MTL - I Am This Type of Woman-Chapter 89 city

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The atmosphere in the room is like throwing a large piece of ice into the boiling water, colliding hot and cold, giving birth to a bit of weirdness.

"Grandfather," Cheng Guogong's granddaughter smiled and explained, "Today, so many guests are there, you just ask how to become Amber, forget about the rest of us, but I want to eat."

When the Princess Dachang passed away, my grandfather and grandmother had been sad for a long time. But within a few days, my grandfather seemed to have forgotten the assassination of the princess, and occasionally mentioned some old things. The family did not dare to stimulate him, he could only follow his words. Now, in front of the family, my grandfather raised this kind of thing, and some of them were poked.

The descendants of the Chenggong government showed a smile of apologizing to Yin and Ban, and they were embarrassed as a younger generation, but the class would not think they were intentionally offended.

"You, the child," the older man liked the younger generation to spoil in front of him. He shook his head cheerfully. "When you were married, I was also concerned."

Rong Rong turned to look at the class, seeing her face is not good, do not want to continue to ask the country to continue to ask, and said: "After the spring of next year, the younger generation will be married, when the elderly must come."

"This year is not very good, why should we wait until next year?" Cheng Guogong is dissatisfied. "You young people are really getting less and less worried about their own affairs. I have already become a family when you are so big, boss. I can run and jump."

Rong Rong explained patiently: "A few days ago, the younger generation asked the people of Qin Tianjian to count, and the people of Qin Tianjian said that the younger generation and the county owner should get married next year."

In fact, the Princess of the Great Princess passed away. The classmate who is his granddaughter must keep his filial piety for one year. No matter whether there is a good day this year, it is impossible to marry someone else. However, Rong Rong can't mention this matter. He is worried that the public can't accept the bad news that the Princess Chang has died.

This explanation made Cheng Guogong very useful. He nodded his head and nodded. He had forgotten that he was urging himself to marry him: "This is right. Marriage is a big thing, and the days must be optimistic. I will be married to our wife." I specially invited the people of Qin Tianjian to count the days. You can see how good our feelings are."

Rong Rong looked at the two old men with silver cream and gave a big gift.

When he left the inner court, Rong Yu stopped and looked at the son-in-law. The classmates stood together with the daughter of the book, and the manners between the two seemed very close. Zhou Bing'an is quite prestigious in the upward direction. Among the two sons and one woman, only the eldest son is mature and steady, and the rest of the children are greedy and playful.

When the Yan family wanted to get married with the class, it was Zhou Bing'an's wife who helped open the door. It is obvious that the relationship between the Zhou family and the class is good.

Zhou Bing'an is the charter of the imperial examinations more than 20 years ago. What is more interesting is that Zhou Jiazu was a martial artist. Although the Zhou family's descendants all have the heart to turn the text, but the descendants are not reading materials, to Zhou Bing'an generation. Only then did I really get the name.

Zhou Jia successfully transformed into a literary minister, the success of the class... the fall of the shackles, this is simply a positive and positive control group. However, the more amazing thing is that the relationship between Zhou and the class has been very good. It is worth noting that although the two relationships are good, the two families have never been married. This matter teaches everyone a reason. If you want the relationship between the two families to last forever, don't become a family.

Just out of the inner court, Rong Rong saw Ban Heng, Zhou Changzhen and several other Chinese costumes gathered together, the atmosphere is harmonious and lively, but the appearance of the sling, you can see at a glance, this is a few Hey.

Zhou Changyi hit his elbow and hit Ban Heng: "Ban brother, your future brother-in-law came over."

Ban Heng looked back and saw that Rong Rong walked over the moon door and came over here. He waved his hand and wanted to call him to sit. However, the hand just stretched out and recruited two times, and was pulled by Zhou Changyi next to him: "Let's not talk about poetry and painting, what do you call people to do?"

What's more, the Svens such as Rong Rong, standing with them, can they get their style of action?

However, he did not follow the class with him, and he said that there was a suspicion of provocation.

"Bandi." Rong Yan walked to Ban Heng and met with each other. There was no uncomfortable on the face. Unlike other noble people who have a practical or self-sufficient talent, there is always a sense of superiority when faced with them.

