MTL - I Became the King of Villains In the Game-Chapter 190 Executioner Squad (2 in 1)

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  Chapter 190 Executioner Squad (2 in 1)

Spirit world.

  In the light blue blurred field of vision, seven figures are moving forward at high speed.

  They all wore uniform suits and uniforms, with black trench coats on the outside.

   This is an elite team of extraordinary people in the asylum—"Executioners".

   "Captain Essop, we should be approaching Amber City, Gem State, right?"

  One of the youths said.


The middle-aged man headed by    responded.

   "This trip took more than half an hour, traveling from the spirit world of Fossil City to Amber City, in order to suppress 'Akbin Korver' as soon as possible... The chief judge issued a death order, and this person must be killed on the spot!"


   "Yes! Captain!"

  Other members responded one after another.

  Their speed was so fast that the surrounding scene blurred and changed like a slide.

   Thanks to the many city anchor points held by the shelter, the executioner team can shuttle precisely and reach the destination at the fastest speed.

   Soon, they saw the outline of Amber City from a distance in the vision of the spirit world.

   "Go to the shelter in Amber City first. The highest official there is a student that the chief judge values. As a basic etiquette, we'd better report... and she also reported the information about Akbin this time."

   Captain Essop said.

  The other members had no opinion on this and nodded silently.

  Although the "Executioner" team is not under the jurisdiction of the regular department of the shelter, and there is no need to report to the local branch when performing tasks, this is a respect for Chief Rudolf.

  At this moment, Captain Esop suddenly shouted in a deep voice:

   "The whole team stops!"

  All the members were startled, stopped, and immediately followed the captain's gaze to look forward.

  On the side of the hazy main road outside the city, a figure was leaning gently on the distorted street lamp, with a long black sword stuck at his feet.

  This person is wearing a worn black armor with holes and a wolf's head iron helmet.

   It looks like a knight who just got off the battlefield.

   "Black Knight... Byers!"

  Captain Essop narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

  The knight stood up slowly, clasped his five fingers, and drew out the black sword in the ground with a clang.

   "Executioner squad, I have been waiting for a long time."

   A deep male voice came from the wolf helmet.

   "Well... six [Sequence 7], one [Sequence 6], you will all be buried here today..."


  Captain Essop let out a loud shout.

  The figure of the black knight has disappeared.

   Next second.

  A member of the Executioner behind Essop widened his eyes and lowered his head tremblingly.

   From his chest, a black sword protruded out of nowhere, blood overflowing.

  Puff Chi-!

  The black knight turned his back to this person, and withdrew his sword with his backhand, taking away a drop of blood.

   With a sizzling sound, the black sword flicked, and blood spattered an arc on the ground.

  The member of the executioner who was severely injured by a sword fell to his knees with a plop, clutching his chest and screaming. But his cry stopped abruptly in the next second, because the black knight stepped on his neck and broke it.



   Members of the Executioner Squad shouted excitedly.

   "You **** bastard! Fuck you!"

  The two members displayed their extraordinary powers with anger on their faces. One was covered in black shadows and escaped into the shadows. The other was filled with water vapor, and his muscles flashed with electric arcs, rushing towards the black knight.

   This is a [Conspiracy Faction Sequence 7-Assassin] and a [Deep Sea Faction Sequence 7-Shark Fighter]!

   "Incompetent clamor."

  The black knight grabbed a man from the shadow under his feet, and clasped his five fingers firmly on his face.

  Holding the black sword in his other hand, he slashed at the head, and the gorgeous purple sword light directly cut through the water vapor in front of him, and cut through the opponent's entire body smoothly.

  The Executioner Squad has lost another member!

   "Byers! As a wanted criminal of the Empire A, you dare to show your face and intercept the executioner team here!"

   Aisop shouted angrily, and disappeared instantly.

  But the black knight was indifferent, and threw the thing he was holding to his right hand, and with a bang, he hit something invisible.

   Aisop was forced to show up, hugging his teammates, his expression changed.

  I saw the young man in his arms, who was still alive a minute ago, but now he has no breath.

   "The soul dissipated..."

   Essop's hands trembled, and his heart was bleeding.

   These are teammates who have accompanied him for many years, comrades entrusted with life and death, but now they died in front of him.

   Unspeakable anger gushed forth.

"team leader!"

  However, at this moment, the other three executioners exclaimed.

  The black knight clenched his fist with five fingers and swung towards the sky.

   This area with a diameter of 30 meters suddenly fell into darkness, and everyone couldn't see their fingers.


   Esop's eyes were red and he growled loudly.

   But there was silence all around, and the voices of other teammates could no longer be heard.

  As [Conspiracy Faction Sequence 6-Shadowless], he is best at sneak attack and assassination, but when facing the black knight, he seems extremely powerless.

  The former captain of the "Purple Moonlight" team of the Moon Church who defected, has extremely terrifying frontal combat power, and I am afraid that he is no match for him!

