MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 355 sea ​​storm

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  Chapter 355 Sea Storm

  Sitting on the stage of the performance hall, Tu Fu held a glass of whiskey, staring at the dazzling performance of the girls on the stage with a dull expression, not knowing what to think about.


  The red-haired boy Frank patted him on the shoulder heavily,

   "Hey, buddy, still thinking about your daydream plan to save the world, look, the **** girl in the white dress on the stage, that is Miss Anna from Northern Europe..."

  Listening to the son of a rich family talking about the differences between girls from all over the world, Tu Fu turned his eyes without interest, but secretly wrote down his experience.

   "Frank, we might be in trouble."

   "It's true, I have fallen into Miss Anna's dancing posture, and I can't extricate myself."

   "I'm not talking about this, I heard that a ship wrecked nearby, which is very unusual."

  “In this world, more than 3,000 people die in traffic accidents every day, more than two people per minute. If you have to mourn everyone, why don’t you go to study as a priest, God bless you.”

   "Because I'm not a **** pedophile." Tu Fu raised his eyebrows and retorted naturally.

   "It's a good joke, but don't let religious people hear it. You would have been burned to death with the witch a few centuries ago." Franky's eyes lit up, but he saw that Tu Fu was still looking sad,

   "I mean that thousands of things are forgotten every day, so why not forget this one too. The most important thing is to live the present moment."

   "Why should I forget this one again."

Tu Fu drank his whiskey in silence. Ever since he learned about the trouble on the bridge, he was always unhappy. He thought of several solutions in a row, but it was too difficult for non-crewmen to put them into practice. .

  He didn't know how the ships approaching the same route on the sea disappeared, and the premonition of danger always made him uncomfortable.

  For several days, Tu Fu racked his brains to find out about the shipwreck.

  But the engineering department has taken precautions against him.

   Whatever you say, don't let him, an idler, enter.

   After touching the wall a few times, he naturally became depressed. Instead, he followed Frank to the performance hall for several days, and even watched the dance for several days.

   There is a **** like Frank leading the way, ranging from the measurements of the dancers to the size of their sexual fetishes.

  So the content of his diary became "October 1, Sunday, the whole world celebrates and enjoys dancing",

   "October 4th. Enjoy the dance."

   "October 5th. Enjoy the dance."

   "October 6th. Tufu, Tufu! How can you be so depraved! You can't extricate yourself from being addicted to beauty. The saint said, 'I examine myself three times a day', and I can't go on like this."

  The day after the diary was written, Frank on the same floor invited him again, and claimed that there would be a large-scale special session for 18+, and Tu Fu would forget about any troubles at sea.

  The famous saying of the sage flexibly became "The sage said: 'Food is also sex.'"


   Unknowingly, more than 20 days have passed since the disappearance of the ship. Except for occasionally going to the hall to enjoy the dance, Tu Fu is not without plans.

  He has a good relationship with Chef Harry of the Michelin restaurant on the sea, so he often reminds him to pay attention to the freshness of the ingredients, and replenishes the food in time after arriving at the destination.

   Arriving at the area near the replenishment of resources, Tu Fu also tried to investigate the disappearance of the ship.

  But there is no news about such a big event on the Internet, and no one talks about it in reality.

  One thing that caught Tu Fu's attention even more was that there was no news from the Department of Radio Electronics. Not only was there no news of the wrecked ship at sea, this time even the international community had no news.

  It’s not that he didn’t think about leaving halfway, it’s just that the journey is less than halfway started, so if he leaves hastily like this, he’s afraid that he will return to his day-to-day life, and just thinking about it makes him feel unwilling.

   I thought about going, but in the end I stayed on the boat.

   October 25th.

   "If I go back and tell my parents that they just watched the dance and did nothing while traveling around the world, they will laugh for a lifetime."

   Leaning his hand on the guardrail of the uppermost deck, watching the trajectory of the seagulls passing by in the sky, Tu Fu put on his dead fish eyes and exhaled leisurely.

   "It's been so long, it's probably okay, even if they don't care about me, why make a fuss about it."

"Da da da."

  Tu Fu had just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard footsteps behind him. They were members of the engine department, and they didn't know what happened. They all had gloomy faces and walked towards the captain's cabin one after another.

  Tu Fu's heart moved, and he subconsciously raised his heels to follow.

   But he kept his distance because of the guard at the door of the captain's cabin. He wandered around the door and eavesdropped on the conversation inside.

  I vaguely heard some conversations, and part of the brain Tufu already knew that a major incident had occurred. The GPS navigation system failed, which directly led to the wrong course for several days.

