MTL - I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time-Chapter 394 Had a great time talking with the Emperor of Medicine

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"He knows we're following!"

"It's not easy. I thought our support was too late, but he resolved it with a few words!"

"The crisis has not been eliminated yet, have the army of monster slayers and night watchmen arrived?"

"We'll be there soon. The Demon Killing Division has an army of 300,000, and the Night Watch Division has 200,000 troops. There are 500,000 in total. There are three people in the God Distraction Realm. You really think I'm a bully..."

"What did the man in black say?"

"What else can I say, he courted death by himself, no one can blame him!"

"Leave it to Lin Feng!"

The three of them are naturally the three most powerful men of the Zhou Dynasty who have been following Lin Feng.

Now that Lin Feng's reputation has risen and attracted the attention of all parties, how could they allow Lin Feng to be besieged by all parties?

However, they followed Lin Feng, and some people followed them.

Even if Lin Feng temporarily resolves the crisis, the crisis is still there and will explode again soon.

At this moment, the situation above the sea area is also changing rapidly.

First of all, civil strife among the nine major tribes of the Jiao Clan continued, and it was getting worse and worse.

Even if there is a fourth-rank monster, it still cannot be suppressed in a short time.

Seeing this storm come, the battle is impossible to fight.

But then, the Black Flood Dragon appeared, his huge body came riding on the clouds and fog, and there was a breath suppressing it from a long distance away.

So it didn't take long for the existence of civil strife among the nine major tribes of the Jiao clan to be suppressed one after another.

On the other side, they have been waiting and watching from the northern position. An army of 100,000 people who did not participate in the battle was harassed by an idle army of hundreds of thousands of people.

In the blink of an eye, the battle broke out, even more intense than the battle of the third chain.

But not long after, another strong man came and led the 100,000 army to counterattack frantically.

For a while, even Bai Bing couldn't understand the situation around the third chain.

The group of people behind her were equally confused:

"Civil turmoil in the Jiao clan?"

"The one hundred thousand mysterious army was besieged by pirates?"

"What the **** is going on here?"

Before they could recover, another army appeared near the first island chain.

But after seeing the banner clearly, the group of people breathed a sigh of relief.

That was the arrival of Dazhou reinforcements.

Not long after, the reinforcements arrived and joined the army of Zhenhai Houfu.

On Da Zhou's side, all of a sudden, the army is strong and the horse is strong.

Dazhou reinforcements, the Monster Slayer Division dispatched 300,000 troops, and the Night Watch Division dispatched 200,000 troops, a total of 500,000 troops, plus the Zhenhai Houfu army, there are millions of people!

But it didn't take long for the sea monster to stop the civil strife in the Jiao clan.

Where was the 100,000 army besieged by pirates, the pirates were also driven away one after another.

The confusion subsides.

Only then did the situation in the third island chain become clearer.

Great Zhou, a million troops.

On the opposite side, the Sea-Monster's Nine Jiao Clan tribes have an army of nearly one million.

There is also the 100,000 Heavenly Dao Society dead soldiers who have just been harassed by pirates but have not been completely dispersed.

And Dekang of Yamato Heaven also returned, and he also brought a hundred thousand elite sailors.

Therefore, the current situation is that Da Zhou is facing an army of more than one million people from all sides.

The comparison of high-end combat power is even more disparity.

In the state of distraction, there are only three generals in Dazhou's third island chain, the monster slayer and the night watchman.

On the opposite side, there are two guardians of Heijiao and Hu Linger, one is General Dekang, and there is also the guardian Huang of the Heavenly Dao Society...

The high-end combat power is almost double that of Da Zhou.

Therefore, the situation in Dazhou is still extremely critical.

However, all parties are still exercising restraint.

After regaining consciousness and stabilizing the situation, the parties will still unite.

When the storm in the sea area will calm down, I am afraid it will depend on the outcome of the battle on Yaohuang Island.

At the same time when the armies of all parties were Chen Bing on the third island chain, Lin Feng and Yaohuang were chatting happily in the living room on Yaohuang Island.

