MTL - I Develop Battlefield To Drive Global Players Crazy-Chapter 25

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The Saint Roch artillery located at the fortress fired again, and its powerful destructive power directly blew up a dozen or so of its own soldiers.

"If we keep fighting like this, we won't be able to win the horse factory for another 100 years!" Nan Niao came to Ah Shu at this time.

"Our main purpose now is to hold off! A Yin and Teacher Park are controlling point A."

"We're going to hold back the people in the horse factory, don't let them come back for help!" Eggplant fired a flare towards the front, illuminating the enemies in the area ahead.

Coincidentally, this flare hit the body of an Austro-Hungarian attacker in an unbiased manner, and the flared flare directly burned the opponent to death, leaving Eggplant in a daze.

"Look at our air force, Mr. Chen's tactics before, didn't he have the bombers rush to the San Roc turret?" At this time, Ashu thought of Chen Xu's arrangement.

"So, let's hold it here and... run!" As Shu was talking, Yu Guang kept staring at the Saint Locke Cannon on the top of the mountain.

Suddenly, he found that the fort was twisted, and the muzzle seemed to be aimed in their direction, and he was so frightened that he screamed and rushed towards the bunker next to him.

Eggplant and Nanniao stayed there for a second or two before thinking of something, spreading their feet and running outside.

But still a step too late.

There was a loud bang, and the fire burst out.

The powerful impact directly emptied the health bars of Nanniao and Eggplant, and the corpses smashed rightly not far from Ah Shu.

"WDNMD! This can also be beaten!" Eggplant cursed angrily.

Nanniao looked at Ashu earnestly: "Doctor, I was beaten by a cannon, can I still save it?"

"Don't worry, as long as you can still get the needle, you will be saved!" Ah Shu didn't say a word, he took out a needle from the back of his butt, and aimed it at Nan Bird's thigh.

What is Reincarnation Huatuo? This is Reincarnation Huatuo! .

Chapter 46 This is my last ripple, accept it!

In front of the stronghold of the horse factory, the soldiers of the attacking side fought blood and blood to prevent the Austro-Hungarian army from returning to the defense.

The air force with the heavy responsibility in the sky is in action.

"Oh, the fight was so intense, we've already won a point!"

"You guys are playing beautifully!"

"But the horse factory at point B seems to be deadlocked!"

The big Sima, who was sitting in the co-pilot position on the bomber, was observing the situation on the main battlefield below.

As a carbine monster, he can act as a cheerleader atmosphere group at most.

But with a bomber, it's much simpler here.

All he had to do was drop the bomber's cluster bombs as soon as he heard the order, like the rest of the bomber's gunners.

But unlike the frontal battlefield, it is located in the sky and has not participated in the battle before, and there is an attack aircraft next to it.

There was no dog fight in the air at all, it can only be described as being far away from disputes.

Even a cup of coffee at this time, coupled with Italian Deli's classic dessert tiramisu, can only be said in two words.

It was as if he was not here for a war, but for an outing.

Listening to Da Sima's words, Mr. Duan, who was sitting in the driver's seat and conscientiously controlled the bomber, followed the original route to the cigarette factory in the turret of St. Rocco. He was affectionately called Xiaojie by many fans. At this time, he was a little speechless.

"Teacher Ma! This is a war! Be serious!"

"Cough cough... I will try my best, try my best." Da Sima gently coughed twice.

"Wait, that's a **** and devil thing!" Da Sima, who was about to say a few words to save his image, shrank his eyes and exclaimed.

In the sky not far ahead, a black spot is gradually enlarging.

"The enemy's bomber!" Despite the distance, Xiaojie, who was in the main pilot position, recognized it at a glance.

"This is going in the direction of our horse factory! Don't let him drop the cluster bombs! Don't let him go!"

Despite the frequent skinning, it does not mean that Da Sima does not know what the appearance of this bomber means.

At this moment, what they want to do is to go to the St. Roch turret, and use the bomber's bomb drop to paralyze the main heavy firepower of the Austrian army on the hillside.

In order to assist our horse factory troops, we can seize point B.

As for the fact that they did not bomb here, the main reason was that the air defense of the horse factory was completely controlled by the Austrian army, and although the bomber had a relatively high HP, the flight speed was too slow.

However, the St. Roch turret is not the main stronghold of the Austrian army's current defense. A simple air defense cannot cause a fatal threat, but the horse factory is different.

But if the bomber really came to the horse factory, then there is a high probability that one round of cluster bombs will be thrown and our attack will be disintegrated.

At that time, even if he and others blew up the Saint Roch turret, it would be of no use.

After all, when the army assembled after being bombed on the front, the enemy has almost repaired the turret, and the other party will not give them a second chance to bomb.

"Can the attack plane stop it?" Xiaojie, who was inside the bomber, roared wildly at the attack plane not far away.

Fortunately, this is a game, and the sound can be passed through.

"Brother Jie! Can't fight! The opposite is close to the horse factory! The air defense has been fighting, and the bombers are also shooting with machine guns!"

The pilot of the attack plane next to him also responded with a loud roar.

Compared with the bomber, although the attack plane is more flexible, it is also not as high as the bomber in the upper limit of HP.

When 1V1 in the air, with the flexibility of the attack aircraft, it can definitely be played with applause.

But in the face of air defense forces on the ground, this is powerless.

How to do?

Looking at the bomber getting closer and closer to the point of the horse factory, Xiaojie in the driving position made a decision.

