MTL - I Had a Home In 1982-Chapter 460 459. Night hanging frost, bacon fragrance (at the end of the month ask for a monthly pass!

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   Chapter 460 459. Night hanging frost, bacon fragrant (at the end of the month ask for a monthly pass!)

Gu Mingming shook hands with him happily and said, "We are too fateful, too fateful. Last time I wanted to leave your identity information, but you left quietly. I thought we would not meet in the future. I thought we met again in just a few days!"

   "What a coincidence!"

  Wang Dongmei asked, "Mr. Wang, do you know each other?"

   "Mr. Wang, it turns out that you are still a teacher." Gu Mingming smiled, "Your teaching team is talented."

   "Recently, we received a notice that another teacher in our county has successfully published a children's science fiction book. He has the same surname as you, and both are Wang. You are not that teacher, right?"

  Wang Yisan smiled and said, "You are really good at guessing."

   Gu Mingming was stunned when he heard this: "I said casually, are you really Wang Yi?"

   He quickly clapped his hands and said, "So you are Teacher Wang Yiwang? No wonder! No wonder you are so nice and willing to help strangers who meet by chance! So you are Teacher Wang Yiwang!"

  Wang Dongmei said proudly: "Yes, this is Teacher Wang Yi, the teacher and principal of our Tianya Primary School."

  Wang Yi was a little embarrassed.

  Gu Mingming didn't look at him like a teacher, but like a leader.

   Gu Mingming's attitude towards him was even more enthusiastic, and he pulled him in to see the leader.

   But Wang Dongmei is also willing to perform his role as secretary and guard, and admires him even more.

  Wang Yi looked at it and let it go. He quickly grabbed Gu Mingming and said in a low voice, "Low-key, low-key, let's keep a low profile. It's work time, don't disturb the leaders and comrades."

   "Besides, we're here to buy a bike today - is this your work tool? Why are you selling it?"

  Wang Yi remembered the mother's illness he mentioned, and suddenly realized: "Does your mother need money for treatment?"

  Gu Mingming shook his head and said, "No, my mother suffers from emphysema. She came here to stay in the hospital for a few days, plus our brothers and sisters went to the hospital frequently, she was in a good mood and recovered quickly."

   "There is a patient in the same ward named Brother Qiao. He has gallbladder disease and needs surgery, but their family is poor and wants to give up treatment."

"The problem is that I heard from the doctor that this operation to remove the gallbladder is a small operation, and it won't cost a few hundred dollars, and Brother Qiao is still very young, there are old and young, and giving up the treatment of this gallbladder disease will worsen, which is equivalent to giving up life!"

   "You once asked me that day, saying that you gave me kindness, and I hope that when someone needs help, I can also lend a helping hand."

   "I happened to meet Brother Qiao's situation, so I wanted to help them, but I didn't have much money, so I decided to sell this bike."

"Actually, I can't use a bicycle. My home is in Huangtu Township. It's too far away from my work unit. I usually live in my uncle's house in the city. So I think I'll sell the bicycle to raise the surgery fee to Brother Qiao. Surgery..."

  Wang Yi was very moved to hear this.

  Gu Mingming is very sincere.

   This thing really deserves the lyrics, as long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a better world.

   Touched, people tend to be impulsive, he waved his hand and said, "Then don't sell the bike, I'll finance this big brother Qiao's surgery..."

   "That's not necessary." Gu Mingming shook his head and refused, "How many people are in need of help in the county hospital? How many people are in need of help in our country and even the world's proletariat?"

"If you all need Mr. Wang's help, you can't help even if you smash your bones and sell them. I met with Brother Qiao, so I will help, I can't pull you up, or what is this called? thing?"

   "Isn't that right, comrade?"

   The last sentence he asked Wang Dongmei.

  Wang Dongmei blinked and thought for a while, and said, "I can also donate some money. As a manager, my salary is relatively high, so I can definitely help."

Gu Mingming smiled and said: "Then you can all help, I will not be polite to you. This permanent bicycle was a gift from my uncle when I came to work in the Xinhua Bookstore last year. It cost me a ticket and Bought it for 148 yuan."

