MTL - I Am the Cutest in the Universe-Chapter 20

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Judy immediately stepped forward and protected Tu Mianmian behind her. "Clap" opened the hand of the guests blocking the road, "Where is the pheasant cooing!"

Picture: "!"

You are such a Judy!

Hearing Judy's words, the guests' eyes instantly widened.

Judy stared back not to be outdone.

She has many little sisters in the fan circle, and she has also experienced a lot of edification. Now his expression is cold, and he has the demeanor of tearing up a real person on the spot.

The atmosphere in the lounge area became even more condensed.

The guest looked down at his arm, and a trace of pain flashed in his eyes.

Judy used a lot of energy, and red marks were all over his arms.

"Isn't it right for you to wait?" While the stalemate was in progress, a voice came from behind.

The last guest Robbins arrives on the battlefield.

Robbins walked to Tu Mianmian leisurely. One hand rested on Tu Mianmian's shoulder, the other pointed at the guest in front of him, and his attitude was extremely arrogant: "Bauger, it is understandable that the investor finally arrived. Are you waiting impatiently?"

Robbins made no secret of the fact that he was the investor behind him, "Is this the kind of attitude you used to treat the gold master's father?"

Very strong.

Tu Mianmian gives Robbins a thumbs up.

Guest Boger's momentum suddenly weakened, he stepped aside, and did not dare to block the road.

"No, no..." Bogue faltered, "I just wanted to say hello to the Duchess."

Judy rolled her eyes, "Then your way of greeting is quite unique."

At this time, one of the guests who waited and waited for the change came to an end.

Fitch has a gentle personality, and his first impression is that he is approachable.

He walked to Tu Mianmian's side, smiled and invited: "Borg is such a character, not likable. Madam, come and sit in my rest area, I just bought fresh juice, Let's have a drink together."

Bogue's face turned green.

His eyes changed when he looked at Fritsch, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You..." You actually stepped on me!

When the other guests saw this, they got up and came forward to make a mess. In addition to Fritsch, another guest, Xu Lu, stood beside Tu Mianmian, and the rest were surrounded by Boger.

Four to four, half open.

Tu Mianmian glanced at it, and only felt that the factions were distinct.

He was vaguely headed by himself, and Robbins gave him an encouraging look.

Shouldn't, shouldn't.

He's just a little rabbit.

In the live room:

[Sure enough, the live broadcast at the beginning of the program is particularly prone to god-level pictures]


[The way this young lady rolls her eyes is so cool! I want all her information in three minutes! ! ]

[I have a hunch that this show will not be too peaceful. Just the beginning made me see a big palace scheming]

[Call Mianmian! engage them! ]

[Mianmian is the best, come on, Mianmian! still loving You! ]

[Following Robbins, I was making a bet with my friends to see if Robbins would continue to recruit relatives on the show]

[Picture Mianmian still has a face? ! ]

[Gah? Upstairs, please be rational, His Royal Highness the Duke should do things alone and thank you, don't involve our innocent Mianmian]

[Fuck, aren't you a CP fan of the Duchess? Why did the catastrophe imminent and ruthless solo flight? ! ]

After this not-so-beautiful episode ended, the variety show process was finally on the right track.

However, the bad thing is that the zoo and plant garden variety show has a riotous operation - there are only eight live cameras, according to the attention of the guests in the live broadcast room of Star Network.

There is no such thing as eight cameras for each person. Whoever gets the most attention can have eight cameras for one person. The remaining seven are left to think farts.

As soon as this regulation came out, the atmosphere at the scene instantly dropped to freezing point.

Several guests are big names, and they came to the show to increase their popularity and popularity. No one will allow things to happen without a camera.

Fitch and a guest opposite the king usually do not see the king, but now they meet each other with sparks and lightning. In addition to the unpleasantness of Boger and Tu Mianmian, the tension of the atmosphere of the scene can be felt across the live broadcast room.

In the early stage, there was a lot of jumping around, and the whole process was high energy. The guests were vying for the spotlight and attention, and the atmosphere of fans playing the list in the live broadcast room was also very warm.

Robbins, who had a sloppy attitude, was aroused to fight, and he grabbed two cameras with great power, and gave the shots to his own people very generously.

Tu Mianmian is always followed by two live cameras, never leaving her, no one can take it away.

Frich and Xu Lu teamed up to grab one, adding up, there are five cameras on Tu Mianmian's side.

The lens is full and the exposure is great.

The variety show just entered a period of relaxation, and the two sides have drawn different tasks and have to complete them separately.

Seeing that the four people on Boger's side walked away with three live cameras, each of them could get a moment of peace, and Tu Mianmian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

TuTu breathless.jpg

This variety show is too high-energy, it is really not suitable for the white and soft bunny.

There were times when Tu Mianmian was so frightened that her hair exploded.