After Rong Rong accompanied them for a while, they were called away by a colleague. After he left, we looked at Ban Heng with admiration. "Ban brother, your future brother-in-law is very good."

Ban Heng lifted his chin: "That is, or will our family promise him to ask for a kiss?"

"Ban brother," one of the nearest shackles from Ban Heng put his hand on Ban Heng's shoulder and sighed with a long sigh. "It's a pity that your sister is such a beautiful woman and will marry another man."

For many embarrassing people, the class is in their hearts, is the best of the big beauty, nothing to look at a few eyes, offering a courtesy in front of her, can make them feel good all day long. It’s not that they like the class, but the beauty of the heart, and it’s good to be with the beauty.

This is also the reason why the daughters of the Beijing family like to throw flowers and throw fruit at the beautiful man. Anyway, it does not violate the law of the big business.

"Nothing, what do you do with my sister," Ban Heng took a glass of wine and put it in the hands of the person, "Drink your wine."

The cockroach was not angry, and he drank it with a glass of wine, but he did not mention the squad.

The two emperors and the princes are the highest-ranking people here, and the two sit on the two positions of the same table. The second emperor smiled and raised his eyebrows. "I heard that the Prince is ill. The Prince may have to pay more attention. It is very troublesome for a woman to get sick."

The prince heard the words and smiled: "Thank you for reminding me of the second brother, I must be more careful."

"Oh," the second emperor sneered. "The Prince is really sweet."

The prince knew that the second brother had always been more and more ethical, so he just smiled and did not speak.

Seeing that the Prince did not talk to himself, Jiang Luo was a bit uncomfortable. When he turned his head and saw Rong Rong coming over, he said coldly. "The person you admire has come over, and I don’t know what spectrum he puts. We are going to be late."

"Second brother," the Prince listened to Jiang Luo's attitude toward the imperial court officials, and frowned. "Since Cheng Anbo is late, there is something to delay. He is now a sergeant, and there are a lot of things to worry about. How can it be so? More free time."

"Is it true that the Prince is saying that the younger brother is too busy?" Jiang Luo sneered. "I don't like a big brother's life. I can live a few years early. Six things can be intervened."

After the fifteenth birthday, the Prince began to walk in the six, familiar with the six work processes. Although the second emperor is now married, there is still no real difference, and there is no one knight. Usually, others call him a high-ranking one, which leads him to The mood of the prince is getting heavier and heavier.

Originally the emperor was eccentric, but the second emperor did not dare to hate the emperor, so he turned all the grievances to the prince. Because the Prince is gentle and does not like to care about him, he is more and more aware that the Prince is pretending to do anything, and he can't make him pleasing to the eye.

"The courtiers have seen the Highness of the Prince, and have seen the Second Emperor of the Second Emperor." Rong Rong went to the front of the two brothers to salute, and turned a blind eye to the ugly face of the two emperors.

"Rong Junpo," Jiang Luo pointed to the position next to him, "Sit."

"Thank you for your Highness." Rong Rong did not sit down at the position of the second emperor, but chose an inconspicuous position to sit down.

Jiang Luo felt that Rong Rong and the Prince were quite similar at the time. They were all good at making movies. In the eyes of a stubborn sour Confucianism, they became synonymous with the gentleman. What is a gentleman, a benevolent and a virtue, is a fake in his view. If there are so many saints in the world, there will not be so many people who make conspiracy in order to make a name for themselves.

The country is very old, so it is the children and grandchildren of Cheng Guogong who are outside the hospital. The same table with the Prince is the son of the founding father, the relatives of the Prince and the two emperors. In the words of the second emperor, when he and the prince couldn’t get through, he didn’t speak, and he calmed down like a monk who was eating a Buddha.

After Rong Rong sat down, his look became a little more relaxed. I hope that the arrival of Rong Rong will make the atmosphere better. I know that he thinks too much too good. It is obvious that His Royal Highness the second emperor is not very friendly to Cheng Anbo. The atmosphere of this table has become even more embarrassing.

"Please be strict here."

"Please come here on stone."

