MTL - I Became the King of Villains In the Game-Chapter 172 Lord of Plagues! (two in one)

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  Chapter 172 Lord of the plague! (two in one)

  Outer city.

  The carriage stopped at the entrance of a hospital named "Frankenstar".

  Chen Lun got off the carriage.

   At this time, it was getting late, approaching dusk.

   After he entered the main building of the hospital, he showed his identity certificate in the lobby and underwent some necessary inspections.

   I don’t know whether it’s because of the high charisma attribute, or because of the simple appearance, Chen Lun won the favor of the young female nurse, which also allowed him to easily get the information about the hospital bed number he wanted to know.

  He gently took off his hat and bowed to show his thanks, fascinated the young nurse, then turned around and went straight upstairs.

   'Ward 404...'

  Chen Lun was walking in the empty and silent corridor.

  'This number is a bit unlucky...'

  He complained secretly.

  The silver cane was rhythmically struck on the ground, making a muffled sound.

  Passing the third floor, he suddenly heard a strange whisper. The sound came from the independent balcony on the side of the third floor, which is usually used to dry sheets and clothes.

  Chen Lun stopped and listened carefully.

  The breeze was blowing, even with his powerful hearing, he could only catch the low and vague words of a certain man from the wind:

   "...Lord, are...invisible...all plagues...plague!"

  Chen Lun frowned.

   This is like a prayer to a certain god, but some of the words do not conform to some orthodox gods.

   Especially the word "plague" attracted Chen Lun's attention.

  ‘Who is it, and what is it praying to…? '

  He thought about it and decided to find out.

  Push open the corridor door on the third floor and walk quickly to the balcony, only to find that there is no one there, only a few rows of sheets blown up by the wind, rattling.

  It seemed that the whispers he heard just now were just his own hallucinations.

  Chen Lun stuck his cane on the ground and performed a simple divination to find out the whereabouts of the person who prayed quietly just now. But the crank part rotated on the spot, and there was no clear direction. It only indicated that the other party was in this hospital and did not leave.

  'The clues are not clear, leading to blurred objects, so the divination results are inaccurate...? '

   Chen Lun pondered for a while, and decided to visit Mrs. Caroline first. The matter of the praying person will be investigated carefully later.

  Leaving the independent balcony, he noticed that there were many patients on the third floor, and the aisles were full of busy doctors and nurses, as well as crying patients.

  ‘There are more and more people infected with the epidemic…’

  Chen Lun saw some coughing and limp patients sitting on the benches in the corridor, and there were faint wailing sounds from each ward.

  He shook his head and returned to the corridor.

   Immediately went up to the fourth floor and found Ward 404.

   After politely knocking on the door, he twisted the handle, pushed it open and walked in.

  The ward is not big, with only two beds. One was temporarily vacant, and on the other was a thin old man lying on his side, an old woman sitting beside the bed, and a dog squatting at his feet.

   "Oh, little Jack!"

   Mrs. Caroline looked back, surprised. Babu also looked at Chen Lun and wagged his tail at him.

  The old woman got up quickly and came to meet her.

"How did you come?"

   "I heard that there was an accident at No. 7 Denton Street, so I came to have a look... Mrs. Caroline, are you okay?"

  Chen Lun took off his hat and hugged the former landlady.

   "Thank you for your concern, little Jack, I'm fine...just Mr. Tout, the doctor said he might never wake up."

   Mrs. Caroline forced a smile.

   "But this is also a blessing in misfortune... At that time I thought he was killed by those thugs, but in fact he just lost blood and fell into a coma... Poor old guy, in order to save me, he became what he is now."

   She shook her head.

  Chen Lun gave Mrs. Caroline a reassuring smile, and then went straight to the hospital bed.

  A thin old man with a pale face was lying on his side on the hospital bed, breathing weakly. The head, chest and abdomen were covered with gauze, and the injuries looked very serious.

  Chen Lun stretched out his hand and put it lightly on Mr. Taut's arm to cover up the faint green light in his palm.

   After a few seconds, he withdrew his hand.

  'Strange...I have healed all the injuries on my body, but there is still no sign of waking up. '

  Chen Lun's eyes quietly flashed a churning mist.

  Suddenly his eyes narrowed.

  'This is...'deep coma', plus a 'plague latent', two negative states...'

  "Deep coma" is understandable, perhaps because Mr. Taut was originally old and seriously injured.

   But "the plague lurks"...

  Chen Lun turned his head indistinctly, and checked the information of Mrs. Caroline and the border shepherd Bub again.

  He discovered that Mrs. Caroline also had "plague latent" in her body, but Bub did not.

  'It seems that it was not infected with the plague because it had taken mysterious substances and strengthened its physical fitness.

   So who did this? Or is it the patients in this hospital who started to spread the plague and infected others...? '

  Chen Lun secretly guessed.

   "Mrs. Caroline, you might as well move to the inner city. The outer city is not peaceful now."

  He turned and smiled.

   Mrs. Caroline shook her head.

   "I have been used to living at No. 7 Denton Street for so many years, and now Mr. Taut is unconscious. I can't leave him alone."

