MTL - I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky-Chapter 610 Why did we break so much after we took over?

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Time passes by every minute.

The abandoned building was quiet and there was no movement.

"Strange, why hasn't the marshal been moving so long?"

The Union Patrolmen waiting outside were curious.

It stands to reason that the strength of the marshal is so great that it is not something that can be solved in a matter of minutes, but how to drag it to the present.


It seemed that something was thrown out of the window, a parabola was drawn in the air, then it fell to the ground and slowly rolled.

"Go and see something." The Alliance Patrol ordered the people around to see.

Immediately someone went to check the situation.

But then a terrified shout came.

"what happened?"

The Alliance Patrolman, who was ordered to look at things, ran back, his face extremely pale: "That's right, yes ..."

"What the **** is it?" The Alliance Patrolman, who was bowing to his knees in front of the Marshal, exclaimed angrily, frowning at the look of the other side. He was still timid in this business, and after returning, he had to practice well, which was simply a shame.

He pushed the man away and went straight.



A panic screamed, and he sat down on the ground, staring roundly at the things in front of him.

It was a skull.

It was the marshal who had just entered the abandoned building.

At this moment, the eyes of this skull were wide open, and the colors of wonder and panic appeared in the eyes.

Maybe when you die you do n’t know how you died.

And just then.

A white mist gushed from the abandoned building.

"what is that?"

"Look, what the **** is this."

Everyone screamed in panic.

These white mists are fast, covering them instantly, and then a scream comes.


There was also the sound of something being cut off.

It seems that someone is torn into some petals by something. These white mists are very dense. After spreading out, they are only visible within a stroke, and nothing can be seen further away.

Riots broke out.

The forces of evil gods began to invade the Alliance, and they were unable to stop them.

Worm Valley.

"Gu Zhu, the ancestors went to You Wan to find Lin Wanyi. You said that this thing did not seem to us any good." Zhuo Lie said.

This is different from what he thought.

When he learned that the old ancestor appeared in the sarcophagus, he was excited and excited. The old ancestor returned, and there could be no enemy in the world.

But what happened next.

Some people don't understand.

The old ancestors went to Youcheng, looking for the strong to complete something together.

This made him somewhat unacceptable.

After all, the return of the ancestors, but all the Worm Valley details were consumed, which was a fatal blow to Worm Valley.

Gu Zhu slowly said: "Elder Zhuo, there are some things that can't be arbitrarily discussed. Old ancestors naturally have old ancestors' reason."

That being said though.

However, from the slightly trembling eyebrows of Gu Zhu, we can still see that Gu Zhu was also a little unhappy, just because of the identity and status of his ancestor, he could not show it.

An overlord in one era.

Insect Valley is in his hands, and the appearance of his ancestor now naturally has a great impact on his status.

Of course, this is not important to the owner.

But now the old ancestors have consumed the savings of Worm Valley for many years, and the first thing to wake up is to do this kind of thing, which makes the Valley owner have some opinions.

But for the owner of the valley, he has his own plans.

What happened now has not affected him for the time being.

Not long after.

Xiao Xiaozu returned to Worm Valley.

"Welcome to the ancestors." Zhuo Lie respectfully.

Xiao Laozu said, "The two of you have to pay more attention to the outside world recently. Now the forbidden sea and the sea eyes are opened, and the evil gods are here. Their abilities are strange and unpredictable, and they need to pay more attention to strange things around them."

"Old ancestor, is this evil **** really so scary?" Zhuo Lie asked.

"More horrible than you think." Xiao Xiaozu solemnly waved, and then waved his hand, "But it doesn't matter that you don't need to intervene in this matter for the time being, just pay attention to the strange things around you. It ’s only then that when the strength rises, it will be able to compete with the evil gods. "

Gu Zhu said: "Is the old ancestor going to Youcheng for the eighth thing about the state?"

"Well." Xiao Xiaozu nodded his head. He was quite satisfied with the owners of the insect valley generation. It is very good to be able to guarantee the existence of insect valleys when all four major alliances have been destroyed.

After all, the boy's strength is indeed a bit unreasonable, and their strength cannot be resisted at all.

Zhuo Lie was surprised, and his heart was fiery. "Old ancestors, can we really break through to the eighth realm?"