   With trembling hands, Aesop took out a small light bulb from his arms. This is the [B-level monster - spotlight light bulb] they applied for from the Fossil City Asylum for this mission to suppress Akbin.

  It can effectively confine the target in a small aperture.

  The price is that it increases its dependence on light sources in a short period of time, and falls into the negative effect of "dark phobia".

   Now that the surrounding environment has been temporarily changed into night by the extraordinary power of the black knight, using this strange thing may put him in an extremely bad situation.

  But Essop can't control that much anymore.

   "I must use this monster to control Byers as soon as possible, and then lead the team away!"

   Essop gritted his teeth and activated the light bulb.


  Glaring light suddenly appeared, illuminating the surrounding darkness.

   What made Esop's eyes tear open was that he saw three beheaded corpses on the ground not far away!

  Those three familiar team members still had the last second of fear on their faces.

  The black knight held his sword hilt with one hand, turned his head and stared at him quietly.

   "What a sickening light."

  An indifferent voice came from the wolf helmet.

   "Byles! I will definitely kill you! Definitely!"

   Essop was furious, he controlled the light bulb, concentrated the light, and hit the black knight.


  A spotlight fell within one meter of Byers, making him seem to be the protagonist in the darkness of the stage at this moment.

  The black knight let out a light sigh, raised the black sword and slashed out.


   There seemed to be an invisible barrier blocking the tip of his sword.

   "Heh... what are you going to do?"

  Seeing this, the black knight was not nervous, instead he casually stabbed the black sword into the ground.

   "Trap me with this light, and then? How are you going to kill me?"

   Essop calmed down, but his eyes were still red and bloodshot.

  The middle-aged man took a few steps forward, only a few meters away from the black knight, and stood facing each other.

  He took out a small black glass ball from his arms again.

   "This is the extraordinary bomb forged by the extraordinary workshop. A small one is enough to destroy you and me at the same time..."

   Essop grinned.

   "The whole team is dead, so what's the point of me going back alive?

   You're right, Byers, we're all going to be buried here...but you too!

  Although the mission failed this time, but by the way, getting rid of you, a wanted A-level criminal, is the last time I, Elsop, serve the empire! "

   Essop's **** were about to pinch and crush the glass ball.

at this time.

  A distorted light, as thin as a hair, quickly passed by, like thousands of flashes.

  His movements froze.

   Esop opened his mouth slightly, but was unable to speak.

  His whole body shattered into countless pieces in the next second, and collapsed like building blocks. The glass ball fell and was gently caught by the black knight's palm.

  The wolf helmet turned slightly, looked down at the corpse on the ground, and shook his head.

  The ray of light turned a few times in mid-air, and finally fell into the hands of the black knight, turning into a pale yellow orchid.

   "Thank you, Youlan, my love."

  The black knight puts the flower in front of the helmet, like sniffing or kissing.




   Jack Manor.

  The hall kitchen on the first floor.

  Chen Lun stood beside Floyd, watching quietly as she was pouring chunks of pork into the pot.

"Is that right?"

  Floy asked curiously.

   " should be right, you throw in the spices and simmer for forty minutes, and the soup is almost done when it dries up."

  Based on his memory, Chen Lun slowly guided Floyd to reproduce a long-missed dish in this world—braised pork.

  Floy put the lid on the pot and turned around.

   "It's really like what you said, it will be refreshing...delicious if eaten with rice?"


  Chen Lun chuckled. What he said at the time was that it would be exciting... But I'm afraid Floyd couldn't understand it, so he just roughly described the meaning.

   "Gourmet food needs to wait quietly... Come, come here, I will do a magic trick for you."

  Chen Lun pulled her, turned around and came to the living room.

   With a puzzled expression, Floy pushed her down on the sofa and sat down.


   asked Floyd.

   "Yes! Magic."

  Chen Lun thought that the next sequence he would be promoted to would be [Magician], so he planned to get used to it in advance.

  He coughed and was about to take out his playing cards.

   "But I can't see it."

  Floy tilted her head.

   "What magic trick are you going to perform on a blind girl?"


  Chen Lun was taken aback for a moment, and then lost his temper.

  Floy felt his emotion, and covered her mouth with a chuckle.

   "Let me do a magic trick for you."

she says.


   Chen Lun looked confused.

   "This magic is called 'controlling the heartbeat'..."

  Floy leaned over, slightly approaching Chen Lun's face.

  She gently stroked Chen Lun's chest.

   "Look, your heart is beating faster."

  Chen Lun's breath stagnates.

  He immediately thought of the last words that Floyd said a few days ago when he was drunk—

   "You didn't lie to me, I really got what I wanted, because I finally heard your heartbeat..."

  Before falling asleep, she added another sentence inaudibly:

   "As fast as I am."

  Chen Lun was silent for a while.

   Then he gently grabbed her hand, this action couldn't help but make Floyd tremble slightly.


   He spoke.

  Floy pursed her lips.

   At this moment, above the heads of the two of them, a light blue crack suddenly appeared out of thin air, and a frog's head protruded from it upside down.

   happened to be in the middle of the two.


