MTL - I Found A Planet-v2 Chapter 18 Basketball club (two

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"About more than 300 a day, if it's a weekend, there's more."

Li Dong said, but of course this is a 100% lie, how can he go to work?

This is just to give him a source of income, find a suitable reason and an excuse, no money is impossible, Li Dong see all the anime, found that the protagonist looks desolate, the place to enjoy will still enjoy.

He himself is not allowed to strictly abide by the "poverty" people, really only a large portion of rice every meal... that really does not mean anything.

East Jupiter's annual financial revenue exceeds 10 trillion yuan. All of this money is Li Dong's. Every day, three or five hundred are taken from inside to meet the needs of food... This is absolutely thrifty.

"Three hundred?"

"My father has worked for 20 years, and he has seven or eight thousand a month?"

Both Tianhui Hui and Xiyuanxiang were taken aback. Dongmu was so powerful. Just doing a part-time job as a high school student can earn so many adults.

But a better odd question is coming.

"Dongmu, sorry, I still want to ask, what part-time job do you do? I went to the restaurant to work, the hourly salary is generally only 10 yuan, the other hourly salary is not high, Dongmu classmates are What are you doing?"

Nishihara Kazuo asked with a low head. She knew that the problem was abrupt and rude, but she couldn’t help but wonder.

If Dongmu’s part-time job, she can do, she also wants to try.

"Amount, I don't know how to say this. In short, the part-time job I do is not suitable for your girls. The physical exertion is very large, and I am barely supporting."

Li Dong grabbed his head and refused to disclose more information.

"Xiang, don't ask too much, this is too rude." Tianhui Hui reminded.

"I'm sorry Dongmu."

Nishihara Kazuo apologized, but according to the information disclosed by Li Dong, she heard the keyword “physical consumption”, and she roughly concluded that it should be a job like “porter”, although it is hard, but the income is good.

I also thought about the age of Dongmu’s teenagers, but I have already taken care of everything for adults. I can’t help but feel sympathy and sadness.

Looking at the dishes in front of the table, I couldn’t help but see the pictures that Dongmu’s classmates were trying to carry.


Li Dong greeted the two of them and said: "Eastern classmates, Xiyuan classmates, you all eat, and then you will not be able to eat any food, it will be cold. I can't finish it so much. If you say good, please don't be polite to me."

In order to eliminate their concerns and again: "If you want to come back next time, bring a large amount of lunch to come over."

The two women’s faces were red, and they had to pick up the chopsticks.


2 years f class.


“Dongmu’s classmates are in the school restaurant today, and they have ordered a full table of dishes, which is more abundant than yesterday, with at least 500.”

The chopsticks in the hands of Shangguan Feifei almost fell, watching the lunch in front of him, his expression was very sluggish, after all, it was her own, the school restaurant was not going every day, and occasionally brought lunch.

Dongmu has already shown off his rich consumption twice.

"Cheats, liar!"

Shangguan Feifei whispered to himself: "There is a saying that he is poor. The school restaurant that went only once in half a year to one year has gone twice in succession and spent three months of living expenses. Hehehe, Dongmu, a distinguished protoss master. Would you like to come to this school to pick your grey princess? And stare at me with beautiful, energetic, kind-hearted? After all, I will give you a chance to pursue me."

Of course, the premise is that he is really a Protoss.

"Fifi, Fifi."

The voice of Shi Zhongmei sounded in the ear: "The saliva is flowing out, and..."

As a close friend, Shi Zhongmei seems to know what she thinks in her heart. The analysis said: "Only two high-end consumption activities do not mean that Dongmu students must be lenient, just that he is not as poor as he imagined, and he cannot prove that he is a protoss. Still have to observe and observe again."

"Well, it makes sense."

Take out the handkerchief and wipe the corner of the mouth. Shangguan Feifei had to admit that Shi Zhongmei said it makes sense.

Still have to continue to observe.


"Hey~ I’m eating too much today."

"Dongmu, I still have to ask you next time, but I think it is better to go outside the school, the price is not expensive, and the taste is very good." Tianhui said.


Li Dong nodded.

The three people talked back to the classroom all the way, which attracted the attention of many students.


After the first class in the afternoon, after class.

