MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 328 Extra Story: A Family of Four Recording Variety Shows (Three Three) Is Not a Fish Explosion...

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Extra Story: A Family of Four Recording Variety Shows (33)

The next morning, Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao packed up their luggage, took the mobile phone, snacks, and electronic products returned by the program team, and took the two babies to the car that the program team left, saying goodbye to this. They stayed for three days village.

"Are we going home?" Ji Leyu raised his head and asked Lin Luoqing.

Lin Luoqing nodded, "Well, I'm home."

"Then shall we come out to play later?"

"Come out." Lin Luoqing smiled, "Go home and rest for a few days, and then we will go to a new place with Uncle Camera and Sister Liu."

"Okay." Ji Leyu said happily.

He looked at the scenery outside the window, the dusty mountain was covered with snow, which had a kind of desolate beauty, Ji Leyu couldn't feel this kind of beauty, he felt that the snow was very good, and the flowers bloomed very well If you want to be able to hang out with Lin Luoqing, Ji Yuxiao, any time and any place are good.

Ji Leyu let out a small breath towards the car window, and then slowly drew a smiling face with his hands.

The program team's car sent them to the airport, but they didn't follow, and the guests went to do what they wanted.

After spending three days together, the four groups of guests got to know each other more or less, and the children also got to know each other. After saying goodbye politely, they walked towards different boarding gates.

Lin Luoqing was afraid that there would be too many people picking up and dropping off the airport, so he squeezed Lin Fei and Ji Leyu, and took the initiative to walk through the VIP channel of the airport with Ji Yuxiao.

Wu Xinyuan was very supportive of this, "I don't know how many people are squatting at the airport now, just waiting to take pictures of them."

"Really?" Lin Luoqing was very suspicious, "Are the two of them so popular?"

"Those are two top-tier sons who are too underestimated. Are they popular? They are simply top-notch kids. In the past few days when we recorded variety shows, I have received four TV invitations, two movie invitations, Five magazine shoots and eight endorsements for children's clothing brands."

"Good guy, this group of people has been thinking about these two good-looking and popular babies since Fu Xi and Xiaoxi were born. Unfortunately, they didn't know who they were at that time, and there was no way to contact them. Now they find out that they are His son also participated in a variety show, the key is that the number of live broadcast rooms of the two of them is second only to Mr. Ji, so it’s not like they just came here just because they smelled it. I’m afraid I’m late, so let others act first.”

Lin Luoqing: ...This is really amazing, his son!

"Have you considered it?" Wu Xinyuan asked him.

Lin Luoqing did not hesitate, "The two of them are still children, and they still want to go, so don't think about it."

"I guess it's the same, okay, then I'll help them reject them later."


After Lin Luoqing finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and looked at his new top-notch cub, or he was an aboriginal in Mary Su's novel. This popularity was faster than him, and it is indeed the heroine who does not want to forget and dare not forget people.

After getting off the plane, Xiao Li was already waiting outside the airport.

Both Lin Fei and Ji Leyu were a little sleepy, Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao hugged each other and carried them into the car.

Lin Fei struggled and said a few words to Lin Luoqing, then closed his eyes again, leaned against Ji Leyu, and fell asleep.

"Why is Feifei so sleepy?" Xiao Li asked doubtfully.

"I was woken up by the rooster at five o'clock in the morning. I haven't slept enough, so I have to take some time to catch up on sleep." Lin Luoqing replied with a smile.

Xiao Li nodded, and couldn't help boasting to Lin Luoqing, "Nowadays, many people on the Internet like them both, and they even say that they are Yun's parents hahaha."

"How do you know?" Ji Yuxiao asked him.

Xiao Li said proudly, "I also watched the live broadcast, and I even posted barrage with them."

Ji Yuxiao: ...

"So I took three days off to watch the live broadcast?"


Ji Yuxiao: ...

"Have you ever thought about why you are still single now?"

