MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 944 Closing!

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Yangtze River Theater.

The line of defense where the Thunder Legion was stationed was still fighting fiercely.

Although at the top battle level, the situation has changed dramatically.

But for the mutant zombies in the middle and lower layers, because the time is too short, they have not yet reacted, and they are still attacking continuously.

The pressure on the Thunder Legion's side is quite large.

The main pressure is still from the mutant zombies of the first, second and third levels.

After all, the number of these zombies is too huge. There are only 50 people in the Xinghai team, but they have to face 200 mutant zombies.

Fortunately, most of them are mutant zombies of the first and second grades, and the rest of the Thunder Legion can be arranged to deal with it.

The only ones left to threaten them are those third-level mutant zombies.

Even so, the number of third-level mutant zombies has exceeded 50. If it was before, it would be extremely dangerous to face such a situation without the cooperation of mechas.

But today is different, because Liu Miaomiao has broken through to the body-shaping realm, and more importantly, her thorns field has played a huge role in this situation.

Liu Miaomiao could even use the field of thorns to make a fourth-level "giant arm" unable to break free.

To a certain extent, Liu Miaomiao did possess the combat power of the gods and demons.

Then dealing with these third-level mutant zombies, it is even more easy to capture.

Basically, these third-level mutant zombies will be unable to move if they are entangled by two or three vines.

As long as the rest of the Xinghai team seized this opportunity and launched a swift attack, even if they couldn't kill the mutant zombies quickly, they could at least be seriously injured.

In terms of the battle of the backbone, apart from being a little chaotic at the beginning, he quickly stabilized his position and even fought back steadily.

As for the soldiers at the bottom, they don't have to worry about their battles with fish zombies.

Although there are many fish zombies and they are terrifying, the number of fish zombies that can be accommodated in an area is limited.

Baimeng Book

In particular, the size of these fish zombies is quite large, and the number of attacks that can be launched at the same time is even less.

In the case that the number cannot occupy an absolute advantage, there is only one end for them to face the Thunder Legion, and that is to be slaughtered.

Moreover, after the death of the fish zombies, no one will take the initiative to clean up the corpses. As the battle continues, these corpses will form a natural barrier to resist the subsequent attacks of the mutant zombies.

At this point in the development of the war situation, it is actually very clear.

Anyone with a little military literacy should be able to see clearly the trend of the next battle.

It is precisely because of this that they have just arrived here, and they have already made psychological preparations. The five powerful gods and demons who are going to experience a hard battle are all a little confused.

When they arrived here, they happened to see Lin Xinghai kill the last level-4 mutant zombie and leave easily.

They looked at the 10 mutant zombie corpses floating in the sea, and they couldn't believe their eyes.

When they accepted the reality and came back to prepare to help the Thunder Legion and resist the army of fish corpses, they saw that the Thunder Legion had turned the tide of the battle and was fighting back.

Undoubtedly, this shocked their hearts again, and their emotions were inexplicable.

They have a feeling that they are superfluous.

A few people, look at me, I look at you, communicate with eyes, and finally reached a consensus, and quickly shot down all the three-level mutant zombies.

After all, they came here to support, so it's impossible to really watch the show, or they won't know how to report when they go back.

The strength of the Thunder Legion has greatly increased the morale of the nearby combat divisions. For a while, the offensive and defensive trend in this area has a tendency to reverse.

Of course, compared to the Thunder Legion, which can only affect local areas, what Lin Xinghai has done is truly far-reaching.

At this time, he was still chasing and killing those fourth-level mutant zombies.

Those four-level mutant zombies, although the initial response was a bit slow.

But as they spread the news with their roars, they soon learned that a strong man who could crush them appeared among the human beings and was slaughtering their own kind.

Faced with such a situation, how could a level-4 mutant zombie that already possesses good wisdom sit still.

They all come together in unison.

10, 30, 50. As the number of mutant zombies gathered more and more, they were panicked, and they gradually became more courageous, and some mutant zombies even proposed to counterattack.

At this moment, Lin Xinghai came over after chasing a fourth-level mutant zombie.

There was no fear on his face, and without hesitation at all, he directly charged towards a large group of mutant zombies.

At a very high speed, he avoided the venom that flew from the sky.

The thunder that swirled around, killed a large group of blood-colored beetles, and rushed in front of this group of fourth-level mutant zombies in such a grand manner.

Facing the aggressive Lin Xinghai, this group of mutant zombies were obviously a little scared.

But at this time, they could no longer think about it. With the five "death claws" at the head, a roar, a group of mutant zombies who were good at close combat, rushed to Lin Xinghai with them.

However, they were greeted by two thunder spears condensed by thunder and lightning.

The two fourth-level peak "Dead Claws" rushed in front, and there was no time to react. The thunder spear held by Lin Xinghai stabbed into their heads.

In the next instant, the entire area turned into a sea of ​​thunder.

The two level-4 peak "Death Claws" that were directly hit by the Thunder Spear were killed without any Even the level-4 mutant zombies nearby suffered varying degrees of injury.

At this time, they can no longer take care of their own injuries.

Seeing that the strongest level-4 mutant zombies were instantly killed, all they had in their eyes at this time was fear, and they no longer dared to go forward.

But Lin Xinghai doesn't care what they think, his offensive has no intention of stopping.

With a flash, he appeared on the periphery of the formation, in front of the hunter who was waiting for an opportunity.

The biggest advantage of the hunter is speed, but when its speed is completely crushed by Lin Xinghai, there is no resistance at all.

Lin Xinghai just carried a punch with the power of the thunderstorm, and directly shattered its Yuan force barrier and killed it easily.

Seeing that Lin Xinghai had once again powerfully killed a level-4 mutant zombie, the fear in the hearts of the rest of the mutant zombies was finally detonated and they began to flee.

Lin Xinghai just followed behind and chased after him.

At first, these mutant zombies would resist even if they ran away, but as one mutant zombie was killed, their hearts were completely dissipated, and they fled regardless.

This undoubtedly made Lin Xinghai's pursuit easier, but this kind of pursuit did not last long.

Because the power of blood energy in Lin Xinghai's body was limited, when the last 10,000 points of blood energy were left, he finally stopped chasing and returned with the corpses of four-level mutant zombies.

At this time, when such a big event happened, how could the staff have no response at all.

They immediately launched an emergency response and established a rapid response force composed entirely of powerhouses in the realm of gods and demons.

However, when the quick reaction force found Lin Xinghai, the battle had already come to an end.