MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game-Chapter 21

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So, Zhao Yesui stood on the rooftop, and the mobile phone connected to the monitoring set earlier.

Long before interrogating the security guard, he had already visited Chen Minghao's house to investigate, and this was the best place he had chosen to be able to see the vicinity of Chen Minghao's apartment building.

When three o'clock arrived on time, Zhao Yesui also heard a knock on the door from his mobile phone.

Slight, but it is particularly clear in the silent corridor, and it is the same when it reaches Zhao Yesao.

"I didn't see her."

Although what was going on was an out-and-out supernatural event, Zhao Yesui was still analyzing it calmly.

"I'm pretty sure that Xu Haoning has never entered that apartment building since I left that apartment building."

So, who is knocking on the door now?

There was no one on the corridor, but the infrared sensor lights flickered on and off, and the knock on the door sounded at constant intervals. No matter how you looked at it, it was a creepy scene.

Perhaps because no one responded for too long, the knocking on the door gradually became louder, and the person who seemed to be knocking became irritable.

The knocking on the door eventually turned into a violent smashing of the door, as if someone was slamming the iron door in front of him.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Such a loud noise quickly alerted the surrounding residents. The first person to wake up was the neighbor who lived opposite Chen Minghao's house. From Zhao Yesui's side, a middle-aged woman could be heard complaining from behind the door.

Immediately afterwards, the knocking on the door stopped, and the infrared sensor light quickly dimmed.

Deathly silence.

...Maybe, someone really died.

Zhao Yechao looked at the screen of the mobile phone silently. Time passed by minute by minute. After about three minutes, the infrared sensor light came on again. The dim light seemed to outline a figure soaked in blood. It was as if scarlet blood had been splashed on a transparent object.

Then, the figure disappeared.

Zhao Yeshou turned around with a sense of feeling, and saw Xu Haoning wearing a blood skirt.

Her delicate cheeks, her delicate collarbone, and her arms as white as lotus roots were all stained with blood.

She smiled at Zhao Yesao.

p.s. It’s finally over. It’s not nervous or exciting, it’s just boring team building, it’s already twelve o’clock when I get home (x

There should be another update later, maybe maybe.

Chapter 44 Hello Daughter-in-law

So, Zhao Yesui also smiled at her.

"Hello daughter-in-law, what's the matter with me so late?"

Zhao Yeshou said gently: "Did you come to see our Minghao? That's too bad, he's not at home today."

Daughter... daughter-in-law?

Xu Haoning's original bewitching smile suddenly froze. She looked at Zhao Yeshou hesitantly, as if she had remembered something, and suddenly retreated from the sickly state before, and said timidly, "Uncle, you ,Hello."

"Well, hello." Zhao Yeshou said with a smile: "Why are you still playing outside so late, this is not good, I remember that tomorrow is Friday, and there are still classes, right? Students should look like students. ,Am I right?"

"Well, yes." Xu Haoning said blankly, "I, I'm just here, here..."

"I'm here to play with Ming Hao, right?" Seeing that her face was getting more and more wrong, Zhao Ye added a sentence for her without a trace.

"Yes, I came to play with Ming Hao." Xu Haoning breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had found a reason for what he did: "Then uncle, since Ming Hao is not at home today, I will go back first. ."

"Okay, I'll give you a ride."

Zhao Yesui didn't point out that they were not standing in front of Chen Minghao's house, but on the rooftop with the bleak night wind. He stepped forward to support Xu Haoning's shoulder, and immediately felt a cold energy running down his arm. Directly poured in.

"Uncle, what are you doing...!"

Xu Haoning's reaction was much more intense than Zhao Yeshou had imagined, and Zhao Yesang keenly captured the gray fog that burst out from her body at that moment.

Zhao Yeshou quietly pushed him and turned Xu Haoning's body to face the iron gate.

"The door is there, you went wrong." Zhao Yesui said lightly.

"Oh...oh." The gray fog on Xu Haoning's body slowly subsided, she stared at the iron gate for a long time, and then left as stiffly as a puppet.

Zhao Yesui watched her leave calmly, and did not do any other unnecessary actions.

Because his hands are numb.

Literally numb.

Although it may not be impossible to fight at this moment, Zhao Yesui has always disliked meaningless battles.

Why to fight, why this battle, and how to win, these are the three elements that Zhao Yesui will think about before deciding to go to the battlefield.

