MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 134 Yin and Yang are my friends (16)

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After Zhang Tianshi received the business card, he quietly left Mo Baizhi's courtyard, and went into hiding, hardly hearing any news from him.

As for finding a job?

Of course, I didn't look for it with a business card!

And the other Celestial Masters are still struggling to do business one after another.

Do they want to?

Of course they don't want to!

But they had to be willing!

Otherwise...will that female Hades let them go?

Now they can't beat her, and in the future, after old age and death, they have to fall into her hands, and let her deal with her hair...

This makes them have no resistance, and can only be honest and obedient.

No matter how the Celestial Masters scolded and worked in the personnel company of Yin and Yang, they were already destined to live in a world oppressed by Mo Baizhi.

There is no way. In the past, they had ghosts to collect. The profession of Tianshi has always been held by people, and they will never be short of work. As long as they collect ghosts and draw talismans, countless people respectfully call them "Heaven". division".

Even ordinary ghosts avoided them.

But now, what ghosts need them to deal with?

Those ghosts are in an orderly manner, what should they do? Those with high merit value go directly to the womb, those with low merit value should repair hell, and if they should come to work in the human world, they will come to work in the human world. There is no one who needs them to go out.

Of course, it is not that there is no Tianshi looking forward to the day when he needs to go out on his own, especially when he runs around every day and his saliva is dry.

Liu Tianshi is one of them. Last time, their Tianshi sent a representative to ask Mo Baizhi if they could change jobs, for example - to collect evil spirits?

Then Mo Baizhi replied - you don't need to worry about it.

Why don't they need to worry about it?

You Mo Baizhi are very powerful, but no matter how powerful you are, you can't stare at the whole world!

And the ghosts you sent are also very average in strength. If you encounter evil ghosts, you will definitely not be able to surrender!

They will think...

Maybe someone died too wrongly, and then turned into a ghost, they need to go out!

As long as they go out, Mo Baizhi will know that the evil ghost still needs them to deal with.

These Celestial Masters, they can continue the work of collecting ghosts before, and they have status and force.

Liu Tianshi waited and waited, and finally the news came!

He has been a Celestial Master for many years, and he still has some connections. Just after receiving the news from an acquaintance, he immediately rushed over!

In a city in the next province, a man reported that he was haunted by a ghost.

As soon as Liu Tianshi heard the news, he rushed over without stopping.


As long as he subdues Li Gui, he can apply to Mo Baizhi - it will be up to him to catch ghosts in the future.

Liu Tianshi was very excited.

However, it was so non-stop, when Liu Tianshi arrived, there was still... a ghost came first, and that was a ghost working in the police station.

She was talking to the female ghost, and the female ghost was quite suffocating.

Liu Tianshi quickly calmed down and stepped forward calmly: "You can tell when you look at the evil spirit, this is a ghost, you can't do anything about it, let me take her away!"

"First come, last come, I found her first." The ghost policeman was very reluctant, and even said, "Don't all of your heavenly masters have jobs? Why do you still come to rob me of my job?"

Liu Tianshi: "..."

pay back rice...

Are you eating? !

If this was before, when such a ghost saw him, he would have been frightened and run away, but now he is not afraid of him, and even despised him for taking a job!

It's really changed with time, because of a Mo Baizhi, everything is different from before.

Thinking of Mo Baizhi, Liu Tianshi finally held back his breath and said—

"I also want to help you, this Specter is very fierce, don't think that you are all ghosts, you will not be in danger. Of course, I know that your underworld will be managed in a unified way, don't worry, I won't do anything to this Specter. Yes, I will send her to the underworld..."

The ghost policeman waved his hand: "It's all said first come first, this is my job!"

Liu Tianshi was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, how could this female ghost still not listen to persuasion? !

He froze his face, and then said, "Then you can solve it first."

- See if you can't solve it later, how to beg me!

Liu Tianshi didn't leave, he is an experienced old Tianshi, and he knew at a glance that this female ghost couldn't beat this evil ghost, so he still had to shoot!

He stood aside, and the ghost policeman continued to talk to the evil spirit—

"Don't worry, I'm a policeman and will definitely help you solve it. You tell me the evidence you know. We found that your husband might have a problem, but there is no evidence. I hope you can help provide it."

The evil ghost said fiercely: "It was that scum who killed me, he married me, and then killed me again, enjoying all my property, defrauding insurance, and stepping on my corpse to live a good life! I must kill me! If I take him, I want him to die!"

The suffocation is heavier.

