MTL - I Became the King of Villains In the Game-Chapter 241 maggie's way

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  Chapter 241 Maggie's Road

  Dinner is cooked by Floyd herself.

  Mr. Byers didn't like to talk during the meal, but it can be seen from his expression that he is quite satisfied with Floy's craftsmanship.

   "Mr. Byers, please."

  Chen Lun poured a glass of "Tears of Pain" and gently handed it to Byers.

  The vicissitudes of the old man picked up the glass and drank it in one gulp.

   Next second.

  His expression was slightly startled, and there was a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.


  Byers put down the empty wine glass.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

   He laughed.

   Immediately afterwards, Byers snatched the wine bottle from Chen Lun's hand, filled himself a glass, and finished it in one gulp.

  He started laughing, a low, husky laugh that echoed in the living room.

  Chen Lun greeted Noah Maggie and others in advance, there is a special guest who needs to be entertained, so everyone's dinner will be postponed for two hours.

  In the living room now, there are only Chen Lun and three people.

  Looking at Mr. Byers with his hair down and laughing, Chen Lun felt inexplicably sour for some reason.

   "Good wine..."

   Byers raised his head, revealing his face.

  Chen Lun noticed that there were tears in the corners of Mr. Byers' eyes. He didn't know whether it was because he remembered the joyful things in the past or touched painful memories.

   "It's been a long time since I had a happy dinner like this, thank you, boy..."

   Byers looked at Floyd and said, raising his hand and raising his wine glass as a signal.

  Floy silently responded with a smile.

   "And you, Jack, thanks for the wine."

  Byers looked serious.

   "You're welcome, Mr. Byers."

   Chen Lun replied.

  Byers was holding a yellow orchid, and after a while, he said calmly:

   "This remnant of You Lan has the extraordinary power of high-temperature cutting, dexterity, great power, and is suitable for various the Church of the Sun regards it as a powerful tool.

  But to me, it is just the last trace of Youlan left in the world. "

   Byers smiled and shook his head.

   "Its name is 'Cutting Lovesickness', which fits well with its powerful cutting power, doesn't it... But the price of carrying it for a long time is memory decline, and the person you love the most is slowly forgotten.

  This is Youlan's obsession, she wants me to gradually forget all of this, forget about her. "

   He grabbed the bottle of "Tears of Pain" and said to Chen Lun:

   "I like your wine very much. It reminds me a lot of the past... In fact, even I am surprised. It turns out that so many unforgettable things have escaped from my mind unconsciously."

  Mr. Byers stood up, carrying the remaining half bottle of wine.

   "Dinner and chat were enjoyable today, but I have to go, Jack."

   "I'll see you off."

  Chen Lun and Floyd got up at the same time, and followed Byers out of the villa.

   "Just stop here."

   Byers stopped and turned around.

   "After I leave, I will set off for the dark world, one is to avoid the subsequent pursuit of the Church of the Sun and the shelter, and the other is to go there to find opportunities for promotion.

  If you encounter difficult troubles in the future, you can use the 'Youlan Image' to find me. "

   As he spoke, he took out an extremely plain silver bracelet and handed it to Floyd.

   "Son, I didn't bring any gifts when I came to visit today. This is something that Youlan used to have. I hope you will like it."

   "Thank you, Uncle Byers."

  Floye held the silver bracelet and responded politely.

  Byers took the wine bottle, turned and walked towards the spirit world.

  'A dark world? How many points of insight do you need to reach in order to break through in the spiritual world...? '

   Chen Lun looked at the back of Mr. Byers and thought to himself.




the next day.

  Chen Lun threw all the supernatural materials that he didn't use for brewing to Floyd. The latter put them into the grape ring with a smile, and then told Chen Lun that whenever she was free, she would conduct extraordinary forging, and believed that they would be consumed within a few days.

  After lunch.

  The murder club's spiritual messenger makes a surprise visit.

