MTL - I Have a Game Clone-Chapter 23 Aftermath of the war

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After getting dressed, Ning Shi took a step of more than ten meters and walked on the road very quickly.

Walking under a big banyan tree, he jumped up.

In order to avoid damage to the phone, Ning Shi threw the phone on the banyan tree before the battle.

Taking back the phone, Ning Shi called his mother.


"Xiao Shi, are you alright? I heard from Xiao Wei that you ran to a duel with a cultist, and I didn't even dare to call you. I'm just your son. If you have troubles, what will I do with your dad?"

Hearing his mother's anxious voice with a crying tone, Ning Shi quickly comforted him.

"I'm fine, Mom, don't you know me yet? I'll run away when I'm in danger. The threat to the pantheon has been resolved, and I'll go home immediately."

"It's fine, you can go directly to Tzu Chi Hospital. We are all here. Your uncle is still in the operating room for blood transfusion. You also come over and check your body."

"Okay, I'll go now."

Ning Shi hung up the phone and ran for another 3 kilometers before stopping a taxi at the intersection.

After looking at the game, the update time was still 2 hours, so Ning Shi put down his phone and closed his eyes.

When he arrived at the hospital, his uncle had already left the operating room, and he had a thick bandage on his shoulder.

The left arm has been burned to ashes by the flame ability, and he can only lose one arm permanently, which is already the result of Ning Shi's efforts.

Thinking of the casualties on the scene, the organizer of the banquet, uncle, has an inescapable responsibility.

It's good to save your life.

"Xiao Shi, thanks to you this time, I heard Xiao Wei say that if it weren't for you, they would all die."

My uncle was still in a coma, and my aunt Gong Li stood by the bed and thanked Ning Shi.

"Okay, auntie, they're all relatives, you're welcome, now that technology is advanced, a prosthetic arm is installed on my uncle's arm, which doesn't affect life very much.

Xiaowei has learned a lesson today. He is still young, and if he doesn't handle it properly, it will cause psychological trauma. You should pay more attention to him. "

Aunt wiped her tears and nodded.

Seeing that his mother was about to take him for an examination, Ning Shi hurriedly said, "Mom, I am an awakened person, and my health is very good. It's 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and I haven't eaten yet, so I'm so hungry.

I went to a restaurant for a meal, and went straight back to the rental house after eating. "

Ning Shi was really hungry, so he found a restaurant downstairs in the hospital where he cooked vegetables.

Big plate chicken, steamed pork, hot pork loin, fragrant dry double-cooked pork, and a tomato egg soup.

Four dishes and one soup, I ate 5 bowls of rice in a row.

Ning Shi ate very fast, and under the wind and clouds, he was half full.

Wiping his mouth with a tissue, Ning Shi was about to check out and leave when Wang Yunlin and Zhu Daniu walked in together.

Wang Yunlin had five scars on one cheek, and the other cheek was red, swollen and split. At the moment, his image was somewhat miserable, but Ning Shi would not sympathize with him.

If he didn't let the guests leave the venue early, no one would be killed by the flame demon.

Ning Shi was ready to settle the bill, so he returned to the rental house early, waited for the game to be updated, and continued to play the game at home.

"How much, boss!"

"153 yuan, just give 150!"

Ning Shi deliberately ignored Wang Yunlin and the two, and went straight to check out.

Wang Yunlin followed behind and asked cautiously, "Mr. Ning, we have found the body of Blaine, the flame demon envoy, what do you want to do with it?"

"If you don't mind, we will announce to the public that the Flame Envoy will be killed by the Inspector, so that the temples of the gods will not come to trouble you again."

Ning Shi sneered, stared at the wound on Wang Yunlin's face, and asked, "Does the wound not hurt? You want to take credit so soon?"

Wang Yunlin took a deep breath and looked at Ning Shi with complicated eyes.

"Mr. Ning, I am Wang Yunlin, I woke up at the age of 15, joined the inspection department at the age of 18, and served in the inspection department for 20 years, killing 3,721 criminals of various types.

For 20 years, I have walked in darkness and pain, just for the belief in my heart, just to let more people enjoy an ordinary and peaceful life.

The cultivation of supernatural powers is extremely painful. In order to integrate into the qi system superpowers, I have to endure the desperation of suffocation at all times. I can see that there are no scars on my face. I have pulled it out with my own hands!

In order to protect the lives of ordinary people, I have given all my heart and soul.

For the country and the people, I, Wang Yunlin, have a clear conscience! "

"Yes, this time it was my job error that resulted in the death of innocent people.