   "Otherwise, don't bargain, just buy this bicycle at the original price, and we will jointly fund Brother Qiao and his family."

   He is a free and easy person, and a reasonable person.

   Wang Yi felt that his logic was fine.

  In life, one should ask for someone with a clear conscience, instead of trying to sell iron and helping others at all costs, otherwise it would not be considered a good deed, it would be considered oversight.

   When you meet someone who needs help, you will help yourselves without having to find someone who needs help.

   With so many people and so many things in the world, who doesn’t need help?

  Wang Yi was not too polite, he accepted Gu Mingming's proposal, no matter what the current value of the car was, they would buy the bicycle at a price of 148 yuan.

  The extra money is even donated to the patient's surgery.

  If this amount of money is not enough, it should be the patients and their families who should find a way to raise funds, rather than relying entirely on the kindness of others.

  Wang Yi paid and left 150 yuan.

   He shook hands with Gu Mingming and said, "After my book is published, please leave a copy for me. I will sign it and give it to you, because you are my good friend."

   "I welcome you to visit our Tianya Island. It's a pleasure to have friends from afar!"

   Gu Mingming said with a smile: "Then I'm fighting with our leader, and I have to rush to buy a copy!"

   "When the time comes, I will go to the island with the book to find you!"

  The two sides bid farewell, and Wang Dongmei pushed the bicycle to go out.

  Some bookstore staff saw it and congratulated Gu Mingming and said, "Okay, Xiao Ming, you really sold your precious bicycle? The car is so well protected, isn't it a lot of money?"

   "Sold for 150 yuan." Gu Mingming smiled.

   The staff was surprised, so he coaxed again and said, "It's fine, then you have to invite a guest."

  Gu Mingming waved his hand, and Wang Dongmei said to him: "After get off work, lead your colleagues to our public restaurant and put it on my account. I just took this opportunity to get acquainted with you."

"To be honest, I like to read. But I'm very busy on weekdays and don't know what books to read. If we become friends, you can introduce me to a few more good books in the future, so that I can find good books to read in a short time. "

  Gu Mingming said: "We are already friends, I will bring two books after get off work!"

   Listening to their conversation, the staff of Xinhua Bookstore were confused:

   The manager of the public restaurant came over to buy a car and gave them a price of 150 yuan, but also invited their guests. What's going on?

  Is there gold hidden in this bike?

   Are public restaurants a fool?

   Or is Xiao Ming the nephew of the hidden leader?

   He pondered for a while and felt that the last possibility was more likely, then, hehehe...

  Wang Yi asked Wang Dongmei to ride the bike. He supported the back seat of the car and pushed Wang Dongmei all the way to the door of the public restaurant.

   The staff in the restaurant came out to watch the fun.

   This is a tricycle and a bicycle again. Chef Mi smiled and said, "Okay, comrades, we guerrillas will become a regular motorized team in one day!"

   Several people took turns learning to ride bicycles and motorcycles outside.

   There are fewer cars on the road now, not because there are fewer bicycles during commute to get off work, and there are fewer pedestrians in winter, which is just right for learning to drive.

  Wang Yi gave some pointers and then went around the restaurant to check the working conditions of the restaurant.

   When he arrived at the back kitchen, he saw Huang Huihui who was busy with her work, and chatted with her a few more words about Huang Dajun's situation in Shanghai.

  It is really inconvenient to stay in Tianya Island. The restaurant has its own phone. Huang Dajun will call Huang Huihui every few days to report safety, and he will also talk about the progress of doing business in Shanghai by the way.

   These news will not reach Tianya Island, and Tianya Island will be very closed until mobile phones are popularized.

   But these days, it costs money to make calls, and those who answer the phone have to spend money, so Huang Dajun and Huang Huihui don’t chat much, and they will hurriedly hang up after explaining the situation in three or five sentences.

  Wang Yi finished in the restaurant and dealt with all the difficulties that the restaurant had encountered recently, and then he had to go back to the production team.

He told Wang Dongmei that in a few days, he would have to follow the labor force of the production team to participate in the Taiyu Flood Contest, which would take at least ten days and a half months, and he would not necessarily go somewhere by then, so that the restaurant could find anything. Zhuang Mancang.

   explained the work arrangement of the restaurant, he strolled to the pier, and took a passenger boat back to Tianya Island.

