MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 893 Soldiers come to block (on)

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"Brother Lin, I didn't expect you to be here, there's no such thing as a cave!" Ma Tai couldn't help exclaiming when he came to Lin Xinghai's temporary camp with tea leaves.

Other people's temporary bases are just a few camping tents at most, but Lin Xinghai's place is mainly composed of 200 armored vehicles.

When Ma Tai came here, the logistics staff here were already making breakfast, and the other teams only asked to be full, and the kitchen utensils were quite simple. The logistics staff here actually vacated 10 armored vehicles as kitchens.

What's more exaggerated is that all kinds of kitchen utensils are available inside, and the food is excellent.

For general military meals, many of them are directly eaten with synthetic meals, but the Thunder Legion eats well here, and the food is very delicate.

Steamed dumplings, dumplings, fried noodles, meatballs, etc. are all available.

Although with the end of the catastrophe, many farms were able to move to the ground and expand their scale.

But compared to the still huge population ratio, that little bit of scale is still extremely rare, and the price of meat has always been high.

According to the food standard of Lin Xinghai, the soldiers of the Thunder Legion would spend more than 10 times as much money as other soldiers.

With such a consumption, it is no wonder that even Lieutenant General Ma Tai was amazed. After all, his direct line troops could not have such food treatment.

When Lin Xinghai saw Ma Tai's arrival, he hurriedly greeted: "Haha, General Ma, you came just in time, let's eat together! I'm probably busy today, those mutant zombies will definitely not watch us helplessly, just put the position in this way. If you take it back, you probably won’t have much time later, so you can eat at ease.”

Ma Tai's expression was a little embarrassed. "I came here to remind you that I have to deal with the counterattack of the mutant zombies. It seems that I am overthinking it."

After the two complimented each other, Ma Tai really didn't leave and stayed here for breakfast.

On the one hand, Lin Xinghai, the breakfast here is really good, at least better than what he usually eats.

On the other hand, he also wanted to know what Lin Xinghai would make arrangements for next, and it would be convenient for him to contact Tang Ze for cooperation.

As breakfast was being prepared one after another, the Thunder Team on the front line was called back a dozen or so, and then helped to deliver the breakfast for the rest.

Although the second line of defense has now stabilized, there are still a steady stream of fish and zombies coming from the sea towards this line of defense. It can be said that the battle has not stopped for a moment, and naturally there is no time to rest.

After the two of them had breakfast, Lin Xinghai also took Ma Tai, who was in high spirits, to walk around the temporary camp.

When he came to the medical department in charge of Liu Miaomiao, Ma Tai couldn't bear it any longer, "Brother Lin, your logistics department is really extravagant! Especially in these medical warehouses, you have brought 300 people here. , more than our temporary field hospitals."

Lin Xinghai just smiled at this and said, "It's okay! If you want a unit to maintain its combat effectiveness for a long time, it must be inseparable from logistics, especially in terms of medical care. Otherwise, it is all wounded, and its combat effectiveness does not need to be looked at. already."

How can Ma Tai understand these truths, but the problem is military spending!

Without military spending, everything is empty talk.

Moreover, after these two days of high-intensity battles, there are too many wounded soldiers in the A5 defense area. It’s okay to say that there are light wounds, but many seriously wounded, but they can’t wait.

So when he saw that there were so many vacant medical warehouses on Lin Xinghai's side, he couldn't walk.

He murmured several times, and finally gritted his teeth and said earnestly, "Brother Lin, can you lend me the vacant medical cabin here?"

"I know such a request is a bit abrupt, but brother, I can't help it. I can't just watch some soldiers die of serious injuries!"

"Of course, don't worry, I will make up for it afterwards."

Hearing this request, Lin Xinghai nodded without thinking too much, "Yes, but I also have a request, no matter what the situation is, the members of my Thunder Legion have the priority to use it."

"As for compensation, there is no need. Everyone is fighting to protect the country. Since I have the ability to help, I should contribute more."

After getting Lin Xinghai's promise, Ma Tai didn't care to continue the visit, and quickly borrowed Lin Xinghai's communication equipment, contacted Tang Ze, and explained the situation here.

"Very good! Then I will immediately notify the medical department and send those seriously wounded who need surgery there. With the assistance of the medical warehouse, at least they can get out of the dangerous period first."

After Tang Ze said this, his expression suddenly became serious, and he continued: "Besides, according to the information sent back by our detectors on the coast, there will be a large number of fish and zombies landing soon, and there are also mixed There are many abyss creatures."

"It's going to be a tough fight, so prepare yourself. If you don't do well this time, the opponent's fourth-level mutant zombies will also be dispatched."

Ma Tai nodded solemnly, "Okay, I will pay attention."

But he quickly relaxed again, because in the A5 area, it was not only him and Tang Ze, but also Lin Xinghai, who had reached the peak of the gods and demons.

Of course, he wouldn't take it lightly. He quickly returned to the command car where Lin Xinghai was.

Before he could speak, he saw Lin Xinghai clasping his arms around his chest, looking at the three-dimensional projection in front of him.

At this time, there are dense red dots on the projected map. Obviously, the headquarters has already shared the information.

"What are you going to do with the next wave of corpses? Do you need our cooperation?" Ma Tai asked immediately.

"It shouldn't be necessary. Soldiers will block it, and water will cover it. I believe that the soldiers of the Thunder Legion can handle it." Lin Xinghai said calmly.

In fact, he himself is the biggest insurance, even if the Thunder Legion can't handle it, he can take action himself.

It's not that he is arrogant, if even he can't solve it, then the cooperation of the A5 theater is useless.

On the second line of defense, the Thunder Squad successively received news of the abyss creature attack.

They, who were still enjoying breakfast in a hurry, quickly ate everything in a hurry, and made a final inspection of the weapons.

It's just that at this time, no one was nervous, but there was excitement in their eyes.

These people themselves have rich fighting experience, and with the help of Lin Xinghai, after breaking the three genetic locks, their physical fitness has been greatly improved, and their self-confidence is very strong.

In addition, the weapons in their hands have just been tested in actual combat, which is much better than they imagined. Now their morale can be said to be extremely strong, and they have long been looking forward to a hearty battle.

After all, no one is not eager for Thunder Point, and not eager to get the other three luxury equipment in their hands.