MTL - I Had a Home In 1982-Chapter 463 462. Carry out a patriotic hygiene campaign (seek for another month)

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   Chapter 463 462. Launch a Patriotic Hygiene Campaign (Ask for a monthly ticket again)

   "I heard someone shout just now, did he make it?"

   "Loss of consciousness, convulsions all over the body, gnashing of teeth and lips, and foaming at the mouth, resulting in blood foaming, epilepsy!"

   "It's still a grand mal seizure. If it's a petit mal seizure, it's just sitting there, staring, gnashing your teeth, not falling and twitching..."

   "Look at his eyes, open his eyelids and look at his pupils—forget it, he is incontinent, it should be epilepsy, this is not poisoning..."

  The barefoot doctors used a semi-professional eye to judge the situation of Zhong Jinzhu.

   Then a young man squeezed out of the crowd and said, "This is Brother Jin Zhu from our team. He does have the old problem of staghorn wind. He was brought out of his mother's womb. I know about it!"

   Someone else squeezed in after hearing his words and said, "Yes, it's your Zhong Jinzhu from Zhongjiaao. He has hornworm and went to my place for treatment..."

  Wang Yi hurriedly said: "Then, since this comrade has staghorn, is there anyone who can treat it?"

   The doctor who squeezed in behind said: "Hurry up with iron chopsticks and pry open his teeth, don't let him bite his lips or tongue!"

   "I'll give him a massage, press the Renzhong acupoint, take the wakefulness as the degree, and give him a few minutes with the shoulder well..."

   Another barefoot doctor asked: "Are there any silver needles? I have learned a new needle therapy, which relieves epilepsy."

  A young barefoot doctor said: "Let's take him to the county hospital immediately. He has to be given a large dose of antiepileptic drugs to control his seizures, which requires sodium phenobarbital, paraaldehyde..."

   "The paraaldehyde is not good, and the paraaldehyde is often banned in respiratory secretions. Use sodium phenobarbital or sodium amital." Another person added.

   At this time, someone raised their hand and shouted: "Who wants silver needles? I have a pair of silver needles with me!"

   Immediately, a doctor took a small leather bag and pulled out a silver needle and said, "The ancients are used for the present, and the foreign is used for the Chinese, right? The leader said that Chinese medicine is a great treasure. China has three major contributions to the world. The first is Chinese medicine!"

   "To ease the onset of this **** wind, I can solve it with a needle!"

   "Press him well. The main points are Yamen and Houxi, and the backup points are Fengchi, Yaoqi, Renzhong and Neiguan."

   "Okay, the next person - help him up, the needle is odd, two inches above the tail vertebra! It's here!"

  The doctor placed the needle quickly and accurately, and soon, Zhong Jinzhu's condition was relieved.

   The twitching movement started to slow down.

   Seeing the crowd of barefoot doctors cheering, Sun Cheng hurriedly waved, "Quiet, all quiet."

   "Come on, spread out the big guys, spread them all out, and create a good ventilation environment for the patients!"

   A barefoot doctor said, "Yes, when the staghorn fever occurs, you have to keep the airway open to prevent secondary infection. If you have antibiotics, you need to give him a burst of antibiotics!"

  Silver Acupuncture Point.

  Zhong Jinzhu's condition is getting better and better, his tightly clenched fist is loosened, his mouth no longer spit out white foam, and an iron chopstick is stuck between his upper and lower teeth.

   Then his situation improved. Finally, his eyelids twitched slightly and he slowly opened his eyes.

   Eyes are red.

  The barefoot doctors nodded: "Red pupil, this is another symptom of epilepsy."

   More barefoot doctors slapped each other on the shoulders or waved fists in excitement, and leaders such as Sun Cheng were also very happy and proud.

   Their comrades successfully rescued a sick person in an emergency.

   This makes the big guy proud!

   Several barefoot doctors complimented the doctor who had just given the acupuncture, and more people expressed on the spot that they wanted to learn how to relieve epilepsy by needling acupuncture points.