The idyllic Hui and the Xiyuanxiang two were pulled out by Shangguan Huihui. At the end of the corridor, they asked them a few questions about the meal they had at noon.

"A total of 570 yuan was spent."

“The money is earned by Dongmu’s own work. He said that he can earn more than 300 a day, and more weekends... Dongmu is a very profitable person.”

"But it costs a lot of money. Every meal is so extravagant. How much can he save every month?"

The family has always been thrifty and idyllic, and habitually fell into a fine-grained mode. It is found that if the spending is about 10 yuan per meal, Dongmu students will have at least 7,000 per month, which is a very impressive figure.

And this is only the high school student Dongmu, the money has been so powerful, and after he graduated, the income is only higher, and even hope to be among the middle class, have a very good day.

Think of this.

The face of the idyllic Hui could not help but float and blush, unconsciously, and entered the role of "housewife".

In fact, this is also normal, one meter eight, handsome, basketball master, gentle and considerate and will work to earn money, such a man, is definitely a quality property, it is easy to feel peace of mind.

Gradually coincide with the ideal partner in the pastoral wisdom, then shyly bowed his head and played with his own fingers.

"Part-time work?"

“Do you earn more than 300 a day?”

Is there any good job to earn so much?

The doubts in my heart came out again. Shangguan Feifei was dubious. The purchasing power of 300 yuan was very high. Even if it was officially worked, there were not many jobs with an average daily salary of more than 300. How did a high school student of Dongmu, how to do it? of?


This is another mystery that needs to be solved.

"Hey, how is your face red?" Shangguan Feifei noticed an abnormality.

"No, nothing."

Tianhui Hui shook his head: "But I think Dongmu students should be an ordinary person. The world of Protoss and aristocrats is different. From all aspects, Dongmu students are very ordinary. Feifei... We don't have to pay too much attention to Dongmu. ""

I don’t know why I would say this, but I still made a suggestion.


Shangguan Feifei glanced at her, and the corner of his mouth took a curve: "Hui, is it so fast to be so fast? It seems that you are very satisfied, but you don't want to hit his mind for a while, before I stripped all his secrets. Nobody should grab my toy."

"do you know?"

She aggravated her tone and her eyes flashed a glimmer of light.

"Fifi, you misunderstood, I never meant this." The pastoral wisdom waved his hand, and the head could not help but go down.


Shangguan Feifei held his hand and returned to the classroom proudly.


Basketball club.

Li Dong came here and made an application to join the basketball community.

Moritang power.

The president of the basketball club, a height of one meter nine, is an explosive muscle, and is a very oppressive figure.

"Dong Mulong, strange surname, do you want to join my basketball department?"

Moritang looked at him with a blank expression.

"Yes, I like basketball very much. I think I am very suitable to enter the basketball club. Please ask the president to join me." Li Dong nodded.

"The basketball club does not want to join to join, the amateur level players we do not recruit, the stadium is limited, we only recruit strength."

"Reassured, my strength will not be worse than anyone." Li Dong looked confident.


Moritang shouted: "Basketball is a team sport. Your attitude is not suitable for basketball. Go back."


Li Dong was taken aback: "President, I have not shown my strength, you refused me?"

"You don't have to show it, you are a basketball genius and I won't agree." Moritang turned his head and went to the locker room.

I rely on it.

It’s not easy to deal with.

Into the basketball club plan to ruin this?

Dominating the position of the basketball president, can you unscrupulously suppress the younger generation?

Li Dong’s heart was in a burst of fire.

At this time.

Three familiar figures came over: Xinhuliang, Zuoqiu Chimu, and Gaoyang.

At first glance, Li Dong, standing at the door, and the application form he was holding in his hand.


"Is this guy actually here?"

"What is he standing there?"

There was some sweat on the head of the three people, but they carefully walked past Li Dong, and by the way saw the contents of the application form.

"It turned out to be an application for admission."

"The guy also wants to join the basketball club."

"Hey, the president is in the locker room, the guy is waiting for the president."

The three face each other, then nodded to each other, and there was a fix in mind.

After the dressing was completed, the president of the basketball club, Sentang, exerted a towel on his neck and walked out wearing a blue basketball suit.