"Yes, of course." Xiao Xiaozu said, I don't know why I was helpless, and I didn't know whether the way of entering Daowen into the Three Pillars was the right choice. As a result, no one in the eighth state of power has appeared. .

Zhuo Lie is a little excited, after all, no one wants to be a strong man in a state of affairs, or even a strong man in a state of affairs.

"Old ancestors, now that we know how to break through to the eighth realm, why do we want to tell the guys in Youcheng the news? Isn't it good that we know?"

"When the strength reaches the eighth level in the future, it will also make Worm Valley the strongest being in the world."

As soon as Zhuo Lie's words fell, he felt an extreme horror of anger.

He looked up and found that the old ancestor looked at him a little bit wrongly.

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Xiaozu frowned, angrily.

Zhuo Lie panicked and hurried to kneel and said: "The ancestors are angry, I have no other meaning."

"Well, you listen to me. The evil woes are everyone's business. At this moment, you are still thinking about intrigues. When the evil gods come down, you will not be able to live even if you give you the strength of the state." Xiao Xiaozu Reprimanded.

Gu Gu said: "The old ancestors were angry, and Elder Zhuo also complained because he was too arrogant."

Xiao Laozu said: "Remember to me that this is not a matter of one person. No matter how strong a person is, it is useless to face the problem of evil gods."

If Lin Fan is here.

Definitely want another wave, what the **** said. ,

It's because it's too weak, so you need a team. If one is strong enough, and you want to cooperate, you can push it directly and you're done.

"Yes, the old ancestors rest assured. I know how to do this. Although the four major alliances have been destroyed, there are many top suzerainty suzerains. If they are called in the name of Worm Valley, they may come. "The owner said.

Xiao Laozu said: "The matter will be left to you to handle. After a while, I will go to the blood gods of the evil gods with Lin Fan. What you need. "

Xiao Xiaozu then left.

Zhuo Lie still had a lot of thought in his heart. He really couldn't understand the behavior of his ancestors.

"Gu, you don't feel that this matter is of any benefit to us at all? If we break through to the eighth realm, we will definitely be able to kill that kid."

Why would Worm Valley move away? That's because Lin Fan's strength is too strong. They may not be able to pass each other.

In addition, the other party also practiced "Insect Control", which had a great impact on them.

It can be said that it is related to their core.

Master Gu said: "Observe the instructions of the ancestors, do more and talk less, don't leave it alone."

Zhuo Lie sighed, then nodded, "Yes, I see."


The situation is long gone.

The appearance of a white mist has plunged a city in the alliance into an endless crisis.

The fog is no different from the usual fog, but the visual field is extremely low, and the places covered by the fog are all quiet instantly, but as time goes by, there will be screams.

Many people hide at home, and many people hide in shops.

They were scared to see everything in front of them, and their hearts became panicked.

At first, some people didn't take this as a thing.

Still walking in the fog, thinking that it was all just weather, but as things happened, they found out that this was not the case.

There are monsters in the mist.

Yan Kun and the eight island owners of Neptune Island all left the Alliance headquarters in person and rushed to this city.

"What the **** is going on?" Yan Kun asked, and then asked, "I haven't detected anything in this mist yet. Is there anything?"

Someone responded quickly.

"After inspection, the fog is composed of an unknown force, and there are many signs of life activity inside. It is not human, but it is likely to be a monster."

Yan Kun frowned, what the **** was going on.


So many things happened after grabbing the league.

The owner of Lancang Island frowned: "It's better that we go in and see, with our strength, there should be no danger."

"Okay, that's all it can be." Yan Kun Ying said, now that the mist has not expanded outward, it has covered the city.

But no one knows if it will continue to spread.

If it continues to spread, even if it blocks, the price will be to abandon the city completely.

"Go, let's go in." Yan Kun said.

They already control the alliance, and if they do n’t get it, who else can get it.

The host of Lancang Island went in with Yan Kun ~ ~ while others were waiting outside in case any special situation happened.

Now the entire people of the Union are focusing their attention here.

They watched strange things happening on the platform.

My heart was gradually a little disturbed.

After all, it has only been six months since Lin Fan destroyed the Alliance headquarters.

It is still difficult for them to forget what happened.


Here comes Xiao Xiaozu.

"Lin is in charge, it's almost time, and we should start." Xiao Xiaozu can't wait to find the evil **** there. He has to inquire about some things.

Without clarifying these things.

This will have a huge impact on subsequent situations.