Now, none of the three elements are present.

He didn't know Xu Haoning's identity, nor what he would get after defeating her, let alone her strengths and weaknesses. More importantly, Zhao Yejiao wanted to use this to find out what the "disaster" Chen Minghao wrote in his diary was.

What just emerged from Xu Haoning's body was the gray fog that came from the same source as the resentful spirits.

"It is obviously flesh and blood, but it can carry grievances, and can move instantly. It's like an urban strange smell... To be able to breed such monsters, this Huicheng is really colorful."

Zhao Yesui looked down at the sleeping city under his feet, with no joy or sadness on his face.

"It stands to reason that, as a good person, should I seek justice for the victimized family now?"

"But if I really do this, I am afraid that none of the residents of this building will survive, then, can this still be called justice?"

"Is it justice to let her go in order to find the root cause of the disaster, and to turn a blind eye to the evil in front of you in order to save more people?"

"So...what is justice anyway?"

According to the original plot trend of this scene, Zhao Yeshou should play the role of Chen Minghao and enter the campus and start a bland campus life.

If this is the case, then what happened to Zhao Yesui last night will be the same as what was recorded in the diary.

To meet the monster attack, return home with the normal logic of a student, and then meet Xu Haoning to serve them intimately late at night.

Zhao Yesui guessed that Xu Haoning should have been in some kind of strange state yesterday, and her killing logic should only be aimed at Chen Minghao alone. Of course, it's not surprising that someone who interrupted her murder logic chain like the neighbor who lives opposite Chen Minghao will be killed. Weirdness is not a reasonable existence.

As Chen Minghao's father, Zhao Yesui negotiated with Xu Haoning on an equal footing, which just made Xu Haoning's murder logic untenable, so he withdrew from that strange state.

Now that he has jumped out of the game, Zhao Yeshou naturally has no reason to go back.

The main quests are still [Investigate the strange news in Huicheng City and act according to chance] and [Investigate the cause of death of Chen Minghao and the murderer], before that, Zhao Yesui needs to go back to school.

He had one more thing to confirm.

p.s. I feel like I'm in an endless loop, going to bed late, unable to write anything during the day, so I stay up late, sleep late, and so on.

Try to adjust the state as much as possible, and try to update it in the time of the sun tomorrow.

Interested friends can join the book group, and when the characters are fuller, they will write some interesting stories.

In addition, 恋 means the law, because basically 恋 is a shielded word, and we are men, because the x service is also a shielded word (x

Chapter 45 I have to do something

Huicheng No. 1 Middle School, the south school gate, which is the school gate that Zhao Yesao walked through when he came in.

Neither Zhao Yesao nor the resentful spirits had any intention of keeping their hands. The once majestic school gate collapsed, and the security guards who came to change shifts in the morning were dumbfounded when they saw this scene. Now that the school gate has been cordoned off, the police, fire brigade and construction team have surrounded the school gate, and it seems that they have also discovered the disappearance of the security guard.

"It seems that I can't go to the monitoring room. The police are probably already adjusting the monitoring... But I have been paying attention, and I should not be able to find my head."

The general passer-by, Zhao Yesang, quietly watched the busy people at the school gate, without the slightest sense of being the culprit.

He didn't have the habit of returning to the crime scene, and leaving with a single blow was Zhao Yejia's usual style. However, when going through the withdrawal procedures yesterday afternoon, Lin Xiaorong informed him that Chen Minghao's student registration file could not be found for a while, so please come again. For some reason, Zhao Yesui agreed to meet her at the south gate in the morning.

After waiting for a while, Zhao Yesui saw Lin Xiaorong appear at the school gate, and after talking to the police for a long time, he crossed the cordon and walked towards him.

"Sorry, Mr. Chen, I didn't expect such a thing to happen here at the South Campus. You shouldn't have to wait here." Lin Xiaorong said apologetically while handing a cowhide portfolio to Zhao Yesui: " If I had known earlier, I would have left you a contact information, so that I can contact you to go to the North Campus."

"It's okay." Zhao Yecang nodded slightly to show his understanding, and said to Lin Xiaorong, "Is Mr. Lin free? I have something to ask you."

"Ask me?" Lin Xiaorong hesitated, glanced at the school gate, and said, "The police officers said that Lao Lin is missing, and the school seems to be temporarily suspending classes... If you have any questions, just ask."