   "Mr. Qiao Ke, good afternoon."

  In Chen Lun's room, the faceless waiter bowed slightly, and handed the tray in front of him, on which were placed two letters and a stack of paper documents.


  Chen Lun put the two gold medals on the tray.

"good afternoon."

  He gave a polite smile, then took the envelope and documents into his hand.

  After some reading, one of the letters was a reply from Akbin, in which he expressed his gratitude to Chen Lun for the two extraordinary wines, and said that Drinker had something to go out, and he would hand it over when he came back.

  The second letter is the previously entrusted report.

  The three killers of the murder club went to Sunflower City and found that the target number 7 Red Rose team had all been wiped out. But they also did some research and compiled the results into a paper document.

   According to the document, they found some planning records related to the plague event from Jerome's corpse, but the most critical [B-level monster - plague in a bottle] disappeared.

  The three speculated that it might have been taken away by the King of Slaughter.

  Finally, they asked tactfully if it was the fine wine delivered by Mr. Joko that successfully got the response from the Slaughter King, thus helping him murder Jerome.

  Chen Lun put down the letter, curled his lips, and had no intention of answering this question at all.

  'With this evidence, the Red Apple Church can be somewhat disgusted... and the task of investigating the truth of the plague triggered by the Roberts at the beginning should also be considered complete. '

  He turned the paper document in his hand to the last page, and found two blood-stained notes pinned to the appendix page. These were Jerome's personal letters, and there was a seal of the Red Apple Church at the end.

  The evidence is so strong that no matter how much the Red Apple Church argues, it will not help.

  Of course, Chen Lun didn't expect this identification document to bring down the Red Apple Church. The most likely result is nothing more than forcing them to "jump back" in advance and disrupting their rhythm.

  Even so, Chen Lun's goal has been achieved.

   The main line of version 1.0 was pulled ahead of schedule, which weakened the strength of the Red Apple Church in a disguised form, and at the same time bought some growth time for myself and the team.

  ‘Thanks to the murder club killer, these three bottles of wine are not in vain. '

  Chen Lun kept the documents and personal letters properly, and planned to find an opportunity to secretly send them to the shelter, and be a kind-hearted person who made a small report.

  【B-level mission: Plague Legend! completed! 】

  【Acquired mission rewards: 11000 experience points, 18 gold pounds, 5 points of regional popularity, and natural faction mysterious books (advanced)*1. 】

   "Do you have any other needs and services? Mr. Qiao Ke."

   The waiter asked respectfully.

  Chen Lun turned to look at him, thinking for a while:

   "I don't need it for now, thank you...but I may call you again later."

   "Then, see you next time, Mr. Qiao Ke."

  The faceless attendant nodded and bowed in salute, and then escaped into the spirit world.

   Chen Lun watched the other party leave, and then received the task reward, and then there was an extra mysterious book of the natural faction in his hand.

  Since the advanced version is marked in brackets, the extraordinary knowledge contained in it is unlikely to be of low order.

  Chen Lun looked forward to it, so he simply opened the book in his room and read.

   Two hours later.

  【You read the mysterious books of the natural faction! 】

  【"Forest Fireman" (40% progress)】

  【Through reading carefully, you have gained 800 experience points! 】

  【You have discovered the extraordinary knowledge of the natural faction! Sequence 7 - Ranger (Complete)! 】

  ‘Extraordinary knowledge of Sequence 7? Ok…'

  Chen Lun nodded with satisfaction.

  He didn't stop reading, leaned comfortably on the chair, and read slowly.

   It wasn’t until Connie went upstairs to inform him that it was time for dinner that he finally read the entire book. He gained a total of 2000 experience points, which is better than nothing.

  After dinner, Chen Lun stopped Maggie.

"I have collected the extraordinary knowledge of the natural faction Sequence 7, Maggie, if you need it, I can give it to you now... Your mysterious accumulation is enough, and you only need to complete the corresponding promotion ceremony to become a [Forest Ranger] .”

