MTL - I Am the Light of Science and Technology-Chapter 184 Super Species is White Dough Dough (2)

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"Remember what I said?" Bai Zhi looked at the other dumplings.

"Remember!" The group responded in unison.

There was a large circle of identical dumplings, and it was almost impossible to tell the difference. At this moment, they responded neatly, which made people want to laugh.

One of the little dumplings looked at her pitifully: "Xiaozhi, you have to come and save us earlier."

Bai Zhi: "Well, yes."

After she answered softly, the warehouse door was opened, and several people came in, and moved all of them from the spaceship, into the large truck, and pulled them into a store to pile them up.



"Wow woohoo!"

"Whoa, whoa—"

The dumplings screamed, and despite Bai Zhi's instructions, they couldn't help crying.

It was hard to leave home, and being treated rudely by these strangers in such a strange place, the dumplings couldn't control their emotions at all.

However, humans can't understand their cries, and of course, even if they do, they won't care.

How could they care about ants?

The voices of those waiting to buy the dumplings were pleasantly surprised—

"Wow! It's really cute!"

"They feel soft, like glutinous rice balls, I don't know if I can eat them."

"I don't know, you can buy one to try."

"I don't eat it! It's so cute, I want to take good care of it."

"But it's so expensive. Didn't you say that the dumplings will be cheaper this time? Why is it still so expensive?"

"It doesn't seem to have caught much."

Bai Zhi looked blankly at the dumplings being bought. Those dumplings wanted to struggle wildly, but when they saw Bai Zhi and thought of Bai Zhi's words, they all snorted and pouted, and were quietly put into small cages and let People take away.

She stayed in the group and never showed up.

Until the third day...

"Dad, I've never seen such a thing before. You say they are so round, what's the structure inside their bodies?" The little girl bent down slightly and looked at them.

The person selling the dumplings had a gentle voice: "Little girl, do you want to buy a dumpling? It's very cute, I can play with you, I can be held in your arms, you can knead it as you want, it's very comfortable."

The little girl has a round face and bangs, very cute with two ponytails, and tilted her head: "I want to dissect them, can I?"

The boss who sold the dumplings was startled, looking into the eyes of the little girl, his back was inexplicably chilled.

The little girl's father touched her head: "then buy one for Xiao Ai, and Xiao Ai can do whatever she wants."

The man was about to pay, and the boss who sold the dumplings quickly regained his senses and smiled: "Okay."

He stretched out his hand to grab one at random.

At this time, Bai Zhi jumped forward twice and looked at the little girl: "Ow—"

This sound is different from the occurrence of ordinary dumplings. It is particularly abrupt among the various sounds of "woo woo woo" and "嘤嘤嘤".

Sure enough, the little girl pointed at her: "I want this one!"

The boss immediately grabbed Bai Zhi, stuffed it into the small cage, and handed it to the little girl with a smile.

Watching the father and daughter walk away, the owner of the dumpling shop shook his head: "Tsk, thinking about autopsy at a young age is so cruel, it is unlucky for this dumpling to be a person in the next life, not a low-level creature."

He looked at the other dumplings in the store, and found that since the dumpling left just now, they collectively choked and cried.

- Tsk, isn't that dumpling just now not normal?

Bai Zhi was brought into Xiao Ai's house just like the original owner.

Xiao Ai has no mother. His father, Mr. Ai Rui, is a biological scientist. In order to accompany his daughter, he built a laboratory at home and often took Xiao Ai to do experiments.

After entering the house, Mr. Ai Rui said, "Xiao Ai, do you really want to dissect the dumplings? Dad thinks it's pretty cute. You can play with it first."

Xiao Ai looked at Bai Zhi in the cage and nodded: "Okay."

Bai Zhi watched coldly.

This little girl and her father planned to dissect a dumpling from the very beginning, but unfortunately the original owner could not understand it at first, so in the memory passed to Bai Zhi, it was only thought that she had escaped many times, making the little girl unhappy before being dissected.

- In fact, from the moment she entered this house, she was destined to be dissected when the little girl's patience was exhausted.

Mr. Ai Rui went to the laboratory again, and Bai Zhi's eyes followed the direction he left, looking at the laboratory door that was closed after he entered.

At this time, she was picked up by Xiaoai.

Xiao Ai took her to the bathroom, filled a bathtub with water, and then said in a tender voice, "Xiao Bai, can I give you a bath?"

After speaking, she opened the cage, lifted Bai Zhi out, and threw it into the water.

Dumplings of this race likes to take a bath, and of course it is impossible to drown, so after Baizhi enters the water, it naturally floats on the water.

Xiao Ai tilted her head: "Huh? Can you actually float?"

The voice fell, and she stretched out her hand.

The little girl's hands were very small, but Bai Zhi was only five inches in size, so she was easily pushed into the water with two hands.