   Ma Ji and the young woman stared blankly at the jubilant barefoot doctors. The young woman couldn't help but ask, "So, isn't he poisoned? We are not poisoned either?"

  Zhong Jinzhu slowly sat up and asked blankly, "Huh? Uh? What's going on? Uh, what's the matter with you? What's going on here?"

   Ma Ji licked his lips, and suddenly felt that he was doing something wrong, and quickly wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

   Then he asked Zhong Jinzhu, "Old Zhong, what's the matter with you? What happened just now?"

  Zhong Jinzhu said subconsciously, "What's wrong with me? Am I not eating? We're not—hush!"

   He suddenly took in a breath of cold air and reacted: "Did I, am I sick again? Did my old problem of staghorn wind relapse again?"

  The barefoot doctors laughed and said, "Yes, you just got horny."

  The barefoot doctor from Zhongjiaao said, "Uncle Jin Zhu, you really have an old problem. I heard from my father that you haven't had this old problem for several years. What's going on?"

  Zhong Jinzhu said: "Hey, I, I'll be honest, I brought it out from the womb of my old, sick mother, but after some years of treatment, it's almost the same. It's true that I haven't been sick for many years."

   "What happened just now? I'm not impressed, I think about it..."

   He frowned and racked his brains for a while, then suddenly clapped his hands and said, "I remember, just now I saw a lot of money on a table of dishes, and I felt very uncomfortable, especially uncomfortable, and then I took it all at once!"

  An old doctor came out and said, "You must be cautious in your mental state, be optimistic and calm in your emotions, and you will not be stimulated and you will be emotionally ups and downs, which will indeed cause the disease!"

   Zhongjiaao's barefoot doctor smiled and said, "Uncle Jin Zhu, you are lucky this time. It just so happens that our barefoot doctors all have a meal in this restaurant, otherwise you will be sick."

  Zhong Jinzhu hurriedly thanked everyone, stood up and bowed again and again.

  Ma Ji asked desperately, "Then you were poisoned by eating stonefish?"

A barefoot doctor laughed and said, "What are you talking about? Haha, look at this comrade, you are joking. Stonefish poisons people by piercing their skin with poisonous thorns and injecting toxins. This boiled stonefish is poisonous. Where is the poison?"

   "He wasn't joking, he was out of joy, and he started talking nonsense when he was happy." The other barefoot doctors laughed.

  Ma Ji looked at their smiling faces, listened to their laughter, and suddenly laughed:

   I'm fucking, I'm **** drinking urine for nothing!

  The young woman grabbed his sleeve and asked, "Brother Ma, we're not poisoned, so why did we drink boy urine just now?"

   "Shut up! Shut up your **** mouth!" Ma Ji hurriedly scolded her.

  Young women habitually pursed their lips and acted like a spoiled child.

   In the past, Ma Ji would be soft-hearted, because he loved the saucy expression of the little young woman.

   But this will not work.

   She drank urine from this mouth!

   Now these **** are not secret, she is Ming!

   Ma Ji further thought - this **** drank other people's urine, so if he kissed her again, it would be considered indirect and indirect...

   Thinking of this, he is even more desperate!

   He wanted to throw his hand away and leave. At this time, Wang Yi took Ma Ji's hand and entered the box, then said earnestly:

   "Comrade, you are optimistic about your friend in the future, but you can't let him be stimulated any more."

"I don't know which unit you are from and which unit he is from, but you'd better tell his unit, don't let your colleagues provoke him or stimulate him, as long as there is nothing too much, just follow him mind to do it.”

   "His horn wind is almost cured, but once it recurs, it will become more serious. Next time he is emotionally stimulated with great sadness and joy, I am afraid his life will be in danger!"

   Ma Ji was dumbfounded when he heard this.

  Jong Jinzhu is looking for a loan for himself…

   I ate his meals, spent his money, if I couldn't help him get a loan, if he couldn't stand the stimulation and died in his own unit...

   He couldn't even think about it anymore!

