MTL - I Got Caught After Flirting with the Wrong Person-Chapter 70 do you want me to stay

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Fei Bai remembered the unusual agility the little girl showed when she taught Luo Feifei a math problem last time.

I don't know if it's better than others, but it's better than when he was young.

For Fei Bai, math problems are like a bowl of soup, and his brain is a fork.

He told Expert Song what happened last time, and then added: "But I'm not sure if Feifei is particularly talented, because I found a college entrance examination for her. She won't do it."

Expert Song listened attentively, and then asked: "What type of college entrance examination questions she can't do?"

"Analytical geometry," Feibai recalled, "the conic section."

Song expert suggested: "Maybe she is just sensitive to numbers."

"Yes, yes, the questions I gave her were all calculation." Fei Bai nodded repeatedly.

Expert Song glanced at Luo Feifei with interest: "Let's do a field test."

He chose two numbers at random: "What is twelve times thirty-four?"

Luo Feifei generally ignores strangers, and this time he didn't give face to the expert grandpa, Feibai had to repeat it again: "Feifei, do you count twelve times thirty-four?"

Luo Feifei compared the three numbers with her fingers, and Feibai followed: "Four, zero, eight, four hundred and eight?"

He took out his mobile phone and calculated it, and it was true.

"Amazing!" Fei Bai gave the little girl a thumbs up.

Expert Song nodded and said, "What about four hundred and eight times one thousand and five?"

Fei Bai just wanted to say that you are too embarrassing for the child, when he saw Luo Feifei begin to use his fingers to sign the numbers, he hurriedly read: "Four, one, zero, zero, four, zero, this is It's four..."

Luo Feifei has already figured it out, he hasn't counted the number yet.

"Forty-one thousand and forty," Song expert tapped a few times on the phone, then raised his head with a smile, "That's right."

Fei Bai counted with his fingers, and then reacted with hindsight: "Yes, it is six digits."

Then he saw Luo Feifei looking at him with contempt.

Fei Bai felt that he was offended: "Isn't it just a quick calculation, so can I."

He looked at Expert Song angrily: "Grandpa Song, can you give me one too?"

Expert Song happily accompanied the two children to play together: "Okay, then tell me what is twenty-nine times fifty-four."

"Two thousand eight." Feibai said immediately.

Song expert calculated with his mobile phone: "You are a little far behind."

"You can say whether it's fast or not." Fei Bai said confidently.

Song expert laughed heartily: "Fei Bai, I really want to know if young people nowadays are as interesting as you?"

Fei Bai realized that his behavior was a little naive, he scratched his hair embarrassedly, and then remembered something: "You just said that you should pay more attention to Feifei's advantages, which means that she will be in the future in the future. Has this been accomplished?"

"Not necessarily, it's just a good wish," Song Expert's smile faded, "Have you seen "Rain Man"?"

Fei Bai has seen this movie, the protagonist Raymond has extraordinary mental arithmetic ability and unforgettable memory, but like Luo Feifei, he cannot adapt to modern society due to some defects. The talent was useless except to help his brother win a sum of money in the casino, and finally he was sent back to the orphanage because he did not have the ability to act independently.

Thinking of the ending of the movie, Feibai understood what Song expert meant.

"Time, luck, fate," Song expert leaned over and patted his shoulder, "It's not just her, everyone is the same."

Fei Bai looked at the little girl sitting next to him, and suddenly felt a little emotional, if Luo Feifei was a child with normal intelligence, he would have an extraordinary talent in mathematics and the resources of the Luo family , I don't know how many people should be envied.

When it is true, it is fate and luck.

The living room was quiet for a while, only the TV was still playing soothing background music. Aunt Zhang judged the situation and felt that Song Expert had already said everything, so she tentatively said, "Song Lao, why don't you come here today?"

Expert Song nodded and got up from the sofa: "I'll see you off."

Aunt Zhang waved her hands again and again: "Don't bother you old, you can rest well."

Expert Song didn't insist, but said lightly, "Say hello to Mr. Xiao Luo for me."

How much time can he reasonably stay?

This question did not bother him for too long, because the driver drove halfway, a white light suddenly flashed in the sky, and then there was a rumbling thunder.

"Hey, it's raining," Aunt Zhang grumbled and turned to look at Feibai from the co-pilot, "Feifei is afraid of thunder, Mr. Xiaofei, look at her."

Feibai turned her face and found that the little girl was shrinking in fear in the corner formed by the seat and the door, her face turned pale with fright, and her eyes stared nervously at the sky outside the window .

It's strange, Luo Feifei is not even afraid of riding a roller coaster, but she is actually afraid of thunder.

At this time, he heard the little girl repeating a set of syllables in a low voice. The familiar pronunciation reminded him of something. Yes, it was the same sound when it was not out of control last time.

Similar to "don't hit".

Fei Bai quickly linked the two things together. Feifei's adoptive father worked in a private auto repair shop. This kind of storefront under the watchful eyes of the urban management is usually open-air, so under thunderstorms Few people go to repair and wash cars on rainy days, business will not be good, and Feifei's biological father won't get much commission, so he must be annoyed. When he gets home and sees this daughter who is not his own oil bottle, he should say that No one will believe that a scum can hold back his actions.

He sighed and pulled Feifei in his direction: "Don't be afraid, brother Feibai is here."

Luo Feifei hugged Feibai's arms with two small arms and pressed half of his cheeks tightly to his sleeve.

Fei Bai patted the top of her head and said in a relaxed tone, "Isn't he really good when he counted at Grandpa Song's house just now, why are you cowardly now?"

Luo Feifei ignored his teasing and repeated a sentence vaguely.

She said it several times, and Aunt Zhang in the front seat almost understood it: "Mr. Xiaofei, did you tell me to stay with her at night?"

Fei Bai paused, lowered his head and asked softly, "Do you want me to stay, Feifei?"

The author has this to say:

Two more (??ω?)??