Xin Huliang and others have moved closer together.

"What are you doing here? Don't you go in for changing clothes?" Moritang tried to glance at them.

"The president, you must not let the person at the door enter the basketball club."

"The president, the guy at the door is a jerk, he will ruin everything in the basketball club."

"Yes, the president, in any case, can't promise his application for admission."

The trio said one after another.

"what are you guys saying?"

In the eyes of Moritang, the eyes of the gods are so cold that it is impossible to understand the meaning of these three bastards.

Xin Huliang and others were shocked by his fierce expression and suddenly became incoherent:

"Society, president, the guy at the door is like a terrible monster!"

"The last time we played a game with him, the three of us were against him, but they were beaten 2 to 8. Our three plus are not his opponents."

"The president, once he enters the basketball club, does not say that we are your limelight, your fame, your dignity and pride, will be taken away by him! The president, you must not let that person into the basketball club!"

The three men tried to portray the terrible things of Li Dong.


Moritang shook his fist, and his breath became heavy, and his eyes seemed to be on fire.

Push three people and walk straight toward the door.

At this time, Li Dong also came in, faceless, facing the power of Sentang, and moving forward.

Until the two faces are almost stuck together.

The smell of gunpowder in the air, and the two people seem to flash and thunder.

Xin Huliang and others are very happy, huh, huh, angered the president of the "humanoid tyrannosaur", the kid can not live.

"Ten balls."

Academics Dong said: "more than ten on to the stadium, if I win, let me into the basketball club; if I lose, let you beat me out, how?"

Moritang’s power stretched out his hand and lifted it high.

"Hey~~ That kid is going to be jealous." New Tiger Liang looked forward to seeing the good play.


Sentang’s hand plunged into the basketball basket next to him, took out a basketball, sucked it in his hand and said, “Go, go to the stadium.”


Three people like Xinhuliang almost fell.


Outdoor basketball court.

Two tall figures compete for a basketball and compete fiercely with 1v1.

The collision of "touch ~" distance is like two armor wrestling.

"Boom!" This is the explosion of the violent slam dunk.


A fierce hot pot descended from the sky.

"Touch!" One of the figures fell heavily on the ground.

"Boom!" The last slam dunk sounded.

"Ah~ah!!" A few girls standing next to the stadium screamed.

In the end, this 1v1 personal basketball game, the score is fixed at 3:7.

After deducting the basket, Li Dong walked to the front of the Sentang, who was still lying on the ground. He extended his hand and said: "Mr. Mori, I am qualified to join the basketball club?"

"Ha ha~"

"Ha ha ha ~"

The Sentang power on the ground suddenly laughed and laughed.

"There is hope, this year's Shengjing High School Basketball League champion, hahaha, hopefully!"

Sentang Shenli climbed up and took the dust behind him. He extended his hand to Li Dong: "Welcome to the basketball club, the monster."

"Thank you, President."

Li Dong shook hands with him and smiled on his face.

Join the basketball club successfully!



"The **** has succeeded!"

"I didn't expect the president to agree that such a person would join the basketball club. For the city basketball league champion, the risk of being relegated by the newcomers is ignored?"

"Hey, the president is going to graduate this semester. Now the champion is the only thing he wants, and he is willing to cooperate with the devil."

Gao Yangsan said that Mr. Mori’s dedication to the champion is in the eyes, and it is reasonable to make such a move.

"You must stop that bastard!"

Xin Huliang’s face was unwilling: “The guy came to school for a few days and took away the girl’s attention. She took the opportunity to play in our basketball game and took away all of us!”

"Don't give the kid a lesson, I can't swallow that breath."

"How can I teach him?"

A yellow-haired left hill, Akagi, asked: "His force we saw, our bones cannot be harder than that brick."

"Reassured, I have a way to engage him!"

Xinhuliang said with a sneer: "The kid recently had a high-end meal, and the daily lunch expenses were no less than 300 yuan. How did he get the money and what kind of work he earned? The girls didn't know, but I was clear. Oh, Dongmu, I know your secret!"

"Hey, good brother, what is the secret of Dongmu?"

Zuoqiu Chimu and Gaoyang Sanshu both came to the interest.