It didn't take long for Yan Hui and Shi Chonghai to arrive. The two men arrived before and after they came to give gifts to the Prince. They sat down at this table.

Poor country public son, watching this table of people with different atmospheres, the heart is almost blocked to eat. He was relieved until the father came out and sat in the main position between the Prince and the Second Emperor. No matter what the people of this table hold, these people can only smile with their faces in front of his father.

After the personality has become like a child's adulthood, he has been greeted by two grandchildren and Rong Yu to eat more, let the next person give them cloth. He doesn't care what other people at the same table think, just talk to people they like. When the Chenggong son of the country worried about other people, he could only greet the guests at the same table who were "cold" by his father.

After the banquet, Cheng Guogong suddenly said: "Rong Xiaozi, take me to marry your fiancee, too many people in the backyard, I have never had a good look."

In the heart of the country, the son of the world secretly complained, and the people of the country were not the cats and dogs. They were seen by people casually. He also has no way to tell the next person to go to the backyard to send a message, and apologize to the Fule County owner in advance.

After the class used up, she was chatting with several friends in the middle of the country. The granddaughter of Cheng Guogong came over and apologized to her, saying that the old man wanted to see her.

Ban Yi thought that the age of the country was not small, he agreed.

"I am very sorry," said the granddaughter of Chengguo, who led the class to the inner courtyard and smiled. "My grandfather has been working like a child for nearly a year or two. His memory is not very good. If he is offended, what is offensive? Place, please don’t let the county owner put it in your heart."

Seeing the granddaughter of Cheng Guogong apologize for his salute, the class is busy helping her: "There is a family like a treasure, my grandfather and grandmother are still there, it is a happy event."

The granddaughter of the country remembered that the great princess was very fond of the granddaughter of the Fule County, and now she listened to the class, she did not know whether it was a distress, or whether it should be a good topic.

Soon the two came to the main courtyard, and the granddaughter of Chengguo entered the yard with the class. The voice of laughter and laughter came out, and the courtyard was filled with fresh air.

"The girl is coming," a niece in blue greeted her and gave a ceremonial ritual to the class. "Please go here."

There was a curtain for the two people, and the class went in and saw that the Chengguogong couple sat on the top. In addition to the two old people, the Prince, the Second Emperor and the Rongzi were also in the heart of the class. Some doubts, this is what to do.

"Come, come," said Mrs. Cheng Gong, a very kind old lady. She saw a smile on her face and said, "Sit on my side."

The people in the house came to the tea and snacks, and almost used the class as a child.

"I know that this girl must have a good spirit," Cheng Guogong smiled and looked satisfied. He turned his head and said to him, "So good girl, you can be good to her."

Rong Rong and Ban Yi’s line of sight are right, and Rong Xiao’s smile should be: “The younger generation will definitely be good to the county owner.”

The prince chuckled and said to Rong Rong: "You will be my cousin in the future. If you are not good, I can't spare you."

The second emperor sat next to the sullen tea. Although he was impulsive, he also knew that he would suffocate his temper in front of his old grandfather, and he would have to follow the instructions. If he had a good time, he would really go to the temple. It is.

"Prince brother, Rong Bo will not dare to bully me," Ban Yi whispered, "because he can't beat me."

"This is what your grandmother once said," Cheng Guogong said suddenly. "When she was worried that she would marry the old Jingting public, she said that she is the daughter of the most noble man in the world. Who dares to bully her? But these years Your grandfather has been very good to your grandmother, and it is a sign of her."

"Good life," Cheng Guogong’s eyes seemed to be awake. He turned his head and looked at the Prince and the Second Emperor. He took Rong Rong to his side and said to the class, "He is different from your grandfather, but I will treat you well, don't worry."

The class lived, she looked at the old man and got up and blessed: "Thank you for being a country official, there is nothing to worry about in the younger generation."

She is telling the truth, life is so varied, who knows what will happen tomorrow? As long as her family is safe, what can she worry about?

"Don't worry," Cheng Guogong laughed like a child, then released Rong's hand and yawned. "I am sleepy."

The Prince and the Second Emperor heard the words and stood up. "Father, you have a good rest, and the grandson does not disturb your rest."