"Actually, it's not a difficult question to answer, and it will be over soon." Zhao Ye said after thinking about it, "How much do you know about Ming Hao's death? Did he usually encounter incidents such as school violence?"

"It's unlikely. If it's really school violence, it should be Ming Hao's violence against others..." Lin Xiaorong said truthfully: "I heard from other teachers that Ming Hao died of a heart attack. I don't know. Didn't you get Ming Hao's autopsy report?"

"No." Zhao Yeshou's expression remained unchanged, and then he asked, "Then how much do you know about Xu Haoning?"

"Is Haoning? He's a good boy. Although he doesn't usually talk much, he is actually a good person. He has a good relationship with Ming Hao and Chen Ya..." Lin Xiaorong suddenly realized that something was wrong and observed it subconsciously. Zhao Yeshou's reaction, and then continued: "What's wrong? Has Hao Ning approached you?"

"Oh, I met her on the way to school, so I would like to ask you by the way." Zhao Yesui thought for a while and then continued to ask, "Did Hao Ning initiate the establishment of the Kendo Club?"

"Well, Hao Ning seems to be very interested in this matter, probably because he has been depressed about studying for a long time and wants to get in touch with some new things." Lin Xiaorong said hesitantly after answering: "Mr. Chen, although Ming Hao's death, we have It's a pity, but I think it's better not to involve unrelated classmates..."

Unrelated classmates?

Zhao Yesui recalled that when the murder scene was confirmed in the morning, the messy bloodstains and the corpses that had been bitten everywhere. The originally happy family was so broken, it was really difficult to connect the words Xu Haoning and innocent.

"Okay, I know."

In the end, Zhao Yeshou said goodbye to Lin Xiaorong and said, "Trouble Mr. Lin, I plan to go back to Nancheng after dealing with Minghao's funeral. I wish you a happy life and smooth work."

"I also hope that you can come out of the shadows as soon as possible." Lin Xiaorong said sincerely.

After Zhao Yesui said goodbye to her, he walked alone on the street, opened Chen Minghao's student registration file, looked at the parent's column on the personal information form, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Chen Hanshuang, native of Nancheng...?"

This is the result he wants to get.

[Investigate the strange news in Huicheng, and act by chance]

Zhao Yesui leaned against the marble wall by the roadside, watching the hustle and bustle of people, he couldn't help sighing.

Because as far as I can see, there are weirdness everywhere.

A geek wearing a mask with a crow's mouth lingered in front of the central hospital, a large dog with flesh and blood rolled up like a licker followed a middle-aged woman step by step, and above the clock tower was the habitat of a group of bone birds...

They are like a part of the city, living peacefully with humans, not touching each other's world, and the two sides present a strange sense of harmony.

But Zhao Yesui knew very well that this was all due to Chen Minghao.

It was he who killed all the evil ghosts one by one in the past three years, and would not cause any harm for the time being, and showed all the strange restraints of indiscriminate harm, thus creating this strange city.

But the total amount of weirdness is constantly increasing. Even if the indiscriminate killings and the weirdness that have already caused bad consequences are removed, the number of weirdness in Huicheng is still increasing.

For those with keen senses, the sky above Huicheng seems to be covered by a thick haze, making it hard to breathe.

It is impossible for Chen Minghao to not know this truth, so, what made him choose to let go of these weirdness?

Zhao Yesui silently opened the diary, which already contained the record after dawn:

"Its daybreak."

"I survived."

"Hao Ning turned out to be possessed by grievances... and it seems that she is not just being upper body, she seems to have become the gathering point of grievances, I can feel that the grievances of the city are gathering towards her. ."

"I have to do something."

"I've realized before that the resentment is because of the weirdness, but I haven't made up my mind to eradicate them."

"But I was wrong."

"They lied to me, and they lied to the whole city."

"The catastrophe . . . is born from this."

It was another skillful breaking chapter. This time, Zhao Yesui was able to achieve no emotional fluctuations.

He pondered for a moment, took out his mobile phone, entered a number, and said calmly after the other party connected, "Hello, is this classmate Chen Ya? Yes, I heard that you are suspending classes today. I'm Minghao's father. I have one. I need your help about him. Well, I'm in front of the Blues Cafe near the school, well, I'm in trouble."

After waiting for a while, Zhao Yesui dialed another number:

"Hello, is this classmate Xu Haoning?"

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