   "Wait, if the course deviates, that is to say, the supply point at the next stop cannot be reached in time, then there is no room for error."

  Tu Fu felt his back go cold, he vaguely thought of Chef Harry's complaint a few days ago.

  Most of the ingredients stored on the ship have deteriorated, and even the basic guarantee is gone.

   "Tu Fu."

  An unreasonable call immediately dragged Tu Fu back to reality from his fear. It was Captain Arthur who had already finished the discussion. He frowned, "Did you hear what happened just now?"

  Tu Fu raised his head suddenly: "Didn't you have someone check the navigation system at any time? Why did this happen?"

  “It’s the aging of the equipment. Before the accident, no one knew that there would be such a thing. It is not easy to repair it immediately after the accident.”

   "Then quickly send a signal to the nearest radio system, requesting the help of the international community, at least let them know the situation of the 'Santa Maria'."

  Tu Fu's eyes widened, and his anxiety almost turned into tears.

   "Don't worry, we have already worked on these solutions, you can rest assured that it is only a small problem, in my past life, I have solved many similar things.

  Generally speaking, rumors and turmoil are usually the biggest threats.

  So don't tell the passengers this kind of thing, you should know that if there are different voices from the passengers, it will only bring trouble to our actions. "

  Captain Arthur advised Tu Fu very reasonablely, his identity as the captain was extremely confusing, and he clarified all the interests in just a few words,

  Using reason and favors made Tu Fu unable to retaliate, and he didn't even have an entry point to refute.


  Finally, Captain Arthur patted him on the shoulder to express comfort, "Don't panic, encountering difficulties is part of the journey."

   Such difficulties lasted until a heavy rain two days later.

  Tu Fu swears that he has never experienced such turmoil in his life. The white light of lightning and thunder illuminates the entire sea, and the rain pours down, and the windows are full of rain and fog, dripping endlessly.

  The giant ship of 10,000 tons is swaying with the waves and the wind on the sea, like a small sailboat, which may fall over at any time.

   And in a terrifying giant wave accompanied by heavy rain, the white sizzling top of the wave was like a mouthful of blood, overwhelmingly swallowing towards the "Santa Maria", the terrifying scene was like the end.

  The "Santa Maria" is even more like a headless fly. When it encounters danger, it keeps bumping around and has been chased by the ocean storm for a long time. Probably even the people on the bridge don't know where it is.


  Tufu put on a raincoat and made a dull trampling sound in the corridor, although he should be quietly waiting in the cabin for the end of the disaster.

   But after experiencing such coincidences one after another, he couldn't sit still, and he didn't trust the group of people on board at all.


   I don't know if it's raindrops or waves, but dense hydropower pours out.

Just one encounter made his raincoat drenched. When passing through the middle of the journey, the green raincoat was covered with water spots. He went straight to the large cabin of the bridge, and just approached that position. Seeing the guard at the door reaching out to intercept him,


   "Now is the critical moment, don't go in."

  Tu Fu lowered his head without saying a word, ignoring the guard's dissuasion, and strode directly into it. When the guard grabbed his clothes, he took the opportunity to take off the golden cicada shell and took off the raincoat.

   Regardless of the cursing from the people behind him, Tu Fu slipped directly into the bridge, intending to find out.

   I saw countless seafarers inside doing a lot of chores in a hurry, especially to avoid the huge tide behind them. At this moment, they had no sense of direction at all, and they didn't care where the destination was.

   As long as you can escape smoothly, you are successful.

  The several lieutenants other than the captain, the several supervisors, and the people on the bridge all worked hard to perform their duties under such extreme conditions, leading the crew to escape from death.

   "It's dead, there is something wrong with the engine parts, probably because the heavy rain has soaked it with too much water."

   "We can only wait for the disaster to pass before sending engineers from the engine department to repair it."

   "There is also something wrong with the radio, and I can't contact the outside world for the time being."

   "Isn't the radio being maintained every day? Why is there a problem at this critical moment, that means there is no way to call for help from the outside world?"

   "This is by no means the worst. Except for the engine and radio, we have probably deviated far from the track, which means that this sea area has long since become a desolate area."

  Hearing the one after another response questions from those people, and seeing the snowflakes on the screen, Tu Fu felt like a lightning strike.

  Obviously he already felt something was wrong, but it happened to be a preventable problem. This group of people obviously listened to his suggestion, but never took it seriously.

  So that when a disaster occurs, there is no chance to ask for help from the outside world.

   These people can no longer be relied on, it seems that he can only solve it by his own means.

   When he looked at the crew on the bridge again, Tu Fu's eyes were only as cold as a poisonous snake.

  (end of this chapter)