MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 462 Double King Banquet

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  Chapter 462 Double King Banquet

   Border Temporary Military Region, General Staff.

  William II, who was in the tent of the camp, had never suffered this kind of hardship.

  The beds here are extremely difficult to sleep in, the air pollution is serious, and the terrible smell of sweat permeates the entire barracks.

  In order to create a good image of a clean and honest king in people's minds, during the few days when he moved to the staff department, he did almost everything by himself.

  Personally command the work of the subordinate generals, listen to the reports of the subordinates...and eat the meals made by the chef,

   It can be said to be quite hard.

  At this moment, William II was holding the battle report from the front line, and looked at the generals of the army divisions with a solemn expression. His expression was very dignified, and he slammed heavily, and the document was smashed to the ground.

   "It's been three days, and we haven't been able to advance a kilometer, and we have lost so many people.

  Do you know how much the kingdom spends on supplying military power every day? The country does not train you to come here for tourism. "

   "Your Majesty, please forgive me."

   "Please give us some more time, we really can't win Wiesel in a month."

   "With all due respect, even if the Landis army has a million pigs, we can't catch them in a month."

  The king's stern words reached the ears of every general, and all the generals looked very embarrassed. They could only persuade him with kind words, but they couldn't help but want to point at his nose and scold him back.

  You drove away all capable people, and once Solons retreated, various forces placed family members in the army and cultivated cronies, creating a mess.

  Although William II did not interfere with the military's general strategy this time,

  But I especially like micromanagement.

   Which troops to attack which point, what tactics to use, and how to retreat are all ordered by His Majesty himself.

   degree of meticulousness,

   Almost even the position of the machine gun point of any company has to be intervened.

  If this is the case, forget it, the more hateful thing is that their great majesty will always come up with many unrealistic and whimsical ideas.

  One day the interest suddenly came, and I thought about concentrating the core strength of the three legions, turning it into a sharp knife to defeat the Wilma defense line that Lantis is proud of, and the troops drove straight into the territory of Lantis.

  Or ordering a certain army to take down which city or important strategic location within a few days, such plans are impossible to achieve.

  Their beloved king can always come up with ideas that make people can't help but blacken their eyes,

   Almost blinded the Bayer generals stationed here.

   With such a terrible master on the stand, many Baier generals who had jumped repeatedly couldn't help but miss Thilo Thorens when he was still there.

  There is no gap without contrast.

   "Your Majesty, I have heard that at the border of Landis, because of the arrival of the Sun King in person, the morale of the Landis army has been boosted, so it is naturally difficult to fight.

   It is normal for us to have difficulty advancing on the front line. "

  It’s good that a general wearing a general star didn’t speak. After mentioning this information, William II’s complexion changed even more. He said sullenly:

   "The head of Landis came to the border and the army's morale was greatly boosted. Didn't I, the king of Baia, also come to the border, why don't you see some vitality."

  In the camp, there was silence, an absolute silence.

  As long as the person sitting here is not the king of Baia, or the status is not close, these veterans in the military camp will definitely bury him alive.

   It is not uncommon for everyone to have seen people with high self-esteem, but they have no one in their hearts.

  William II is really number one.

   "Your Majesty, Landis's envoy is here, do you want to receive him?"

   Outside the tent, a man covered in armor spoke with a deep voice.

   "Envoy of Lantis, what are you here for?"

   "It is said that it is the Sun King's oral order, and I am willing to speak only when I see His Majesty."

  King William II stared at him and made a decision after hesitating for a moment.

   "Let him in."

   After finishing speaking, a gorgeously dressed Lantis man arrived outside the door. The red, green and blue primary color mixed clothes, combined with this person's upright appearance, looked quite gaudy.

  The envoy of the enemy country half-kneeled on the ground as soon as they met, with a very low posture:

   "See His Majesty the King of Baia Kingdom, the head of state of our country pays you the highest respect on my behalf."

  King William II raised his hand to signal him to get up, with a brisk tone:

   "You Lantisians are interesting, they attacked my country without saying a word, and there is no intention of peace talks.

  Since the talks didn’t work out at the beginning, they probably didn’t plan to talk anymore. Now that my army has crossed the border, why are you looking for me now? "

   "I would like to inform His Majesty the king that war between the two countries is not what we want to see. We are considering many things. In order to prevent this disaster from spreading, our head of state wants to talk to you.

