MTL - I Copy Under One Punch-Chapter 277 Domineering and planning

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  Chapter 277 Domineering and planning

'What's this? '

  On the desert, Robin watched in amazement that the black ball was thrown into the mid-air in the distance by Aomori's bullet.

   Immediately afterwards, an irresistible suction came from above the black ball, and the fluid sand immediately scrambled to fly into the sky, forming a dust tornado from top to bottom, with a terrifying momentum.

   Shocked, Robin felt that her body was moving uncontrollably. Fortunately, Aomori next to him extended a helping hand, and she hugged Aomori's arm, which saved her from the fate of moths jumping into the flame.

Crocodile was not so lucky. When he was moving fast underground and thinking about strategies to deal with various situations, he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, but before he could react, his body uncontrollably contacted the surrounding people. The sand spirals up together and is thrown into the giant sand ball that gets bigger and bigger in the air.

   After the dust settled and the dust tornado dissipated, Robin was shocked to find that there was a huge pothole with a radius of several hundred meters in front of him.

  Looking up, a huge sand ball, like a falling moon, covered the entire sky.

   "Huh~" She took a deep breath and reluctantly accepted the fact before her.

   "Master President, with this move alone, you can walk sideways on the great channel." Robin couldn't help but sighed.

  Compared to the scene of the frozen sea that I saw when I was young, this one in front of me is more shocking.

  Perhaps, the mysterious man beside him possesses a more terrifying strength than the admiral.

  ‘Become his true partner, maybe you don’t have to hide from XZ anymore. But can it really be a real partner? ’ Although there was a smile on Aomori’s face all the time, Robin could tell at a glance that it was an impeccable fake smile that had been cultivated for a long time. Like her, she was the kind of person who was good at using a smile to conceal what was really in his heart.

  What is thinking in his heart, I am afraid that no one but himself can know clearly. It is very difficult to really get into his heart.

  ‘Heh, what to do with so many thoughts, the employment relationship is not very good. ’ In just a few seconds, Robin experienced the above-mentioned many changes in his heart.

   "What are you thinking?" Aomori took her hand and flew into the sky, Ditto changed into Bi Diao and followed behind.

   "I was wondering, if I betrayed you, would I also be sealed in such a big stone?"

   "Don't worry, I won't let you have the chance to betray."

   "What a domineering president."

   During the conversation, they had come to the boulder.

   "Is Crocodile in there?"

"Well, I can feel his position, but the fruit of nature is really strong, and the damage he suffered is not heavy." As he said, Aomori raised his brows, and pulled Robin back a distance: "Old Sha is quite fierce."

   As soon as the words fell, cracks suddenly appeared on the surface of the boulder.

   With a bang, the crack exploded suddenly, and a huge amount of sand was ejected from it.

  Among them, there are also some moon-arc-shaped desert blades, which shoot towards all directions.

  'Earthburst Star has a sealing effect, it seems to have an effect on him, it seems that he underestimated him' Aomori suspended in the air, observing quietly, he didn't have to do anything, the shield in front of him blocked all the attacks.

  In the original book, Lao Sha was defeated by Luffy, and it really was a plot kill.

  Crocodile walked out slowly from the breach of the boulder with a gloomy face. His coat was in tatters, but there were no obvious scars.

   "Who the **** are you?" Encountered the horrible move just now, if it wasn't because he had the rustling fruit, it would be difficult to escape. If it was another Shichibukai, I'm afraid he would have burped.

  Crocodile, who is so powerful and focused on intelligence work, has never heard of such a powerful person. This is an unbelievable thing in itself.

   "My name is Aomori, and I am a hero." Aomori said with a smile.

"Hero?" Crocodile sneered, glanced at Robin who was holding hands with Aomori, turned his head to look directly at Aomori and said: "I know you want to help Princess Vivi take back Alabasta, I can give up for many years I will fulfill you and Princess Weiwei. However, I want to take away her and one thing in this kingdom."

"Sorry, it seems that you still haven't figured out the current situation." Aomori stretched out his palm, retracted his fingers one by one, and said, "Whether it's Nico Robin, or everything in the Kingdom of Alabasta, even It's you, I want it all!"