   Back to Tianya Island, he still has some chores on hand.

   In the afternoon, Xu Heng had no classes, so Wang Yi asked him to slaughter the pigs, and then use the pork to marinate ham and make bacon.

   It was only a few days before the heavy snow that day, so bacon and ham would definitely not be smoked, but it doesn’t matter, as long as he does it, he will bring a shipment of goods from 22 years to the battle, and is it normal that there are ham and bacon among them?

   Anyway, the production team has no experience in making ham and bacon. They don't know how long it takes to make bacon and ham. Wang Yi brought it over and was responsible for cooking by himself.

  As soon as the fat pig came out of the slaughter, many members of the production team stretched their necks.

   Are we going to divide pork again tonight?

   The pigs currently stored in the pig sty of the production team were sent by Zang Jianshe of the commune after receiving the pigs.

  Wang Yi is particular about Zang Construction.

   The pigs he sent were all healthy and good pigs, some of them were thin, Wang Yi would bring pig feed over to give them a meal at night, so that the pigs he sent would grow fat and strong when they were slaughtered.

   After Xu Heng killed the pig, Wang Yi asked Xiaoye to help cut the pork.

  The fat pork is shaved from the pork bones and laid out one by one.

   Killing two pigs in a row like this, Wang Yi originally wanted to leave the pigs in the water to freeze, and take the Tianya No. 2 fishing boat to make soup to replenish energy for the laborers during the battle.

   But seeing the covetous members of the team, he was going to bring the meat on the boat, so he thought about putting the pigs into the water to clean up separately, pickling them in the evening, and inviting the members and students to drink pork offal soup tomorrow morning.

  Two pairs of pigs into the water, plus a few pieces of meat, enough to make a pork offal soup for the whole team to drink a bowl warmly.

   The pigs of this year are fed with fat, and whether the pork is good or not depends entirely on lard.

  Wang Yi gasped when he saw the thick suet on the pork. He asked Wang Zhengang to cut the suet, and directly got a piece and stuffed it with the pork skewer to Wang Zhengang.

  Wang Zhen just knew that he was filial and admired his experience as a soldier, so he didn't refuse, he put it away and said, "I will call Xiao Gao and the others tonight, and you can go to my place to eat stewed pork."

  Wang Yi said: "Okay, then I'll go back and make lard residue first."

  Lard suet is best for refining lard residue and fat.

  This thing should also be brought on the boat. When the time comes, each person will share a portion, eat a piece of lard residue when it is cold, and then take a sip of strong wine. Not only is it warm, but it is also full of fragrance.

  Wang Yi gave the suet to Zhong Yaoyao.

  The female helpers quickly cut them into small strips, add water suet to the pot, and boil the golden oil residue and lard on a small fire.

They knew that Wang Yi was going to take Wang Yi out to the sea to participate in the Hairtail Flood Contest in a few days, and they also knew the purpose of Wang Yi killing pigs to refine oil, so no one was greedy. The bag is tied tightly so that it will be crispy when eaten.

  Many people are more powerful, and more people are better at doing things.

  Someone refines oil, someone turns on the stove and burns the tongs, and when the tongs burn red, the colander comes up with the pig’s feet and pig’s head singed and singed.

  Wang Yi is preparing to pack up the bacon here. The whole pork leg is kept with the skin on, and the meat on the body is cut into strips two or three fingers wide, washed with cold water, drained and then evenly smeared with coarse salt.

   Bacon and ham are delicious. The step of rubbing salt must be paid attention to. You must rub hard to rub the salt into the meat.

   The female members have experience in this regard, because the outer islands will dry salted fish in winter, which also requires heavy salt.

  Wang Yi is not very good at making bacon and ham, so he made it according to the method he found. After the pork is salted, put it in and roll it for a few times, wrap it in the marinade, and put it in a jar to marinate.

  In December, the outer islands are freezing cold, so you don't have to worry about the meat going bad after sealing the jar, just let it marinate.

   The marinating time is variable, ranging from two to three days to ten days. Wang Yi thought that he did not have time to marinate for that long, so he had to marinate for two days and put on a look.

