MTL - I Had a Home In 1982-Chapter 466 465. Sail away (seeking a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month)

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   Chapter 466 465. Sail away (ask for a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month)

   Feeling in the dark, a group of people squatted in front of the big stove and snorted.

   Roll up the egg pancake with one hand and a big bowl of soup with the other.

  The sky is cold, bleak and starless, overcast with clouds and howling cold winds.

   Steaming steam came out of the big porcelain bowl, and the whole body was also steaming when people ate it!

  Wang Yi patted the colander on the shoulder and said, "Director Leo, you've been bothered this time, let the students eat something simple at noon, so you can take a break in the morning and rest for a while."

The colander wiped the lid of the pot with a rag and said with a smile: "It's okay, the principal, you are very energetic! You are going to fight the world and be busy with the fishing and flood season. I have nothing to help you. I am just that, and I will lead the comrades from Dazao to give it to you. Let's do some logistical support!"

  Wang Yi patted him on the shoulder again.


   Wang Xianghong also patted the colander on the shoulder and said with a smile, "After our teacher Leo entered the school, it has changed a lot!"

   "I will give him a certificate at the end of the year, a certificate that will never be exchanged for a prodigal son!"

  The big guy laughed: "It's changed a lot. I used to fight **** and walk dogs, but now I can focus on work."

   "It's really not good without missing a teacher. He's doing a good job in the logistics of this school..."

   "Studying is still good. People in literate places are making rapid progress. Teacher Leo looks like a teacher now..."

  The colander said jokingly: "Okay, I have accepted all the compliments from the comrades. When you come back and come back safely, then I will give you a good table, and we will have a good meal before entering the twelfth lunar month!"

   Wang Xianghong said: "The point of Teacher Leo's words is on point. Teacher Wang, you are leading the team to go out to sea this year. You have to be careful. In 1959, the little yellow croaker fishing flood had a big event, you must keep this in mind!"

   Wang Yi knew about this.

  From the time he decided to lead the team to participate in the battle, many members of the production team mentioned this tragic incident to him.

  In April 1959, there was a small yellow croaker fishing season off the coast of Wengzhou. More than 50,000 fishermen from all over the country gathered in the open sea in order to round up small yellow croaker groups. Among them, there were more than 3,300 boats and more than 32,000 fishermen from the south of the Yangtze River.

   At that time, no one knew that there was a disaster lurking behind the prosperous hair of the little yellow croaker:

   A strong outburst of a cyclone in the East China Sea formed a typhoon!

The   10-level gale lasted for more than 6 hours, and the ocean where the fishermen were working became a Shura field in an instant. A large number of fishing boats were destroyed, and thousands of fishermen were injured or killed!

  According to statistics, there were 1479 dead fishermen in the whole Jiangnan, and 1178 in Wengzhou alone!

A total of 278 fishing boats were sunk, and as many as 2,000 boats were damaged. At that time, almost all the communes and production teams in Haifu County were crying. There were no more than 12 people in the Wang family of Tianya Island, among them the old carpenter. Wang Xianggao's two younger brothers were all buried in the shipwreck.

   This is also the reason why the collective action of fishing floods is called a battle. Until the current reform and opening up, the domestic fishery hardware conditions are insufficient. In order to support the people of the whole country with marine food, coastal fishermen can only rely on human input to make up for the shortage.

In the 1950s, not to mention the positioning system, even a mature weather forecast system was not born. Marine fishing operations can be said to be one of the most risky industries in the society at that time. In the 1950s and 1960s, fishermen were active during fishing floods. Buried in the ocean.

  This action is to kill people, so there is a saying of "battle".

  Wang Yi took a deep breath and said, "Captain, don't worry, I will bring our members back safely!"

   The team members who were squatting on the ground all looked up at him, and he also stared at the team members: "Not one of them!"

   He was quite confident in this matter.

Because he has comprehensively investigated the process of the 1982 Winter Hairtail Flood Battle in 22 years, the number of participants this time was not large, about 5,000 people, and then thanks to the expert group supported by the Shanghai Meteorological Bureau, the weather during the battle was controlled. It's been fine, only people get hurt and no one loses their lives.

