MTL - I Became A Virtuous Wife and Loving Mother in another Cultivation World-Chapter 32 secret

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The law again looked up to the grandson's mover's instrument, and the pattern on the paper was like a branding on the instrument, sparkling with a golden glow.

Suddenly squeaking, the grandson’s moved instrument issued a powerful spiritual power and attack power, and suddenly shook Song Mao.

With a bang, Song Mao’s implements cracked like a long-grandson’s mover, and suddenly, the power was weak.

Song Mao looked shocked at the long sword in his hand, and it was difficult to set the channel: "Two days ago, your instrument was cut by a crack, my power was not as good as before, and the grade was lower than my implement. How could it be possible? Crack my authentic instrument?"

The grandson moved very surprised. He obviously felt that the attack power of the implement was much stronger than before, and he did not lose the secondary refining implement.

He couldn't help but squint the long sword in his hand and found that the previous paper was gone, and then added a pattern similar to the one on the paper.

Is it the role of the pattern?

The long-grandson moved to think too much, picking up the sword and bowing to Song Mao.

The powerful attacking power scared Song Mao back and yelled, followed by a small stone pit in the ground to his heel, and fell to the ground.

The people around you _ laugh, just ordinary fight, not to the point where you live and die, you are scared to the six gods, it is useless.

Song Mao, who had never been so embarrassed, was ashamed and angry, quickly picked it up, picked up the implement and moved to the grandson.

The long-grandson moved to the sword better than him, avoiding the attack and directly splitting his implement into two halves.

"The grandson moved, you actually dared to break the tool of my mission, I want to tell Master about this, let him kick you out of Haishan College, so that you can't mix in Haishan City." Song Mao knows that he is playing However, the grandson moved, and he was so angry that he threw the hilt to the grandson and moved away, leaving behind the words and turned away.

"Like a baby without weaning, tell him a little thing, if you are really capable, don't live in Hailu Village." Xianglu sneered, looking at the instrument that moved to the grandson: "Your instrument What's going on? It's even more powerful than breaking the gap. It's even better than the original."

"It is the symbol of Rong Gongzi that enhances the attack power of my instrument:" The grandson moved to touch the pattern on the sword and stunned: "The pattern has merged with my sword, just like carving on it. Lost, and it does not damage the body, but also increases the attack power of the instrument."

Too many things that surprised him today, even beyond his imagination, made him more and more curious about who Rongyi was.

As soon as the item was heard, he quickly took it and looked at it. It was like the grandson’s move. He was excited and exclaimed: “It’s like posting a second-level attacker, but it’s better than the attacker. It’s It doesn't fall like a paper, it's not easy to break like a paper, and it doesn't damage the power of the instrument. How did he do it? Right, he just said where he lives?"

"Tonggu Street, Yinfu."

When Rongyi returned to Yinfu, he hid back to the room of the Biluoyuan to enchant the instrument.

When he was rushing, he went to the study and told him to go to Yinlu Night in the village of Hailu.

After Yin Yin’s night, I picked up my eyebrows strangely.

Lei Sai, who played chess with Yin Ye night, did not believe to stand up: "Impossible, how can I make a holy product by relying on the following materials? I don't believe it, you must have made a mistake."

Rong speed said: "If the predecessors don't believe, you can go and see the master's instruments in person."

At this time, the voice of Rongyi came from outside: "A slow, a slow, there is no potion that can cause you to be paralyzed in a short time, can't move?"

The glory of returning to the road, can only deal with the monks in the base period and the refining period, and only maintain a deep breathing time so that the other party can not move. ”

"Enough, then do you still have a potion that can poison people immediately?"

"Yes, although it won't kill people, it will make the monks in the base period and the refining period feel uncomfortable or vomiting blood."

"Yes, give it to me."

Ronghui hesitantly took out the potion: "Young Master, what do you want these potions to do?"

"Secret." Rongyi mysteriously smiled and took the potion back to the room.

□ authors gossip:

Ask for branches, ask for votes, and collect them -----

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