  He was busy here, and the slotted spoon asked him: "Mr. Wang, what about the pig's head and pig's feet? Or did you stew it in brine?"

  Wang Yi said: "The pig's head is stewed in stewed soup, but the pig's feet are not used. Tonight, the pig's feet will be put into the pot and stewed with soybeans and radishes, and then eat them with soy sauce."

  Boiled pork trotters are delicious when dipped in soy sauce.

  The female workers were delighted.

  The emperor was not short of hungry soldiers, and Wang Yi never let them just watch but not eat.

  Since the pig's feet are stewed at night, they will definitely be able to share two pieces per person to satisfy their cravings and enjoy it.

   They are satisfied that they can be divided into two small pieces.

   Usually at home, you may not be able to eat pig’s feet even during the Chinese New Year.

   So in the satisfied expectations, they put on masks and carried the pigs into the water to go out and start processing.

  The pig intestines are delicious, but the taste is too strong.

  Wang Yi can't understand why Mr. Yu Qian's father, Mr. Wang, likes to eat pork intestine sashimi...

  Since we are going to make pork miscellaneous soup tomorrow morning, there is no shortage of frosted sausages. As usual, he took out pig casings and pig blood to make frosted sausages.

  Eating pork miscellaneous soup all rely on frost sausage to fill the stomach. The production team is large and has a large population. Two pairs of pigs are separated into water and one person cannot eat two mouthfuls. Adding frost sausage is different, one person can have half a bowl of dry goods!

   In addition, Wang Yi took out two large pieces of bacon and cut them with a colander, saying, "Let the teachers eat bacon tonight..."

   "I'll do it!" A loud voice sounded.

  Sha Shengquan came with a smile.

  Wang Yi stunned: "What would you do?"

  Sha Shengquan said: "As long as it's bacon, I can do anything. My hometown has the custom of eating bacon in winter. I'm familiar with all kinds of practices!"

  Wang Yi really doesn't know his hometown.

   So he asked with a guilty conscience: "By the way, I still don't know your hometown, Teacher Sha, where is your hometown?"

   "One hundred thousand mountains!" Sha Shengquan said with a smile, "But I went to a university in Shanghai, and then I stayed there to teach. I haven't returned to my hometown for many years!"

   "But I still have a fresh memory of the bacon in my hometown. For many years, whenever I dream back at midnight, I will think of the bowl of bacon made by my mother."

   He spoke very affectionately.

  Xu Heng turned his head and said, "Then you didn't come to help when the pig was slaughtered just now?"

  Sha Shengquan said solemnly: "After all, I am a monk who has just returned to the secular world, and I still have to chant scriptures and worship Buddha from time to time in my heart. Is it difficult for you to let me kill now?"

   Xu Heng pouted: "Then it won't be difficult for you to eat bacon?"

  Sha Shengquan said: "How delicious the bacon is!"

  Wang Yi said: "Okay, you can make bacon. After two days of marinating the meat, it tastes delicious. You are responsible for the bacon."

   "And how do you eat bacon tonight? Then tell me."

Sha Shengquan said energetically: "There is an iron pot on the iron stove in our team. We use the iron pot to stew a pot of bone soup, and throw some dried peppers, **** slices, and garlic slices into it to make soup. I see the big stove. There are dried shiitake mushrooms, tofu and other things, and then pour the bacon slices together, the taste is very fresh!"

   He picked up a large piece of bacon and smelled it, and said regretfully, "The meat is good meat, but it's a pity that the smoked meat is impatient. There are a lot of seasonings in it, but the smoky aroma is not enough!"

  Wang Yi said: "This is all factory-smoked bacon, otherwise my classmates can send them 20 to 30 pounds by mail?"

   "Okay, it's good to eat some. Then you can make soup and stew bacon tonight. I'm not eating here. Teacher Xiaoqiu and I will go to the fourth group to eat."

   He has only eaten bacon fried with garlic sprouts, bacon fried with green peppers and red peppers, and has never eaten bacon in soup, but he has heard that ham sliced ​​in soup is very delicious.

   So he also wanted to try the taste of this soup tonight.

   It is a perfect match with hot soup in winter.