   Injuries are inevitable.

  Sometimes, chasing the shoals of octopus has to sail for a day and a night, waiting for the shoals of octopus to finally be surrounded to start fishing. At this time, some people can’t sleep without sleeping all day and night, and they can’t concentrate, and they will inevitably get injured.

  Wang Xianghong continued to tell Wang Yi that the team members speed up their meals.

  Wait for them to go down the mountain to the pier after eating.

   There were other members standing on the beach, and people came from every household.

  The old one led the little ones, and some of the little ones couldn't sleep. At this time, they were still sleeping in the arms of their mothers and on the backs of their grandparents.

  The team members wore uniform army green coats, water boots, and cotton caps to board the ship at the pier.


   has a feeling of marching.

  Wang Xianghong gave Wang Yi his telescope to hang around his neck, and continued to tell him, "Mr. Wang, you must be steady! Don't ask for merit, but ask for no fault!"

  Wang Yi said: "Captain, don't worry, behind every team member is a family, I understand the truth!"

   Wang Xianghong nodded solemnly, pushed him and said, "Go."

   Qiu Weishui also came to see Wang Yi.

He quietly handed him a scarf and said, "I made it up, it's windy at sea, you cover your mouth, don't pour the cool wind into your stomach, or it will be hard to deal with diarrhea if you get cold at sea! "

   She pushed Lao Huang to Wang Yi again: "You take Lao Huang with you."

  Old Huangchong Wang Yi happily wagged his tail.

  Wang Yi joked: "Why do you take it with you? Should it be used as a reserve? When there is no meat, will it be slaughtered to eat meat?"

  Old Huang saw his master laughing at him, he squinted his eyes and grinned, closed his ears and wagged his **** and tail vigorously.

   Qiu Weishui pushed Wang Yi with a smile, and said with a straight face: "You must be careful, one letter a day, one letter a day for me!"

  The city has organized a fishing ground headquarters, and then there will be logistical units to carry out life support work, including mail ships responsible for sending and receiving letters.

   Looking at the worried Qiu Weishui, Wang Yi wanted to give her a kiss goodbye and sing two more words, "The more innocent you smile, the wilder I will love you".

  Unfortunately, the folk customs are conservative these days. He is the principal and Qiu Weishui is the person in charge of the Yuhong Class. They have to pay attention to the influence.

   In the end, Wang Yi just touched her head and smiled: "Go back, we will be back in a few days, and we will bring you the most beautiful octopus to eat when we come back!"

  The team members are all on board at this time.

   Seeing this, Wang Yi quickened his pace and led Lao Huang onto the boat. Lao Huang jumped onto Tianya No. 2 with a single stride. Wang Yi entered the cockpit to start the boat and looked back.

   On the pier and on the beach, young and old women are waving their hands.

  The team members are in a good mood.

  There is not much parting sentimental on board, they will be discussing eagerly:

   "Erchen, you can do it, this cotton coat looks so good, why don't you call it Erchen, call it Erguizi."

   "Oh mother, I can finally go out for a few days. At home, my mother-in-law is nagging every day, and it's annoying."

   "Why are you wearing a pair of labor insurance gloves, Huzi? What about the leather gloves that Mr. Wang gave?"

  Wang Donghu waved his hands and said, "I don't wear them. I'll keep them for New Year's visits to relatives. In previous years, I cast the net like empty hands. This year, it's good enough to have labor insurance gloves. I don't need leather gloves."

   Hearing this, several people began to take off leather gloves...

  Wang Yi said after seeing it: "It's alright, don't be so stingy, I'll send you a pair of better-looking leather gloves to wear during the New Year when I get back from the sea."

  The team members laughed: "Mr. Wang, you did this, it's too good for us!"

  Wang Yi said: "We are a family, I am not good to you and who is good? Let me tell you, this time you go to sea to participate in the battle, your treatment is different from before, I will let you experience the feeling of going on vacation at sea!"

   He took out the tape recorder and adjusted the maximum volume.

