MTL - I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky-Chapter 634 Isn't this an acquaintance?

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Chapter 0634: This Is Not An Acquaintance, Well, An Audio Fiction Listening Online

Su Ye got the blood and flesh beads and was practicing every moment, but only slowly.

His situation today is stuck at the key point between the seventh and eighth of the state.

"What's going on here, and why are the world's Taoist laws so rare?"

Su Ye frowned, not understanding the situation.

It stands to reason.

After getting the key point to break through the eighth state, he should be able to break through easily. After all, he has been in the seventh state for a long time, and the details are already full.

Only when I realized the rules of Daowen, I found that the rare ones are not enough for my own needs.

"Su Sovereign, look at you frowning, is there anything?" Someone asked in confusion.

Su Ye shook his head. "It's okay. It's just that I have encountered something. It's really difficult to be in the eighth stage. It won't be able to break through in a short while."

"Actually, I can understand that it is such a simple thing to break through to the realm of Yae, and in my opinion it will take some time to work," said another sovereign.

"Um." Su Ye nodded, full of hope for Bacheng, at least not as desperate as ever.

Then went on.

"Everyone, we have searched a lot, but we haven't found the trace of the evil god. I have to say that it is a bit difficult to find, and I don't know when we will meet."

Su Ye did not expect that the difficulty would be so great.

At the same time, thank you.

If you did n’t make up your mind to take blood and flesh beads, you would almost go crazy if you wanted to get one now.

Now there are many suzerains and some regrets.

Why should I be afraid of this in the first place.

If you are not afraid, then it is not necessary to be so difficult.

Fortunately, Su Ye left without getting flesh and blood beads, but searched with them.


The distant heavens and earth exploded, the dimensions broke, and numerous fragments turned into sharp blades. The fragments were so sharp that they fell to the ground, tearing a deep mouth.


A thunderous roar blew across the world.

"Stop me, don't run away."

When I heard this sound.

The old demon Cang Tu changed his face, and his face became a bit pale. He was familiar with this voice, as if he had heard it, maybe someone he had met, but it was definitely not good news.


I saw a huge figure between heaven and earth being hammered out of the dimension, the body fell, covering the sky, the horror was extreme, and the body thundered, the body slammed on the ground, the crack appeared, and spread toward the distance.

"It's an evil god." Su Ye exclaimed, but when he hadn't responded yet, another figure followed closely.

It seems that this figure suppressed the evil god.

And looking at the appearance of the evil god, it was terrifying, as if encountering a ghost.


Lin Fan frowned. He felt several familiar breaths, not the evil gods, but the ones he had seen before.

A glance.

The eyes of everyone looked at each other.

"It's him, it really is him." Cang Tu Lao Yao opened his mouth, and he saw the guy who was most afraid, the one who had said that he would take him away.

Su Ye has also recognized who this person is.

Lin heads.

It is the guy who drove the four confederates out of power, and their strength is terrifying, leaving them no room for resistance.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect to see you here, but don't even think about leaving, and leave me here. Whoever dares to move will have the consequences." Lin Fan said with a smile.

At this moment, the evil **** that was hammered to the ground roared, rose up and resisted, and struck directly towards Lin Fan.

"Let me lie down." Lin Fan directly suppressed it with a single palm. To the evil god, it was as if he was being crushed by terrorist forces. There was no room for resistance. He was hammered to the ground again and lay directly in the deep. In the pit.

call out!

call out!

The road pattern rotates, hovering in the air, and then interweaves into a large net and falls downward, suppressing the evil **** in the deep pit.

Lin Fan originally wanted to swallow this evil god.

I just didn't expect to meet them here.

In front of them, swallowing the evil **** so aggressively, the impact is a little bad, it is easy to scare them, and it will also let them remember that this is not good.

Lin Fan's methods horrified the monarchs.

They can feel that the evil **** that was suppressed is very powerful, much more powerful than the evil **** they encountered.

But there was no backhand to be suppressed by Lin Fan.

I have to say that this is a bit scary.

Lin Fan fell to the ground and didn't do it for the first time. It wasn't that he didn't want to do it. It was something Xiao Laozu said to him. He did listen.

Let the four confederates slay the evil god.

This is indeed a way.

It is difficult to capture the position of the evil gods. If one encounters one, it depends on personal luck. It is very difficult for him to find all the evil gods by himself.

If the people of the four major leagues are looking for evil gods, then for evil gods, the scope of this activity can be much smaller.

"If you remember correctly, you should be Su Ye, and you are ... Hey, Cang Tu Lao Yao, I didn't expect that you were here too. I asked you to wait for me at Yao Shen Mountain. Why didn't you just run away? Lin Fan's eyes stayed on Cang Tu Lao Yao.