   He brought two pig bones and called the second brother of Huang Xiaohua's family to send them to Wang Zhengang's house: "Let the young master cook the bone soup first, and drink the pig bone soup for your family at night."

  Lai brother readily agreed and ran away with the pig's stick bone in his hand.

  Wang Yi looked at the little girl's two long legs and felt that she could be trained to become a track and field athlete. She looked quite talented, maybe she could win glory for the country in the future.

   Sha Shengquan patted Wang Yi's chest on the side of the big kitchen: "Principal, hand over the bacon to me. Tonight you go to your banquet, and tomorrow I will let you have a delicious bacon rice!"

  Wang Yi agreed and washed his hands to pick up the vegetables.

   Tonight Wang Zhen was going to treat a guest to dinner, he had to prepare a few dishes, and he just wanted to smoke the bacon by himself, so he decided to bring the bacon over.

  Wang Zhengang is very lonely in the production team on weekdays. Except for some contacts with several families in the four groups, he always stays at home by himself.

   Now he is helping the carpentry team, so he has more acquaintances: Wang Xianggao and his son and the carpentry team have recruited three new apprentices, plus Wang Yi, Wang Xianghong, and Huang Xiaohua's husband Wang Dongjie.

   Tonight his banquet is to entertain these people.

  Wang Yi went ahead ahead of time. He brought an extra piece of bacon and cut it into slices quickly after going to the kitchen.

   A handful of garlic sprouts, a handful of red and green chili peppers, and a bottle of fermented fermented fermented fermented fermented bean sauce.

   When Wang Xianghong and others came to talk and laugh, they praised as soon as they pushed open the door: "It's so fragrant."

  Wang Yi said: "It must be fragrant when the pork is stewed."

  Wang Zhen just stewed sauerkraut with pork.

   This is a good dish eaten by the troops when they were resting in the Northeast. When pickling kimchi, he almost used the pickled vegetable soup on the cabbage and made it into sauerkraut.

   Half a sauerkraut is put into the pot, the pork bones are boiled in soup, and the pork is simmered. Finally, there is a handful of vermicelli. The sour and appetizing Northeast winter famous dish is here.

  Wang Yi took up the iron pot on the stove.

  When the crowd arrived, the bone broth in the pot began to boil, and the tumbling thick soup brought red peppers, turmeric slices, green onion leaves and white tofu cubes.

  Wang Zhengang had dried wild vegetables here, Wang Yi also got some and threw them into the pot and simmered together. When everyone came, he began to put thinly sliced ​​bacon into it.

  The stove was burning vigorously, the bone soup was tumbling fiercely, like a stormy sea, and the sliced ​​bacon was a small boat.

   In the stormy sea, the boat rippling.

   Just after the stormy sea, the smell and heat filled the house.

  Wang Dongjie shared the cigarettes with everyone and said with a smile, "It's such a cold weather, with both meat and wine, how did you live such a life a few years ago?"

   "Having meat is not the point," Wang Modou licked his lips, "The main reason is that this meat is delicious! As for the bacon, I have eaten with Teacher Wang twice!"

   Wang Yi said: "Eat hard tonight."

  Wang Zhen just stewed the meat, fried peanuts, fried dried fish, and prepared pickles and dried shrimp.

   Originally, he had prepared a drinking party. These dishes were all appetizers, and only stewed pork with sauerkraut was a hard dish.

   But Wang Yi added two stir-fries and a soup pot, and the banquet was very formal. The big guys didn't care about drinking, so they were busy eating vegetables and meat.

  Every person has a pair of chopsticks. There is no saying that everyone has a bowl or a plate these days-don't dare to give this thing, otherwise the big guys will definitely rush to pick up the vegetables and put the vegetables into their own bowls and plates.

   So the big guys picked up chopsticks and ate slowly. The table was full of good dishes. After eating for a while, the atmosphere was hot and there was always something to eat.

  The topic is on the upcoming octopus flood.

  The people here have all participated in the Great Battle of Yuxian, so they told Wang Yi what they saw and heard. It was a reference for Wang Yi.

  Wang Xianghong told Wang Yi that the Battle of Yuxun was just like fighting a war. In fact, it was very simple. Just follow the command and follow the arrangement.