   There was a long and clear prelude, followed by a slightly sad male voice:

   "In March, the light rain is pattering and pattering, and the stream in the valley is rushing, rushing, rushing..."

   Hearing this unfamiliar but pleasant song, the team members who were laughing in the cockpit closed their mouths and looked at the tape recorder.

   They haven't heard this song, or even this kind of song!

   Isn't it a song of praise?

   This song actually sings light rain from beginning to end?

   And it sounds so beautiful?

   The light rain was over, and several people said, "Mr. Wang, what song is this? Let's do it again!"

   But a melodious and short prelude followed, and an emotional voice sang a new song:

   "It's like a drizzle of rain falling on the bottom of my heart, it feels so mysterious, I can't help but look up at you, and you don't show a trace..."

  The team members stopped talking immediately.

   This song is even better!

  Tianya No. 2 did not drive very fast, because it had to take care of the wooden boat that was swaying behind it, so that the spirit of the team members could be enjoyed in the cabin.

   They heard several good songs…

  The boat went to the county seat, and several high-power street lamps were temporarily erected on the pier, which illuminated the surrounding golden and bright.

There are also big speakers on the wharf, and the sound from the big speakers suppressed the singing in the cabin and reached their ears: "...Wengzhou is my country's largest seafood production, processing, storage and sales base, and is known as China's fishing capital. …”

"In spring, summer, autumn and winter, fish swarms migrate in the vast sea area according to certain rules. This natural endowment makes all kinds of fish, shrimp and crab stings in the East China Sea fishery especially delicious and tender, far exceeding other Aquatic products from the sea…”

  The fleet of Tianya Island arrived, and a speedboat belonging to the Public Security Bureau came up to greet it, and a guide shouted on it: "Which commune and which production team is coming from?"

  Wang Yi opened the door and probed and shouted, "It's the Wang Family Production Team of Changlong Commune..."

   "Oh, a comrade from Tianya Island? Follow me, your berth is here." The speedboat turned around and led them into the berth.

  Wang Yi is now very skilled in sailing.

   He operated the rudder and passed the fishing boats. When he was driving, he looked out. The docked fishing boats included motor boats and wooden boats, mostly wooden boats.

   The motorization rate of fishing boats in Haifu County has not been high.

He has seen a statistic that in the ten years from 1971 to 1980, the total number of fishing boats in the coastal areas of Jiangnan Province was 42,200, including 32,200 wooden boats and 10,000 motorized fishing boats, which is almost four boats. There is only one motor boat.

  The total number of fishing boats in FH County is about 2,800, of which 2,400 are wooden boats and 400 are motorized boats. That is to say, there is only one motorized boat in the seven boats.

  The situation is even worse when it is placed on Tianya Island. There are 56 fishing boats on the island, and only 2 motor boats!

   No, now another transport ship has been captured, so there are three motor ships...

   At this level of mechanization, it is natural to improve production efficiency. Offshore operations are extremely difficult, and the lack of fishing boats has added a lot of obstacles to fishing operations.

  Fortunately, in the past few years, we were concerned about 'people can conquer the sky' and 'more gas and less steel can win more steel and less gas'. The deficiencies in fishery machinery and equipment can be made up by manpower. Wengzhou fishermen's hard-working spirit has always been commendable.

  The guide put the fleet of Tianya Island into the port, and someone whistled at them nearby.

  Wang Yi took a look: "Ha, Captain Li?"

   Coincidentally, next door to them is the fleet of Lijiazhuang on Duobao Island!

  Li Shuangshui waved at him enthusiastically: "Mr. Wang, have you eaten? Didn't eat, we are eating here!"

   "The dried cuttlefish just dried this year, sprinkled with chopped green onion and steamed with noodles, it's so fragrant!" someone added.

  Wang Yi waved his hand and said, "You guys eat, we've already finished! Captain Li, are you leading the team in your village?"

Speaking of this, Li Shuangshui looked unhappy: "Hey, who will lead the team if I don't lead the team? The members of the team I lead are unwilling to do it, everyone is wild, and they don't care about the wages of five yuan a day. !"