  Wang Yi kindly reminded him, and then continued to kindly say: "Okay, nothing to do with you, let's continue to eat."

   "If you are still worried, take your friend to the county hospital for a check..."

   "Don't eat, don't eat." Ma Ji just wanted to get away from this disgusting place.

  Wang Yi looked at the leftovers on the table and shook his head regretfully.

  Waste, waste!

   Ma Ji and Zhong Jinzhu left after paying the bill. Wang Yi arranged for the waiter to come over to clear the table and put the barefoot doctor at the outside table in.

  It was still too crowded outside.

  The barefoot doctors were very happy because they put what they learned into practice and saved people. The atmosphere of the chat was lively, and they discussed the cases of curing diseases and saving people.

   They lived their lives. When they saw the waiter carrying dishes that had not been moved very much to be thrown out, a barefoot doctor greeted them and left the dishes for them to eat:

   "It's all good food, don't waste it!"

   Ma Ji's ordering is indeed all good dishes, such as braised pork, fried mutton, whole mutton soup, Sixi balls, etc., except for fish, it is meat.

   But there are also barefoot doctors who heard the voice in the box and said, "Don't eat, don't eat, the people inside have drank urine!"

  Wang Yi smiled and said, "We don't drink urine, we are a hotel, how can we let guests drink urine? They actually drink beer..."

   "Huh?" Someone asked suspiciously when they heard this. "I think those three people are very fashionable. They must have drunk beer, right? They must know the difference between beer and urine, right?"

   A barefoot doctor laughed: "Maybe they haven't drank urine?"

   "Have you never seen a pig run before eating pork?" The doctor who spoke earlier shook his head repeatedly.

Wang Yi explained: "They drank beer, but they drank normal beer. The beer we used to pretend it was urine was actually heated in a pot, and the carbon dioxide inside was stirred up. After reheating, the beer was It really has a bad taste!"

   He used Dongxiao beer.

   This is a local beer brand in Jiangnan. The craftsmanship and malt used are not as good as Qindao beer. After brewing, the taste is good. After a long time, it has been simmered in the bottle for a long time, and the taste is really bad.

   Besides, Wang Yi still cooked it.

   This kind of beer is almost impossible to drink.

   But it's better than actually drinking urine.

   After listening to Wang Yi's words, many doctors have no opinion. Since the people inside are drinking beer, then the leftovers on this table can definitely be eaten!

   It is said to be leftovers, but Ma Jidang is actually a loan officer who is not short of delicious food, and he didn’t eat a few mouthfuls of dishes that were overflowing all over the table!

   The doctors at the two nearby tables directly divided the dishes away.

  No one feels shabby.

   These days, there are meat dishes in restaurants that you can eat, but ordinary people don’t care if it’s leftovers!

  Wang Yi arranged for the table of doctors who had just started treating the disease to enter the box. After the arrangement, he was about to leave, but was pulled to sit down to eat together.

  The barefoot doctors saved people with high spirits and eager discussions:

   "My relatives in the city still look down on me as a barefoot doctor. Every time I visit my relatives, they have to blow the yin wind on me - 'Ouch, Ah Mao, you are like a doctor'?"

   "I really should let him come over today. Do you think I look like me? We are doctors! Our barefoot doctors are the poor and lower-middle peasants' own doctors, and they are a new type of health personnel who can fish and heal!"

   "Doctor Mao, don't worry about these people, it's called the humble ones are the smartest, but the noble ones are stupid. The city people think they are always nobler than our peasants!"

   "Do we look like doctors? What they say doesn't count, it's what the peasants say! Think about the old society and the hard days in the past. What did the peasants do when they got sick? Ah? What should I do?"

"Yes, at that time, the common people generally had no money to buy medicines. If the farmers had a fever or a cold, they would eat a handful of millet, drink a bowl of hot water, go home and cover themselves in bed and sweat. The more serious it is, there is no money to go to the hospital in the city, so I can only wait to die at home!"

  There are some old doctors on the table - not too old, in their fifties, these are the first batch of barefoot doctors.

