MTL - I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)-Chapter 463 The future of the blood bat king

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【I can actually bring out game items】【】

463 The Future of the Blood Bat King

The attributes match, and for the six realms, it is easy to absorb blood crystals.

But the five realms, even if the attributes match, there is nothing they can do about the six realms.

That is, the Blood Bat King, who possesses incomplete supernatural powers, half-step six realms, and can barely do it under the wheel of heaven and luck in his personal space.

Even so, it is only initially absorbed and integrated into the body, enhancing the 1% chance of breaking through to the sixth realm.

If it is completely absorbed and refined, the chances will be increased by at least ten times.

After all, the properties fit well.

But even if there are all kinds of help, if it is not more than a hundred years old, don't even think about really absorbing it.

Even the initial absorption took several years.

So now, the aura emitted by the Blood Bat King is almost all the aura of this blood crystal blended with his own aura.

So the next step begins.

This is Xiaodao's plan.

In the case of the simultaneous weakening of the consciousness of heaven and the suppression of Xiancheng.

The chemical blood gourd finally absorbed a trace of blood energy.

so long.

In the personal space, under various unfavorable suppressions, the blood-melting gourd was almost completely transparent, and cracks appeared.

A pale blood-colored weapon spirit was writhing violently, sluggish.

It was almost on the verge of damage, and it was impossible to exert the power of the spiritual weapon at all.

There is no energy around, and if it continues, the blood-melting gourd will eventually be destroyed, and the spirit of the weapon will dissipate.

At this time, it finally absorbed a trace of blood energy, which was its own familiar energy.

Immediately inhaled without hesitation.

But he didn't know that this strand of blood energy that he was familiar with was already a part of the Blood Bat King.

After all, the spirit of the blood-forming HLD weapon has no wisdom, only instinct, and at this time, the absorption of instinct is to survive.

When the trace of blood energy was completely absorbed, the blood-melting gourd gave off a faint, blood-red color visible to the naked eye.

It also has a little more affinity with the Blood Bat King.

Everything is in Tiandao mode, and all data is observed and recorded.

Same as in the case of deduction.

So the blood-melting gourd was lucky enough to absorb one again.

At this time, the Blood Bat King was no longer in the form of a bat, but turned into a thick blood mist, surrounding the blood-melting gourd.

Because there is no digested six-level blood crystal, its breath at this time is very similar to the breath of the blood-melting gourd.

Being sucked into the HLD of the blood, it is a part of the blood bat king.

Born without a real meaning, its own wisdom is incomplete, and coupled with the influence of the Heavenly Dao model, it doesn't feel wrong, so it just releases a trace of its original source, which is absorbed by the blood-transforming gourd.

Also only instinct, no wisdom, the blood-transforming gourd, which is already on the verge of destruction and death at this time, immediately replenishes its own root, origin, and weapon spirit with the blood energy absorbed from the same source.

Just such a trace, absorption, fusion.

The affinity is getting higher and higher, and the integration is getting faster and smoother.

That's fast enough, but still a long fusion for a pocket knife.

He also put all his mind on the real penance.

In the blink of an eye, another few years have passed.



Fist like thunder.

In the moon base.

Accompanied by the sound of an explosion, the solid five-level puppet was blasted by the knife.

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【I can actually bring out game items】【】

"Hoo hoo!" he gasped.

The whole body seemed to be on fire, the skin was red, and the body reached more than two meters high, like a prehistoric beast, exuding a terrifying aura.

A trace of Wushuang Wushuang's blood essence could not be avoided from overflowing from his body.

Even though the pores of his whole body were closed, the unparalleled essence qi volatilized by the unparalleled blood essence still dissipated.

Not to mention him, even a strong man who has reached the sixth realm cannot avoid dissipating.

However, as soon as this unparalleled essence left the body, it was collected into the personal space.

Not a single omission.

Up to now, Xiaodao's instinctive control over personal space has reached an extreme.

The essence cannot be dissipated if it is collected into the personal space.

Although Xiaodao has already felt it, the unparalleled essence dissipated in the personal space, which is very beneficial to this space like instinct.

But still reluctant.

These essences were collected, condensed again, and then injected into the body of the knife.

In such a cycle, nothing is wasted.

Up to now, the unparalleled blood essence consumed by the knife has reached twice the normal absorption and dissipation, that is, two drops of unparalleled essence.