   The wages of five yuan a day is not low.

   But the problem is that the fishing meeting is tiring, and the income is relatively low!

   Generally speaking, from frost to light snow, the outer islands can use large pairs of boats to catch small yellow croakers, which is called "early winter", and there are also fishing floods.

   After Xiaoxue, there will be hairtail floods, and the outer islands are called "Late Winter" until the end of the Great Cold.

  抲 In the late winter, there are many fish in the fishing grounds. After shaking the oars out to sea, if you are lucky enough to cast a net down, you can get up to one or two hundred catties.

It is true that hairtail is worthless now, especially if it is cheaper to sell it wholesale in the fishery. A pound of good quality is only 15 cents, and the quality is almost 10 cents. No matter how bad the quality is, no one wants it. It is when fishermen do business. Add the head to the repo or vendor.

   But even if it is calculated on a dime, this net is ten or twenty yuan!

   More than one Internet cafe a day? It's not a big problem for an experienced person to make eight nets and ten nets. How much is this? It's almost a hundred and fifty dollars!

  Even if there are four or five people in a boat, you can get 30, 40, 40 or 50 yuan on average, and the oscillating oar does not use diesel oil, at most it will damage the fishing net, but after removing the net loss, you can still have 20 or 30 yuan.

   In this case, why would the fishermen come to earn a dead wage of five yuan a day?

   After all, with the reform and opening up, many local production teams are gone, replaced by villages.

  The state no longer forcibly requires fishermen to catch patriotic fish for the country, so many fishermen are so excited that they will not participate in the fishing flood battle, they have to do it for themselves!

  There are mainly two kinds of people who are still willing to participate in the fishing flood battle. One is the fishermen with strong patriotism like the Wang family. They come to work not to make money, but to contribute to the development of the country within their ability.

   One is just messing around. They don’t have a boat themselves. They go out to work for others and can’t stand the hardships of the fish flood season, so they join the national team.

The    national team asked them to fish, but there was no order to ask them how much to catch, so that they could go out to sea and spend five yuan and five catties of grain a day.

   In addition to these two kinds of people, there is another situation like Li Shuangshui.

   The number of people participating in the fishing flood battle is too small, so each commune assigns tasks to the production teams, and each production team must have at least as many people as possible.

   In this case, the captains of the production team must take the lead, otherwise the fishermen and the common people would be willing to listen to their commands?

  The sky is getting brighter, and more and more fishing boats are coming.

  Wang Yi stood at the bow of the boat and looked around. The county pier was so bright that more than 100 boats were docked.

  Wang Xianghai kept shaking his head while looking at it: "The fishing flood battle will not be organized for a few years, so it's almost impossible to gather people together."

  Wang Yi secretly said that you are right. In 1985, only one hundred and dozens of boats were organized in the city's fishing flood battle. That was the last state-organized fishing flood battle.

   Since 1986, this collective movement that once left a deep impression on the history of marine fisheries in New China disappeared…

   This year's fishing flood event was okay, not as good as the peak in the 1950s and 1960s, but it also mobilized a lot of people to participate, and the bustling pier was still very lively.

There are people who can do business rowing boats in the morning to sell buns, dumplings and hot porridge. Inside and outside the dock, there are things like 'big buns are fragrant, millet porridge is hot' or 'chicken soup and wontons', 'the old brand of Yujia Dabing has peanut oil'. shout.

  Wang Yi looked at the lively scene and said with a smile: "Although the battle of the fishing flood is bitter and tiring, it is very interesting."

Wang Xianghai lit a cigarette and squinted his eyes and took a sip: "There are too many people now? It was really too many six or five years ago. At that time, before and after the heavy snowfall, newspapers and radio rushed to broadcast us here, saying that thousands of boats gathered in Wengzhouyang, and 100,000 fishermen. Down to the East China Sea!"

   "We definitely have to go to Fohai this time. When we take Teacher Wang to the Hengjie Fish Market, it will be crowded and lively! We can squeeze out two shoes in one trip!" Wang Donghu said.

  Wang Baocai giggled and said: "I heard that there was a big girl who went in to squeeze in, but when I got home, I found out that I was pregnant!"

