MTL - I Became the King of Villains In the Game-Chapter 229 who changed my script

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  Chapter 229 Who changed my script


   Jack Manor.

  In the attic on the fourth floor, Maggie put away the bottle of tan medicine in her hand, and bent down to observe carefully.

  The strange viscous liquid contained in the bottle is constantly bubbling, and even trembles slightly.

   "Hmmm... The enhancement experiment of thirst potion has achieved some results, but right now I can't find a suitable tester. Those undead strangers have gone to nowhere these days..."

  Maggie showed a troubled look.

  She suddenly had an idea, and the expression on her face turned into anticipation.

   "Go to Noah! As the only superman of the flesh and blood faction in the circus, he is the most suitable!"

  Maggie slapped her palm, did what she said, and immediately turned and went out without even tidying up the messy table.

  She went straight to the third floor, found Noah's room, and slammed on the door.

  Boom boom boom...!

   After a while, no one responded.

   Maggie continued to tap, then paced from side to side.

   "Not here?"

  She tried to turn the doorknob, but found that the door was unlocked, and opened the door directly.

   " seems to have really gone out."

   After scanning the room, Maggie found that there was no one there.

  She was a little disappointed. When she was about to close the door and leave, her eyes were attracted by the paintings in the corner of the room.

  They were all covered with white cloth, and it was impossible to see what was painted, which strongly attracted Maggie's curiosity.

  She looked around and found no one in the corridor on the third floor, so she sneaked in.

   Quietly locked the door, went straight to the picture frame in the corner, and then yanked off the white cloth on a painting.


   Maggie's face suddenly showed a stunned expression.

  The next second, her cheeks flushed, and her eyes showed excitement.


  Maggie took a step forward, bent down, kept moving her hands, and directly lifted the rest of the white cloth.

  When she stood up straight and glanced at it, her whole face flushed red.

   "OMG! So exciting..."

   Maggie was taken aback suddenly, and found that her nose was a little moist, and when she touched it with her hand, it was bleeding.





  The next day.

  Early in the morning, Connie and Maggie sat in the living room watching a painting.

  The little white cat Bib also joined in the fun, poking his head out from between the two of them, admiring the paintings together.

  On the oil painting, it is Mr. Jack, but he is not wearing the black hat or clothes, with white wings on his back, arms outstretched, in the shape of a cross, floating in the sky.

  Fortunately, there was a piece of white silk cloth surrounding his torso, just covering the key parts.

  In the painting, Jack gently raises his head, his eyes are closed tightly, and his naked muscles are clearly defined. He looks like a perfect sculpture, shining brightly in the sun.

   "'s it going, Connie?"

   Maggie elbowed Connie who was next to her, her face was flushed and her mouth was slightly open.

   "This... this is Mr. Jack? Okay... okay..."

  She stammered and wanted to say something about her perfect body, but she felt that she was not ladylike enough.

   Maggie frowned. This painting is actually the only one in Noah's room that is not fully nude. If Connie were to see other paintings, she might scare her.

  The little white cat Bib blinked, showing a strange look.

   "I said Connie, why are you so shy? We call it appreciation... By the way, you have never been in love, have you?"

   Maggie said with a chuckle.

   "No...Miss Maggie, how about you? You know so well, you should be very experienced, right?"

   Connie asked curiously.

  Maggie coughed and wanted to say something, but suddenly shut up.

   At this moment, a figure silently came to the two of them, holding the painting with a white hand, then turned it upside down, and hugged it in his arms.

   Maggie and Connie looked up and were startled.

   "Miss Froy!"

  Floy was expressionless, and after "staring" at the two for a while, she spoke softly:

   "Don't do this in the future, it will affect Master Jack's prestige, understand?"

   "I'm sorry, Miss Froy, I won't peek any more in the future!"

  Connie immediately apologized nervously. Although Floyd was usually very gentle to her, this time she was unusually cold and looked a little angry, which made her a little scared.


   When Maggie saw Floy turning her head to "look" at her, her heart skipped a beat, and she said with a guilty conscience:

   "Haha, I got it, I got it, Mr. Leader's paintings were all found in Noah's room, and there are many naked ones..."

  Floy turned around and left holding the painting.

  Maggie breathed a sigh of relief, for some reason, Floyd could put a lot of pressure on her, even more exaggerated than the leader.

   "Miss Maggie, you say that... Miss Froy will definitely find trouble with Mr. Noah..."

  Connie was a little worried.

  Maggie slumped back, leaned on the sofa and waved her hands, saying indifferently:

   "It's okay, it's okay, what trouble are you looking for... She will definitely hide the painting secretly, hehe."




   Afternoon is approaching evening.

