MTL - I Had a Home In 1982-Chapter 11 The first morning of 1982 (thanks to my friends for playing

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  Chapter 11 The first morning of 11.82 (thanks to my friends for the reward)

   Xiufang kindly invited Wang Yi to go down for dinner, but Wang Yi firmly refused.

   He said that he was tired and that he had already eaten some noodles.

   As a result, Xiufang insisted on bringing him a bowl of scrambled eggs with shrimp paste and a tortilla about the size of his face.

  Wang Yi was moved.

  This is nostalgia!

  Wang Yi felt that for a person who lost the care of his parents when he was young, there is nothing more precious to him than this.


   In addition to the key that can double through two time and space.


   and health and longevity.


   Forget it, I can't think about it anymore, and thinking about it any more will hurt my feelings.

   In terms of solar terms, it is only a few days before the beginning of summer, but in terms of actual climate, the nights on the island are still a bit cold.

  There is no electricity and no lights on the island, and every household burns kerosene lamps.

  The members live and are reluctant to burn kerosene indiscriminately—not only to save money, but also to save energy for the country and the collective, so the nights on Tianya Island are boring.

  Only a particularly clear moon shines on the island and the sea, and only the sound of the waves accompanies the people on the island.

   This is also quite romantic.

   Soon after Xiufang left, someone came.

  Wang Yi thought it was a big confusion, but it turned out that Wang Dongfeng came, and as soon as he entered the door, he said:

   "Mr. Wang, I heard that your food is delicious?"

  Wang Yi, who was lying on the bed listening to the sound of the waves, suddenly got up and looked terrified: "Are you joking, joking or what?"

  Old GAY drilled into the quilt and made the young man shiver!

  Wang Dongfeng said: "What? What did you let me play with? I just heard that you were eating under the snot of Big Maze and Brother Erlang. They all said that you had good seasonings and that it was delicious."

  Wang Yi was silent.

   turned out to be unintentional words.

   He lay down again and said, "Hi, the seasonings in the instant noodles are delicious."

   "Actually, it's not that delicious. Big Mum and Ugly Cat have never eaten instant noodles, so they ate a fresh one. Just think about it, can instant noodles be better than prawns and crabs?"

  Wang Dongfeng said with a smile: "What they said was an old god, and they said it was very delicious."

   "No seafood is delicious." Wang Yi said.

  Wang Dongfeng said: "If you are willing to eat seafood, then tomorrow - forget it, tomorrow is not good, the day after tomorrow, when the tide is low in the morning, I will take you to Plum Blossom Beach to catch the sea."

   Someone else came from behind, and several young people came together:

   "Mr. Wang, are you really studying in the capital? Tell us what the capital is like."

   "Yes, talk about Tiananmen, I love BJ Tiananmen..."

   "There are also the Great Hall of the People, the Monument to Heroes, and the Great Wall. What's the capital like? Isn't it good?"

  Wang Yi didn't know what the capital was like these days, but he knew about Tiananmen Square, the Great Hall of the People, and the Monument to Heroes, so he could just cut off the nonsense.

   Someone came from behind, this time it was a big confusion.

   Big Dazed came with a roll of bedding. He didn't even need a bed. He took a broken bed mat with him, threw the mat on the ground, pulled the quilt with his shirtless shirt on, and went up.

  Wang Yi was stunned on the spot.

   The young man sleeps on the cold kang, all relying on firepower!

   After lying down in a daze, he fell asleep quietly, making Wang Yi very happy.

   He was worried that this dude would snore.

  Wang Yi chatted with the group until the middle of the night, and finally Wang Dongfeng chased them away: "Everyone goes, Mr. Wang doesn't sleep? If Mr. Wang doesn't sleep, we have to sleep, and we have to go to work tomorrow."

  The departure of young Ulala.

  Leaving only a strange smell of foot odor mixed with smoke...

  Wang Yi looked at the big confused huddled up on the ground, so he tore off the mattress on his bed and gave it to him.

  Dazed took the mattress and asked: "Mr. Wang, you give me this, then what are you laying?"

  Wang Yi said: "Hey, you haven't slept yet? I have a bed, you don't have to worry about it, you sleep on yours."

  Dazed and rude, took the mattress and laid it down: "I haven't slept, I just love hearing you talk about the ancients."

  Wang Yi said: "Go to bed now, go to bed early and get up early to get a good rest."

   nodded confusedly: "Well, I will listen to you, Mr. Wang, you are good to me, except for my father, you are good to me, and put your own bed for me to sleep."

  Wang Yi laughed dumbly.

   Then pull out the sleeping bag from under the large backpack.

  Tianya Island in 2022 is a deserted island, and he was fully prepared before going to the island.

   He got into the sleeping bag and was about to sleep while listening to the sound of the waves and smelling the sea breeze, but the big confusion started: "Gu-qua, Gu-qua..."

  Wang Yi rolled his eyes.


  No surprise, this guy is snoring!

  ‘crunch, crunch’…

   The grunt fell and the grinding of teeth sounded.

  Wang Yi couldn't stand the sound. It gave him goosebumps like fingernails scraping glass or stones hitting a blackboard.

   He couldn't bear it any longer and was about to wake up Big Daze, but the grinding of his teeth stopped.

  He just breathed a sigh of relief—


  Wang Yi couldn't help but got up.

   Are you farting or whipping? Or is this the legendary whip fart?

   Originally, he was ready to snor in a big confusion. He thought about it. Anyway, the sound of the waves is disturbing, so even if there is a snoring, it will be fine.

