MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 934 make people jealous

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It was Zuo Wenyao who called Jian Hua, of course. As soon as the communication was connected, he directly stated his request.

"What? Let's go to Area A in a group?" Jian Hua asked with a face full of astonishment.

He subconsciously suspected that Zuo Wenyao was wrong, and immediately suspected that he had heard it wrong.

After all, this kind of thing is outrageous.

Not to mention putting them in area A, even if they go to area C, he may not be able to guarantee the safety of the students in the class.

As for going to Area A, let alone a student, even himself would be in danger.

"You heard right, just go to Area A, and I will send you the specific coordinates later." Zuo Wenyao said.

However, he might be able to feel Jian Hua's somewhat broken mood, and added with a smile, "Don't worry, Lin Xinghai has returned with his Thunder Legion, and they will keep you safe."

Hearing the news, Jian Hua was overjoyed at first, but soon a worried look appeared on his face.

He is not as well-informed as Zuo Wenyao's side, and his current information level only stays in the Changshi City battle.

In that battle, Lin Xinghai was indeed very powerful. He killed more than 100 level 4 mutant zombies, but that was something that could only be done by mecha.

As for now, fighting in the water will greatly limit the mecha's mobility, and to deal with fish zombies, it is impossible to dispatch a legendary mecha!

So, he asked in a low voice: "Principal Zuo, Lin Xinghai's Thunder Legion, can he really protect us? I know his Thunder Legion is definitely not weak, but even if the ace legion arrives in Area A, it will be quite dangerous!"

"I don't know about his Thunder Legion, but Lin Xinghai's personal combat power has surpassed mine now, so if there is any danger, just lean on him directly." Zuo Wenyao reminded.

Yes, this is what he thinks, and he doesn't care whether the Thunder Legion is reliable or not, but since Lin Xinghai's personal combat power has reached the peak of the gods and demons, it is more than enough to shelter at least one class of people.

"Hey!" Jian Hua couldn't help taking a breath.

The next moment, his eyes instantly lit up.

He didn't bother to think too much about why Lin Xinghai was so evil.

But there is one thing he can be sure of now, that is, the title of their excellent class cannot be lost.

Since the freshman students are only in the blood and energy realm, the merits they get for killing fish zombies are limited, and they can't compare with a **** and demon realm killing mutant zombies.

"Yes! I will call the members immediately and go to Area A." Jian Hua said immediately.

Chen Hang, who was still being reprimanded just now, was looking at his head teacher curiously.

No way, the expression on Jian Hua's face changed too quickly, from the initial shock to joy, to doubt and finally to a full smile, just like the face of Sichuan Opera, anyone who sees this scene will inevitably be shocked. arouse curiosity.

"Teacher!" Chen Hang saw Jian Hua smirking on the spot, and immediately turned on the communicator and shouted softly.

After being reminded by the students, Jian Hua also recovered at this time.

He immediately turned on the communicator, tuned to the class channel, and ordered: "Everyone gathers in my direction, weren't you very dissatisfied before, did other classes steal our limelight?"

"Now the opportunity is here, get the order from the superior, and we will go directly to the a area to fight later."

After listening to what Jiang Hua said, the class group was dead silent at first, and then the pot exploded in the next instant.

Everyone was talking about it, wondering if they had heard it wrong.

"Hey, did I hear it wrong? The teacher said to go to Area A?" Someone asked.

"Since you also said that it's Zone A, that proves that you heard it right, but isn't it courting death when you go to Zone A? That's an area that may be attacked by mutant zombies at any time." Someone immediately answered.

"You think too much, you don't need to mutate zombies at all, can you handle just the overwhelming fish zombies?" Someone sneered.

"Could it be that we complained too much before, and Teacher Jian Hua was stimulated, and now he wants to take us to Zone A and die with the fish and zombies?" Another student said weakly.

As for Chen Hang in front of Jian Hua, he had a ghostly expression on his face. At this moment, he swallowed his saliva and opened his mouth slightly. He wanted to change his mind and say that he needed to go back to the logistics department for treatment.

After all, it is one thing to stay and fight here in the D area, but it is another thing to go to the A area to die.

At this time, Jian Hua heard the discussion in the class channel, and his forehead jumped twice, "Quiet, this is the decision of the superior, and it is not for us to go to Area A alone, there will be an ace division to lead us there, and at the same time we It is the priority to protect the object, of course, the premise is that you need to obey the command."

Hearing this news, the class channel became quiet for a while, and the next moment, fierce discussions broke out again, but at this time everyone became excited.

From the bottom of their hearts, how could they have no yearning for the frontline A zone?

Before, it was just the fear of death, which made them rational and directly suppressed this yearning emotion.

Now this emotion can be said to be completely released and erupted.

Everyone rejoiced, and some students even started to contact students from other classes to show off.

What if they can't fight for the No. 1 defense point?

No matter the number of defensive points, it is in the defense line of zone d. Compared to going to zone a, it is simply playing with mud.

As the news spread, it can be said that the entire freshman news group exploded.

After all, the news was really shocking, everyone wanted to know if it was Then Jian Hua received one communication after another.

At the beginning, he was quite proud, but gradually became a little annoyed. In the end, he directly told the other party that this was the decision of the top management.

Then, these mentors began to harass Zuo Wenyao.

No way, they are jealous!

If they go to Area A alone, this is indeed an act of courting death, but if they can get the priority protection of the ace legion, the situation will be completely different.

The point is to give priority to protecting these words.

Although the ace legion was in the direction of Area A, and they were beaten and retreated, but this refers to the whole.

The top of the ace legion must be strong in the realm of gods and demons, and it is of course easy to shelter dozens of people.

So safety can be guaranteed. In this case, let alone these students, even the instructors want to see them!

When Zuo Wenyao received the communication, he was a little confused at first, because the tutors complained as soon as they came up, saying that one should not favor one over another, and the school should also give the opportunity to go to the front line to see.

They also have to get the same treatment, and ask the ace division to protect them to the front.

After figuring out what was going on, Zuo Wenyao was a little **** off.

In the end, he replied to all the first-year tutors uniformly, telling them that it was the ace division formed by a class of students themselves.

If the students in their class also have the ability to form their own ace division, he will never stop them, and they can go wherever they want.

These remarks made all the freshman tutors a little dumbfounded. This was something they didn't dare to think about in their dreams.

Then the head teachers like Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, and Class 5 thought of another thing.

Their excellent class is gone.