Probably because she was afraid that she would float, the little girl kept pressing it.

The dumplings can stay in the water for a while, but after all, they don't live in the water. The little girl is very patient and keeps pressing them.

Soon Tuanzi ran out of oxygen in his body and couldn't hold it any longer, so he began to subconsciously struggle a few times.

"Giggle" The little girl gave a silver bell-like laughter.

The hand still didn't let go.

444 jumped with anger in Bei Baizhi's mind: "Ahhh! Who the **** is this?!"

"Master! Buy Goldfinger, she's going to kill you!" 444 was furious.

It dared to be angry and did not dare to speak to Baizhi. Originally, it thought that it wanted to see Baizhi unlucky, but after seeing Baizhi being abused, it became very angry.

Devils like Bai Zhi never physically abuse it!

This little girl is too much!

However, in my mind, Bai Zhi's voice was very calm: "I can't die."

Sure enough, the voice fell, the little girl released her hand, Bai Zhi floated up, and coughed uncontrollably.

"Hahaha!" The little girl still covered her mouth and laughed.

After Bai Zhi finished coughing, she looked at Xiao Ai expressionlessly.

This is the difference between species, even a little human girl is enough to make the race of dumplings have no resistance.

"So you have a mouth?" The little girl looked at her, blinking her eyes, "So the mouth is a slit, does it only open when coughing and eating?"

She grabbed Bai Zhi with great force.

Although Bai Zhi is only as big as Cheng's palm, the slap of an adult, the little girl can't hold her with one hand at all, and can only pull her up very hard with her nails completely digging into the flesh.

After catching it, she carefully observed Bai Zhi: "It also has a nose and ears, but it's so small!"

Bai Zhi didn't speak, and Hei Dou looked at her calmly.

Xiao Ai didn't know why, but in such a pair of black beans' eyes, she saw a sharp edge, which seemed to be killing intent.

She was suddenly furious.

Xiao Ai stood up and slammed Bai Zhi on the ground.

The dumpling was round, with its body elastic. It hit the cold and hard ground, bounced high, fell again, and bounced again, like a ball, but it was still a very elastic ball.

"Hahaha—" Xiao Ai was happy again when she saw this, and stood by and looked at her.

Until Bai Zhi stopped playing, she grabbed Bai Zhi and pressed it into the water again. When the other party was out of breath and began to struggle, she grabbed it, smashed it **** the ground, and let out a silver bell-like laughter.

The little girl had a great time in the bathroom and laughed a lot.

Until the thirteenth time, the dumpling in his hand stretched out his small round hand, the rounded end suddenly opened, and the tiny nails stretched out and grabbed the little girl violently.

"Thorn", Xiao Ai's hand was slashed very deeply with blood dripping.

"Wow-" she burst into tears.

Soon, Mr. Ai Rui ran out of the laboratory, picked up Xiao Ai, noticed the blood on her hand, and immediately said distressed: "Xiao Ai, what's wrong with you, Xiao Ai?"

Xiao Ai pointed to Angelica.

Mr. Ai Rui kicked Bai Zhi, smashed her against the wall, bounced back, and stepped on his feet again.

A small dumpling, round and round, he used a lot of energy to step on her directly.

"Go to hell!" he said in a stern voice.

Xiao Ai cried and said, "No, don't step on it!"

She stopped Mr. Ai Rui, and Ai Rui was startled: "Xiao Ai, she hurt you, she should be damned!"

Xiao Ai shook her head while crying, and choked: "I, I want to dissect her by myself!"

"Okay, Xiao Ai, if you are happy, Dad will take you to the hospital first, and you can dissect her when your hands are ready." Mr. Ai Rui coaxed Xiao Ai with a smile.

Then he shut Bai Zhi in the bathroom, took Xiao Ai in the living room to bandage, and then went out to the hospital.

Inside the bathroom.

Angelica's slit-like mouth opened slightly, and blood was overflowing.

The fire-like color on the white dough was very dazzling, but there was no emotion in her black bean eyes.

444 is about to cry.

Bai Zhi struggled to stand up, and said softly—

"The species of dumplings is not simple. This white-faced skin has extraordinary tenacity."

444's voice was crying: "Master! Why are you talking about this at this time, they are going to torture you! Give up this mission, let's leave this world, this species can't beat people at all!"

Of course, the dumplings also have hands, and Yuan Jiu Jiu's hands can also be opened, but the four small claws side by side are white and tender, short and small, even if they are opened, they are only a little bit.

This little claw, Bai Zhi has just tried its power, it can only cut grass to eat, it is impossible to kill people, the depth is not enough!

Bai Zhi said coldly: "I said that my dictionary did not give up two words. And I am very interested in the species of dumplings now, I want to stay and study."

