crushing them.