"Mr. Ma! Prepare your machine guns! Prepare to shoot!" Without continuing to move in the direction of the St. Rocco turret, Xiaojie suddenly turned around.

"Comrade attack aircraft! The task of destroying the San Roc turret can only be entrusted to you!" Xiaojie shouted loudly.

Da Sima and the others next to him were a little stunned.

"Hey! Little brother, Li Zaigan is the devil!"

Looking at Xiaojie who turned around, the big Sima in the passenger seat was a little flustered.

"We have to stop the bomber on the opposite side! We can't let it drop bombs over us!" Xiaojie accelerated with all his strength, and controlled the bomber to gallop in the direction of the horse factory.

At the same time, the Austrian army on the opposite side had obviously discovered it.

The anti-aircraft guns in the position, as well as the sniper rifles and machine guns of the scouts and support soldiers, were frantically firing at their bombers.

Countless bullets, as well as shells from Austrian 37mm anti-aircraft guns, continued to bombard the seemingly thick fuselage.

At the same time, the troops on the ground had already noticed the movements of the players in the sky and the Austro-Hungarian camp.

"Brothers! Attack! Hit the air defenses! Don't let them hit our bombers!" Minato, who noticed the opponent's intentions, roared.

At the same time, the eggplant directly took out the telescope and marked the position of the air defense on the opposite side.

A wave of soldiers rushed towards the air defense position.

The scout killed the gunner who controlled the anti-aircraft gun, but the next second players from the Austro-Hungarian camp continued to make up for it.

The commandos blew it up with an AT canister, and the support soldiers immediately repaired it with the little wrench of the artifact.

But no matter what, this wave of offensive still weakened the opposing anti-aircraft firepower a lot.

"Little brother! Can't beat it! We don't have ground fire support!"

The big Sima in the bomber cabin looked at the bomber with black smoke from the engine, and was extremely anxious.

The health has been reduced to 15%. According to this situation, it will take no more than 30 seconds for the bomber to lose control and be destroyed.

"There's no other way! Teacher Ma, jump off the plane!" Xiaojie made a decision and started to try to pull the bomber upwards.

"Death with them!"

The voice fell, and Xiaojie controlled the bomber to rush towards the opponent at full speed.

After the plane's HP was emptied, although it couldn't drop bombs, it would not explode in the air immediately, but began to fall.

But in the process, the plane can still control the direction.

After knowing Xiaojie's words, Da Sima and a group of soldiers on the plane didn't say much, they just came to the hatch with parachutes on their backs.

It would be nice to have one person to do this. They stayed on the plane and it was nothing more than increasing casualties.

"Little brother! It must be successful. After the redeployment, we will charge together on the front line of the horse factory!"

Looking at Xiaojie in the driver's seat, he gave a thumbs up and jumped up.

When the last person jumped out of the bomber, the remaining blood was finally emptied.

The flames burned in the cabin, and the whole bomber shook suddenly, and then began to lose control.


"Comrades! Take it!"

"This is my last ripple!"


A loud bang.

Two bombers in the sky collided violently in the sky above the horse factory, and a dazzling fire broke out.

Afterwards, the broken wing wreckage fell from the air, killing many soldiers defending the Austro-Hungarian Empire, as well as Italian soldiers on the attacking side.

Chapter 47

Using vehicles as artillery shells is already commonplace for domestic battlefield players.

From the first day of the launch, A Yin, PDD and the others staged a thrilling battle of Faouburg.

This kind of thinking has already been implemented in the habits of domestic battlefield players.

Therefore, after Xiaojie drove the bomber to collide with the opponent, the fort located in the Fortress of Saint Roch, these Austro-Hungarian players once again saw the fierce side of domestic players.

Attack airborne troops, use bombs to destroy fortresses?

What do you think?

The two-seater attack aircraft, when it was discovered that a small team of people deployed on the opposite side of the Saint Roch Fort

If the bombers faced the defensive deployment of this squad, there would be no lethal threat.

But they were just a two-seater attack aircraft.

So how do you choose, needless to say?

Without saying a word, it dived down at a 45-degree angle in the sky.

In terms of marksmanship, these European and American players are indeed very vicious.

But in the area of ​​local tactics, how could they have seen such a battle?

The San Roc turrets and bombers, which were the main firepower, were directly destroyed.

Although inside the fort under the turret of St. Rocco, support soldiers with wrenches can quickly make repairs.

It's too late!

Without fire suppression, the low house attacking force that had already seized point A, cooperated with the frontline troops of the horse factory, and launched a pincer attack directly.

Formed a two-sided attack, in conjunction with the battlefield weapon tank, almost instantly penetrated the Austro-Hungarian soldiers who were guarding point B.

Destroyed, and confused.

This is the mentality of the players on the Austro-Hungarian side.

In the previous Holy Church, they were still fighting with the opponents back and forth in the church area, until finally the opponent's magic weapon occupied the high point, which forced them to give up voluntarily.

But after giving up voluntarily, this defeat is too fast.

Point A and even many Austro-Hungarian players just lost it without seeing it.

As for point B, they just struggled for a while and then lost it instantly.

After successfully winning point B, all the players on the attacking side did not have time to cheer.

Chen Xu's still calm voice sounded in everyone's ears.

"The Butan team listened to the order and rushed to the Sierra Passage on the mountainside at full speed. Don't let the opponent's tanks occupy the passage!"

"The second team picks up elite equipment, don't participate in the battle to ensure survival!"