Xiao Li: ...Isn't this heartbreaking? !

"Next time, save time to go out and have fun, and get to know more people." Ji Yu Xiao said earnestly.

Xiao Li immediately turned his head, "I love being single, being single makes me happy."

After speaking, he started the car and drove away.

Lin Luoqing laughed, picked up the blanket on the car, and covered Lin Fei and Ji Leyu.

Ji Yuxiao also laughed, feeling that he was very unsteady at this moment, like a childish big boy.

During the three days of recording, all members were unable to look at their mobile phones, and they did not know what netizens thought of them. Therefore, many guests began to search their own recordings and keywords as soon as they got home, wanting to see how they performed in this episode. Netizens like it or not.

Lin Luoqing almost didn't need to search, just opened his Weibo and found that his fans had skyrocketed again.

At his level of popularity, the number of fans is actually not easy to grow. After all, his popularity is already too high, and those who should follow him have already paid attention to him.

This time, the skyrocketing price can show that many people watched the live broadcast and liked Lin Fei and Ji Leyu, but the two babies didn't have Weibo, so they could pay attention to his father.

He clicked on a Weibo that he just posted a few days ago, and saw that in addition to his only fans, the comment area was full of mother fans of Lin Fei and Ji Leyu, as well as the new CP fans of him and Ji Yuxiao .

[Want to see cubs, want to see cubs, want to see cubs, post more cubs after cleaning up, okay? 】

[I really like Feiyu, Feiyu is so cute! 】

[After the live broadcast of the show, can you start a live broadcast for Feiyu? There is no need to broadcast any other content, just live broadcast and write homework, mainly because I want my family to write along with me, and I am willing to use Rocket. 】

[I want to ask how you raised these two children? Why are children so self-disciplined, self-conscious and childlike? Can you provide a parenting education? Thanks! 】

[Ah, ah, is it still too late to get into the passion? Too sweet too sweet, how on earth did I miss this pair! ! 】

[Hahahahaha catch the sister who has the same reflex arc length as me. I also fell into this pair after watching the live broadcast this time. Obviously this pair has been famous for a long time. How did I go wrong? [cover face]]

Lin Luoqing looked at the comments in the comment area, thought for a while, took a photo of Lin Fei and Ji Leyu who were sleeping soundly next to each other, and then posted on Weibo.

Lin Luoqing v: The recording of the first episode is over, let's go home~ [Picture]

Netizens who were browsing Weibo immediately screamed:

[Ah, ah, it's a baby, a fresh baby! 】

[Qingqing is too fond of fans, she is always available! 】

[So cute, so cute, both Feifei and Xiaoyu are so cute. 】

[The two babies actually slept next to each other, and they have a very good relationship. 】

【Qingqing has worked hard, Zaizai has worked hard too, go back and have a good rest~】

[Good job, please keep it up. 】

Lin Luoqing looked at the rapid increase in likes and comments, and fully felt that this was probably the legendary wave of the Yangtze River pushing the waves. His two cubs were about to pat his old father on the beach!

He quit Weibo with a smile, and when he looked up, he saw Ji Yuxiao was lowering his head, frowning slightly while looking at the phone, Lin Luoqing moved curiously, and saw that he knew a bunch of them separately, but when they were grouped together, he knew them all. Chinese characters that I don't understand.

"Do you think I should understand?" Ji Yuxiao asked him.

Lin Luoqing shook his head, "It's not a question of whether or not it should work, it's something I just can't understand."

Ji Yuxiao rubbed his head with a smile, bowed his head and explained to him.

He has been away for three days, and although he has already arranged work in advance, he still has some information to deal with because the two companies' major events are under his watch.

Lin Luoqing watched him speak, feeling as if his mind would not make a sharp turn, "Let's think for yourself, I can't do this, I really can't."

"Okay." Ji Yuxiao said with a smile, he read it again, thinking seriously.