"I'm afraid of those who are smart. It was like this when I was in Haiwu. There are always people who think that they can fight, that they are born generals, and that they have issued combat orders. Well, he will not execute them. He must fight according to his own. Ideas to work!"

   "What's the result? No matter whether the enemy reactionary forces or the little devils, these people are all ghosts and ghosts. They are regular soldiers, professional soldiers, and you can give it to you so easily?"

   "In the end of this kind of thing, it is often done alone and suffers a big loss!"

  Wang Yi said: "Okay, Captain, don't worry, I will definitely obey the leader's instructions."

  Wang Xianghong picked up his chopsticks, put a piece of bacon in his mouth, and said, "Well, don't be greedy for merit."

   "Sometimes fishing is a roundup. If you enter the entire encirclement here, there will be a breach, so that the sack will be breached, and the fish will slip away?"

  Wang Modou said: "Captain, I'm a little unconvinced when you say that. Many senior generals in our army are brilliant in fighting. They are not professional soldiers, but professional soldiers can fight..."

   "Yes, you are right," Wang Xianghong laughed. "There are always some people who think the same way as you—the problem is that you think you are the same as those senior generals?!"

   "The troops need heroes, but they don't need to be heroes. They must obey orders, obey arrangements, and focus on the overall situation of the battlefield. This must not be wrong!"

  Wang Xiang raised his glass and said, "Come on, Captain, let's have a drink, don't waste your energy with this kid."

   "Seeing that he is not too young and is about to get married, in fact it is still not good. He lacks social experience and life experience. It's too simple."

   Wang Modou was not convinced.

   He asked Wang Zhengang and said, "Master, you have fought more battles than the captain, so you must have seen many people who were born to fight, right?"

   Wang Zhen just nodded.

   Wang Modou said with a smile: "Then they must have ideas and ideas when they fight."

   "But there is no life." Wang Zhengang said simply.

   Hearing this, Wang Modou couldn't help laughing.

  Wang Zhengang said: "Following orders and arrangements is not pedantic, but has combat literacy! This is the basic literacy of all famous generals!"

  The topic has expanded from fishing to war.

  The atmosphere is more lively.

  What do men like to do when they are full?

   And drink enough.

   That is, of course, bragging.

  A heated mouth-to-mouth war action started.

   The group was arguing very heatedly.

   And Wang Zhengang watched them discuss with a smile.

   is very much like Confucius seeing two children debating the day.

  The night falls, and the cold stars droop.

   The starry sky in winter nights is always extra clear and extra low.

   They went home after eating and drinking. After Yang Wenrong finished the evening class, she studied hard in her room and under the lamp.

Wang Yi knocked on the window: "Mr. Yang, go to bed early, don't stay up late to study, it's not, you can rest assured, I'm here to teach you all the knowledge points, next year's college entrance examination is not a big problem, don't have any pressure! "

  The exam papers for next year's college entrance examination are already in his hands...

   He returned to Tingtao Residence, and Qiuweishui boiled sober and sour soup for him, waiting for him.

  Wang Yi said: "I didn't drink at night. Unless I have to drink for official entertainment, I won't drink indiscriminately in the future."

   Qiu Weishui said with a smile: "Yes, drink less, tobacco and alcohol are not good things. But the hangover soup is ready, drink it."

   "Drink and go to sleep!"

  Wang Yi moved his waist and hip joints to prepare for sleep.

   Qiu Weishui reached out to him, and he smirked and stepped forward.

   Teacher Xiaoqiu is very good at playing!

   As a result, Qiu Weishui punched him in the stomach: "What are you doing? I heard from the captain that you are going to participate in the county's rural doctor seminar this year? Do you want to speak?"

  Wang Yi said aggrievedly: "Yeah, why did you hit me?"

  The annual village doctor seminar will commend the village doctors who satisfy the people of the year, and then exchange their experience and experience.

   As for how to choose a village doctor who will satisfy the people?

   Leaders do what they say!

  Wang Yi, a village doctor, is the grandson-in-law of the chief leader of the county, and the junior leaders naturally regard him as a model.

   As a model, if you are going to speak on stage, you must have a speech.