The    men burst into laughter.

   "Why are you so happy?" A boat came over, and a woman greeted with a smile on it, "Mr. Wang, I've found you."

  Wang Yi took a look: Cui Hong, a Chinese teacher and poetess at Commune Primary School!

   He stood up and walked to the stern of the boat and asked, "Mr. Cui? What are you here to sell? Are you selling pork?"

   Cui Hong’s family collects and kills pigs.

   Nominally because the commune did not have a slaughterhouse, so their family took part in the responsibility of supplying pork for the people. In fact, she had a hard public relations relationship and had been a commune leader before, so she could have such a good life.

   After listening to his question, Cui Hong smiled and said, "My father-in-law and my man sell pork, I sell pork head meat, and I braised pork head meat. I heard that you are here, come here and give you two."

   Send a braised pig head!

   This is a great gift, and now the matchmaker says it's done, it's just to enjoy a pig's head.

  Wang Yi hurriedly said how can this work, Cui Hong said happily: "Mr. Xiaoqiu is my sister, why can't I give my brother-in-law two pig heads?"

   "Mr. Cui is a good deal. Two pig heads have been replaced by a brother-in-law like Teacher Wang." Li Shuangshui, who was nearby, joked with her, "Do you still have a younger sister? If you give me a pig head, you can replace my brother-in-law."

  Cui Hong glanced at him and asked, "Why should I replace your brother-in-law? Take it home to kill and sell meat?"

  Li Shuangshui flicked the ashtray and said, "Murder is a crime, and the crime of selling human flesh is one more class!"

  Cui Hong was carrying a tin bucket on the boat, and when the lid was opened, steaming hot air rushed out, with the unique fragrance of the stewed soup.

   She really picked two big pig heads for Wang Yi.

  Wang Yi wanted to pay, but she pointed directly at Wang Yi and said boldly, "Don't do this with me, Mr. Wang, you won't charge my tuition when you teach me to write poetry!"

  Wang Yi smiled bitterly and said, "I didn't teach you to write poetry, but I published your poems..."

   "The publication was very successful." Cui Hong raised this topic with great excitement, "I now have my own literary column in our "Jiangnan News"!"

   Wang Yi was in awe.

   "Jiangnan News"? I remember you, the poetry editors of your newspapers are all lame!

  Cui Hong put the boat on the Tianya 2 and put the pig head in a large plastic bag and handed it to Wang Yi.

  Wang Yi threw the money on her boat.

   Seeing this, Cui Hong wanted to shred the money: "Mr. Wang, you insult me!"

  Wang Yi was startled: "Don't tear it up, it's illegal to destroy the RMB! The main reason is that this pig's head is really not cheap, and it's still a braised pig's head..."

   "It's not cheap, it's not cheap, but I can't sell it now." Cui Hong threw the money back to him, "Why are there so few people here this year? Not even a few pig heads have been sold!"

  Wang Yi asked: "In the past, there were many people, and many pig heads were sold? How many can you sell?"

  Cui Hong said: "Not only are there more pig heads sold, but more pork is sold."

   "When I first got married, the situation was the best. Our family could set up a stall on the pier to sell meat, and then there were a lot of people who came over.

"Especially, some fishing boats from other places come to dock in our Haifu County. Some of them came back from the sea, and they are public boats. They are lavish, and they ask for half a pig, and at least 10 catties or more. Carry the money and leave."

"If you want to buy pig heads, you only need two or more mouths, and you also need pig livers and kidneys. At that time, I had to be busy from five in the morning until noon. Money's hands are weak."

   "What about now?" She shook her head in disappointment, "Last night I was busy all night, why don't I write a poem!"

   She gave the pig head to Wang Yi, shook the oars and left, shouting loudly: "Pig head, Changlong braised pig head, a hundred-year-old soup, fat and greasy, the price is fair..."

   After Cui Hong left, another ship came.

   Ye Changan came over to say hello to Wang Yi: "You lead your production team? Can you do it? Your kid has no experience!"