The ghost police took a step back and did not dare to approach, but continued: "Don't worry, as long as you provide some evidence, he will be arrested. According to the crime, he will definitely be sentenced to death, and then he will become Ghost, if you are still unhappy, when he goes to the underworld to do hard labor, you can clean him up every day!"

The goblin's frantic movements stopped slightly. Obviously, she listened carefully.

Ghost Police: "Sister, you may not know, now the underworld is different from before. Now the reincarnation of the underworld depends on the merit value, the merit value is..."

She began to explain to the evil spirit, and the evil spirit stopped exuding evil spirits.

The ghost police got closer and closer.

Beside him, Liu Tianshi's eyes were about to pop out.

Soon, the ghost police explained the merit value clearly, and then said—

"You have become an evil ghost, and your merit value must be negative, but your situation is different, there are not many negatives, you can be reincarnated after working in the underworld for a few years. You are an evil ghost now, but don't live in If you stay in the world for one more day, your merit will be deducted by one day!"

The evil ghost already knew the importance of merit value and shivered.

She was still a little hesitant: "But that scum..."

"Don't worry, kill your wife and cheat on bail, you can help provide some evidence, he is 100% the death penalty. And he has a life on his body. When he arrives in the underworld, it is worse than in the world. Our Lord Hades will definitely sentence him to go to the eighteenth **** and go through a sea of ​​swords and flames. Oil pan!" The ghost police's voice was firm.


"Of course it's true, what did I lie to you for? The sins in life, not just one hundred after death, but also atonement after death!" The ghost police spoke again with certainty.

So, the evil ghost put away his suffocation and began to provide evidence to the ghost police.

After the ghost police felt that they had collected enough evidence, they summoned the ghosts. The ghosts were very weak and could not beat the evil ghosts at all, but the evil ghosts were very obedient.

So the ghost messenger took this "honest" evil ghost to the underworld smoothly.

Liu Tianshi: "???" Is this still possible?

The ghost policeman held the book and waved to a group of police colleagues who were waiting not far away, and they immediately came to pick her up.

As they went away, Liu Tianshi could still hear—

"Is this case solved?!"

"Sure, we have clues provided by the parties!"

"Hey, Xiaojing, it's great to have you, it's much more convenient. If I had you before, the real culprit would not have been found in many cases!"

"Two days ago, I made an application with the personnel company of Yin and Yang, and Lord Yama personally approved it. Yin and Yang jointly handle the case. If there is a case, you can contact the underworld. They will ask the victim to make a transcript and provide clues."

"That's great! No one who does evil will be able to escape in the future!"

"If they run away, there is still the underworld waiting for them!"

Liu Tianshi listened to their discussions and looked at the place where the evil ghost had disappeared...

long silence.

After a long time, he thought, maybe he will never be a celestial master in his life.

He should get used to his new job as soon as possible—

An employee of the Propaganda Department of the Personnel Company of Yin and Yang.

There are countless new ghosts coming to the underworld to report every day. Below Samsara is a huge hall, which is specially used to release information and handle some matters.

-Including the question of filling in the reincarnation volunteer.

Xuan Kun is also a new ghost who has just arrived. He didn't do evil before his death, but he was relatively selfish and basically never did anything good, so the merit value is 1 point.

As long as it is not a negative score, you can directly enter the reincarnation.

So now he can choose to reincarnate, take the earthly way, and still be reincarnated as an ordinary person. Since there is only 1 point, the high probability is similar to this life, ordinary and ordinary.

Of course, he can also choose to work in the underworld for three years, of course, the maximum limit is only three years.

After all, the land of the underworld is limited, and all ghosts cannot stay forever.

But working for three years can only make his next life a little better, and he can't become a rich second-generation or official second-generation with a high starting point.

Xuan Kun had three days to tangle.

But in fact, he didn't bother much, and he just reincarnated. Anyway, he didn't know what happened in his next life.

It's just that since he was given three days, he still stayed here for three days.

Xuan Kun sat in a corner of the hall, in a daze, while the other ghosts beside him whispered something.

Not far away, there was a sudden noise.

Xuan Kun couldn't help but look over curiously, and soon, he knew what happened—

There are two new ghosts, one with -380 merit points and one with 300 merit points.

A huge low, a huge high.

The gigantic one was quickly dragged away by the ghost guards. No matter how he howled, the ghost guards still dragged him and left the hall.

The ghost beside me began to discuss—

"It's too miserable, I'm afraid I'll spend hundreds of years in hell?"

"You have to go up the mountain of swords and go down to the sea of ​​fire!"

"It's so miserable, so miserable."