   "Greedy brat! Do you really want to fight me to the death?" Crocodile's eyes widened, and he said angrily, "Could it be that you think you can win against me?"

   "Otherwise?" Aomori threw Robin onto Ditto's back, and ordered, "Stay back, I'll play with Lao Sha."

   "Master President, you have to be more confident, my life is also in your hands." Robin waved his hand, and was carried to a farther place by the Variety Monster.

   "Did you hear that, your vice president is only cheering for me now." Aomori teased.

  He suddenly realized that something was wrong with this sentence, and quickly shook his head, shaking off the bad influence from the last dungeon.

   "It doesn't matter, as long as I kill you, she will return to me with interest." Crocodile, who is well versed in the theory of "forgive sex", said indifferently.

  The two looked at each other, silently accumulating strength and momentum.

  Feeling the increasingly oppressive atmosphere, Robin gave up the idea of ​​asking the Ditto for information, nervously waiting for the upcoming battle.

  A gust of wind whizzed by, rolling up a lot of sand that fell from the gap in the boulder, covering the sight of the two of them.

'It's now! ’Crocodile showed a ferocious expression, turned his hands into two giant sand blades, and slashed at Aomori: "Desert sword!"

  However, Aomori seemed to have expected it a long time ago. With a flash of his figure, he came to the back of Crocodile, and the fist that condensed the holy light slammed into his head, blowing into a pile of sand.

  The sand drifted away, and Crocodile's head condensed on the other side. He looked at Aomori who clenched his fist, and laughed: "So you don't know how to use domineering, so I will definitely win this battle!"

  ‘Can’t the energy of the holy light work? The same goes for Thunder and Darkness, which have no effect on him. '

   In this regard, Aomori has actually foreseen it for a long time. Unless there is a restraint relationship between water and sand, rubber and lightning, and lava and flame, the energy system cannot cause effective damage to the nature system.

  According to his understanding, domineering comes from the willpower in the human body. From this perspective, maybe that trick will be effective.

  In just a short moment, Aomori had already figured out a countermeasure. He dodged the desert sword released by Crocodile again, bent down and squatted down, and put his right hand into a fist on his waist. The energy gathered on the fist with visible dazzling light.

"Cut, bluff. You are not domineering, it is impossible to cause harm to me!" Crocodile roared, holding his hands in front of his chest, and gathered all the scattered sand around him in front of him, condensing a handful of sand. The huge Sand Pointer shot towards Aomori with a loud piercing sound.

   "Die to me, Spear of Desert Longinus!"

  Aomori had neither joy nor sorrow on his face, he focused his will and lightning energy on his right fist, and slowly punched forward.

   At the same time, Crocodile's pupils shrank, and in his field of vision, a giant suddenly appeared.

  This giant exuded purple light all over his body, and his face and posture were exactly the same as Aomori's. Along with him, he swung a fist bigger than the spear of Longinus in the desert.


  Crocodile's full-strength move was shattered into flying sand in an instant, and the huge fist hit him directly, unabated.

   "It's useless, you can't hurt me!" An invisible pressure imprisoned Crocodile in place, forcing him to watch the giant fist with boundless momentum fall on him.


The fist hit Crocodile's body firmly, and the impact of the powerful force severely deformed his face. He spat out blood, his eyes turned white, and a few teeth fell out. His body fell to the ground like a shell .

   There is another big hole in the desert.

   Before losing consciousness, a question lingered in his mind: "Why? Why didn't I elementalize? Why was he able to hit me?"

"What's going on? Is this winning?" In Robin's perspective, I only saw Aomori straightened his fist, and then a light flashed. fly out.

   "It seems that it can be done." Aomori withdrew his fist and let out a breath slowly.

  Just now, he used the [Leiguang Liangyi Fist], with his pure fist intent attached to it.

  Aomori could feel that when Crocodile was shocked by the fist, his consciousness was sluggish, and even affected the subconscious in his body. Perhaps this was the reason why he failed to elementalize.

  The attack with **** intent has the same effect as the domineering.

