MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 951 First training room experience

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At this time, Lin Xinghai and Little Fatty were also busy.

Of course, they are not busy killing fish zombies, but commanding modified armored vehicles.

The next training room will be directly increased from 300 to 1,500, and the number of armored vehicles to be modified is not small.

Fortunately, in this so-called training room, you only need to find a few baffles and separate them into a place where you can barely sit, which greatly reduces the workload.

But no matter what, there are 1,200 training rooms. Even if each armored vehicle can be separated into 50 training rooms, it is still a major project to change 24 armored vehicles.

Fortunately, the logistics staff equipped by Little Fatty are not only many, but also very experienced.

With the tacit cooperation of more than 200 people, within half an hour, the training room was driven out by working overtime.

"Little Fatty, you can inform others that you can come over." Lin Xinghai said.

"Okay, I'll send them a message now." The little fat man said immediately.

When Little Fatty went to notify one by one, he had written down the communication numbers of these people.

In fact, before the little Fatty could inform him, as soon as the three hours arrived, people started walking towards the camp where the Thunder Legion was located.

"General Lin, is your training room ready to use now?" Shui Guan came from a distance and said with a smile on his face.

"Yes, after you go to the payment office and pay the fortune stock solution, you can enter the training room." Lin Xinghai said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll go there right away." Shui Guan immediately walked to the place pointed by Lin Xinghai.

This so-called payment office is actually just a temporary tent, but there are 10 staff in it, and even 5 charging windows are set up. It seems that it will be very busy in the future.

However, although Shuiguan's expression was a little weird, he didn't say anything, just walked over and signaled for himself to pay the fee.

"Hello sir, how many hours do you need to rent the training room?" the female staff member in front of the window asked in the sweetest voice.

These logistics staff are all fat little guys, the elites directly drawn from the Hongyu Group, and their professional quality naturally has nothing to say.

"Excuse me, if I want to rent a training room in the future, can I renew the fee at will?" Shui Guan did not answer directly, but asked.

"It stands to reason. After all, we have a full 1,500 training rooms. But if these training rooms are full, you may have to queue up." The female staff member said with a professional smile.

1500 training rooms?

Shui Guan was slightly startled when he heard it, and he, who had been skeptical at first, suddenly felt unreliable.

If those training rooms can really increase one's training speed by 10 times, that would be very precious, and it would not be too valuable to say, how could it be possible to take out 1500 of them casually.

But he has come, and now he has nothing to say, but he originally wanted to say rent for 10 hours, but directly changed his words: "I just rent for one hour."

"Okay, please deliver a drop of good fortune here." The female worker pointed to her colleague beside her and said respectfully.

Water Crown paid the fee in the past, and it was completed soon.

When he came out, he found that other gods and demons that he knew were coming one after another.

For example, the quick-response troop organized by the experts in the realm of gods and demons, captain Mi Zhicheng and a group of team members, all came together.

It's just that their expressions are similar to Shuiguan, and the expressions on their faces are full of doubts.

Of course, doubts are doubts, and they have come, so you must save face and try it in the training room.

Taking ten thousand steps back, what if Lin Xinghai was deceived?

It's impossible to turn against Lin Xinghai, a promising quasi-regular realm because of 20,000 Huaxia coins, right?

Under the guidance of the staff, Shui Guan came to an armored vehicle with an emotion that he could not even explain himself.

"Hello, your training room number is 0113. After entering, the third one in the first row is enough." The staff at the door said respectfully when Shui Guan came over.

"Understood." Shui Guan said absent-mindedly, and then stepped onto the armored vehicle.

When he saw the scene in the car, his face instantly turned red, not shy, but angry.

He looked at the narrow corridor and the so-called training rooms that didn't even cover one square meter, and suddenly felt humiliated.

He took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart. He had made up his mind to sit here for an hour and never come again.

Even Lin Xinghai had a bit of hatred in his heart. Although he didn't dare to say what he did to Lin Xinghai, if there was a chance in the future, he wouldn't mind getting in trouble.

With this kind of resentment, he came to his training room and slammed the door shut.

"I really don't care at all. I don't even have an instrument to pretend to be. This is the so-called training room? Do you really think everyone is an idiot?" Shui Guan slandered in his heart.

He sat down with his knees crossed angrily. After sitting down, he could just see the situation outside through the firing port.


Shuiguan felt a little dazzled, or was smeared by the gas lake, why are those people outside moving so slowly?

It's like slow playback at 10x If it's one or two, it's fine, but when you look up, everyone is like this, not even just people.

Not far away, a soldier threw the gun at his waist on the table.

After the Ripper Rifle was released, it was also descending at an incomparably slow speed.

At this moment, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, and without hesitation, he released his senses and diffused toward the outside world.

Then he realized that the whole world seemed to slow down.

The reason why it seems to be said is because the speed of the people in the training room like him has not changed, and of course Lin Xinghai who is sitting on a strange chair, the same is true.

At this moment, Lin Xinghai seemed to have sensed something, looking in the direction of Shuiguan, with a smile on his face, he nodded casually at him.

At this moment, Shui Guan had thousands of thoughts in his mind, which finally condensed into an incredible idea, which made his eyes suddenly widen.

"It's not that the whole world is slowing down, it's that I'm getting faster."

At the same time, his eyes turned towards Lin Xinghai's direction again. At this moment, there was only shock in his eyes.

Why is he so fast now? Why is Lin Xinghai so strong? The speed of cultivation is still so terrifying?

All of this has an answer at this time.

Lin Xinghai actually has a time-based ability.

This ability, which only exists in speculation, is actually possessed by someone.

And it is so powerful that it can not only assist in combat, but also in cultivation.

Everything makes sense now.

The training room and the like are naturally fake, but with the blessing of Lin Xinghai's ability, it can be said that it is real.

Because as long as the time flow rate is 10 times, the speed of his cultivation will naturally be accelerated by 10 times.