"Bah, what do you do with sympathy for scumbags? -380 points! How many immoral things must have been done! At least three lives, and it's still the kind of intentional murder!"

"Yes, scum, deserve it!"

There are also ghosts who said enviously: "That 300% is really good..."

The voice fell, and the other ghosts showed the same envious expression.

The ghosts in the entire hall were full of envy, and even the underworld staff were full of envy.

The reincarnation employee asked politely: "Sir, have you already understood the situation of reincarnation?"

"Understood." The ghost looked righteous and nodded politely.

"Then where are you going in your next life? Your points are very sufficient, and you can choose all the reincarnation channels, including the interstellar world channel and the immortal world channel."

The high score ghost with a righteous face said, "It's still the sun."

"Ah?" The employee was obviously a little surprised and emphasized, "You can choose any world with your merit points, and you will be reborn in a happier family."

The high-scoring ghost shook his head: "I'll go back to the world. If I can choose, I want to be a soldier in my next life."

The employees of Samsara said in awe: "Of course, hello, this is a volunteer form, you can write down all the requirements you want, your merit points are very high, no matter what your requirements are, you will definitely be satisfied. ."

"Okay, thank you." The high scorer took the volunteer form and filled it out.

Xuan Kun couldn't help but look at the high-scoring ghost with some envy. There are too many ghosts with the same line of sight as him, and the other ghosts around him started talking again—

"Oh my god, he didn't choose the interstellar world and the world of immortal cultivation! Especially in the world of immortal cultivation, if you go to practice hard, maybe you will be able to live forever!"

"With such a high score, the ideological realm is different from yours."

"Alas, I don't know how we are different, I only know that no matter how hard I try, I can't choose any world like him!"

"I am envious, but unfortunately I didn't have such a high level before my death, and my character value is not high."

"Forget it, think about it, at least we're not negative."

"Have you figured it out? Are you going to reincarnate directly, or work in the underworld?"

"I want to go to work. I have worked hard for the past three years and worked hard, and my scores may be comparable to other worlds!"

"I envy you so much. I can't even work hard enough, so I don't want it. After all, 996 before death and 996 when I die, it's really painful!"

"Yes, I am also directly reincarnated, and I don't care about the next life!"

"I'll think about it, think about it again..."

However, at this moment, Xuan Kun had an idea, and he decided—

Three more years.

Because he suddenly wanted to see the scenery for another three years, and didn't want to go to reincarnation directly and erase all his memories.

So, after making a decision, Xuan Kun went to another place to sign up.

Everyone here is looking for a job. Only after registration can they have a job. Those who have never been able to find a job must go to reincarnation. After all, the place in the underworld is limited.

After lining up for a while, it was finally Xuan Kun's turn.

Staff: "Name?"

"Xuan Kun."

"Age at birth."


"cause of death?"


"Working during your lifetime? How many years of work experience?"

Xuan Kun: "...a high school physics teacher with fifteen years of experience."

"Your work experience is not very easy to assign jobs. You can only put your resume in the personnel company of Yin and Yang. If they want you, you can go to work in the world, and probably teach physics." The staff explained seriously.

Xuan Kun: "...I'd better go for reincarnation."

Sorry, he really doesn't want to teach physics anymore! !

The torture I suffered during my lifetime, I really don't want to suffer anymore after death!

When Xuan Kun led Samsara to reincarnate, he couldn't help thinking—

Who is the current **** king?

How on earth did she think of letting the ghost go to work? !

Seriously, if he hadn't seen that the underworld was thriving, and the world was also purging the unhealthy, he would probably have felt that Lord Yama was torturing them on purpose? ?

What kind of devil is that!

to come up with these ideas? ?

These ghosts just flashed these thoughts in their minds, but some people and ghosts who were "suffered by it" thought differently.

No matter how submissive they looked on their faces, they all greeted the eighteenth generation of Mo Baizhi's ancestors several times in their hearts.

Really **** impersonal!

Especially those ghosts who were sentenced to hundreds of years of torture. They were all bad people before they were alive. How could they be convinced after receiving such a sentence after death?

It's a pity that those ghosts can easily clean them up, so that they can only be forced to serve.

Every year, I have to go to the eighteen layers of **** to be tortured, and my daily work is to build hells and do hard labor. Such days often last for hundreds of years!

And even if they get out of the way, they can only go to the animal realm, and it is impossible to become human again!

The ghosts who work in other places in the underworld have hope. As long as they work hard, they will get better and better, and they will be able to cast a good baby. Every day is hopeful.

And they, every day is hopeless!

When they get together, they whisper cursing and discussing—

"Damn Hades, **** ghosts, **** ghost messengers!"