  Maggie showed a surprised expression, but she shook her head without hesitation.

   "Mr. Leader, the idea I told you before has not changed... I still prefer to take the natural branch path and want to become a [Plague Doctor]."


  Chen Lun thought for a few seconds.

"It just so happens that I know Mr. Akbin Korver, he is a veteran of that sequence pathway, maybe I can recommend it for you... If I can send you to study with him for a period of time, maybe it can help you accomplish your goal. "

   "Really?! The leader actually knows senior Akbin! Why haven't I heard of it before...?"

  Maggie jumped up from the sofa with an excited expression on her face.

   "It was also during this period of time... It's a bit complicated to say."

   Chen Lun did not explain.

  He simply took out the pen and paper, and temporarily wrote a letter to Akbin on the coffee table. The letter asks Akbin to take care of Maggie, hoping that she can study by his side for a period of time.

   I believe that Akbin will probably not refuse because of the affection of both parties.

   "Then wait patiently for a few days, Maggie."

  Chen Lun raised the letter in his hand, and Maggie was overjoyed when she saw this, and flattered the head of the group several times in succession. It was extremely simple and rude, with no skills at all, making Chen Lun roll his eyes.

   "Okay, let's go upstairs and do your work."

  Chen Lun put his hand on Maggie's messy hair and pushed her away. The latter smiled and turned to leave.

   As expected.

  One afternoon two days later, Akbin wrote back and agreed to the matter, and he even came to the manor to pick him up in person.

   This surprised Chen Lun.

  The two had a brief exchange on the lawn of the manor, and then Chen Lun learned that Akbin had developed a strong interest in Maggie based on his general introduction in the letter.

  According to Akbin's words, that is this natural branch path, few people take it, and even a superhuman who can learn from each other can't find it.

  Since Maggie is so persistent, he will not be stingy with teaching. It can be regarded as cultivating a like-minded student, which is beneficial to both parties.

   It happened that Akbin was preparing for his [Sequence 5 - Disaster Master] promotion ceremony, and Maggie could be his assistant to help with the arrangement.

  During this process, Akbin promised Chen Lun that he would teach Maggie the extraordinary knowledge of [Sequence 7 - Plague Doctor], and even impart some of his own unique insights and experiences.

   This matter can be described as happy for everyone.

   "In that case, Maggie will be counting on you, Mr. Akbin."

   Chen Lun said.

"rest assured."

  Akbin still had the crow mask on his face, and concise words came from under the mask.

   Maggie bid farewell to Chen Lun, followed Akbin, and left the manor together, temporarily starting her journey of study and promotion.




   Gem State Fossil City.

   Shelter Building.

   "Akbin's arrest warrant can be withdrawn...but don't make too much noise, so as not to startle the snake."

  Mona was sitting in her new office, explaining the matter to the two investigators.

  The two subordinates were a little puzzled, but they still wrote down the order very carefully and will execute it later.

  Mona looked at the notepad in her hand, which contained information from Amber City.

  Senior Ralph, who was still there, said that Jack secretly delivered an important document to the shelter, which recorded the whole process of the Red Apple Church monk Jerome planning the plague event, as well as some key details and evidence.

   In fact, Chen Lun concealed his private goods when he typed this small report. Not to mention embellishments and exaggerated facts, he also implicitly expressed some of the ambitions and harms of the Red Apple Church in a tone of careful speculation.

  The whole story is full of an appearance of wholeheartedly thinking about the stability of the empire, fully embodying the character of Jack, a kind and righteous extraordinary person.

  At first, Ralph couldn’t believe that the Red Apple Church, which is one of the Seven Great Orthodox Churches, would be so insane.

  But after repeated confirmations, and even passing the evidence to the main city of Fossil City, the relevant departments also believe that this is indeed the case.

  The authenticity of the documents and autographs is undeniable!

