MTL - I Formed The El Cat Investigation Team In Pirates-Chapter 171 Bartholomew the Bear

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Chapter 171 Bartholomew Bear

 When Xie Wen and the cats followed the doctors to a small church and saw the huge and familiar figure, he was a little confused...

 Why is the big bear here? Although he seems to have become the king here in the future, isn't the Solbe Kingdom still Bulldog at this time? Is it difficult for him to wait here all the time? Just ignore the revolutionary army's affairs?

 Compared with the big bear Xie Wen saw in the comics, the big bear in front of him is still a little different.

 First of all, he didn’t wear the white hat with black spots. Also... did those pair of bear ears come from his hair? !

 Xie Wen still remembers reading a pirate fanfic before time travel. The protagonist in it also inherited the bear-eared hat of Big Bear... However, it is normal for fans to be backstabbed by the official, so it is not a big deal.

Secondly, it is also a priest's uniform. The priest's uniform on the big bear in front of him is much simpler. There is no white cross pattern, but a very ordinary black suit, and the book he is holding on to is probably the Bible. I didn't see it, and the glasses on his face are not always reflective like in the comics, making it difficult to see the big bear's eyes. Instead, they look a little gentle.

The last and most crucial point is that compared to the expressionless and a bit scary-looking big bear in the comics, this big bear's facial expressions are not only much more vivid, but also give Xie Wen a very... gentle, even... There's a vague feeling...that I'm easy to bully?

This is really **** crazy.

  The facial expression is vivid, which can be said to be the reason why he has not been transformed. But whether it is because of the opponent's nickname of "tyrant" or his status as an important cadre of the revolutionary army, Da Xiong shouldn't have this kind of character?

It can be seen that the colors fed back by the smell are not deceptive. The scary-looking strong man in front of him has no violent color in his heart.

"Brother Xie Wen," Keli Meow on the shoulder suddenly hugged Xie Wen's neck, buried his little head in Xie Wen's hair, and whispered: "This bear-like uncle is so sad, meow..."


 Xie Wen didn't "see" any sadness in Big Bear, but he believed in Kelimiao's feeling more. After all, the little puppet has a special talent in detecting emotions.

  In other words... Big Bear hides his sadness so deeply that ordinary people cannot feel it.

So, the one with sapphire scale is Bonnie?

Recalling the updates of the latest chapters that I had read before traveling through time, Xie Wen probably figured out what was going on...

 The purpose of Big Bear is to cure Bonnie in the future, so he will accept Vegapunk's transformation plan, right? It makes sense that Bonny and Vegapunk knew each other in the comics.

 Maybe there are some details that haven’t been revealed in the comics, but overall it should be pretty much the same.

While Xie Wen was meditating, the doctors from Solbei Kingdom had already told the big bear about the matter.


 “Are you really sure that you can cure Bonnie’s disease?”

 The big bear half-knelt down, lowered his body as much as possible, and approached Haiyuan Miao on Xie Wen's other shoulder, and asked cautiously and humbly.

ˆXie Wen: “…”

 Brother, don't do this, I'm afraid.

I was used to the unsmile transforming the big bear in the comics, and suddenly saw such an emotional version, and Xie Wen couldn't accept it all at once.

Haihara Miao was also obviously startled. She instinctively shrank back, and the little paw on Xie Wen's shoulder moved slightly, but in the end she resisted kicking him out.

ˆXie Wen: “…”

Of course, Xie Wen also knows that this is not a different treatment by Haiyuan Meow. She and Ke Li Meow are so close, and she must have heard the little puppet’s previous comments about the big bear...

  At any rate, this is how Canglanxing comforted himself.

“I haven’t seen the patient yet, so I can’t be sure.”

After regaining his composure, Haiyuan Miao glared at the big bear angrily. However, seeing the pitiful appearance of the other party, the little cat instantly softened his heart, but still answered rigorously.

"Yes, yes, yes...I am impatient, but no matter what, I have to thank you." A trace of disappointment flashed in Big Bear's eyes, but it was quickly filled with gratitude...