"The underworld was not like this before. There was no such torture at all. It was all promulgated by the new Hades. Without her, we would not be so miserable now!"

"I heard a message earlier..."

"what news?"

"Our current King of Hell is actually a person!"


"Wait, if she is a person, will it wait until she dies..."

"Don't think about it, she is a ghost when she is dead, and she is still the King of Hell!"

"God, when is this day going to end!"

At the same time, a group of celestial masters gathered together, screamed similarly, and shouted—

"This day, when is the head!"

However, not to mention how Mo Baizhi died, she was young, and naturally it was impossible for her to die earlier than these old masters.

Thirty years later.

This group of celestial masters passed away one after another.

They were lying on the hospital bed, watching and guarding their children and grandchildren, as well as their disciples.

They are still celestial masters, and they will pass on the skills of celestial masters, but...

There are no ghosts to practice for them, so the skills of these Celestial Masters will definitely get worse and worse.

If the industry of Tianshi is to rise again, unless Mo Baizhi no longer cares about the affairs of Yin and Yang, unless the personnel company of Yin and Yang is closed, the Tianshi industry is destined to be unhappy!

Many Celestial Masters closed their eyes with intense unwillingness and pain. The industry of Celestial Masters, because of one Mo Baizhi, was destroyed by their generation.

Although the yin and yang worlds are very good now, they are the celestial masters and have the responsibility of the celestial masters. After all, they will want the industry of the celestial masters to flourish.

So when countless celestial masters close their eyes, they are very uncomfortable.

Liu Tianshi is also thinking, he really has no face to see the ancestors!

Will the industry of Tianshi still flourish?

He certainly couldn't see it.

However, after Liu Tianshi arrived in the underworld, he didn't have the heart to worry about the future of the Tianshi, and he let out a roar—

"What?! I got a negative score?! How is that possible!"

Another twenty years have passed.

This year, the Yin-Yang Realm Personnel Company has been established for fifty years, and the Yin-Yang Realm has also been dominated by the devil, oh no, it is Mo Baizhi, who has dominated it for fifty years.


Fifty years have passed, and more and more people know about the existence of ghosts and that they will become ghosts when they die.

Moreover, ghosts are very well behaved in the human world, so people are not afraid of them.

Even some scientists not only want to study people, but also study ghosts.

Many people not only know the existence of ghosts, but also know a lot about the underworld, the rules of the underworld, including merit points and so on.

Others have written papers to study how merit is calculated.

But no one wants to be a ghost, because is there any difference between being a ghost and being a human?

Even the work is worse!

And if you have no experience before you are alive and can't find a job after death, you can only go directly to reincarnation!

The merit points are low, and the next life will only be worse than this one.

The King of Hell, Mo Baizhi, is a very smart person, and she has blocked almost all the loopholes.

Some people think that this life is too unlucky, and they want to start over after doing some good deeds and earning merit points. Then the personnel company of Yin Yang and Yang Realm promulgated punishment measures for this kind of behavior-the next life is even more unlucky.

Therefore, almost everyone lives a very positive life, and no one dares to do bad things anymore.

From top to bottom, from the rich to the poor, they are all very afraid of the underworld. They voluntarily abide by the rules, and the social atmosphere is very good. Everyone is kind. Some older grandparents will say—

"Your generation is really lucky. I think back then, our society was not what it is now when we were young. How can you be so happy now, how can you live a good life like you."

At this time, the younger generation of his family will look helpless: "But grandparents, you didn't have as much pressure as us back then! When you are a human, you have to work hard to be a ghost!"


"Grandpa, don't be so bad. Your generation has no constraints before. You should still worry about whether your merit points are positive or negative."

"..." It doesn't seem that much happiness...

Liu Tianshi was still working in the underworld, and there was nothing he could do. He really never imagined that he had just scattered some good family ghosts in his early years?

How come the merit points are negative? !

He is a Celestial Master, and his occupation makes him unable to find a job in the underworld, and can only do the most common jobs that earn the least merit points!

- So far it has not returned to a positive number.

At the beginning of their Celestial Master group, now only he is left.

Oh, and Mo Baizhi

But the devil doesn't count!

That is to say, this year, the personnel company of Yin and Yang suddenly released two news—

"Master Hades is going to die."

"She will directly enter the reincarnation and will no longer serve as the King of Hell."

As soon as the news came out, the yin and yang worlds reveled, oh no, the whole world was shocked.

Liu Tianshi: "!!"

Mo Baizhi is going to die?

Are they going to have no Hades? !

Do they finally no longer have to be dominated by merit? !