  Chen Lun's pupils shrank, and he raised his hand to punch him.


   Frog Head seemed to be frightened by Chen Lun's murderous intent, and called out louder.

  Chen Lun discovered that the guy in front of him was the messenger from the spirit world of the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce, the "deceitful doll" named Joan.

  He turned his head to look at Floyd, and found that she had already left the living room and ran to the kitchen.

   "You better be busy."

   Chen Lun took a deep breath and said.

   Frog Head blinked a few times in fear, and tremblingly handed over a simple silver square.

  After Chen Lun picked it up, it suddenly retracted into the spirit world without looking back, and disappeared without a trace.

  'Here are... the extraordinary materials and mysterious books that I commissioned from the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce earlier. '

  He took a look at the fist-sized silver cube, and found that it contained several cubes of dimensional space, filled with extraordinary materials and mysterious books.

   This small silver cube is the "advanced package" of the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce, a disposable item.

  When the customer removes the contents, it will disintegrate on its own.

  Looking in the direction of the kitchen, Chen Lun secretly sighed.

  He then took out the contents of the small cube, because there were too many things, so he had to empty the coffee table, and then poured it on it.

  With a bang, the small silver cube shattered into countless parts, and then dissipated.

  ‘What a magical power, this is a special craft of the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce...? '

  Chen Lun glanced at the sky.

  He turned his attention to the tea table, and after a little inventory, he found that there were more than a hundred copies of various extraordinary materials, and these materials cost a total of more than 1,800 gold pounds.

   And there are thirty-two mysterious books, this is the big head of swallowing gold, spending more than 7,500 gold pounds, directly making Chen Lun a pauper again.

   This is because Chen Lun and Rosa have a good relationship, and they discounted it a little, otherwise it would only be more expensive... Moreover, it may not be possible to purchase so many mysterious books.

  ‘Knowledge is indeed an extremely expensive luxury...’

   Chen Lun sighed with emotion.




  After returning to his room, Chen Lun briefly browsed the thirty-two mysterious books.

Among them, the four factions of the sun, the moon, the deep sea and the earth have five books each, the stars and flesh and blood factions have four books each, the magic faction has two books, the nature and conspiracy factions have only one book each, and the destiny faction has none. .

  'The three factions of Nature, Conspiracy, and Destiny belong to the hidden path, and there are few mysterious books scattered outside, which is understandable...but there is not a single book on the path of Destiny! '

  Chen Lun frowned slightly.

  He picked up two dilapidated books from the pile of books on the table.

The messenger of the spirit world specially marked these two books, indicating that their prices are six or seven times higher than the others, and they are the two paths of stars and flesh and blood respectively... After a rough review, the knowledge inside is more profound and difficult to understand than others, It should contain the extraordinary knowledge of [Sequence 8]! '

  Chen Lun let out a long breath.

'I originally planned to accumulate a wave of skill points by reading mysterious books, which seems a bit taken for granted... But after reading these books slowly, I can also gain a large wave of experience points and two pieces of [Sequence 8] extraordinary knowledge, And it has deepened my occult attainments, which is not bad. '

  He stretched his waist and looked at the scenery outside the window.

  ‘I haven’t finished reading the "Cat God Sect Classics" enshrined in the minaret of Cat Town, so I should be able to accumulate a wave of points by relying on it! '




   Some days passed.

  On this day, all the circus players who were active in Amber City received a letter from a goldfinch without exception.

  They opened it curiously and found that it was from Mr. Jack.

  The content is concise and clear. Jack said that he once again felt the call from the fairyland. The world was in turmoil, and a terrible disaster called "Pollution Tide" would break out, and they needed the help of these foreign warriors... Of course, the rewards are very generous.

   "Everyone, there's another big mission! Quests related to the advanced dungeon 'Wonderland'!"

   Dongyang spoke in the previous chat room.

"-I got it too."

  Chen Xi spoke.

   "—It looks like a defensive battle from the description, which is much better than the previous blind exploration, and it is more suitable for us! (excited expression

   Goutoujin spoke.

   "—I've been cleaning up those plague rats in the sewer these days. I'm almost numb, and the rewards are also deducted... I finally received good news! Jack, I love you so much!"

  The horseman speaks.

   "—Then it's still a few of us who will book?"

   Forgot Mowgli to speak.

   "—I may change someone on my side, Kuangbenkuang went to other cities to bring new people."

   Dongyang replied.

   "—Honey Grapefruit can't participate either. She recently accepted a mission with Honey Handbag and is not active in Amber City. If you don't have a candidate, I will bring in another cadre to make up ten people."

  Chen Xi spoke.

   Others have no comments.

   "Then it's settled. The day after tomorrow morning, Jack's Manor will gather... @苏可颖@北京星@ A song of joy that ends with a sad ending, please answer if you receive it."

   Dongyang said.

  Su Keying and Wei Yin then spoke to express receipt.


  Polaris Reply.



  (end of this chapter)