MTL - I Have a Dragon-Chapter 1446 : Unworthy to be called Xuanwu

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"My basalt tribe has no injustice with you. Why did you help the demon girl steal the mysterious Xuanwu sacred armor?"

"Hey here is the Black Emperor Cliff. You act so arrogantly, Heidi will not let you go!"

At this time, the patriarch of the Xuanwu clan did not dare to fight back. He could only move out of the banner of the Black Emperor and threatened this Monan.

After the Xuanwu tribe was slaped into the ground by Mo Nan, it became clear that Mo Nan concealed his strength. It was by no means as simple as the middle period of entering Huahua, and at least the peak of entering Huahua.

Even if Mo Nan has broken through into the Hua, it is not impossible to stand up to the emperor!

The head of the Xuanwu clan knows that the Xuanwu clan is a behemoth to ordinary practitioners, but in the eyes of these true powers, it is just a group of ants.

"I'm asking if you have any opinions?"

In the face of the Xuanwu patriarch's answer, Mo Nan frowned slightly, then raised his right hand again and pressed down.

The disappearing giant palm was condensed again, and slammed into the basal patriarch who had been smashed into the pit.


The patriarch of the Xuanwu tribe was terrified, but he knew the power of this giant palm, and he was shot with a serious injury in one palm. If he was photographed again, he would peel off the skin if he died.

Basalt Shield Formation!

The patriarch of the basalt family quickly put up with all the pain and mobilized all the divine power to display the basaltic blood power.

I saw the hexagonal green armor pieces appearing around the head of the basalt tribe, and then formed a translucent cyan turtle shell, wrapping him from head to toe.

"Huh! My basalt family is majoring in defense, and the basalt shield is my family's life-saving magic!"

"Our patriarch was powerful at the end of the Hualien period five hundred years ago. Once the basalt shield is cast, no one can be broken under the emperor. No matter how great the devil's head is, don't want to hurt the patriarch!

"I didn't expect to be able to see the magical powers of the Xuanwu tribe with my own eyes, and this trip was indeed worthwhile."

"The basalt shield formation of Jiuwen Xuanwu tribe is one of the top defense magical powers, and it really is true!"


Those Xuanwu practitioners said loudly after seeing the superb sacrifices from their clan.

The rest of the practitioners stood side by side enviously and echoed.

"It's just a joke that uses the divine power to condense a pair of turtle shells, dare to call yourself a basalt family!"

After seeing the life-saving magical powers displayed by the patriarch of the Xuanwu tribe, Mo Nan sneered, and the pressure in his hands was one more point.

In the eastern starry sky, the horrible Xuanwu tribe exists on par with the Dragon tribe!

If it was learned by the Xuanwu tribe, a group of turtles claimed to be the Xuanwu tribe, fearing that they would be so angry that they would come to clean up the portal.

The giant palm was shot on the tortoise shell with the potential of destroying the earth and the earth, and the violent energy shook for hundreds of miles, like an earthquake!

Click ~

But at the moment of the collision, a crisp crackling sound suddenly sounded, and saw that the turtle's shell was covered with cobweb-like cracks under the crushing of the giant palm.


Subsequently, the entire pair of tortoise shells exploded because they could not withstand the pressure of the giant palm, and disappeared into heaven and earth.

Banging ~

Without the resistance of the tortoise shell, the monstrous giant palm was like a mountain descending from the sky, and fell on the patriarch of the Xuanwu clan.

Those Xuanwu practitioners who have just regained their momentum and blew their heads at their own clan, at this time are like ducks holding their necks, and their voices stop abruptly!

The rest of the onlookers felt the tremor coming from the earth, and the corners of their mouths were drawn out.


This posture looks painful!

In the hearts of these people, Mo Nan's strength has risen to a level comparable to that of the Emperor.

Mo Nan dispersed the power of condensing the giant palm, and with a big wave of his hand, he took the patriarch of the Xuanwu clan from hundreds of meters underground.

At this time, the long body of the Xuanwu tribe was flat, like a string of sugar gourds that were squashed stiffly, and there was no human being. That is a pity ...

"You should have no comments this time, right?"

Mo Nan threw the basal patriarch to the ground and asked softly.

"No ... no opinion, since Goddess Hailing wants my tribe to be precious, she will give it to her."

Although the Xuanwu tribe had been seriously injured, at this time they had to use divine power to recover the flesh, for fear of being answered later and being shot by Mo Nan.

Now that Mo Nan has made such a big noise outside the Black Emperor Cliff, the Black Emperor has still not come forward.

Only then did the Xuanwu clan leader understand that the Black Emperor did not want to get involved in this matter and simply bowed his head to admit it.

Now the patriarch of the Xuanwu tribe also cares about how to preserve his face, and the only thought in his heart is to escape from Mo Nan as soon as possible.

Because he knew very well that without the protection of the Black Emperor, he had no right to resist in front of Mo Nan!

"Well! What is it for me? Your turtles are really shameless. This basalt sacred armor is obviously the treasure of Zhenhai in my waters!"

The goddess Hailing jumped out from behind Mo Nan and pointed at the Xuanwu clan chief and scolded him.

She originally had a grudge against the Xuanwu tribe. Now that she has Mo Nan as her support, she naturally no longer fears.

"Yes, yes, what the goddess Hailing said was extremely true, this basalt armor is the Zhenhai treasure of the sea, and my basalt family should deserve to return it."

Xuanwu clan chief said quickly.

"I can spare you not to die, but you will return the Basalt Sacred Armor to the sea, and you shall not seek trouble from the Goddess of the Sea."

The heavier Mo Nang's slaughter, the stronger the curse he will face.

Moreover, the Xuanwu clan did not have any grudges with him, and Mo Nan was not a killer. He did not intend to kill the head of the Xuanwu clan.

"Observe the orders of adults, if there is nothing else, the younger will retreat first."

The head of the Xuanwu tribe bowed and salutes to Mo Nan, and even after quitting for dozens of meters, he straightened up.


Just as the Xuanwu patriarch was about to leave, Mo Nan spoke again and stopped him.

"Is there anything else I can command?"

The basalt tribe's body trembled, and the expression on his face was uglier than crying. Could this big devil still refuse to let him go?

"From now on you will not be allowed to use the Xuanwu tribe. You are not worthy of this name!"

Mo Nan ordered again.

"This ... this, obey the orders of adults, and turn the family into the turtle family when you look back."

The Xuanwu clan responded, and then flew back to the Xuanwu clan ... the turtle clan star shuttle.

Where other monks of the Turtle Clan dare to stay at this time, they also returned to the Star Shuttle in a wolf shape.

"Go back, a bunch of clowns. It's boring."

Su Liusha shook his head in disappointment, urging everyone to go back.

She originally wanted to watch her husband show off her mighty power, but unexpectedly the Xuanwu tribe was so unbearable.

Mo Nan did not even perform the magical powers, and he packed them with only one hand.

The on-site practitioners quickly cleared a road for Mo Nan and his party, and watched Mo Nan return to the ancestral city of God of War quietly.

No one dared to speak during the whole process, and was extremely respectful.

Such as the gods!