"Yeah." Cheng Guogong grabbed his wife's hand and said in an old, hoarse voice, "Go, wife, let's take a nap."

Banyan looked at the hands of the two old people together and couldn't help but smile.

The four men withdrew from the main court, and the second emperor squinted at the class and Rong Rong: "The time is not early, and my Highness should go back to the palace."

"His Royal Highness of the Second Emperor, please go slowly." Rong Yi stepped forward and stopped the class behind him, and gave a ceremony to the two emperors. The second emperor glanced at the class behind him, and he turned around and slammed his head and walked away.

The Prince smiled softly to the two men: "The second brother is a straightforward character, and you should not take his move to heart."

"It doesn't matter, I am used to his virtue." Ban Yi raised his eyebrows. "I am going back to the son-in-law, and my mother is still waiting for me."

"I will accompany you in the past," Rong said. "You have come here less often. I am familiar with the government of the country."

The prince smiled and raised his hand to the two men: "Go and go, I will go to the uncle to talk for a while."

After class and Rong Rong greeted the Prince, they went in the direction of the son-in-law.

“You used to come here often?” Ban Yi found that Rong Rong was really familiar with the Cheng government, not just talking about it.

Rong Rong nodded: "The old lady and my grandmother had a very good relationship when they were young. After my parents and brothers passed away, the old lady worried that if I lived alone, I would often pick me up to play in their house, so I went with the country. The grandchildren of the government are privately commensurate with their brothers."

It is no wonder that His Majesty is so trusting. An orphan who lost his parents and brothers is still under the eyes of his father-in-law. What is the character and the heart, and I am afraid I will understand it.

"Sorry, I shouldn't let you mention those sad things." Banyan looked a little embarrassed, knowing that these things would involve the painful past, she would not come up.

"No problem, things that have already passed, it doesn't matter," Rong said with a smile. "Not to mention, the government of the country is very good for me, and there is nothing to be sad about."

The class screamed and moved, and for a moment they didn’t know what to say.

“The place is coming,” Rong Rong suddenly stopped and turned to look at the class, “Hey.”

“Well?” Ban Yi looked up unconsciously and found that a beautiful pair of eyes was full of herself. She looked a little swaying.

"Being out of filial piety, marry me?"

The class is stunned, and I don’t know what to say in the place.

Seeing her hesitant look, Rong Rong smiled softly and reached out to her eyebrows: "You go in, through this door is the yard where the sons and daughters are, I am not suitable."

The class turned around and walked away. After a few steps, she turned back and saw Rong Rong still standing in the same place. She smiled as she looked at herself like a spring breeze, and her footsteps stopped.

Rong Rong saw her stop and thought she had something to say, so she came to her: "What happened?"

"Nothing," the class squatted at his eyebrows and smiled. "Your return." Then he turned and ran into the inner door.

Rong Rong touched his eyebrows and couldn't help but smile.

"His Royal Highness," he turned his head and looked at the person standing in the corner. "Are you not going back to the palace?"

"Where does my highness want to go, I don't have to report to you," the second emperor leaned under a tree and looked at Rong Rong with a blank expression. "It's really unimaginable, like jade, waiting for a woman who is as light as a water," There is also such a tender side."

Rong Xiao smiled: "The gentleman and gentleman are good, and the lower official is happy with the Fule County. She is naturally different from other women."

"Yes," said the second emperor with his hands around his chest. "Unfortunately, those talented women in the city who are infatuated with you, their talents are in your eyes, not worth a woman's skin."

"His Royal Highness has this sentiment, which makes the lower official shocked," Rong Rong said with a smile. "The Fule County Lord does have many faces that are not in the world. The lower official is fortunate to be happy with a beautiful and lively woman." What's the pity?"

Jiang Luo knows that Rong Rong is laughing at his like beauty, and he screams coldly: "When you say it, you are just a hypocrite who is coveted."

Rong Rong said: "The words of His Royal Highness the Second Emperor are wrong. The lower official only likes the Fule County, and she happens to be a rare beauty in the world."