   Qiu Weishui said angrily: "I reached out to ask you for a speech, what are you doing? Always remember to be a hooligan!"

  Wang Yi was furious on the spot.

   Am I not here to cooperate with you?

   Qiu Weishui said, "Show me your speech and I'll revise it for you."

  Wang Yi laughed when he heard this.

  You are so humorous, you want to help the county's number one talented writer revise his speech? I didn't drink, did you drink? Can you have such courage without drinking?

   He handed over the manuscript written by Fang Qiu to Qiu Weishui.

   Qiu Weishui looked down at a glance, nodded and said, "Well, as expected, it's really well written."

  Wang Yi was about to laugh when Qiu Weishui went on to say, "It's well written, but don't use this speech, I'll write you a copy."

   Hearing this, Wang Yi was stunned: "Daughter-in-law, I don't look down on you."

   "I'm a college student, or a famous writer, and you want to help me write a speech? Are you not talented enough?"

   Qiu Weishui said: "It's not that my talent is not enough, it's that I don't have talent at all."

   "But I'm sorry, Comrade Principal, I have been in contact with a lot of speeches since I was a child, so when it comes to writing speeches, I am afraid that I am more qualified to speak than you!"

   She turned on the lamp, took out the book, tucked her hair into a ponytail and draped it over her shoulders, and started writing seriously.

  The long and slightly curled eyelashes are very cute in a blink of an eye.

  The gentle light shone on her face, illuminating the serious expression on her cheeks, the attentive eyes, and adding a three-point soft yellow to her fair skin.

  Wang Yi suddenly remembered that the first time he saw Qiuweishui, Qiuweishui's skin was very white.

   She followed her to Tianya Island. During the daytime, she led the children of Yuhong class to play games or help members with farm work under the sun, so she tanned and tanned her skin!

   In this way, he scratched his head and felt apologetic in his heart.

   He stood behind Qiu Weishui to massage her, and said, "Daughter-in-law has worked hard, come here, you write the manuscript, and I will massage and massage for you, just like you massaged and massaged me last time."

   Qiu Weishui smiled and patted him: "I think you have ulterior motives, ulterior motives, bad intentions, bad intentions!"

   She also went to night school to study, and her knowledge increased rapidly.

  Wang Yi said: "No, really not, I just see that you are working too hard. You have to work for me in the middle of the night. I am really touched."

   Qiu Weishui smiled and said, "It's just writing a speech. I'm really good at it. In comparison, you work a lot for the school and the production team on weekdays."

  Wang Yi said: "I'm doing this wrong, I have to work harder for our little family in the future!"

  After hard work, the quality of sleep is high.

   After a good night's sleep, Wang Yi woke up in the morning and looked outside.

  It was absolutely cold last night, and it was frosty again.

  The mountains, waters, plants and trees are covered with frost, and when the sun shines brightly, the mountains and plains are bright white, very beautiful.

  Wang Yi went to Dazao to have a look.

  Eating bacon rice in the morning, Sha Shengquan steamed a pot of bacon rice in the iron pot on the stove last night.

  A pot of rice is covered with a layer of bacon, sprinkled with some tempeh, and the outer circle is dried beans. Then, after the stove is sealed, use a little heat to simmer the rice and bacon in the pot and slowly steam.

  Steamed like this for a night, now take a look at the lid of the pot:

  The fat part of the bacon is white and transparent, the thin part is bright jujube red, the dry beans become soft and full, and the tempeh sinks into the oily rice.

   Originally, the fat of the bacon was not greasy, but now it is simmered on a small fire for one night.

  The steamed lean meat is soft and loose, and you will never have the feeling of firewood when you take a bite in your mouth.

  The colander is a cook and knows how to do it.

   When he saw this bacon rice, he praised: "Mr. Wang, this pot of rice is absolutely delicious. In the future, we can do this with our own bacon. How fragrant."

  Wang Yi sighed: "You guys are fragrant, it's too greasy to eat in the morning, so I won't eat it."

   "Then what do you eat?" The colander was stunned.

  Wang Yi looked around and said to him, "I killed two pigs yesterday, what about the pork kidney? Give me a stir-fried pork kidney!"

   (end of this chapter)