MTL - I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky-Chapter 11 Dead edge frenzy temptation (Thank you for the alliance of the 100th leader ...

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Walking the dog at the entrance to the courtyard was also anxious.

What are you doing?

Master Xi is about to arrive, so he quickly picks up his sword to practice martial arts, so that he can see that he may not be so angry.

虎 "Tiger Blade Method" has been introduced.

add a bit

The wrath point went down from 1,175 to 875 directly.

Gong Gong Method: Tiger Sword Method (Enter Hall)


Lin Linfan felt that his hands seemed to be infused with some magical power, as well as his body.

A non-existent thing suddenly melts into the body and turns into experience.

The understanding of this knife technique has been greatly improved.

The remaining anger point is 875.

Kungfu can also be improved.

add a bit.

Gong Gong method: Tiger evil knife method (combined through).

Anger point costs four hundred points.

475 remaining.

At this moment, the sword cannot be added, it should be that the anger point is not enough.

However, the proficiency of this method is a bit interesting.

Introduction, entrance, and integration.

What's next?

I won't be a pure fire.

"My son, my master is coming." The dog pressed his voice, his voice was small, and he did not dare to speak loudly, just because he was afraid to hear him.

He didn't know what happened to the son.

How could I still sit there motionless.

"Forget it, fight, add your body directly."

The remaining points of anger, a brain fluttered on the body.

I added two points earlier, and my physique was directly increased to twenty-four.

When the physique is raised to twenty-four.

He felt a noticeable change in his body.


Every muscle seems to be burned by the fire.

The dull sound sounded in the body.

"Others work hard to cultivate, and I can make my body stronger by adding a little bit. Is this an internal transformation?"

Lin Linfan pondered.

He is really not interested in cultivation.

If it weren't for others to force him, it would not have happened now.

Martial arts twelve?

As far as my current situation is concerned, which one is it?

逆 "Niezi, get out of me."

此时 At this moment.

A roar came, a roar like a thunder, deafening, and the surrounding flowers and trees shuddering slightly.

"I won't get out, you come in." Lin Fan replied.

The walking dog stood there, his feet were unstable and he felt faint.

Grandpa is going against the sky.

No one can stop it.

"Rage +80."

Lin Wanyi, who had not yet reached the backyard, heard the sound of this son, his eyebrows were raised, and the soft whip was creaking.

管 Chen affairs fell to the ground.

My face is bitter.

Why should I be so mad, Master?

I admit it.

I asked the master to send out the fire, wouldn't it be over?

Master can make you fail.

逆 "Nizi, what did you just say?" Lin Wanyi walked into the courtyard, and the original hot air suddenly became cold.

As if the cold wind was blowing, the moving pores were opened.

Lin Linfan blinked and lost.

In the prestige, he has lost to this very young dad.

"Nothing said." Lin Fan's tone was slightly weak.

Today's anger is basically sent by this cheap dad.

He was really scared. He went to bed one night and was sneaked into the house by his father. The hatchet took his life.

Lin Wanyi looked at Lin Fan, and his eyes gave a great sense of oppression. "Who has made you an advocate in the matter of agricultural taxes? What is your ability to sympathize with others? If not for me, what else do you have?"

"You're not even as good as those homeless people outside the city."

Zhou Zhongmao can't stand it anymore. He has to say a few words for his cousin, "Uncle, cousin he ..."

"Shut up for me." Lin Wanyi retorted.

In this regard, Zhou Zhongmao dared to say anything, shook his head, and looked at his cousin pitifully.

I was anxious in my heart.

But there is nothing to do.

My cousin, you can only rely on yourself now.

Uncle Xun was furious and angry, and the anger in his heart was hard to eliminate.

Lin Linfan looked at the cheap dad, shook his head, a little disappointed, and sighed.

The sigh of sighing contains endless helplessness.

"What are you shaking?" Lin Wanyi asked.

It's time for this to happen, this little bunny shook her head and sighed, don't you think you did nothing wrong?

Lin Fan said: "These words are too hurtful, too hurtful, and even less like a father who can say it. Do you know that your child who has a beautiful yearning for the world, will How much shadow is caused. "

When I say these words.

The expression was distressed.

"Hehe." Lin Wanyi smiled, smiling with despair and helplessness.

This is a disappointment with my biological son.

"I don't want to talk to you too much." Lin Wanyi moved his wrist, and the soft whip in his hand was bombarded on the ground. "For so many years, I have never forced you to practice for your father, but you are too disappointed. No one can save you today. "

The blow was heavy.

The blue brick ground in the backyard cracked.

If he drew on his body, the flesh and blood would be light.

Lin Linfan was panicked and fierce enough, but looked indifferent, saying: "Only those who are not confident enough will use violence to yield to others."

"Dad, I don't want you to be like this."

"Rage +100."

The voice just fell.

Anger came.

This is an expression of anger at what Lin Fan said.

管 Mr Chen has been afraid to move.

Son of Gong, this is a crazy test on the edge of the master's bottom line.

I am not lethal.

I'm afraid I can't run away.

Dao's face was unsightly, just like swallowing people.

Lin Linfan was unmoved, calm and reasonable: "I will not admit that the agricultural tax is correct. After all, I am right. This tax is indeed too much. It is just driving people to death."

Grandpa, stop talking.

管 Mr. Chen wanted to step forward and plug his son's mouth.

This is to anger the master thoroughly.

"Rage +200."

"Forcing to the dead? Okay, you scumbag, now your wings are hard, and you dare to talk to me like this, you remember to me that you can have the present day, all for your father."

"If you have the ability, just leave me with the Lin family, and use your own ability to break out a sky to show me." Lin Wanyi angered.

The look of hating iron and steel is completely absent

Yuan family, the descendants of Liang family, which is no better than his son.

How can people cultivate such offspring ~ ~, and the offspring of his Lin Wanyi is like this?

"My son, hurry to admit my mistake with the master, don't be angry." Chen Guanshi hurriedly spoke, really scared that his son was angry, and he would leave Lin's house. It would be so safe to go outside.

Lin Fan said, "I don't leave. My rich son is a good man. Why do I leave? Every day I eat and wait for death. I am idle and happy. If I kill you, I won't leave."


管 Chen Chen was paralyzed and sat on the ground.

He thinks that the son is crazy.

How else can I say such a thing.

Don't say it's Chen steward, even the dog and cousin are dumbfounded.

They looked at Lin Fan with a god.

I look like a ghost.

Zhe Lin Wanyi said ruthlessly that he wanted to see what the villain would do.

I didn't expect that this **** even said such a thing.

Do you eat and die?

Are you idle?

Don't leave if killed?


Zhe Lin Wanyi had a volcanic eruption in her body, which erupted completely.

"Rage +666."

"Huh?" Lin Fan was shocked, and suddenly added 666 anger, which is too much.

look up.

When I noticed that Dad's look and expression were extremely wrong.

He was suddenly a little bit ill.

This is already exploding.

As if holding the frost sadness, he handed it to Dad, and then stretched his neck to let Dad chop.

PS: Thank you, the one hundredth lord and two of your lords. I put down my raincoat, put on my clothes, came to the computer, and worked hard to update.

PS: Thank you, Shanyima's 10,000 Yuan coin reward.