Both of them didn't mention Tianzhu, and they seemed to be incomparably harmonious.

Lin Feng was asking the Medicine Emperor for alchemy.

And Yao Huang was also asking Lin Feng for advice on refining weapons.

The alchemy is similar, so it's normal for the two to ask each other for advice.

The two are really like long-lost old friends, talking happily.

Also at this time, Yao Huang stood up directly when he was excited, and said with some regret:

"It is said that seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. This is true for people, and the same is true for Heavenly Alchemy. I wonder if this old man will have the opportunity to witness the legendary Heavenly Alchemy?"

Hearing this, Lin Feng also stood up:

"Why not, it's just that the sky refining method consumes a lot, and I don't have the corresponding refining materials to show, at most it can only be used to temper my own purple pill!"

After Lin Feng finished speaking, Yao Huang frowned:

"What's so difficult about it?"

"You just have to demonstrate, just temper your own purple pills, and I will provide whatever you need!"

"Don't forget, this is Yaohuang Island, there are no refining materials, but there is no shortage of various pills for people to cultivate!"

Lin Feng's eyes are bright:

"In this case, juniors are welcome!"

"You're welcome, you demonstrate the Heavenly Alchemy method, and the old man will provide what you need!"

The Medicine Emperor excitedly said:

"The old man also wants to see if the Heavenly Refining Method can benefit the old man in refining the elixir?"

"It just so happens that the old man has a batch of great pills that are being refined. If it can be of any benefit, this batch of great pills that can benefit even the Aperture Realm will also be given to you!"

"Okay, then it's settled!"

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he took a step, walked out of the living room, came to the courtyard, and sat down cross-legged out of thin air.

In the next second, purple air rose above Lin Feng's head, and his purple pill emerged.

Then, with a wave of Lin Feng's hand, he escaped from the purple core and emerged, obediently turning into the Hammer of Heavenly Dao.

Lin Feng grasped the Hammer of Heavenly Dao and smashed it down at Zidan.

Almost at the same time, Yao Huang waved his hand, and a large number of crystal clear pills flew out, directly surrounding Lin Feng, allowing Lin Feng to take it.

Lin Feng really wants to demonstrate the Heavenly Refining Method on the Yaohuang and practice in front of the Yaohuang?

The three auras hidden in the void outside Yaohuang Island were also shocked at this moment:

"Is this **** crazy?"

"He wants to break through with the resources of the Medicine Emperor!"

"How can the heavenly refining method be handed over to outsiders?"

"The Heavenly Refining Method is owned by Lin Feng. It is his freedom to teach anyone. Besides, can anyone learn it besides him?"

"Forget it, let him go, Lin Feng is not a tiger, so naturally he has his plans..."


In the next second, there was a crisp hammering sound, and Lin Feng continued to hammer Zidan.

The Heavenly Refining Technique was so openly revealed in front of the Yao Emperor, Lin Feng had no intention of covering it up at all.

But at this moment, what is even more astonishing is Lin Feng's purple pill.

His purple pill emerged with an extraordinary aura, and the purple light flickered, even the medicine emperor who was at the peak of the distraction state could feel the power exuded at this moment.

And as Lin Feng hammered, Zidan, which was already extremely powerful, became more and more condensed with the hammering, and the waves emitted became more and more powerful.

Yao Huang's eyes flickered, but Lin Feng didn't care and just started hammering Zi Dan in front of him.

While refining Zidan, Lin Feng also introduced the Tianlian method:

"Heavenly refining method, using the way of heaven as a hammer, and oneself as a melting pot..."

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

Following the hammering, a large amount of elixir was also directly swallowed by Lin Feng, turning into majestic energy to supplement his consumption.

Even Lin Feng's hammering on the purple pill began to faintly affect the storm around Yaohuangdao.

It was as if the storm was weakening with his hammer blows.

The weirdest thing was that every time the hammer fell, Yao Huang who was right next to him froze as if he was stuck in a quagmire.