MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 905 Cultivation Artifacts (Part 1)

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Looking at the receding corpse tide, cheers erupted one after another on the front.

The soldiers of the Thunder Legion were okay, they only fought for more than an hour when they came here for reinforcements.

But the troops that were originally stationed here were really crying with joy at this time. In the past two days, this line of defense has been pulled back from the brink of collapse many times.

It was finally time to rest in peace.

During this time, they can treat the wounded, transport supplies, and strengthen their positions.

These things can make their combat power improve a lot.

Of course, in addition to these, there is another thing that everyone likes to do, which is to clean the battlefield and count the spoils.

There are two aspects to the statistics of military merit points. The first is of course calculated based on the shooting situation. Moreover, due to the complexity of fish zombies, killing ordinary fish is lost, and the merit points obtained by killing powerful crocodile zombies are naturally huge. .

Of course, they don't need to worry about this. Everyone has a battlefield recorder. This information will eventually be passed back to the military division, which will be responsible for statistics and distribution.

Besides, that is Yuanjing.

This thing needs to be collected by them and then exchanged for it.

Position 114.

"I have killed so many abyss creatures, I don't know how many Thunder Points I can get this time." Pang Lun said while cleaning the battlefield with the other team members.

Compared with merit points, they are more concerned about thunder points now, at least until they get a full set of equipment.

Especially in the previous battle, he saw the third-level "giant arm" with his own eyes, and was finally killed by two Gauss rifles.

Just imagine, if their team can exchange for one or two Gauss rifles, they will not be so passive when they encounter such a situation again.

"The difficulty of obtaining Thunder Points and Merit Points is almost the same. This time we killed so many fish and zombies, and if one person is divided, there are hundreds of points!"

"Captain, do you think we can pool money to buy a Gauss rifle first." A team member suddenly said.

Pang Lun's heart moved slightly. It is really difficult to save money to buy alone, but if the entire team is added together...

"Okay, then you can ask the others to see what they think. If they agree, then I will apply for a report." Pang Lun nodded and said.

The Thunder Squads were all collecting trophies, and the Yuanjing that was taken out, as well as the corpses of the mutant zombies, were quickly transported back to the rear.

At this time, the little fat man looked at the loot that was brought back by truck after truck, and his eyes lit up.

He kept doing inventory inventory, entered all the materials in the inventory into the system, and began to calculate the total income this time.

Half an hour later, a list was placed in front of Lin Xinghai.

"Boss, the loot has been counted. The corpses of Yuanjing, abyss creatures and mutant zombies are sold, and the total value is about 30 million Huaxia coins."

"Excluding those rewards that need to be allocated to the soldiers below, and after deducting the ammunition consumption, we can probably make a net profit of 15 million Huaxia coins." The little fat man said with a red face.

You must know that they have only been here for more than two hours, and they have made such a large amount of income. If it is a day, if you say less, you can also earn a net income of 100 million Huaxia coins. If it is more, 200 million may not be impossible.

"So many?" Lin Xinghai was also slightly surprised.

For other armies, it is not bad to be able to keep the capital.

Of course, Huaxia coins and military merits are settled by two systems. Generally speaking, it is definitely not a loss. It is just a matter of earning more and earning less.

"I didn't expect it at the beginning. I can only say that when we recruited soldiers, we all required good marksmanship, and we chose the right one. When dealing with those fish zombies, we consumed very few bullets."

"If it weren't for the horrific corpse tide behind us, we would have to protect other positions. If we used a lot of howitzers to bomb, at least three or four million Huaxia coins could be saved."

"Besides that, there is another important factor that the Yuan crystals in those fish zombies are much larger than those of ordinary human zombies. One Yuan crystal can hold three or four pieces, and naturally more Huaxia coins are sold. ." The little fat man explained.

"That's not bad. At this rate of making money, our legion's funds will soon be abundant, and I shouldn't have to pay for the purchase of equipment and mechas?" Lin Xinghai asked.

It's okay to pay for the Thunder Legion in the early stage, but he can't always do this all the time.

"Uh... I'm afraid it's hard to say in a short time, unless you wait for the boss to help them all break through to the blood energy realm, then it's another matter." The little fat man said with a light cough.

Lin Xinghai frowned slightly when he heard this, thinking about it in his heart.

Seeing this, the little fat man immediately reminded: "Don't forget, boss, we still need to use Thunder Points to give subsidies here, and now they use it to buy equipment, it's okay to say, but they will be used to exchange medicine pills later, and it's still half price exchange. , I am afraid that the cost will not be less than the equipment."

"And the larger the number of legions behind, the more terrifying this consumption will be."

Hearing that this was the problem, Lin Xinghai suddenly smiled, "So you are referring to this aspect, don't worry about this! I had a plan before, and you will issue an announcement to the whole army later, 10 points of thunder, you can Cultivating for an hour in the cultivation device?" Little Fatty was a little dazed, he had never heard of this.

"After entering the training device, you can have 10 times the training speed. To put it simply, one hour of training in it is equivalent to 10 hours of normal training." Lin Xinghai explained.

Yes, he has already planned to use his time acceleration ability to quickly improve the strength of the Thunder Legion.

In the past, he naturally did not dare to do this, but this time he went to the capital and fought with a powerhouse at the peak of the gods and demons, and he already had a clear understanding of his position.

Before the full invasion of the abyss plane, he was safe here on Earth. After all, he could kill him. Now, only the powerhouses of the rule realm are the only ones who can kill him. But if there is a rule realm to attack him, then the human camp is completely over. .

As for the little fat man on the other side, he was completely dumbfounded.

A cultivation device that can increase a person’s cultivation speed by 10 times is definitely something that transcends the era, but why has he never heard of it?

Moreover, it is really enough to buy such an "artifact", why does he, the logistics supervisor, not know at all?

But soon Fatty abandoned these thoughts, and there was only one thought left, "Boss, is what you said true? When did you get such a cultivation artifact, and where did you buy it? I want to buy one."

In the Thunder Legion, apart from Lin Xinghai, he is the person who lacks the most resources. After all, he has the financial support of a whole Hongyu Group behind him.

If he can get such a cultivation artifact, he can instantly become a real super evildoer, and he can cultivate to the realm of gods and demons within a year or two.