"Sophistry," Jiang Luo did not like the reason for reading people, their mouth, white to black, black to white, but also let the world do not doubt what they said, "Rongda people such a good eloquence Will it be used in front of His Majesty and Prince?"

"Your Majesty is Jun, the Prince is Chu Jun, and the lower officials never lie in front of them." Rong Yu bowed his hand and bowed. "Of course, the lower official is in front of the second emperor, and there is no such thing as a false statement."

"Okay, you don't have to pretend in front of me," Jiang Luobi said, a cut-and-neck action. "The fox tail, there is a day in the morning and evening."

Rong Rong smiled and bowed to Jiang Luo.

Jiang Luo saw his indifferent appearance and turned and left. In the heart, it is even more taboo for Rong Rong, such a man who is so suffocating is definitely not as simple as the gentleman in the eyes of others. He did not understand what kind of means Rong Rong used to win the praises of the world, and even his father and his princes praised him.

This is a very ambitious man. If he is enthroned as an emperor, he will never leave this person.

It has long been noticed that Ban Yi left with the granddaughter of the country. Now she sees her back. Although everyone has not asked, I have thought of countless possibilities. Especially the second emperor, Xie Wanxi, she and the classmates from small to big relationship is not good, although the thing of Shi Feixian, so that she reduced the sense of class awkward, but think of the class to marry her, she will There is a feeling of bad breath.

After she had finished using the banquet, she wanted to marry her class. How can she know that the class was called away by the people of the government of the country, and she could only swallow the heart of her heart. However, Xie Wanzhen always felt uncomfortable when he thought that he was often blocked by the class.

Why worry about it, only to find the class to take that breath out.

"Fule County," Xie Wan took a sip of tea. "Some days are gone, you seem to have reduced it more than in the past."

“Maybe it’s been eaten recently,” Ban said with a smile. “Let the Emperor worry about it, it’s me.”

Xie Wanxi sneered: "Yes, I have been not at ease since I entered the palace."

Listening to this, it seems like the two have had a relationship. However, many people on the scene know that the two of them really have friendship, but they are all quarreling, but the second time or the second emperor has fallen.

The second emperor is obviously coming to find a place for the past, but the psychological quality of the Fule County is too strong. In the face of the provocation of the two emperors, there is a lot of stupidity.

Everyone knows that there is no way for the two emperors to take the class, because there are still squats and queens on the top of the class. Although the second prince is higher than the class, she made a royal daughter-in-law and went to please the emperor.

As long as the class does not pick up the tricks of the two emperors, the second emperor can not find a reason to attack.

It can be seen that the grade does not explain everything. The most important thing is that the empress is more pampered. After Xie Wanqi married into the palace, her relationship with the two emperors was not good. Her two brothers were dismissed and dismissed. If she wanted to be strong, she would not be afraid.

She wants to bully to the class, only one way to go.

That is the second emperor to the throne, she became the empress of the great cause, at that time, the class banquet in front of her, only let her round up.

Other people understand this truth, Xie Wanzhen is also clear in her heart, so when she sees that the class is not afraid of her, she will no longer take her own insults, turn her head and talk to other noble women, and find their own balance in their touts. sense.

From the beginning to the end of the Yin family did not insert a mouth, in her view, this kind of child quarreling scene, there is no need for her mouth. After marrying to Cheng'an Bofu in the future, there are always people who don't have long eyes. She can't do everything.

The birthday banquet of Cheng Guogong was very lively and the ending was perfect. The two grandsons came to the birthday in person, and the Chaozhong Chongchen also showed their faces. Even the Majesty specially sent messengers to give gifts, which was enough. The face of the country.

In recent years, the only one that can match this birthday feast is the birthday feast of the great princess. However, the great princess died in the country but still alive, and he also has a daughter who is a queen, a grandson of the prince.

The gold content of the Chenggong Government is higher than the current Jingting Government.

However, when the class members left, the owners of the Chenggong government were personally sent to the door. Everyone understands that the attitude of the Queen’s family is the attitude of the Queen.

The class is still not sacred.

On the night of the end of the official banquet in Chengdu, suddenly the sky was thundering and there was a buzz in the palace.

His arm is seriously vomiting blood!