MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 939 The Counterattack of the Mutated Zombies

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Hearing the little fat man's question, Liu Miaomiao had nothing to hide, and said directly: "I am using the field of thorns, which is equivalent to heaven-level martial arts!"

"Heaven-level martial arts?" There was another exclamation in the communication channel.

You must know that the entire human alliance has no heaven-level martial arts, and only got such clues based on archaeology.

But now that they have received specific information, how can it not be surprising.

Then there is the questioning.

Soon, everyone heard explosive news one by one.

Only at this time did they know that there were two heaven-level martial arts hidden in the exercises of the original **** and demon body.

However, it is too difficult for them to obtain the method of heaven-level martial arts.

What kind of physical system, energy system, they have never heard of it.

But everyone is a genius, and of course they are clear about the steps to reshape the body of the gods and demons.

Therefore, when Liu Miaomiao said that it is necessary to complete the skin, muscles, and bones to complete the physical system, many people were a little desperate.

"Sister-in-law, you gave us hope, and then took it away again!" Little Fatty's resentful voice sounded in the communication channel.

Whether others can do it, he doesn't know, but he is definitely impossible.

The Chaos Divine Body he cultivated could be difficult to cultivate in the first place. In addition, his talent can only be considered to be of the middle and low level, and it is not bad to be able to reshape the skin.

Generally speaking, only those top geniuses, such as Yan Feijie and other special students, can confidently remodel their skin and muscles.

As for the bones, even for them, it is an extravagant hope, unless there is any special opportunity, it is unlikely.

Liu Miaomiao naturally understood this, so she also talked about the forging magic.

People like Yan Feijie, if they get the Divine Forging Technique, polish their realm well, and strive to reach the limit, they actually have a chance to complete a system.

It's just that even Lin Xinghai is not qualified to teach. If they want, they can only go to Fang Lao in person.

Although Liu Miaomiao's use of heaven-level martial arts caused a lot of waves among the students, the changes in the battlefield would not stop because of them.

When the Thunder Legion came here and unilaterally slaughtered the fish zombies, the nearby ace division of course also saw it.

In addition to being surprised, they were also quite excited.

Who wouldn't want to have such a strong comrade-in-arms!

But in addition to their excitement, they were also a little worried, because in this case, they would definitely be targeted by mutant zombies.

The development of things did not exceed their expectations. The mutant zombies responded quickly.

As soon as he shot it, there were more than 30 mutant zombies. Such a big deal instantly made the officers of several nearby ace divisions sweat.

In particular, the teachers and commanders with the strength of the gods and demons have already made plans. If the Thunder Legion can't support it, they will help them as soon as possible.

But what happened next surprised everyone.

On the Thunder Legion's side, not even the God and Demon Realm was dispatched. Just a Body Shaper Realm cooperated with a group of Tempering Inner Realm to kill a large number of mutant zombies neatly.

Although whether it is the beautiful body-sculpting realm or the group of quenching organs realm, the strength is much stronger than the same level.

But killing more than 30 mutant zombies in one minute is too exaggerated.

When the battle ended, these ace commanders reacted, they couldn't sit still any longer, and contacted Lin Xinghai one after another.

On the one hand, it is to express the gratitude of the other party for coming to help, and on the other hand, it is to ask if you want to help next.

After all, although the mutant zombies lost a lot, the number of mutant zombies is too huge now. There are thousands of mutant zombies in this section of the river alone. If you count those in the sea, it is even more difficult to count.

Therefore, it is definitely impossible for them to give up, and follow-up attacks are bound to happen, and they will only be more terrifying. There is even a high probability of appearing four-level mutant zombies.

For the concern of the rest of the ace divisions, Lin Xinghai replied and thanked them one by one, but he refused all the help of the other party, saying that he could handle it.

"Old Shui! I just asked, and he said that he doesn't need help. What do you think about this?"

"How can you look at it? Naturally, you have to wait and see how it changes! It's not like you haven't seen the strength displayed by the opponent. The ordinary soldiers are all made up of blood and energy, and even the middle and lower-level officers have exaggerated strength. I dare to say that Each can sweep the same level."

"As the so-called peeping leopard, you can think about how strong the army commander who can form the Thunder Legion should be?" The teacher, known as Lao Shui, said with some sigh.

The Master Blazing Flame, who just asked the question, nodded after being silent for a while, "You are right, but we can't really just watch it like this, no one will know how many level four mutant zombies will come, if Thunder If the Legion Commander can hold it on his own, that's even better."

"But if we can't hold it, we still have to take action. After all, this Thunder Legion is really strong. With him around, I estimate that today's casualties can be reduced by at least more than half."

That's why they were so enthusiastic and directly said they wanted to help.

Their two combat divisions are located on the left and the right of the Thunder Legion. The Thunder Legion killed too hard, pulling away the hatred of most fish Their pressure was directly reduced. more than half.

Soon the two ace division leaders reached a tacit understanding.

And the mutant zombies, as they expected, did not give up.

With the mutated zombies hidden behind the corpse tide, there was a burst of roars, and the mutant zombies in the other directions gathered in the direction of the Thunder Legion.

Such a move, of course, can't hide the power of those gods and demons.

Although the detection range of perception will be weakened in water, no matter how strong the gods and demons are, they can also detect thousands of meters.

Although it cannot be said that the entire battle situation is shrouded, at least several of the gods and demons in the area where the Thunder Legion is located have found something wrong.

Not just them.

Even some ace masters in the distance, along the direction where these mutant zombies gathered, also found the Thunder Legion that was slaughtering fish zombies.

Seeing the configuration of the Thunder Legion's blood energy realm, they were first shocked, and then their expressions changed.

Those who can become division commanders have good combat literacy. They all know how valuable such a team is on such a battlefield. Let's not talk about anything else, just the morale impact they can bring is inexhaustible. estimable.

They can even build a new combat system around this powerful team and conduct counterattacks.

And the value of the Thunder Legion is not only seen by them, but also by the mutant zombies.

So the number of mutant zombies gathered is getting bigger and bigger, 30, 50, 80, 100, 200.

Yes, there were 200 mutant zombies gathered in front of the 1-kilometer defense zone of the Thunder Legion.

The most terrifying thing was that there were actually 10 fourth-level mutant zombies.