  Wang Yi said lightly: "It's forbidden, obey the command of the superior leader, obey the arrangement of the superior leader, the leader tells me to go east, but not west, the leader tells me to beat dogs, but not chickens."

   He looked down at Lao Huang.

   Lao Huang was sitting at his feet in an orderly manner, leaning on his lap. At this time, the pig's head was beside him, but Lao Huang didn't even look at it.

   Seeing this, Wang Yi licked the dog's head and changed his mouth, saying, "The leader told me to beat the dog, but I won't!"

   Ye Changan laughed and told him, "Be careful, you kid, I haven't married you and Xiaoshui yet."

  Wang Yi asked: "Yes, grandpa, when will Teacher Xiaoqiu and I get married?"

   He asked Wang Xianghong, and Wang Xianghong said that Ye Changan had never given a specific response.

   Ye Changan said, "Have you discussed it with Xiao Shui? Xiao Shui really wants to travel and get married. Isn't it popular for you young people to travel and get married now?"

   Wang Yi suddenly realized.

   Grandpa and grandson want to have a trip to get married.

   Now it’s really popular to travel and get married. Those from the north come to the south to see the West Lake and the best Guilin landscapes in the world. Those from the south go to the capital to see the leaders, the Great Wall, and the Great Wild Goose Pagoda in Chang’an.

  Ye Changan greeted him a few words, told him a few words, and then picked up a small radio station from his boat and handed it to Wang Yi.

   This is the machine used by higher-level units such as the Fishery Headquarters and the Fishery Headquarters to contact them.

   Ye Changan still took care of his family to some extent. What he sent was a military-grade radio with strong signal and strong battery power supply. Another operation was simpler than that of civilian machines.

  Wang Xianghai will use the radio. After all, they participate in the fishing flood battle and use the radio every year.

   He is a militiaman, and he has learned the use of radio stations. In the past years, even if Wang Xianghong led the team, the radio station of their team was operated by Wang Xianghai.

   This is one of the reasons why Wang Xianghong arranged for Wang Xianghai to be Wang Yi's deputy.

After    handed over to the radio station, Ye Changan warned him a few more words, telling him to pay attention to safety no matter what, he must not have an accident.

  The old man knows very well that if Wang Yi has an accident, his precious granddaughter will also have an accident!

After    left concern, Ye Changan didn't want to attract attention, so he left by boat in a low-key manner.

  The back was overcast and cloudy, and there was light rain falling, and the team members on the boat hummed "Light Rain in March".

The county has organized a fishery headquarters, which is headed by the leaders of the Agriculture and Fisheries Bureau. A total of three county-level cadres and 20 general cadres form the fishery headquarters of Haifu County. They go out to sea with the fishermen and go deep into the fishing grounds, fishing ports, and fishing boats. Production.

   In the morning, Ye Changan's voice sounded from the loudspeaker: "Comrade fishermen, everyone has worked hard..."

   County first started to mobilize.

  Ye Changan, although a veteran cadre, does not pay attention to ostentation. He emphatically praised the dedication of the fishermen to the country and thanked the members of the commune for their dedication, and then let the fishery headquarters lead them to the fishery operation area to start work.

   No need to go to the city to reunite.

  The county is too far away from the city, and the motor boat is good enough. The wooden boat will go to the city in a day, and the people will be exhausted.

   Therefore, the city will take the lead in setting up the fishery headquarters, and then the county is the fishery headquarters, which governs the fishery command teams of each commune and the fishery command teams at the village and production team levels.

  Tianya No. 2 was driving on the sea in a hurry. The radio sounded a 'didi'. Wang Xianghai skillfully operated it and handed the big earphone to Wang Yi.

Wang Yi wanted to put it on, and Wang Xianghai waved his hand to teach him to put it on his ear: "The sound is quite loud, your eardrum hurts when you put it on, and if you put it on your ear, you can hear it clearly and we can follow along. "

   After a pause, he added: "This time there should be nothing wrong, the Shanghai Meteorological Bureau issued the weather forecast for us, right?"