   Mrs. Caroline came to visit.

  She was holding a small potted plant with bunches of flowers of various colors on it. At her feet, followed by a black and white border collie, it was Babu.

   "Mrs. Caroline, welcome."

  After hearing Connie's report, Chen Lun personally took Floy to the door to greet her.

  He took off his hat, bent slightly and hugged Mrs. Caroline, who kissed him on the cheek twice affectionately.

  Floye took the potted plant and said hello to Mrs. Caroline.

   "I'm so lonely in the apartment by myself, so I came to visit and didn't bother you, did I, Little Jack?"

   said Mrs. Caroline with a kindly expression.

   "Why, Mrs. Caroline can come to the manor to play at any time. When we first came to Amber City, we received a lot of care from you."

  Chen Lun touched Bub's dog's head and said softly.

  Bab hadn’t seen Chen Lun for a long time, he seemed very excited, and kept licking his palm.

   "You're still such a gentleman, little Jack."

  Mrs. Caroline smiled and followed Chen Lun into the manor.

  While walking, Mrs. Caroline looked around at the huge and beautiful environment, and praised:

   "It's nice to have planted so many flowers."

   "Froy took care of it all herself, maybe it was influenced by you when I was at No. 7 Denton Street..."

   Chen Lun said jokingly.

   Soon, they led Mrs. Caroline to the living room of the villa and sat down.

  Floy went to work in the kitchen, expressing that she would make a special afternoon tea for Mrs. Caroline.

  Looking at her back, Chen Lun chuckled.

   "Mrs. Caroline, are you still used to living in the inner city recently?"

   He poured two cups of tea and asked casually.


  Mrs. Caroline took a sip from her teacup.

   "Although the inner city is far more prosperous than the outer city, the people here are not as easy to get along with as there... Fortunately, Babu is with me, and the Pompeii family will occasionally visit me."

  Chen Lun nodded and listened silently.

   "Mr. Tao Te has not recovered since he was injured last time. I am very worried."

  Mrs. Caroline's face showed concern.

   "Don't worry, Mrs. Caroline, Dr. Maggie gave him a diagnosis last time. He was just in a deep lethargy. I believe he will wake up soon."

  Chen Lun comforted him.

   Mrs. Caroline forced a smile.

  The two chatted for a while, and Floy came over with a plate.

   "Mrs. Caroline, this is the rose wine cake I researched based on your cooking manual and some of my own experiments."

  There are two plates of cream-carved red cakes on the plate, which are very exquisite, and they are also paired with two cups of specially prepared milk tea.

   "Oh, it's so beautiful! Little Floyd, your craftsmanship is beyond my expectation!"

   Mrs. Caroline praised.

  She picked up the plate, dug out a corner with a spoon, and put it in her mouth, the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes stretched out.

"taste good!"

   She sighed with emotion.

  Chen Lun looked at the plate of cakes in front of him, then turned to look at Floyd, who smiled at him.

   "You can eat some too."

He said.

  Floy shook her head slightly.

  Chen Lun stopped talking, but took a spoonful and handed it to Floyd's mouth.

  Floy was taken aback for a moment, then her cheeks flushed slightly, and she opened her mouth.

  After she finished eating this bite, Chen Lun started tasting.

   Mrs. Caroline nodded when she saw this scene, and the smile on her face was even wider.

   "The relationship between your brother and sister is still so good."

"of course."

  Chen Lun didn't explain, just echoed with a chuckle.

   On the other hand, Floyd next to her had a deeper blush on her face.

  Beside the sofa.

   Bian Mu Babu seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly changed from lying on his stomach to squatting, his nose twitched, and he sniffed.

  It turned its head to look, and saw a little white cat walking slowly.

  Bub seemed to have found something interesting, and rushed to the little white cat with great interest, grinned at the little white cat like a threat, and let out a low growl.

  But the little white cat glanced at it, jumped up on the spot, kicked its forehead, and flew onto the armrest of the sofa.

Bian Mu Babu was stunned for a moment, and then wanted to bite the little white cat's **** unconvinced. Unexpectedly, the white cat seemed to have the ability to predict, and came first, turned around and waved its forelegs, and gave the dog a kitten hand.

   Slam the dog's head more than a dozen times, and it can't find its way in an instant.

  Chen Lun glanced at it, his eyes flashed with surprise, Bub was a dog who had been fed the mysterious substance by him, how could he be bullied by the little white cat.

  At this time, the little white cat jumped into his arms and meowed at the cake in his hand.

   Chen Lun's eyes were dark, he turned to smile, and put the cake in front of it.

  The little white cat Bib sniffed, then began to lick and purr happily.




  Yanbang Fossil City.