   "But it's a bit troublesome. It's not as convenient as armed with Haki, which can hit people anytime and anywhere." Aomori decided to find an opportunity to learn Haki. With his ingenuity, he will definitely be able to learn it easily.

   After waving his hand, he, Robin, and Ditto fell beside Crocodile, who had already passed out.

   "I didn't expect that you could really defeat him." Seeing the formerly invincible Crocodile become what he is now, Robin sighed: "If I hadn't met you, maybe Crocodile would have really succeeded."

   "No, he will definitely not succeed. Even without me, there will be other people to attack him." Aomori said firmly: "Justice will never be absent."

   "Really?" Robin shrugged and asked, "Then, Mr. President, what should we do next?"

"What do you think?"

"Well, first collect Crocodile's criminal evidence and make it public in front of the king. In this way, even the Shichibukai appointed by the World Government will not escape the fate of being imprisoned in the city prison. As for the Baroque Work Agency Those people, I can use Mr0's identity to trick them in and catch them all."

   "You are really ruthless." Aomori shook his head and said, "But this is too rough."

   "Huh? I would like to hear more about it."

   "First of all, those people in the Baroque Work Agency don't know that Mr0 is Crocodile, so why can't I be Mr0? With your cooperation, I should be able to easily gain their trust."

"Indeed, Crocodile has kept his identity under wraps all these years. Apart from Princess Vivi, no one should know who Mr0 is." Robin rested his chin on his hand, thinking seriously about the feasibility of doing so. Sex, "With my cooperation, there is a great chance to win their trust."

   "So what if they know? The president personally defeated Crocodile, and there is nothing wrong with becoming the president."

"That's right, that's the reason. Some of them actually have consciences. We want to lead them back to the right path and let them contribute to the creation of a real 'Utopia'." Aomori said calmly: "As for Those diehards, let them fall in love with the pirates."

   "Yes!" After Aomori showed the demeanor of the president of the Heroes Association, Robin quickly found his position and said cleanly: "I will deal with this matter immediately."

   "Very good." Aomori looked at Crocodile lying on the ground, and said with a smile: "As for him, he can't be handed over to the Navy for nothing."

   "Dittoman, let us perform another drama together, and its name is - 'True and False Heroes'."

   Weiwei and others, who are thousands of miles away, have just arrived in the originally famous oasis city Yuba.

  But now Juba is empty, leaving only a ruined wall buried in the sand.

   "How could this be? I've only been away for a few months." Weiwei covered her mouth and looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief.

   "Princess Weiwei, don't worry, many things in the house are gone, they should have been transferred in advance." Icarem said.

   "Well, I know." Weiwei quickly showed a resolute expression, and ordered: "Please check if there are still people living here. We need to find out where the rebels have moved."



   "Okay." Bi Diao glanced at Weiwei, spread his wings and flew into the air, overlooking this lonely land.

   After a while, it found a figure in a sandy field, so it turned back and pointed the way to Weiwei and the others.

   "Thank you, Bi Diao." Weiwei was very happy.

   "Hmph, I didn't come to help you because I want to get your praise." Bi Diao said arrogantly, bringing everyone in front of that person, and said, "That's him."

   "A talking bird? It's amazing." A white-haired old man stayed behind. He was holding a shovel and seemed to be digging the ground.

   "Wait, you shouldn't be the Chief Guard." The old man rubbed his eyes and said to Icarem.

  His curls are truly memorable.

   "You are Doto?" Ikalem also recognized the old man's identity.

   "You are Uncle Doto, Kosha's father?" Weiwei, who was a little surprised, lifted her cloak and said, "Do you remember me? I am Weiwei."

   "Of course I remember, Princess Weiwei really looks alike when she was a child, but she is much more beautiful now."

  Weiwei smiled embarrassedly, but quickly restrained her smile, and asked solemnly: "Uncle Doto, do you know where Kosha took the rebels?"

   "They have all been transferred to Cattleya." Doto said: "Your Highness, I always believe that the king is a good man, but they don't listen to me. Please stop them."

   "Well, I will, that's why I'm here." Princess Weiwei said with a smile: "Don't worry, Alabasta will soon usher in the light."

   "Because, a real hero has come here."

  (end of this chapter)