However, he is still stuck at the peak of the five realms. Not to mention the opportunity to transform into a god, even the Wushuang five realms who are not bad at seeing gods, the strength of the king of the small world is also a little bit weaker. ,

This is a world of difference.

With Wushuang's essence and blood, Xiaodao, who considers himself relatively modest, does not expect to break through the sixth realm, but it should be okay to reach the fifth realm of Wushuang, the king of the five realms, and the invincibility of gods.

This is because he is relatively modest, because even though he told himself so, he still hopes to break through the six realms in his heart.

But reality stared nakedly.

Relying on personal space, one drop of Wushuang blood essence can be used as much as four or five drops of others.

But now, not to mention the six realms, even the humble Wushuang Wushuang can't do it.

Not even a bit of progress has been made recently, and I can't find any opportunity for a breakthrough.

Since then, if you practice hard, there is no effect at all.

If you keep practicing hard, you may not find a chance to make a breakthrough, but it is too slim and the price-performance ratio is too low.

Although helpless, but also intend to relax.

Strings that are too tight do no good.

Well, several years have passed, and the projection ability of Xiaodaofeng has already recovered. It is time to capture a new small world.

It's a pity that the suppression in Xiancheng's personal space, the fusion of the blood-melting gourd and the blood-bat king is in progress, and it must not be interrupted.

So the power you can use is limited.

In recent years, the players have been pretty good.

Relying on various means, a group of Five Realms was born.

However, there are very few five realms that really don't damage potential.

This is also normal, relying on the body of the game to not be afraid of death and consume potential, this kind of breakthrough at the expense of the future is widely used.

Even now, from the five-day world, the method of consuming one's own blood, and even self-destructing has come alive.

As long as the income is high, I will be the first to blow myself up.

As a result, in the five-day world, in some places, these pirate cultivators who are not afraid of death and will self-destruct at every turn are more terrifying than demon cultivators, causing many families and small sects headaches.

It's really hard to understand why these practitioners are so bold and unscrupulous, even the dead can't compare.

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【I can actually bring out game items】【】

The dead should also consider the price/performance ratio.

After all, it is not easy to train dead soldiers, and the price is not small.

These people, for a little profit, blew themselves up without hesitation.

If you don't take your life seriously, years of penance can be ruined at will, they simply can't understand.

Of course, these only caused some local troubles, and if it wasn't for Xiaodao who could pay attention, he wouldn't have known about it.

In a huge sea like the Five Heavens World, not even a single wave can be counted.

These players are crazy.

But there is a lot of unity, because there is a second system to calculate the effort and gain, there is no intrigue between each other, and the effort will be rewarded.

They also have a clear goal, which is to occupy a pole of the five-day world.

The pole of the great world's leylines is extremely versatile and extremely valuable.

So there is a market.

A great alliance was formed.

All kinds of infiltration, infernal affairs, and undercover methods emerge in endlessly.

They worked very hard for the goal, but they didn't know that if they wanted to occupy the pole of the great world's leylines, they couldn't just take it down.

The best way is to become a true disciple of a first-class sect, or even a core disciple, which is the most hopeful way.

No matter how bad it is, there is still hope that the second-rate sects will be taken seriously.

This kind of brute force is simply not advisable.

Because there are invisible big hands controlling them, looking down at them, a group of ants who are not as strong as Nascent Soul are messing around, not because they don't stop them, but because they look down on them.

But if you really want to occupy the pole of the earth's veins, someone will naturally make a move.

There is no background, no potential, hehe, if you have all kinds of means, it is useless to occupy it.

But Xiaodao can't explain it. It's a beautiful name. Only when you experience the training of players, can you understand the cruelty of reality.

Of course, with the current situation of the players, it is still too far away from occupying the pole of the great world's leylines.

Even if it develops rapidly and is not afraid of death, it will take decades to talk about it.

On the contrary, capturing the small world is their best chance to make a fortune at this time.

In the past few years, the players have not been without rain, and they have also received some scattered news from other small worlds.

But no player can occupy the pole of the leyline.

It seems that because the small knife occupies more small worlds, the difficulty of obtaining other small worlds has increased a lot.

It was even harder to get news.

This time Xiao Dao set his target on a small world of martial arts.

Little information was obtained.

But Xiaodao came out this time not only to occupy the small world.

More importantly, in reality, I have fallen into a bottleneck.

After careful consideration, he planned to practice martial arts in the second world, so as to seek opportunities for breakthrough.

For this reason, he bought a reincarnation prop at a high price from the World Forum.