   Sure enough, the beeping sound continued in the headset, and finally a sharp and clear female voice said:

   "Good morning, fellow fishermen. This is the temporary weather forecasting working group for the astronomical weather in the East China Sea. There are 3 forecasters, 5 telegraphers, and 4 plotters."

"Comrade fishermen, please note that the task of this working group is to meet the meteorological requirements of the fishery commander in organizing safe production as much as possible. Our daily work is to make a 24-hour weather forecast for the fishery, and broadcast it once an hour. Please pay attention to receiving it. In the event of a dangerous situation, our broadcast time will be shortened to 15 minutes to provide a forecast and warning…”

  Wang Yi patted his leg and pointed to the headset.

   This is called professionalism!

   The weather forecast this time has an alert, a cold wave alert, saying that there will be light rain during the day but no strong winds, and at night the temperature will plummet by 5 to 10 degrees and enter the sub-zero range, so that if the light rain does not stop, it will turn into light snow weather.

   After listening to the weather forecast, Wang Xianghai shook his head: "I haven't gained much in the past two days, so just recharge your batteries."

   Wang Yi asked, "Is there no wind?"

  The shoal of hairtail is active only when the wind is strong. Fishing hairtail is called catching the limelight and grabbing the tail of the wind, which means that in the initial stage of the beginning of the strong wind and the end stage of the wind, it is necessary to quickly go out to sea to catch the hairtail.

   is dangerous and the reward is great.

   Wang Xianghai said: "Yes, there is no strong wind, and there is no shoal of oarfish."

  Old fisherman Wang Zhenchang, who was on the same boat, sighed: "In recent years, there are no big fish schools, and the catch is getting worse and worse. In five or six years, there were really many hairtails."

"Mr. Wang didn't see it, you saw Haiwa, didn't you? Go back ten years, no, ten years back is not enough, you have to go back fifteen years, fifteen years back is almost 67 years, and there were so many hairtails at that time. ."

  When there were no outsiders, Wang Xianghai rolled up a dry cigarette and smoked: "Well, at that time, the fishing season with fish came, and it is unimaginable that big fish and small fish will catch fish."

   "At that time, during the fishing flood war, the large motorized fishing boats in the province were used to release the nets. Sometimes it was common to catch tens of thousands of catties in one net, and even hundreds of thousands of catties would be encountered!"

Wang Zhenchang said: "It was the most in 57 years. On the Fohai side, I remember that Qiao Zhiman of the Loess Company saw a school of fish. He inserted a pole into the school of fish, but the bamboo didn't fall down for half a minute. …”

  Wang Yi was surprised when he heard this: "Really or not? Is it too exaggerated?"

  Wang Zhenchang slapped his thigh seriously: "You go back to the captain and ask, is it true that this matter has been published in the newspapers? I really inserted a bamboo penny into a school of fish, but it didn't fall down for half a minute!"

   "Who doesn't know about this on the outer islands? Isn't it?"

   He was asking other people.

   Someone said: "Anyway, there are quite a few octopus. During the three-year difficult period, the island's food was insufficient, and many people could not eat their stomachs. In those three winters, many fishermen were saved by eating octopus."

   They were chatting, when the radio blew again.

   Wang Xianghai operates, Wang Yi picks up the microphone and listens:

   "I am here at the headquarters of the fishing grounds, here I am at the headquarters of the fishing grounds! Comrades from all fishing teams, I am the commander-in-chief Wei Chongshan this time!"

"Comrades, I should have heard the weather forecast from the comrades of the astronomical weather temporary working group. There will be light rain in the East China Sea today, and the wind is not strong. I am afraid that there will be no strong wind. Take the opportunity to hook the mother and son, and engage in mother and son fishing!"

   "I repeat, in addition, the leading comrades of the fishery command team, please pay attention, please pay attention, please pay attention to the leading cadres, please play an active role in taking the lead, and lead our fishing teams and fishing teams to carry out active operations..."

   Wei Chongshan's order was issued.

  Wang Xianghai picked up the flag and asked, "Mr. Wang, give the order, let's let the other fishing boats hook the mother and son, we have to catch hairtail today!"

   (end of this chapter)