   In January 1965, the leader comrades approved and forwarded the "Report on Rural Issues of Organizing Circulating Medical Teams" to the state.

   All localities took this instruction as a major political task, and quickly organized medical teams to go to rural areas, forest areas, and pastoral areas to conduct medical tours.

At that time, the leading comrade was very annoyed after listening to the report on the work of the health system, saying: "The work of the Ministry of Health only serves the urban people, who account for 15% of the country's population, and the 15% are mainly the masters. The vast number of peasants cannot get medical care. The Ministry of Health is not the Ministry of Health of the people, it should be changed to the Ministry of Health of the City, the Ministry of Health of the Master, or the Ministry of Health of the Master of the City!"

   In this work report, the leaders made two very important instructions for the medical and health work in the rural areas of New China:

   The focus of medical and health work should be placed in rural areas; a large number of doctors who can be “affordable in rural areas” should be trained, and they will serve the farmers to see doctors.

   Since then, barefoot doctors have appeared in the fields in the countryside. They have only received basic hygiene education, but they are able to deliver basic medical resources to farmers.

   They can't cure major diseases, only minor ones, but many minor diseases can lead to major ones. With them, there will be fewer major diseases in rural areas, and people's life expectancy will be extended.

   Later, some people criticized them for their poor medical skills or even quack doctors, but these people stand and talk without back pain. The farmers have a steel scale in their hearts, and they know best about the barefoot doctors.

  Yes, the hospitals in the city are good, and the doctors in the city are strong, but can they go to the city? Can you find a hospital? Can you find a hospital that can afford you?

   No matter how good the delicacies of mountains and seas are, they can’t be eaten; no matter how rough the bran is, it can fill the stomach!

   What's more, the barefoot doctors are doctors raised by farmers themselves. They have good service attitude, timely treatment, and can even owe debts. For the first time in the entire history, the leaders made farmers look good when they are sick.

   This is amazing!

   Today, the old comrades are still very excited and moved when they mention the instructions of the leaders.

   The doctor who gave the acupuncture before was called Zhou Xueyi. He was one of the first barefoot doctors. He was relatively older, 55 years old. He was in his thirties when he went to study.

   Zhou Xueyi said to the crowd, "Why did I have this name? When I was 15 years old, I was 15, and it was 42 years. There was a great famine in the Central Plains, and our outer islands were also famined. There was no food in the Central Plains, so how could we have food?"

   "People eat less food and their immunity is weak. My mother died of typhoid fever that year. At the age of 34, she caught a cold and died!"

"Just 5 days after my mother died, my 11-year-old brother contracted the cold again. I still remember clearly that my brother couldn't eat at that time, he was skinny, and there was no doctor or medicine, and he fell ill within a few days. Unconscious."

"Nearby folks, you donated one piece of land, and I donated two pieces of life-saving money of 150 fiat currency - it was still the fiat currency of the old society at that time, and then my brother was carried to the current county hospital for treatment, but it was too late, two days later Still dead!"

"In ten days, my family lost two lives and two lives! It's just a cold and a cold, and if you say one, the family will be destroyed! At that time, I knelt before my mother and brother's grave and swore that I will become a doctor in the future. , to heal the sickness and repay the kindness for the fellow!"

   recalling the bitter days of the old society, the old doctor had tears in his eyes:

   "So later the state said that some of the poor and lower-middle peasants who were willing to study should be allowed to study medicine, so I changed my name to Zhou Xueyi, and told our brigade, I'm going to study medicine and come back to see a doctor for our members."

"At that time, the captain was still Zhou Zimin in our team. He knew my family's situation and recommended me to the higher-level unit. I came to the county to study for half a year, then went to the city medical school for half a year, and then I have been working as a barefoot doctor until now. !"

   The big guy was full of sighs and had a sad past when he said it.

   Speaking of the old society, these people are gnashing their teeth in hatred.

   At that time, the poor fishermen on the outer islands did not live as individuals.

   Wang Yi asked: "In the old society, money was messy, right?"