   Shelter Building.

  In the office of Chief Judge Rudolf Teka.

  The blond middle-aged man was sitting on a chair, flipping through a large book.

  The dark blue handwriting on the page is elegant, and the lines are filled with words.

   He turns a page.


"--When Brother Jerome of the Red Apple Church was ordered in danger, he felt that the archbishop valued him, and decided to complete the task to the death...He brought the church's [B-level monster-Plague in a Bottle], came to Gem State, released Disease factor.

The plague spread very fast, far exceeding Jerome's expectations. He completed the task perfectly, restraining the empire's energy in Gem State, thus freeing up his hand to carry out the secret operation that the archbishop told him—to capture the black knight Byers soul.

But Jerome overlooked one thing. The power of [Plague in a Bottle] is simply not enough to cause a disaster that swept across the entire city. The reason why the epidemic spread rapidly is because... (crossed out), because of a secret Cult organization 'disaster mourning meeting'.

  Their establishment stemmed from an accident. Ignorant but sad people picked up a mythical book, which recorded the deeds and honorable name of the evil **** "Lord of Plague", so they prayed to God, praying for no disasters and no diseases...

  But this cult, which was separated from the incident, after completing their mission, was quickly caught by the shelter, uprooted, and completely destroyed...

  The source of the clues came from what Jack saw and heard in a hospital in the outer city of Amber..."

   tuk tuk tuk...

   At this time, the door was knocked.

  Howard said softly without raising his head:

   "Come in."

  The door opened immediately.

  A heroic short-haired woman walked in, it was Meng Na.


  She touched her chest and saluted, and called out respectfully.

   "Please sit down, Mona."

  Howard showed a gentle smile.

"is teacher."

  Mona sat down at the desk and handed over the things she was holding.

"This is a mysterious book "Secret Records of the Weak and Weak" that we confiscated after we secretly eradicated the cult organization 'Mourning Meeting'. It records the existence of an evil **** named 'Lord of Plague'... Teacher, please decide how to deal with it. "

   "Well, thank you, Mona."

  Howard took the old books and put them aside.

   "Are you very confused, why did you call you back suddenly and urgently?"

  He didn't answer Mona's words, but changed the topic and asked.

  Mona was taken aback for a moment, and then a bit of confusion appeared on her face, but in the end she took a deep breath and looked straight into the eyes of the blond man.

   "Yes, teacher! Now Amber City is facing a tense situation. An executioner team was intercepted and killed by Byers first, and then the executioner team arrived to start a roundup... If I don't sit in charge, I'm afraid there will be trouble."

  "The "Lampkeeper" team of the Church of the Sun and the "Purple Moonlight" team of the Church of the Moon will arrive in Amber City soon, join them, and the three elite teams of extraordinary people will take care of everything. You can stay here with peace of mind.

  And don't underestimate Ralph, he is also my student, you have to trust him. "

  Howard smiled lightly.

   "After going out for so long, you should come back... The empire needs you to do more things, instead of staying in an ordinary city and wasting time."

   "But... Teacher!"

  Mona is a little anxious.

   "Go down first, get familiar with the affairs here, maybe you won't return to Amber City in the future..."

  Howard waved his hand gently.

  Mengna stood up, wanting to say something to fight for, but suddenly saw the teacher's blue eyes, flat and deep.

  Her heart skipped a beat.

  Although the teacher has always taken good care of her and has a gentle attitude, for some reason, Mengna subconsciously still respects her very much.

   "Yes, I see, teacher."

  Mona sighed secretly, turned and left in a low mood.


  The door closes.

  Howard picked up the "Secrets of the Poor and Weak", stood up and walked to the bookshelf beside him, inserted it in, and murmured:

   "Well, it's back again."

  He closed the cabinet door, returned to the desk and sat down, continuing to read the script.

   But Howard was slightly taken aback.

  He saw—

  On the page of the script, in the words written all over it, all the names of "Jerome" began to blur out.

  As if going back in time, dark blue ink oozes, flows, and then destroys the entire page.

  Howard gently closed the script, with "A Plague Tale" written on the cover.

  He lit a cigarette, walked slowly to the window and looked out. On his expressionless face, those eyes were terrifyingly calm.


   Breathe out a puff of smoke.

  The deep voice echoed in the room:

   "Who changed my script? Was it you? Maggie..."

   Thank you Hairen for the 1500 point reward of city drifting! Look here is a personal 100-point reward!

   There are also monthly tickets for everyone, thank you very much!

   I'm sorry that there is only one more chapter today. Carrot couldn't adjust himself, he was exhausted physically and mentally, and let everyone down.

   Looking at your encouragement, thank you.



  (end of this chapter)