   This also means that the Red Apple Church is extremely guilty!

  An undercurrent hidden under the ocean of the empire began to surge.

  Mengna knows that the matter is of great importance, and the forces of all parties will definitely attach great importance to it after they learn the truth. So she immediately compiled the whole process into a book and presented it to her teacher, Rudolf Teka.

  Unfortunately, the chief adjudicator went out due to some matters and has not returned yet.

   "The Red Apple Church is a cancer of the empire. Jack has warned us from a very early age, but almost all colleagues don't believe it..."

  Mona frowned.

   "How should we deal with the Red Apple Church now...?"

  This matter involves the Seven Great Orthodox Churches, and the group leader at Mengna's level has no right to handle it. Even if it is her teacher, I am afraid that it will have to go through the discussion of the six-state council, and then report to the Wangcheng headquarters of the shelter, requesting the decision of the Sun Royal Family.

   Even, submit it to His Majesty the Sun King for personal review.

  She let out a long sigh. If other people could pay attention to it, perhaps the plague would not have deteriorated to the point it is today.

   Mengna hated iron for being weak, and felt guilty.

   Even she was a little shaken at the beginning, influenced by the words of her colleagues, she didn't trust Jack so much.

   But it turns out, Jack was right!

  The Red Apple Church has hidden evil intentions, and it is more terrifying than any cult organization!

   "Leader Mona!"

  At this moment, an anxious voice came.

  A young investigator rushed into the office, Meng Na and two subordinates turned their heads to look.

   "Urgent notice! The ruling master betrayed the shelter! Has been included in the most wanted list of the highest level S!"


   Meng Na suddenly stood up, her face full of disbelief.

"This is impossible!"

  She rushed out of the office, completely ignoring the shouts of investigators behind her.

  Mengna was rampaging in the building, and the colleagues who were pushed away were displeased at first, but after seeing her, everyone's expressions became complicated again.

   Almost everyone knows that she is Judge Rudolf Teka's favorite student, but...

  This adjudicator is a person with ulterior motives. He has been hiding in the shelter for seven years, which makes people terrified.


  Mona came to the top floor and knocked open the door of the teacher's office.

  There were four or five men and women in black clothes standing in the room at this time. They all had a finger-sized golden number plate pinned to their chests, with different numbers.

   "The Imperial Jury..."

  Mona was startled.

  She has only heard of this organization, but has never dealt with them.

   It is said that this is the most secretive group in the shelter. The members are all selected from the captains of each executioner squad and the high-level executives of each branch. They are only under the jurisdiction of the royal family and obey the orders of the Sun King.

   "Leader Mengna, you are here..."

  A purple long-haired woman wearing sunglasses spoke.

  Her lips covered with purple-black lipstick slightly opened, calmly telling one thing:

   "I'm sorry to tell you that your teacher's name is actually not Rudolf Teka, he is the S-rank wanted criminal 'Tragedy Writer' Howard...Even your father's death was controlled by him."

   As he spoke, a man next to him threw a book at Meng Na.

  Mona looked dull, and after clumsily took the book, she saw that the cover read "Mona, Daughter of the Runaway".

   "The room was cleaned very clean... It seems that this guy has already noticed something is wrong and escaped early."

   "Then why is the book "Mona, Daughter of the Runaway" the only one left?"

   "Heh... It's nothing more than the bad taste of those guys in the sequence of fate, manipulating the fate of others, watching others collapse after learning the truth... Maybe Howard is hiding in a corner now, secretly laughing at us."

  The men and women in black in the room were discussing on their own, without paying any attention to Mona at the side.

  She looked at the dark blue writing in the book, couldn't hold back her grief any longer, fell to her knees with a plop, and burst into tears.

  The long-standing belief suddenly shattered at this moment.

   It's just that no one noticed, an invisible thread floated from the distraught Mona, and disappeared into the invisible.

  (end of this chapter)