   A doctor immediately said, "Isn't that a mess? I remember it clearly. I was born in 1937. That year, my father bought two big cows with 100 French dollars and wanted to cultivate the fields for them."

"But at that time, people couldn't afford to hire a cow. Let's sell one in two years. A big cow will be sold for 100 fiat currency. In another year to 40 years, you can only buy a calf, and you can't buy it in another year. When it’s time for a cow, you can only buy one pig, haha!”

   "In '43, you can only buy one hen, and in '46? One hundred yuan can only buy one egg!"

   Others added: "Since 1945, the little devils have all surrendered. Isn't it time for us to live a good life? It's time to drive away the invaders!"

"The result was not, but it was even worse. Let's say that in 1947, you could only buy one briquettes for 100 fiat in Shanghai, and three or four hundred yuan to buy a fried dough stick. In 1948, it was even more interesting. 100 fiat could only buy one briquettes. Buy four grains of rice!"

  An old doctor stretched out four fingers to show them, smiling sadly: "Four grains of rice! How ruthless are you talking about the four major families!"

  The big guy was indignant and disinterested. He shook his head and raised his glass: "Come on, drink and drink!"

   The others raised their wine glasses: "Drink and eat meat! This mutton is dipped in Erba sauce, it's so delicious!"

   Big guy is very happy just after a successful life-and-death rescue, and he recognizes his profession very much, so the topic is still on the profession and the case.

   Someone asked Wang Yi: "Mr. Wang, how did you solve the problem of medicinal materials in your place? I heard people say that it is quite easy for your members to buy medicines."

  Others took up the topic and said, "Yes, we are in short supply of medicinal materials now, and the price is a bit high."

  Wang Yi's medicines are basically brought over from 22 years ago, but they are generally proprietary Chinese medicines, which are used to treat minor problems.

   These days, fishermen and farmers are really reluctant to spend money on anything. In winter, they are prone to colds and colds.

   If inflammation develops, it's hard to heal by itself, and then they add a penicillin.

  Wang Yi said, "A 200,000-unit penicillin purchase price is 15 cents, and the selling price is 18 cents, right? Is this okay?"

   He hasn't seen expensive medicines much these days.

  The medicines he used were bought collectively by the team with money, and then the income from this area also went to the public.

   However, the Wang family production team is different from other collectives and village clinics. The medical income belongs to Wang Yi himself.

  The collective meaning of the team is to subsidize school expenses. After all, Wang Yi paid a lot to the production team, never counting it, and dedicated everything to the production team.

   In this case, Wang Xianghong did not want to treat him badly, so he put some of the income that could be used for edge **** into the name of the school.

   Anyway, the school account is managed by Wang Yi.

  The price of penicillin and the like is the national price, and the doctors nodded after hearing this.

   But the antibiotics they can use are too few. One clinic of penicillin can only approve the purchase of ten pills a month.

  The doctors are very helpless about this: "There are too few medicines that can be approved. Now I mainly rely on three local and four self-reliance to see a doctor for our members."

  The others nodded along: "I have to rely on my own side."

  The three soils are soil medicine, soil remedies, and soil medicine.

  There are four most common tools used by barefoot doctors, thermometers, blood pressure monitors, stethoscopes, and medicine rollers.

  Medicine rollers are naturally made from the tools used in the medicinal materials. The medicinal materials are mashed and formed into pills for the patients to use. This kind of homemade medicine is very common in the current rural areas.

   Now the country doesn’t care much about this kind of doctor’s own medicine, the market has just opened up, there are still too many things that need to be regulated, and everything is not standardized.

  Barefoot doctors are willing to make their own medicines because it is profitable to make them.

  Although the state has implemented a big contract and the vast majority of village production teams have changed the system from a large collective to an individual contract responsibility system, individuals cannot contract everything.

   Village-level clinics are not allowed to be contracted by individuals, and it will be a few years before the state allows private clinics and barefoot doctors to work alone.