Lin Luoqing also lowered his head and played the game.

He hadn't played twice before the car stopped - home.

Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao carried Lin Fei and Ji Leyu into the house, turned on the light, looked at their familiar home, and unconsciously looked at each other.

Eyes met, both of them laughed.

Ji Yuxiao bowed his head and kissed Lin Luoqing, and said softly, "Welcome home."

"That's right." Lin Luoqing smiled.

The first recording was over, and the second recording program group was scheduled for mid-February. After the New Year, this was also Lin Luoqing's request. He didn't want the New Year to be in the middle of the recording.

The family of four had a happy New Year, and then followed the program group to the second recording location.

That is to say, in this recording, the program group filled a family.

With the idea that there are already three boys but two girls, the program team chose a family with a little girl this time.

The new girl is called Cheng Huiya, she is also over four years old, she is very cute and has a lively personality, and she has become friends with the two young ladies since she first arrived.

The program team was happy to hear this, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, continuing the recording of the program.

Soon, winter passed and spring came, and the bright yellow winter jasmine stretched its branches and leaves to welcome the new opportunities. "familytime" finally ushered in its last recording at the end of April.

At this time, everyone is more familiar, and the program group can also carry out some relatively interesting tasks, such as a pair of parents taking care of six children.

"Tomorrow, the parents need to go to the mountains to pick wild vegetables and wild vegetables. It will take a long time, so we need to leave a pair of parents to take care of all the children. To be fair, we will still adopt the method of drawing lots."

The host said, and brought the lottery.

"Go and smoke." Ji Yuxiao looked at Lin Luoqing, "See how lucky you are."

"That's needless to say?" Lin Luoqing was full of confidence, "I must be very lucky."

In the next second, he drew a wooden stick with "color" painted on the bottom.

Lin Luoqing: ...

Ji Yuxiao nodded slightly, "Well, it's really good."

Lin Luoqing: ...But what I want to smoke is colorless! I want to go wild!

His parents laughed when they saw that he had won the lottery, "Do Teacher Lin and Teacher Ji take care of the children? That's good, I feel relieved."

"Hahahaha, I'm also relieved. Mr. Lin cooks delicious food, and he can teach children. With him watching, there must be nothing wrong."

"I still wanted to learn from Mr. Lin on how to educate children. Now it's all right, and the experts will play in person."

The parents laughed.

Netizens can't laugh or cry: [So they are not worried, but happy? 】

[Good guy, all the experts have come out, Qingqing has a very high status [狗头]]

[Laughing, I thought mothers would be very reluctant, but I didn't expect them to be willing. 】

[That's not right, isn't the child happy that he has the opportunity to learn directly from the little idol? 】

[little idol? ? ? Right or wrong? ? ! 】

【Yeah, there are still people who don't know that Feifei has become a small idol in the whole country? It was sealed by the little mother! 】

[Parents designate idols, the only stars allowed to follow stars, just ask if you are afraid [狗头]]

[Ha ha ha ha ha ha has it developed to this point? die laughing. 】

[Tsk tsk, look at these few recordings. Tang Jiale, Geng Shansi, and Yang Wenjing have all started to take it. It can be seen that their parents also want them to learn from Feifei Xiaoyu. Now there is a ready-made opportunity. Parents probably like it ? ! 】

[Fuck! ! Makes sense! Watching the scene is no more atmospheric than watching the live broadcast! 】

[Qingqing: You gave me a child, and I will give you back a hope. 】

[Hahahahahahaha, so can I see the big baby chicken tomorrow? 】

[Six babies rolled together? This is a mille-layer roll [cover face]]

[Hahahahahaha I like the mille-feuille roll! ! Hurry until tomorrow, can't wait! 】

[Yes, come on, Qingqing, you are the best! 】

Lin Luoqing: ...six cubs, six cubs, one cub, one cub...

Lin Luoqing felt that she had a big head.