   End this wrong war. "

  The envoy of Landis is still respectful.

   "Oh, you guys want to talk, you can."

  William II's voice suddenly raised a level, "First pay back the blood debt owed in Tabur, and the Baia people who died in Berne, the soldiers who died in this war.

   How about you ask their family members if they agree.

  If you can pay off all these debts, I am naturally willing to talk to you. "

  He paused and sneered: "If you can't do it, let's not talk about it."

  "The Republic can't pay back those who died in the war, but it can make up for it in other ways.

  And Your Majesty, winning a battle does not necessarily mean winning a war, getting compensation after a war, and ending a war can also make Your Majesty a great king. "

   Lai Shi seemed to have expected that he would say this a long time ago, and prepared countermeasures in advance.

   All the words came to William II's heart, and he had to seriously consider the other party's proposal.

  Especially after he got started in the past few days, he vaguely realized how unreliable it is to implement actual combat ideas into reality.

   "Your Majesty, our head of state has prepared everything for you. Just two days later, at six o'clock in the afternoon, the place is in the city of Baya on the border between Baia and Lantis.

  At that time, we will withdraw the troops there and hold a grand dinner for the meeting of the two chiefs. And the Baier army was allowed to advance 30 kilometers, and the armies of both sides ceased fire during the meeting.

   But for the sake of safety, although you can bring people, so will the Führer. "

  The envoy of Landis was sitting on his chest, and offered a very attractive condition.

  The king of Baia is a face-saving king, and all he wants is face and face.

  Give it to him.

   Ending the war can also improve William II's face, and the actual benefit is that the border guards retreat.

  Even if the two countries fail to reach an agreement in the end, Baia's army can take a big step forward across the border and penetrate deep into the hinterland of Lantis.

   It can be said to be a very cost-effective condition.

  Landis's envoy saw him hesitate, and suddenly chuckled while the iron was hot:

   "If your majesty really doesn't want to go, the head of state will not force you, but we will still go to the scene, and perhaps many friends from the press will be there."

"You want to say that if I don't go, I will be a coward and let the whole world know." After hearing this, William II said slowly, "You are so courageous. When two countries are at war, it is the old rule .

   But you should be in my barracks, so you are not afraid that I will shoot you. "

   "If Your Majesty wants to do this, just shoot.

  If I can die in Baia’s military camp, everyone in the Republic will remember it, treat my family well, and leave my name in history. It’s not a loss to think about it. "

  The visiting envoy smiled easily, with no fear in his eyes.

   "Your Majesty, the Lantisians are untrustworthy."

   "He is deliberately provoking you, so don't be fooled."

  The general beside him frowned and reminded that something was wrong.

  King William II stood up suddenly, completely unable to listen to the words of others, and looked at the messenger with piercing eyes, "Tell your head of state that I will arrive as scheduled.

   If he dares to fool me, Baia's army of one million will pay a visit to Wiesel himself. "

   "Thank you, Your Majesty."

  Landis's envoy saw nothing in his eyes, as if everything was expected.

   "Actually, before this banquet, our head of state still has a small wish..."


   "What? Your father is going to Baya to meet the Sun King. And he wants me to attend. What's wrong with that?"

   It was already the next morning that Tu Fu got the news.

  Prince Kadler William personally visited the temporary base to inform Him about it.

   The whole thing is pretty ridiculous.

   "In short, that's how things are. It is said that the Sun King Louis XIV appreciates your talent very much. I heard that you are here, so I want to see you.

And the father agreed to the conditions of the Head of Landis, because you are willing to join the banquet, the Lantis army in Baya will retreat another 20 kilometers, and give up a part of the defense line. For the father, this is a very cost-effective deal. . "

  Prince Kadler told Tu Fu all the information he knew.

   "It turned out to be a deal!"

  Tu Fu raised his brows and chuckled lightly, feeling even more angry.

  This banquet between the two kings has problems no matter how you think about it.

  According to his understanding of the Lantis people, if the opponent is willing to give up the 50-kilometer defense line, it can only show that what Landis plans is far more valuable than the 50-kilometer defense line.

   This feeling of being forced into someone else's trap makes Tu Fu very unhappy.

   What displeased him more was another matter.

   "Co-author, I'm worth twenty kilometers of border!"

  (end of this chapter)