   Today's barefoot doctors are the same as in the 1960s and 1970s. They are still doctors of the poor and lower-middle peasants. This is the same as Tianya Dao. Some of the finished medicines they use are purchased by the team collective and the village collective, and their income must be returned to the public.

   But homemade drugs can be trapped.

   The barefoot doctors mentioned the three soils and four selfs because they knew that Wang Yi knew a lot of people and had the ability, and wanted to see if they could bring back some medicinal materials through him.

  Wang Yi was hesitant.

   Medicinal materials are not comparable to ingredients, and this thing is not dare to be used by others. In 22 years, some Chinese medicinal materials have been artificially cultivated or even semi-finished Chinese medicinal materials that have been processed.

   But how could he use it for the barefoot doctors? It is uncertain what kind of medicine the big guy will make, and it is easy to cause problems if you take medicine indiscriminately.

   So he mixed the topic vaguely into the past.

   But the barefoot doctors managed to get in touch with him, and they refused to let this topic go, grabbed his hand and asked him if he could help purchase medicinal materials.

  Wang Yi was helpless and had to say: "I'll ask someone later, medicinal materials are not better than cloth grains, and most people don't dare to buy and sell them by themselves."

   "Why don't you dare?" The doctors were very puzzled. "Our outer islands are rich in medicinal herbs. Every autumn, people go to collect herbs and sell them to us or to repurchase stations."

Wang Yi explained: "I know this, don't we also collect herbs ourselves? I'm talking about the commercial sale of Chinese herbal medicines. I haven't heard much about this kind of business practice, so I don't know if there is any place to purchase herbs. It has to be asked."

The barefoot doctor was very positive and told him: "Then you should ask a few friends to ask, especially if you are in the northeast, where there are many medicinal materials, such as ginseng, deer antler, husky toad oil, windbreak, asarum, schisandra, etc. , if you can trust someone to buy it, it would be the best."

   "There are also acanthopanax, cork, gentian and the like, which are also related medicines." Another person added.

  Wang Yi hurriedly greeted him and prepared to leave.

   As a result, the leaders came again.

  Sun Cheng and other leaders pushed open the door and came in to make a toast. The barefoot doctors were overjoyed.

   It is also a great event for the county leaders to take the initiative to make a toast. When I go back to the village, I can brag about it until the Chinese New Year. When visiting relatives during the Chinese New Year, I can mention the topic of 'how did the county leaders make a toast'.

   In addition, the barefoot doctors had close contact with the leaders, and they also drank alcohol, so they took the opportunity to bring up some topics that could not be brought up on weekdays.

   First of all, they entrusted Wang Yi to purchase medicinal materials, especially Chinese medicinal materials.

   The Health Bureau couldn't help in this regard. Like Wang Yi, he adopted the trick of dragging words, saying that they would inquire whether there was room for manoeuvre in this matter.

   The barefoot doctors present had never seen the world, but they were not fools. They had more knowledge than ordinary people who planted underground seas. As soon as they heard the leaders started to drag them, they knew that this matter was out of the question.

   Then someone asked: "Officer Sun, the Chinese herbal medicines are not mentioned in advance. Last year, the state leaders approved and forwarded the Ministry of Health's "Report on Reasonably Solving the Problem of Subsidies for Barefoot Doctors." Why didn't they hear about this trend in our county?

  Sun Cheng is the official responsible for rural health work in the health system, and he is familiar with the relevant policies.

So when he heard the question, he explained: "Last year, we did issue a "Report on Reasonably Solving the Problem of Barefoot Doctors' Subsidy", but that three years ago, since 1979, the national health department wanted to examine our bare feet. Doctor, do you know this policy?"

Zhou Xueyi said: "I know, I have read it in the newspapers, the state has begun to control the number and quality of barefoot doctors out of the consideration of regulating rural health practitioners, and said that it will eliminate a batch of unqualified doctors through examination and certification. health workers.”

