MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 941 new move

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After Lin Xinghai gave a simple explanation, he began to swim forward and headed towards the 10 fourth-level mutant zombies.

As for whether Yan Feijie's command was good, he really wasn't too worried about this kind of thing.

It wasn't that he had more confidence in Yan Feijie, it was simply because the Thunder Legion's foundation was so good.

As long as Yan Feijie didn't make any fatal mistakes, there would be no problem.

What's more, if he really made such a mistake, the rest will help him correct it.

The three regimental leaders like Fang Tianhe, Gao Shan and Liu Zhengfan would be able to reject the order of the temporary deputy regimental commander Yan Feijie if they applied jointly.

In addition, Lin Xinghai also set up a special position in the Thunder Legion, that is, the inspector.

This is a position of great power, as he has the right to temporarily deprive any officer of his position.

For such an important position, Lin Xinghai, of course, was filled by Liu Miaomiao.

At this time, after finishing all the arrangements, Lin Xinghai was finally able to have a hearty battle.

After breaking through to the realm of gods and demons, he really wanted to use actual combat to test his own strength.

But he couldn't find a suitable enemy. The average level 4 mutant zombie could not measure his strength.

And now it is very suitable, ten mutant zombies, just right.

If there is more, he is a little worried that the blood energy in his body will not be enough.

Mainly because of the martial arts he has now mastered. Although the power is huge, the consumption is also terrifying.

For example, after the Thunder Spear has been cultivated to the Dacheng realm, its formidable power has skyrocketed, and at the same time, it also requires a full 9,000 points of blood energy to display it.

Even if he has 57,000 blood power and the same amount of thunder power, if he uses it to cast the thunder spear, he can only condense 12 of them.

Of course, Lin Xinghai didn't plan to use a trump card like the Thunder Spear as soon as he came up, and he planned to test all the other martial arts moves.

At this time, as Lin Xinghai came out of the crowd, of course, he was noticed by 10 mutant zombies immediately.

After all, at this time, Lin Xinghai did not deliberately hide his breath.

The breath of the gods and demons is quite obvious on such a battlefield.

What's more, the mutant zombies of the fourth level are very sensitive to the danger.

Although the aura emanating from Lin Xinghai's body was not strong, they all felt a fatal danger.


These mutant zombies let out a low roar, even if Lin Xinghai was only one person, they did not despise him in any way.

They even rehearse the formation automatically.

"Iron Armored Corpse", "Death Claw", "Giant Arm", these powerful defenses, took the initiative to come to the front.

And the "spirator" at the back has used venom to make all the partners beside him go into a state of rage.

The "blood worms" also released the blood-colored beetles in their bodies, spreading in the direction of Lin Xinghai.

There are still "hunters" on the periphery, waiting for a fatal blow at any time.

It is no exaggeration to say that such a high-level treatment has not been enjoyed by any strong man in the gods and demons.

However, Lin Xinghai seemed to be ignorant of these.

At this time, he had already left the Thunder Legion's defense circle, and there were dense fish zombies outside.

When these fish zombies saw Lin Xinghai, they attacked frantically.

At this time, on the surface of Lin Xinghai's body, a blue electric light was circulating.

Where the electric light passed, all the fish zombies that approached twitched and lost their vitality in the blink of an eye.

As Lin Xinghai released more and more thunder and lightning, all of these thunder and lightning rushed to his back, and gradually formed a pair of wings made of thunder and lightning.

This is an earth-level martial art called Wind and Thunder Spear, and it is a move called Wind and Thunder Wings that can only be comprehended after one has cultivated to a perfect state.

This pair of wind and thunder wings condensed by the power of thunder and lightning has the ability to attack and even defend itself.

With one full strength, its power can be equivalent to that of two thunderstorms.

In addition, the folded wings can form a 360-degree defensive circle with no dead ends. Although the defensive power is not strong in the ground-level martial arts, it can at least resist the full-strength blow of the gods and demons.

Of course, what Lin Xinghai cared about more was the wings of wind and thunder. For the increase in speed, it could directly add 30,000 points of speed to the caster.

Moreover, the wings of wind and thunder directly use the power of thunder and lightning to push the body, which is equivalent to attaching an additional pendant to the body, so these 30,000 points of speed can be superimposed with martial arts normally.

Of course, placing it here in Lin Xinghai is equivalent to an increase of 300,000 points in speed.

And more importantly, the consumption of Wind and Thunder Wings is not large.

Although it takes 10,000 blood energy to condense the wings of wind and thunder, if you simply use it to accelerate, the wings of wind and thunder can last for more than half an hour.

And because the wings of wind and thunder use the release of lightning to accelerate, that is to say, during this process, it is equivalent to continuously releasing lightning attacks.

Although such an attack is very weak, it is nothing to the same level of powerhouses, or even to those first- and second-level mutant zombies.

But for fish zombies in the water, it's different.

Except for the shark zombies, crocodile zombies, and turtle zombies, which have strong defenses, the rest all suffered.

Where Lin Xinghai passed along the way, there were fish and zombies within 10 meters of his body, UU reading www.uukanshu. com basically died directly.

Even if the defense is strong and can survive, most of them are directly corona in the past.

Lin Xinghai didn't even use the time acceleration ability, so he approached the 10 mutant zombies at an extremely fast speed.

These fourth-level mutant zombies seemed to be annoyed when they saw this scene.

A fourth-level peak "Death Claw" led the charge, followed by "Iron Armored Corpse" and "Giant Arm", facing Lin Xinghai, who was charging directly.

But this time, Lin Xinghai didn't seem to have any plans to confront them.

As soon as he raised his hand, a thick thunderbolt shot out from his fingertips, directly crossing a distance of more than 2,000 meters and hitting the "spirator" at the back of the formation.

This is the lightning strike in the wind and thunder spear technique, and Lin Xinghai directly used the pointing spear to display it.

The power of the wind and thunder spear in the perfect state is definitely unfamiliar. If this lightning strike strikes the body of a third-level mutant zombie, it will be seriously injured if it does not die.

But facing the mutant zombies of the fourth level, it is not enough to see. I saw the "spitting" who was hit by the thunder, and a halo appeared on the surface of the body.

That is the elemental barrier that can only be displayed by the fourth-level mutant zombies, and it is also their biggest life-saving trump card.

The thunderbolt and the elemental force barrier canceled each other out, and the blow that Lin Xinghai unleashed seemed to pose no threat at all.

But at this time, something that made these mutant zombies terrified happened.

At this moment, Lin Xinghai's body seemed to melt into the lightning, and in the next moment, stepping on the lightning, he seemed to have crossed the distance of 2 kilometers out of thin air, and came to the "spirator".

This is the strongest ability acquired by the Heaven-level martial arts of Leibu, after cultivating to a perfect state.

Thunder flash!