This prop has a large limit and a high price. Under normal circumstances, the use outweighs the gain.

I have been paying attention to the World Forum for several years, only to find such a piece, and buy it immediately when it appears.

Standard nouveau riche.

It is not cost-effective to use in other small worlds, but the small knife is for martial arts.

Enough martial arts gains, even death is worth it in the end.

Not to mention other things, with the golden finger of personal space, it is naturally different from other players. Even if there is a system to increase the difficulty, there is still confidence in obtaining this small world.

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【I can actually bring out game items】【】

Even, in the past few days, the personal space has begun to deduce the fusion of small worlds based on data.

Although there is insufficient data to deduce the qualitative change in which the nine small worlds eventually evolved into a large world, two small worlds can be found, and the fusion of the three small worlds is somewhat mysterious.

Plus deduction.

The potential, achievements, and characteristics of the future self-big world have a lot to do with the nine small worlds formed.

It is very likely that the first nine small worlds are the foundation, laying the foundation for the big world. Even if more small worlds can be integrated in the future, the role of other small worlds is limited, far less than the nine keys of the foundation.

Therefore, the deduction even combined various legends in Xiaodao's reality.

A plan was made for the nine small worlds that merged into the big world.

Not all are correct, but worth a try.

In the future world, according to the legends in reality, it is best to form a basic framework when merging.

It is divided into upper, middle and lower floors.

The lower Netherland is suitable for kings, the small world of virtual realm is very suitable, and the small world of Wangui is used as a transit.

The middle-level mortals are not mortals, but the martial arts that can be used in the small world and the big world.

Cultivation is fast, death is fast, like a banker, let the newborn big world harvest faster, and you can use it to collect more data. In case a genius emerges and becomes Wushuang martial arts, he is the best thug.

This middle-level mortal soil, because no world can reject the most basic martial arts, and that small world is suitable.

But now, May Day is more suitable for the small world I am about to go to.

Then, the upper layer is the sacred soil, which can be regarded as the space where the gods live.

Immortal cultivators are naturally also in this space area.

Such a division can only be made at the moment when the great world is born, and it must be planned in advance. After all, it is not the spiritual realm, the kind of cancer that absorbs the world to nourish itself.

Mortal land is the largest and most prosperous, and martial arts are short of lifespan. Even if the world is harvested by death, it is very good for the growth of the world.

Netherland refers to those who died in the mortal land after harvesting. After obtaining Mingshou in Netherland, they will use their residual heat to reap another wave of harvest.

As for the sacred soil, it is only by contributing enough and the least amount that one can cultivate immortality.

Because the path of cultivating immortality absorbs the energy of the world, and he has a relatively long life span. He can feed back the world without dying, and becoming an immortal takes away the energy of the world and weakens the world.

So set it to the minimum, enough contribution, that is, enough heaven and earth luck.

Only in this way can the big world grow rapidly.

And like the five-day world, there are too many immortals, and they can only go out to plunder in order to make the world grow, which is already considered a magic way.

Of course, this is an assumption. Such a big world is the root of the knife, which does not connect to other worlds and closes itself. UU Reading

As for players who have made great contributions, only players can enter.

Naturally, Xiaodao does not intend to open it to most players, it is enough to give them small world disasters, and those who are capable can go to the five-day big world disaster.

These are all the plans of Xiaodao.

The road has to be walked step by step, and the meal has to be eaten at one bite.

Now, Xiaodao's goal is this small world where martial arts are flourishing.

Xiaodao didn't know that he bought precious props that could reincarnate into other small worlds at a high price from the World Forum.

In fact, because Xiaodao has won consecutive victories, it has occupied the small world.

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【I can actually bring out game items】【】

Some overlords of the pinnacle small world have obtained such precious props through missions.

It's just a small world for knives.

In the past few years, four other world masters of the small worlds at the peak of the five realms have obtained props through missions and reincarnated into his small worlds with game bodies.

Relying on the experience of the original world, as well as one's own original skills, skills, and the reliance of reaching the five realms without bottlenecks.

Natural reincarnation is all for the purpose of occupying this world.

As long as any pole of the ley line is occupied, a teleportation array can be established.

After they were reincarnated, relying on their original accumulation, their strength improved rapidly.

But he can only pretend to be a native, there is no way to pretend to be a player.

Because of the second system, this **** player world actually has a second system, players are bound to their real identities.

and make them very passive.

(end of this chapter)