Sun Cheng nodded and said: "Yes, the state said in the red-headed document that all barefoot doctors who pass the examination and are equivalent to the technical secondary school level will be issued a 'barefoot doctor' certificate, and then in principle will be given treatment equivalent to the level of private teachers. "

   "For the barefoot doctors who temporarily cannot reach the level of technical secondary school, the training should be strengthened. In addition to the payment of work points, appropriate subsidies can also be given according to the actual local conditions."

   Another section chief named Song Hongbing said: "This assessment test has not yet been carried out to our outer islands. It seems that the big cities such as Hudu and Qiantang will officially start the assessment test in the second half of this year."

   "So without the exams, without the 'Barefoot Doctor' certificate, you can't get the subsidy yet."

   Hearing this, the barefoot doctors were very unhappy: "Our barefoot doctor was named by Xinhua News Agency. We have been working as a barefoot doctor for almost 20 years. As a result, we still have to take an exam to get the certification."

   "That's right, who doesn't know I'm a barefoot doctor? You can go to our Changhai Commune to inquire about it. You don't need to go to our production team, just go to the commune, and you will definitely be able to inquire about my name."

   "No, no, it's a policy that the state gives a certificate for assessment, we don't need to question it, mainly because I heard that some areas do not have certification now, and then all the barefoot doctors are subsidized!"

  Song Hongbing said with a smile: "This comrade should be talking about affluent areas, right? It was mentioned in the "Report on Reasonably Solving the Problem of Subsidy for Barefoot Doctors" that local units should provide appropriate subsidies according to local actual conditions."

   Someone immediately discovered the blind spot: "Appropriate subsidies..."

   But the person next to him found that he was like a blind man, and quickly pulled him to stop him from asking—

  The leadership has already shied away from the execution of this matter, what else do you ask? Isn't it uncomfortable to keep asking? If you are not comfortable with yourself, your leaders are not comfortable!

  Sun Cheng himself is also very interesting, he raised his glass to toast one by one, and changed the topic freely:

   "As the saying goes, there is a big epidemic after a major flood and drought. This kind of thing happened in the past six years, right?"

"Yes, malaria was prevalent in our outer islands at that time, but the villagers generally lacked common sense of epidemic prevention. At that time, the superior unit asked our barefoot doctors to send medicines from house to house for consultation and publicize the knowledge of malaria prevention." The discerning barefoot doctor quickly cooperated with the leaders to change the topic. .

  Others followed: "When people were not at home, they went to the fields and sea to find them. They ran once a day for 7 days, and then killed the malaria in the cradle, so that it did not become ferocious."

   "At that time, some members of our team felt that they were in good health and were reluctant to take medicine. The higher-level unit even gave instructions, calling, saying, 'The medicine is in hand, see the mouth when you take it, don't swallow and don't leave'..."

Sun Cheng said with a smile: "I was still in school at the time, and I didn't enter an institution, but I have a deep memory of this incident. At that time, a vigorous patriotic health campaign was launched, and malaria was eradicated from China in two years. "

   "This fall, Changlong's Wang family production team mobilized the members to carry out a large-scale sanitation campaign, eradicating insects and rodents, cleaning up sewage and weeds."

   "According to the statistics of relevant units in each commune, their production teams have maintained relatively good health status from the beginning of autumn to the present..."

   Having said that, he asked Wang Yi: "Mr. Wang, isn't it?"

   Wang Yi nodded.

  It is true that good hygiene can avoid many small problems. This winter, the members of the staff rarely catch a cold.

   But this is also related to his promotion of wearing a mask when going out. Wearing a mask when going out on weekdays can prevent some infectious diseases.

  Sun Cheng didn't think about the mask-related matters. He said enthusiastically: "So there is an idea in the county, which is to call on our communes and production teams to carry out a patriotic health campaign."

   "As the most basic executors of the health security system, we barefoot doctors have to take on some heavy responsibilities. The county's initial idea is to carry out a winter two-management and five-reform work."

   "Comrades should manage water and manure, improve water wells, toilets, livestock pens, stoves, and the environment, and check from house to house whether they have done insecticide and disinfection."

   (end of this chapter)