   "The spread of the plague is also worth noting... In addition, both the environment and medical facilities in the inner city are better than here."

   Chen Lun persuaded.

   "Even if it is for the sake of Mr. Taut's health, wouldn't it be better for you to move to the inner city to take care of him?"

  He has another reason not to say.

   That is the tomb of Mrs. Caroline's husband and children, at the former site of the Pompeii Manor in the inner city. Moving to the inner city is also convenient for her to visit on weekdays.

  Mrs. Caroline hesitated when she heard this.

  She was silent for a while, and finally smiled.

   "You are right, little Jack, even if it is for the health of Mr. Tout, I should move there..."

   "If you haven't decided where to live yet, there are still spare rooms in my manor..."

   Chen Lun said.

   "Oh, thank you very much for your kindness, little Jack... Actually, I also have real estate in the inner city, but I didn't want to move there because of some things in the early years."

   Mrs. Caroline seemed to understand something, and the smile on her face increased.

  Chen Lun nodded.

   It didn't surprise him that Mrs. Caroline also had a house in the inner city.

  He asked Mrs. Caroline's address in the inner city again, and was a little surprised when she got the answer, because it was not far from his Jack Manor, and it could even be said to be very close, less than ten minutes away.

  ‘That’s good too, it’s convenient to take care of me…’

   he thought.

  Chen Lun left his own contact information with a pen and paper on the table beside the hospital bed, and then pretended to take something out of his arms. In essence, he used the blood poem ring to take out two packs of anti-epidemic candies.

  He handed Mrs. Caroline the paper-wrapped candy.

   "This is anti-epidemic medicine, Mrs. Caroline, you and Mr. Taot should take it in time to avoid infection."

  The efficacy of anti-epidemic candy is not strong, but it is more effective.

  Chen Lun only hoped that it could stabilize the plague lurking in the bodies of the two old men, so as to allow time to wait for Maggie's return.

  Only professionals can cure their symptoms.

   "Oh, thank you so much, little Jack..."

  Mrs. Caroline seemed very moved. After receiving the medicine package, she hugged Chen Lun again.

  Although Chen Lun healed Mr. Taut's trauma, it was not easy to explain, so he simply comforted Mrs. Caroline.

   Immediately he took his leave and left.




  After leaving the ward.

  Passing the third floor again, Chen Lun heard mournful wailing.

  He thought for a while, pushed open the corridor door, and came to the corridor on the third floor.

  The corridor was crowded with people, and an unkempt and down-and-out man knelt down on the ground, begging a crow doctor.

   "Doctor! Save Elsa! She is only seven years old...!"

   "Sir, your daughter has passed away, we did our best and regret it..."

  In the crow mask, there was a buzzing sound.

   "Please realize the reality, we can't save a dead person."

   "But! It's what you said! There is unclean blood flowing in Elsa's body. She only needs to cut open the blood vessel and release the dirty blood, and she can recover...!"

  The man was in tears and his eyes were bloodshot.

   "So... are you cheating?! Tricking a poor girl, and her unfortunate father!"

  The man seemed unable to accept his daughter dying from the plague, so he rushed forward hysterically to pull the mask of Doctor Crow.

   "I want you to experience the pain of the plague personally! Taste the taste of despair!"

   "Damn madman!"

   Doctor Crow pushed the man away, raised the ebony cane in his hand, and hit the man's forehead hard, causing his head to bleed.

  The man screamed and fell to the ground.

  Other onlookers, doctors and nurses exclaimed, while other patients watched this scene numbly.

   "Plague... The Lord of Plague will come to the world to punish you liars...!"

  The man lay on the ground and said in a daze.

   Chen Lun frowned and looked at the man on the ground.

  ‘The Lord of the Plague? '

   Of those present, only he heard the man's whisper.

  ‘Never heard of this god...Is it a fiction? Or is there really such a little-known evil god? '

   Wait until the chaos subsides and the crowd disperses.

  The man got up wobbly, ignored the wound on his forehead, left the third floor with his face covered in blood, and went straight to the hospital roof.

   "Poor Elsa! My Elsa!"

  He knelt by the railing of the roof and burst into tears.

   "I should believe in the 'Great Lord of Plague' earlier, listen to his gospel, and pray for you won't leave me!"

  The man stood up, jumped over the guardrail, and looked down at the crowd walking below.

   "Lord of plagues, Lord of plagues!

  The disaster of crouching, the invisible chaos!

  The collection of all disasters, the source of all pain!

  Your humble believer is begging you with his life, bring down divine punishment, and kill all the liars here! "

  He yelled frantically, and was about to jump down to complete the self-sacrifice ceremony.

   At this time.

  A figure suddenly rushed behind him, grabbed him by the back collar, and dragged him back.

  With a bang, the man fell back on his back and fell to the ground.

   Stars flashed in his eyes, and he was dizzy. Before he could see who was coming, he felt a gleam of light flash in his vision.

   "Where did you learn of the honorable title of 'Lord of Plague'? And who is spreading his belief...?"

   A deep voice came.