He was very interested in the ability of Cang Tu Lao Yao.

Budashan lacks such talents.

It's a pity that the other party is not too cherished.

Look at the holy Buddha of others, how self-knowledgeable, comfortable and comfortable in Wudao Mountain, can also take flesh and blood beads to promote cultivation.

Look at the situation of Cang Tu Lao Yao again.

At a glance, I knew that I was not taking flesh and blood beads.

To find evil gods, they really have to look at luck.

The appearance of Lin Fan made them extremely disturbed.

They evaded Lin Fan for so long, but did not expect to encounter them here. To them, it was like a dog, helpless, sad, and even want to die.

Cang Tu's old demon eyes dodged a little. As the handle of the demon **** mountain, he naturally deserved no one, but when he faced Lin Fan, he was really flustered.

He has seen Lin Fan's strength.

That's true for no reason at all.

Especially now that he hasn't seen it for more than half a year, to what extent has his strength improved?

It's really hard to say at all.

Although in the absence of flesh and blood beads, the strength can only reach the seventh level of the state, but do you think this guy looks like the seventh level of the state?

It's just abnormal.

"Why don't you talk and see me shy?" Lin Fan asked with a smile.

If you meet these guys some time ago.

He was absolutely humiliated, and then started without a word, suppressing all these guys.

But now that he is willing to communicate with these suzerains, it is enough to save face.

The rest of the lords looked at each other and did not act rashly.

"Lin is in charge. Now the four major alliances have all disbanded, and we are evading everywhere, why don't we let us go?" Su Ye said.

He was not impulsive, but talked to Lin Fan well.

"Oh, Ben hasn't let go of you any time, and now I meet you, that's why I'm hunting down evil gods. I just happened to meet them, so why are they so nervous." Lin Fan said.

Then his eyes remained on Cang Tu Lao Yao, "How to say, are you going back with me, or do you want to stay here? I want to use my strength, even if you let everyone around you, I can take you It ’s not difficult to go and kill your lords by the way. "


The rest of the lords were frightened by Lin Fan's words.

Some lords are more realistic.

Quietly away from Cang Tu Lao Yao, I was afraid that I might be mistaken for help.

"Lin Zhan, I have Cang Tu's own life and thoughts, and also asked Lin Zan to raise his expensive hands to let me go." Cang Tu, the old demon, said that he did not dare to contend with Lin Fan.

He couldn't help it.

What can I do?

Can't beat it.

As for the hope of the many suzerains around you, it's even more ridiculous, but it's better not to think about it, one by one, I want to clarify the relationship with myself.

So you can only lower your posture.

Nothing to shame.

After all, everyone who was present had a face.

"Haha." Lin Fan smiled. "Well, my boss has never been a tough guy. Since you said so, what else can I say, but it's a pity that you missed an opportunity, and you don't have such a chance in the future. "

"Oh, by the way, you enter here to kill the evil gods and look for the blood and flesh beads, presumably you were seduced by the mysterious shadow."

Su Ye asked, "Does Lin know the mysterious shadow?"

"Of course, isn't he an evil god?" Lin Fan replied.

Until now.

He didn't figure out what the evil **** meant ~ ~ To guide these people here to kill the evil god, what exactly did he need?

Could it be ...

Lin Fan looked at the repressed evil god, most likely it needed a corpse.

Except for this reason, there seems to be no reason.

"Evil God?" Su Ye and others were horrified, apparently did not expect that the mysterious person would be an evil god. After all, they killed the evil god, and the other party was also an evil god. Why did they do this? Terrible thing.

Lin Fan did not tell them that this was speculation.

It doesn't matter anyway.

Just think that guy is an evil god, nothing else matters.

"Lin head, why did he do this?" Su Ye could see. Lin head didn't want to treat them. If he really wanted to kill them, he would have already started, why wait now.

So he was also relieved.

Ask some questions.

"You ask me, I'll ask who, I have to think about it myself." Lin Fan said.

If someone else answers Su Ye in this way, I'm afraid that my head will be blown.

But unfortunately.

It was Lin Fan who answered him. Even if he refused to accept it, it would not be of any use. Regardless of how it was, he would be well received.

Su Ye took a sigh of relief, suppressed the anger in her heart, and told herself not to be impulsive, not impulsive.

Lin Fan wanted to laugh.

Looking at these lords who want to be angry but not afraid to be angry, he feels really good.

That's so overbearing.

And do whatever you want.

If it's not angry, come here.

He really couldn't say exactly what these guys thought.

But it doesn't matter.

Resentment works too.

At least it proves that they are still useful.

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