   But I didn't expect that the big confusion not only snores but also grinds his teeth, not only grinds his teeth but also farts!

   He got up depressed, and suddenly a little black figure swooped out...


   A mouse got up and ran away!

   Then swish, and several mice ran past.

   Wang Yi is about to collapse like this!

   He is afraid of mice, which is a bit hypocritical but there is a reason: when Wang Yi just lost his parents, his classmates gave him a lot of DVDs to comfort him so he could watch movies.

   As a result, there is a movie that is a disaster movie, it is about a group of mice that bite and eat people, and it has a **** ending:

  The protagonist who survived the rat disaster was rescued by several firefighters who killed rodents. The protagonist cried with joy, and then the firefighters took off their helmets to reveal a mouse head larger than a human head!

   This movie frightened the young Wang Yi into three confusions, but what really left a psychological shadow on him was when he looked back after watching the movie:

   On top of the back of the sofa, a mouse was eating the cookies he put on it!

   He still remembers the name of the movie: "Meat and Meat"!

   also remembered the appearance of the mouse: all mice are the same in the world, so he is afraid of all mice.

  The mouse scurried, he couldn't stand it anymore, he quickly jumped out of bed and kicked the big confused: "Hurry up, hurry up, wake up, mouse! There are mice!"

  Dazed and excited sat up: "What? Have a wife?"

  Wang Yi exclaimed: "What dream are you having? It's a mouse, there are mice!"

   After hearing his words in a daze, he sighed regretfully: "Alas, mice, mice can't eat, why are you so happy?"

   Wang Yi was speechless.

   Explain to me, what is his joy!

The    mice were scared away, and they could only continue to sleep.

  Wang Yi was also surprised. During the day, he checked and there were no mouse holes in the house. Where did the mice come from?

   With doubts, he got into the sleeping bag. Fortunately, the sleeping bag he bought has a hood. After pulling it up, he can cover his head together and breathe only through the breathing hole.

  It will be difficult to breathe and a little hot, but it is safe and will not be bitten by mice.

   This is his second night in 1982.

  Without the blessing of alcohol, he couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

   But woke up early.

  The ancient bell in front of the brigade village committee in the early morning is very loud, and the sound is very penetrating.

  Wang Yi got out of the sleeping bag and took a look.

  The big confused bedding was thrown on the ground at will, and people no longer knew where to go.

   He yawned and walked out the door in a daze.

   It's foggy again.

  Mist falls from the sky on the sea and the island, like a hanging curtain, wrapping the sea and the island together.

  The east is white with fish belly, and the genius is bright.

  Wang Yi stretched and opened his mouth to take a sip of Morrowind from 1982.

   He stood high and looked into the distance. Today's fog is not as thick as what he encountered in 22 years. He can still vaguely see ships passing by at sea in the distance, and he can even see the houses and pedestrians under the mountains.

  The fog enveloped the island, in all directions, and it was illusory.

  The people on the island get up early, but they are not in a hurry. They go out slowly, and then greet each other happily:

   "His second uncle, have you eaten yet?"

   "Not yet, I'll eat when I go back. Where is your house?"

   "I don't have one at home either. I went to the beach to see the fish basket I put down last night. Maybe I'll come across two tongue fish."

   "Rhubarb, come back, what are you running around for?"

   "Yo, Mr. Wang, are you up?" Wang Dongxi, who was ringing the bell, came to greet with a smile, "I heard that college students like to sleep late, but I didn't expect Mr. Wang to get up early and you're still in good spirits."

  Wang Yi showed a hypocritical smirk: "I just got back to my hometown, I was so excited, I couldn't help but get up early to see the morning in my hometown."

  Wang Dongxi said: "You will have time to watch it later. By the way, Mr. Wang, you don't have to start classes this week. I will send you the textbooks and notes left by the previous teacher, and you will prepare for the class first."

   "Then the branch secretary went to the county to give instructions to the leaders of the Education Bureau, and transferred back the students who went to Shuihua Island to study."

  The island is full of Ma Li people, and Wang Dongxi quickly brought him a cardboard box.

   There is a line of characters in thick ink and light colors on the box: Shengui Tonic Wine, a man's good friend, you deserve it!

  Wang Yi naturally knew what was in the box. After he opened it, there was a curled-up textbook on the top, with five geese flying side by side on the cover, and a few red maple leaves scattered.

   A few words in the lower right corner:

  5-year elementary school textbook.


   People's Education Publishing House, Volume 1.

   He turned the pages, the table of contents on the left and the colored drawings on the right.

   There is a red banner on the picture that reads "Welcome to the new classmates", some students bow to the teacher, some parents in Lenin uniforms send their children to school, and some Young Pioneers with three bars on their shoulders lead the students into the classroom...

   All this is very foreign to him.

   but novel.

  Wang Dongxi watched him flip through the textbook, and said, "Mr. Wang, look first, here's breakfast. My wife made lard cakes this morning, and I'll give you two to try."

   A bag was opened, and inside were two golden dough cakes.

  Mianxiang lard is fragrant and fragrant!

   Wang Yi thanked him again and again.

   This is ok, this is appetizing!

Thanks to the leader of Xinxiong Wanfu, and also to the leader of my brother Rong Xiaorong, who shares the same **** (I am really touched by this, Rong is the first person who saw me signing the contract and rewarded me, in order to wait for this moment He refreshes my book 24 times a day). In addition, the old iron bear is not very impressed, is it the vest of one of my relatives to support me? Because I haven't opened a book for a long time, there are pure book friends who come to reward me...



   (end of this chapter)