Frich went to get a few bottles of juice, and sat down beside Tu Mianmian after dividing.

He looked at the retreating backs of the four Boger and smiled, and said meaningfully: "The four have three shots, they should have an argument."

The picture trembled and said: "I think this is a conspiracy by the show team to let us fight."

Tu Mianmian feels weak, pitiful, and helpless. He took a sip of the juice and burped.

After getting along for such a short period of time, he also saw that Fritsch was not as gentle as he seemed on the surface.

Xu Lu, who was next to him, drank the juice in one breath, quenched his thirst, and volunteered to complete the task.

The task drawn by Tu Mianmian's team is very simple, and one person can complete the task.

Xu Lu is well-known, but his attitude towards tasks is very positive, and he is always at the forefront. He did this for the same purpose as Fritsch—there was a bit of ingratitude to Tu Mianmian in it.

Although the duke's mansion has been blackened by the star network, smart people like Fritsch and Xu Lu have always maintained a bit of caution. If things don't see the final result, they won't listen to rumors.

In addition, they have recently seen some unusual signs on the star network, so it is even more necessary to show their face in front of the Duchess Tu Mianmian to sell.

It is easy to add icing on the cake;


"You do the task alone." Tu Mianmian scratched his face and looked at Xu Lu who was preparing, "Then there must be a camera."

Tu Mianmian's two live broadcast cameras are the ones that fans helped him down when fans couldn't see his footage before.

Now there are five cameras together, but there is no shortage of pictures.

After soliciting the opinions of fans, Tu Mianmian generously divided half of the country to Xu Lu.

—He designated a camera to follow Xu Lu to shoot. Try not to lose Xu Lu's camera when Xu Lu does the task alone.

Tu Mianmian watched Xu Lu leave, poked a mutant plant beside him, stretched out, and fell back.

This mutant plant immediately stretched out its wide, thick and flexible leaves, meandering behind Tu Mianmian, and supported the backward-sloping Tu Mianmian on the leaves.

The center of the leaves is slightly sunken, like a soft bed. Mianmian is very comfortable.

The wind was blowing, and the leaves were rustling in the green flora and fauna.

It is quiet for a while, and the years are quiet.

Seeing Tu Mianmian lying comfortably and brushing her brain, a trace of envy flashed in Fritch's eyes.

Tu Mianmian was startled when she heard the words, then shook her head, "I don't know."

Fitch asked again: "Is His Royal Highness in the Duke's Palace now?"

Tu Mianmian shook her head again: "I don't know, I don't know."

Fitch wondered: "Then..."

Tu Mianmian shook her head frantically: "I don't know, I don't know, I don't know!"

Fridge: "…"

I feel perfunctory.

[Ha ha ha ha! ]

[Fridge asked all the questions I wanted to ask, but couldn't get an answer woohoo]

[Don't ask, just ask the widow and re-employment]

[Mianmian: Just treat me as a mute! ]

[Alas, what is the situation of His Royal Highness? ]

[I looked at the latest news on Star Online and found that the so-called true insider was reversed again. ]

[—In the beginning, it was said that His Royal Highness returned to the voyage privately and neglected his duties. Later, he said that His Royal Highness returned to the voyage, but he was seriously injured and needed treatment. Later, he said that it could not be cured and waited for death. Now he said that His Royal Highness was seriously injured. The reason for the refractory is well-deserved, it is caused by greed and rash command. ]

[The mess on the star network makes me upset. Mianmian's attitude makes me feel tricky, let me guess...]

Fridge sighed. See Tu Mianmian didn't want to say more, and he didn't ask any more, lest he be considered ignorant.

Tu Mianmian by her side lay leisurely on the leaves of the alien plant, this dog licking alien plant also stretched out a large leaf, covering Tu Mianmian, as if covering him A soft little quilt.

Frych got a little bit of light - Xenophyte extended a small leaf to him to block the sun.

In front of him, Robbins didn't know how to fish a live camera from the air.

He forcibly stuck the camera in the branch of the tree, pointed it at the camera, and put on a good posture: "Recruiting husbands on the spot, if you are interested, please send a private message to my Xingwang account, thank you!"

How could the live camera endure such humiliation, and immediately broke free of the tree branch and flew back to the sky.

This time Robbins reached out to catch it but didn't catch it, he mumbled a few words and opened the Guangnao Shangxing website: "Forget it... let me come to Kangkang! Has anyone sent a private message to sign up? !"

Fridge sighed, "Alas."

Suddenly I felt a wave of sand sculpture and loneliness.

After a while, Xu Lu came back in a state of embarrassment.

He walked in a hurry, and there seemed to be a ghost behind him.

The author has something to say:The author: Wow! The author is not short at all today! Excellent! Big is thick and long!

Author: Hahaha (laughing with akimbo) Of course!