444 sobbed: "But the fighting strength of the dumplings is too weak, and they will dissect you when they come back... Master, let's go, it's too dangerous here."

It has followed Baizhi to many worlds, and the tasks in each world are very difficult, but Baizhi can always complete it well.

But this world is different. This world is not a problem of situation. For Bai Zhi, as long as she has hands and feet, she can create miracles. But this world doesn't even have feet and barely has hands, but what's the use of such hands? !

444 thought, this is definitely the hardest time they have had for so long.

Bai Zhi: "Dangerous? For dumplings, where is it not dangerous?"

After she finished speaking, her claws retracted, her hands were still two small circles, and her eyes were turned to the bathroom door.

When they left, it was locked from the outside, and it was impossible for Bai Zhi to open the door from the inside.

She looked down at her round, elastic body.

Immediately, she jumped up and slammed into the door.

444 was startled: "Master! What are you doing? How could the dumpling be so small?!"

However, Angelica didn't stop, once, once, once again.


The door slammed open suddenly.

444 big mouths with unbelievable faces.

Bai Zhi wiped the blood spilling from the corner of her mouth, her slit-like mouth slightly raised, her voice was hoarse and cold: "Twenty-seven times, sure enough, the species of dumplings is not as simple as imagined."

She didn't care about the blood on her body and walked in one direction.

The group of people...

Even if he just broke through the door with his own strength, and now he is jumping to the other direction, it still makes people laugh!

- Born to be cute.

Although Bai Zhi was dancing, her expression was serious and serious, and her black bean eyes were wide open, full of seriousness.

She didn't jump up as excitedly as the other dumplings, as if she had calculated the trajectory, each jump was the same height, each time was the exact same arc, and her expression was serious and solemn.

Soon, Bai Zhi successfully jumped to the door of the laboratory.

Xiao Ai was injured, and Mr. Ai Rui left in a hurry, forgetting to close the door of the laboratory.

Bai Zhi kept the arc and jumped into the laboratory.

In the biological laboratory, there are various specimens and various equipment. At this moment, there is a **** bug on the operating table.

- Apparently, Mr. Ai Rui is doing Zerg experiments.

How normal it is to do Zerg experiments. For these biologists, studying the enemy is beneficial to the Federation, and it is laudable to say it.

However, scientists like Ai Rui are not enough in Bai Zhi's eyes. She glanced at it and knew—

Mr. Ai Rui's experiments are not seen at all.

There are some specimens that are obviously abnormal, neither Zerg nor Human, but more like a combination.

Bai Zhi sneered.

She can't use these equipment now, and of course, her goal is not these equipment.

She looked away, looking elsewhere.

There are two robots in the corner of the laboratory. The intelligent robots in this world are already relatively advanced and can do a lot of things.

Of course, it is still not as advanced as the quantum intelligent robot made by Angelica.

Before entering the laboratory, what Bai Zhi wanted to find was a robot!

Mr. Ai Rui is doing illegal experiments, and it is impossible for the living people who come in to his laboratory to go out, so the only ones doing the work are the most advanced robots in the world.

Bai Zhi put her sight on these two robots.

Because she was too small, she could only look up at the robot that was "incomparably tall" to her.

Mr. Ai Rui is really worried about Xiao Ai.

Although he is a biological scientist, he is not a doctor, and there are not so many medical equipment at home. After Xiao Ai's wound was treated, he still asked the hospital to conduct a full-body examination on Xiao Ai.

Dumpling is a new species after all. Although he has studied it before, it is non-toxic, but after all, it involves the baby girl. He still checked her inside and out to make sure that there is no extra existence in her body, and there is no abnormality. Then he left with his daughter.

"Xiao Ai, do you want to eat cake?" Mr. Ai Rui stopped beside a cake shop.

However, Xiao Ai shook her head: "No."

"Then what does Xiao Ai want?" Mr. Ai Rui coaxed patiently.

He has done a lot of experiments that cannot be seen, and he is not a good person, but he is very distressed for his only bloodline, and he is simply responsive.

A dim light flashed in Xiao Ai's eyes: "Dad, I want to dissect Xiao Bai by hand."

Mr. Ai Rui nodded with a smile and touched her head: "Okay, we'll do the autopsy when we go back, as long as we Xiao Ai are happy."

Xiao Ai's hands were still bandaged, and she suddenly showed a bright smile.

The two drove home.

Opened the door, only to find that the bathroom door had been knocked open, and the white dumpling was squatting at the door and preparing to come out.


She just knocked on the door.

Mr. Ai Rui's face darkened all of a sudden.

Xiao Ai looked at her with an innocent smile: "Dad, she can knock the door open with something so small. I just want to see what the structure of her body is..."

"Okay, Dad will catch you." Mr. Ai Rui said, grabbing Bai Zhi in the past.

She didn't hide either, she just let him hold her so obediently.