  The man didn't want to answer, but he couldn't help but said:

   "A month ago, a guy selling insurance came to my door and told me quietly..."

  He was hypnotized, his expression was in a trance, and he recounted the past in his mouth.

   "I didn't believe it at first, but as Elsa got the plague, I panicked and started praying to him..."

  The man gave some more details, but very little useful information.

  He didn't even know the insurance salesman's name.

  Chen Lun frowned.

  Just now, after he heard the man pray and recite the complete honorary name, he triggered the prompt.

  【You know the honorable name of "Lord of Plague" and get 5000 experience points! Insight attribute +1! 】

   This means that the "Lord of Plague" does exist!

  And His personality is definitely not low!

  'This matter involves a lot...'

  Based on the man's clues, Chen Lun secretly used his walking stick to perform divination, hoping to get the location of the "insurance salesman"...but the predicted result was quite strange, and there was no such person.

   This person is either dead, or there is a higher power that interferes. But with Chen Lun's current divination weight, the only thing that can deceive the result is the power above the high sequence.

  The plague that broke out and spread recently, and the "Lord of Plague" that he learned about now, made it hard for Chen Lun not to link the two together.

   It seems that there is a deeper secret hidden behind this incident.

  On the third floor just now, he used the [Fate-peeping Eye] to scan around, and discovered a shocking fact—everyone, including the man in front of him, has the negative status of "Plague Latent".

   It's just that the man in front of him is slightly different.

  His status is "Latent Plague Source", it seems that other people's abnormalities are all because of him.

  In this situation, Chen Lun couldn't help but make a guess:

  'Perhaps the recent outbreak of the plague is related to that person's belief... As long as someone believes in him and meets certain conditions or rituals, they will unknowingly become a source of plague...

  When the time is right, those lurkers infected by the plague source will break out, and then die in a very short time...! '

   As he thought to himself, he felt a little chilly.

   Not only the heart, but also the body.

  At the same time, Chen Lun suddenly felt that his throat was itchy.

  [Spiritual intuition] When the signs came on, Chen Lun immediately understood in his mind that this is a man on the ground who is spreading an invisible plague infection to himself.

  But my poison resistance is too high, so I didn't get caught in it.

  The man suddenly knelt on the ground and retched.

  Black spots also began to appear on his body surface, and soon, within a few minutes before he could breathe, the black spots spread all over his body.


  Chen Lun looked at him silently.

  ‘Whether he jumps or not, the result is already doomed. '

  At this moment, the sky has completely darkened, and night has fallen.

  He ignored the corpse on the ground, turned and left.

  ‘I interrupted his sacrifice just now, so I didn’t detonate the illnesses of the other plague lurkers in this hospital, leaving some time... But the mess here, leave it to the asylum to solve. '

   After Chen Lun made up his mind to leave, he wrote a letter to Meng Na.

   Tell me the details here, and even reveal the existence of the "Lord of Plagues" a little bit.

  'The Church of the Moon is also included, after all, it is the only extraordinary organization in Amber City... It is a headache for them. '




   Mrs. Caroline moved to the inner city.

  She placed Mr. Taut in her own home for easy care, but the old gentleman seemed to be still in a coma, with no sign of waking up.

  On this day, Chen Lun went to visit with Maggie, who had just returned to the manor, in a carriage. He intends to let her have a close contact with this latent plague, and by the way solve the illnesses of the two old people.

   "Leader, I found that the nature of this plague is very special!"

  In the carriage, Maggie excitedly talked about her new discoveries from traveling abroad.

  She was still holding bottles and cans, wishing she could open them all and stuff Chen Lun's heads in one by one to take a good look.

   But she dared not.

  I can only show Chen Lun all kinds of strange things inside like a child, there are jelly-like gels, carrion-like things, and viscous liquids of various colors, all in all very unappetizing.

   "They are actually a very common tiny creature, um, so you can understand? They are very small, but invisible to the naked eye..."

  Maggie explained intimately.

  Chen Lun nodded and rolled his eyes secretly.

   "Of course, microbes and tiny harmful germs."

   "Yes! That's the name! I didn't expect you to pay attention to the latest scientific research reports. The professor of Cuisuer Royal Academy named it like that!"

   Maggie looked surprised.

  She continued:

  “The recent plague outbreaks, the Black Death, Yellow Fever, and Red Dance, are actually rooted in a variety of common bacteria and viruses.

  The original pathogenic factors can at most cause mild flu or simple fever symptoms, but they have completed an incredible combination through some strange and strange way, and have undergone alienation, which has been enhanced unprecedentedly...! "

   Maggie vowed:

   "This is definitely not a natural phenomenon. I can be sure that there is an invisible hand behind the plague, which is urging the birth of these diseases... They cannot appear out of thin air!"

  After hearing her words, Chen Lun was a little moved.

  Combined with his guess about the "Lord of Plague", he felt that he was getting closer to the truth.

   Thanks to book friend 20220518000029511 for the 1500 point reward~ Libaba’s 1500 point reward~Jianghu is not fighting and killing for 500 point reward~Gu Wei’s 100 point reward~

   Thank you very much for your monthly pass~



  (end of this chapter)