Although I knew he was a good person when I read the comics, I still can’t get used to such a big bear with so many emotions...

Xie Wen twitched the corners of his lips and said dryly: "Let's meet the patient first. The sooner treatment starts, the better, right?"

"Yes, yes! You are right!" Big Bear quickly stood up, walked to the door of the chapel, and gently pushed open a narrow crack in the door. "Please come in with me, Bonnie is inside."

Xie Wen took the cats into the church, only to find that the windows here were nailed shut with thick wooden boards, and no light from the outside could shine in. However, there were many lights inside, and a large number of lights illuminated the interior. The light is almost indistinguishable from the outside world.

 Obviously, Big Bear put a lot of thought into Bonnie, who couldn't see natural light.

As if hearing the movement outside, a small wooden door in the corner of the church was pushed open, and a little girl with pink shawl hair stuck her head out. On her right cheek, there were several small sapphire-like stones embedded in it. It should be the so-called sapphire scale disease.

 Except for the few "stones" on her face, the little girl looks basically like the "big-stomach girl" Bonnie that Xie Wen knows. The only problem is...

This girl looks like she is only four or five years old. She must not be more than seven years old, right? !

Although in the comics, Bonnie eats the Sui Sui Fruit and has the ability to change her own age and the age of others, but let’s not talk about whether she has eaten the Devil Fruit. In normal life, she will never deliberately change her age. ?

 So...Bonnie might have been in her early teens or even under 10 years old when she became a supernova?

 Compared with her, even the sun **** Luffy and the hard-working general Kebi are nothing!

Xie Wen pressed his swollen forehead and complained crazily in his heart.

"Father!" The little girl rushed towards the big bear, then made a sudden turn in the middle and came to Xie Wen, "Wow! What a cute cat! Big brother, you raised these cats. ?!"

Bonnie asked with bright eyes.

“’s not quite accurate to say that I raised them, they are all my partners.”

Xie Wen, who gradually accepted these settings, scratched Kelimiao on his shoulder and showed off to Bonnie.

 “Hello, meow~” The little puppet raised its paws and greeted Bonnie.


Before Bonnie could be surprised by this, Haiyuan Meow jumped down from Xie Wen's shoulder and looked at the sapphire scales on Bonnie's face, then took out a claw and gently He poked it twice and asked, "Will it hurt?"

"Well, it doesn't hurt. It's like these stones are just stuck to my face. If you don't pay attention, you won't feel anything at all." Bonnie answered Haibara's question honestly, and then asked excitedly : "You can actually talk! Are you the fur race mentioned in the book?! There is such a magical race!"

However, Haibara Miao, who had entered the research state, didn't bother to pay attention to her at all, but looked at her eyes, tongue and other places.

Bonnie, who had been examined many times by doctors from the Solbe Kingdom, was very cooperative and was not dissatisfied with Haibara's cold attitude. Instead, she continued to say: "Are you also a doctor? They said that my The disease cannot be cured before the age of ten, can you cure me as soon as possible? I want to travel to sea with my father as soon as possible! "

Haiyuan Miao still ignored her, but turned around, used her little paws to hold up the glasses on the bridge of her nose, and said to Xie Wen and Daxiong: "Except for the stones on her face, I haven't found anything on her body so far. Similarly, I want to use the equipment in the medical room on the ship to conduct a more detailed examination."

“We’ll find a way to bring Bonnie over later, or just move the boat over.” Xie Wen waved his hand and said it wasn’t a big problem, “But…”

He pointed at the glasses that suddenly appeared on Haibara's face, and asked with confusion: "Where did this thing come from?!"

I often go to a breakfast shop. The boss went home to celebrate the New Year, so he found a nearby one. The food was so terrible that I might as well cook porridge at home.


Regarding the question of watching the ship, in the comics, Luffy and others often leave no one to watch the ship, so you have to ask Oda about this question.



 (End of this chapter)

Read Ultimate Level 1