MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 964 The pinnacle of gods and demons

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With the terrifying aura that erupted from Lin Xinghai's body, all the gods and demons who came to watch, couldn't help showing a look of astonishment on their faces.

"What's going on? Why can the breath reach such a terrifying level after releasing the **** and demon body?" Mi Zhicheng said in shock.

And he looked at the gods and demons around him, and found that everyone's expressions were almost the same as his.

Lin Xinghai felt his state carefully, and couldn't help showing a satisfied smile on his face.


He let out a light drink again, and directly displayed the overclocking mode, and the huge 10-meter-high **** and demon body began to grow violently again.

12 meters, 15 meters, 18 meters, 20 meters!

After reaching 20 meters, it stopped. At this time, the originally huge fish zombies around him became small at this time.

The change in size brought about a surge in three attributes, 200,000 strength, 200,000 speed, and 100,000 defense.

The enhancement attribute of the Thunder Divine Body alone can almost exceed 90% of the powerhouses in the God and Demon Realm.

At this time, thunder and lightning lingered around him, and a terrible aura that seemed to come from ancient times permeated out, which directly caused the fish and zombies in the entire river to stagnate.

The madness in their eyes gradually disappeared, and then they didn't know which fish zombie took the lead in retreating. The fish zombies in this river area started to escape.

The eyes of the powerful gods and demons who watched this scene were about to protrude.

Of course, what shocked them even more was Lin Xinghai himself.

The 20-meter-high **** and demon body is not at the same level at all compared to their six or seven-meter **** and demon body.

It's like the difference between a normal rare mech and a legendary mech.

How did such a **** and demon body cultivate?

At this time, this question appeared in the minds of everyone.

It's not like they haven't seen the Thunder God Body. Although those people have not been able to cultivate it to the realm of gods and demons, there are many people who can cultivate to the realm of body shaping.

Although the Thunder God Body of the Body Shaper level is a little stronger than other God and Demon bodies, there is absolutely no such exaggerated gap.

Lin Xinghai didn't care what other people thought at all. At this moment, he clenched his hands into fists and blasted directly at the fish and zombies in the water.

With the 200,000 points of power increased by the Thunder Divine Body, plus Lin Xinghai's original 73,000 power, the power of this punch was approaching the 300,000 mark.


The terrifying power directly rolled up the water flow in the sky, forming an oversized fist mark, and bombarded towards the front.

These water currents are like a high-pressure water cannon, and the fish and zombies are killed one after another.

Killed with just one punch, hundreds of fish zombies.


Feeling the terrifying power that erupted from himself, Lin Xinghai swiped his fists one after another, forming countless fist shadows in front of him, and these fist shadows would turn into powerful water columns in the next moment, bombarding them. To the fish zombie swarm.

In just ten seconds, the number of fish zombies that died in Lin Xinghai's hands reached a terrifying number of tens of thousands.

Lin Xinghai chased and attacked the fish zombies. After more than a minute, he killed 100,000 fish zombies, and then he stopped.

"Before, I could only fight with my speed, but I didn't dare to fight against the opponent when I met a strong man. It's better than now, I can just crush it directly." Lin Xinghai couldn't help but show a smile on his face.

Having cultivated a **** and demon body to the perfect state, his strength has soared to a terrifying level.

Now even if he encounters level-4 mutant zombies, he doesn't need to use the Thunder God Spear. With his current strength, it is estimated that he can kill them with one punch.

Moreover, the current thunder **** body has reached the perfect state, but this is not the ultimate limit for Lin Xinghai.

Because he has not yet condensed the Thunder Rune.

So far, he has only condensed a thunder rune.

However, Lin Xinghai was not in a hurry. He planned to let it go.

Because it takes a lot of energy and time to condense the Thunder Rune to deduce the rune, he feels that it will take at least two or three days to deduce a rune.

And all the thunder runes are deduced, but there are nine to eighty-one.

Even if it takes two days, it will take 162 days. This is more than five months, which is too long for Lin Xinghai.

Of course, he can also feel that with the continuous improvement of his perception, the speed of deduction can be faster and faster, so he plans to wait for his strength to reach the peak of the gods and demons before considering this matter.

Soon, Lin Xinghai returned, and his shot this time will undoubtedly allow the rest of the gods and demons to see his strength more intuitively.

The most obvious point is that after he returned, Mi Zhicheng, the peak of the gods and demons, never mentioned anything about the discussion again.

Of course, being touted is inevitable, and everyone is also curious about why Lin Xinghai's **** and demon body is so strong.

For these things, Lin Xinghai did not hide it, and said it directly.

When everyone learned that when Lin Xinghai was in the body-shaping state, he had completely remodeled the skin, muscles, bones, blood vessels, meridians, and internal organs, and everyone fell silent.

They can only say that Lin Xinghai is so strong, and naturally there is a strong reason.

And the cultivation of the Thunder Divine Body in perfect condition is definitely something to celebrate, and even the little fat man proposed to hold a celebratory banquet.

And this time, Lin Xinghai rarely objected.

At this banquet, Lin Xinghai had a good conversation with the experts in the gods and demons from all over the country. Of course, during this process, he brought Liu Miaomiao, Little Fatty and Yan Feijie along with them.

This is to brush the face of everyone, but also to enhance the influence of the Thunder Legion.

After all, according to the plan, Lin Xinghai planned to accompany Wang Yao to the abyss plane, and he didn't know how long it would take to come back. Some things did need to be prepared in advance.

After the celebratory banquet was over, he once again devoted himself to cultivation.

Next, people from all over the country came with the elixir of the gods and demons. The elixir of the gods and demons that Lin Xinghai harvested every day ranged from a hundred to as many as two or three hundred.

In this case, his longitude of cultivation is rapid.

After only 5 days, he broke through to the late stage of the gods and demons.

Later, the speed of harvesting the elixir of the gods and demons became slower, but even after about 8 days, Lin Xinghai finally successfully broke through to the peak of the gods and demons.

"Fortunately, I caught up." A smile appeared on Lin Xinghai's face.

When I made an appointment with Wang Yao, it was only in the middle stage of the body-shaping realm, and now two months later, he has become the pinnacle of the **** and demon realm.

Such a breakthrough speed, even Lin Xinghai himself, is a bit incredible in retrospect.

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