But I am not wrong!

In this era of change, I want to be stronger, to get a higher position, to have more power, to keep the order in my heart, what's wrong with that?

I need A-level spirit crystals. Since the spirit crystals are yours this time, I beg you to give me the credit for killing Brian. With this credit and my previous accumulation, I can apply to the organization Exchange for a Grade A Spirit Crystal. "

Wang Yunlin's eyes were flushed, and the five deep scars on his face were both his painful past and his medal of merit.

After listening to Wang Yunlin's narration, Ning Shi's heart was shaken, human nature is indeed the most complicated thing.

"I'm useless for the credit, I can give it to you, but the reward for killing Brian can't be less."

Ning Shi finally let go, and Wang Yunlin immediately replied: "The kill bonus is 1 million, I will subsidize another 1 million, and I will transfer the 2 million to you immediately!"

Ning Shi nodded, turned around and called a car to leave.

5 minutes later, the mobile phone will send a text message.

"Your bank card ending in 6116 received a transfer of 2000000.00 yuan at 14:05 on July 22, 2023, and the current balance is 2013210.11 yuan."

Looking at the transfer reminder, Ning Shi sighed.

At the same time, in the self-built house in Qianjin Village.

The trainee was lying on the ground with a blue face, and there were two black holes in his neck, and a little black blood flowed out.

Look at the symptoms, like being bitten by a venomous snake.

Qing Snake packed up his things, ignored the corpse on the ground, and left the self-built house with a flickering figure.

After the Envoy of Fire God had not returned for such a long time, Qing Snake knew that something was wrong, and the Envoy of Fire God was probably planted in Donglin City.

If she doesn't run, what awaits her will be the ubiquitous pursuit of the Inspectorate.

"The temples of the gods can't go back. The Fire God is dead. Someone has to take the blame. I can't escape death when I go back. At this time, the Hua Kingdom is the safest."

Qing Snake carried his luggage and drove a dilapidated second-hand car prepared in advance. He did not take a boat to Southeast Asia and then returned to Beiou, but went west.

To the west is the underdeveloped area of ​​China, where the land is vast and sparsely populated, making it easy to hide.

Central City, Headquarters of the Special Affairs Department.

The Inspection Office sat together with several bigwigs from the Exchange Bureau.

Yun Moxiang stood in the middle of the long table and was reporting the situation to the bosses.

"The body of Blaze Envoy Brian has been found. According to preliminary judgment, he died of a knife wound. The body was divided into two by a long knife. The cutting surface is extremely neat, which is even more neat than an industrial cut product.

Ning Shi's combat power assessment is temporarily an eighth-order awakener, and his ability is a power-based ability.

Wang Yunlin, the captain of the Donglin City Inspection Department, had already communicated with Ning Shi, and Ning Shi was willing to give Wang Yunlin the credit for killing Brian. "

After introducing the basic situation, Yun Moxiang asked: "This is the situation. How to deal with it, please ask the leaders for instructions."

Several bosses look at me, I look at you, but they are not willing to speak.

Yun Moxiang also obediently kept silent, she knew that the special affairs department was fighting fiercely.

The old minister is about to retire, and the three most promising candidates are Jiang Yunsheng, director of the Inspection Office, Tian Jun, director of the Exchange Bureau, and Guo Qun, deputy director of the Special Affairs Department.

The three of them were competing openly and secretly. At this moment, they were uncertain about the attitude of the old minister, Hu Changjun, and no one was willing to speak first.

Hu Changjun sat in the first place, looking at the cautious appearance of several old subordinates, disappointed in his heart, he said coldly.

"Before discussing Ning Shi's matter, I'll make an announcement. In view of the current state of the Special Affairs Department, I have decided not to retire for the time being and serve another term."

The term of office is 5 years, and the old minister has to work for 5 years. The three people who are fighting for the minister are stunned.

"Ever since I announced my retirement, the Special Affairs Department has been swept away by the three of you. You three engage in factional warfare every day, and do nothing at all!

The inspection department has been preparing for the expansion of enrollment for so long, but the implementation is still a mess; the Exchange Bureau is responsible for the education and training of the juvenile Awakened, and the project of the Awakened School has not yet been implemented!

Take Ning Shi's case as an example, his cousin's A-level qualifications would be snatched up by a civil organization and accepted as an apprentice. What does the Exchange Bureau do?

One by one, they ate vegetarian meals and cultivated with the resources provided by the state, but they did not care about doing things.

If it goes on like this, I will slap you all! "

The special affairs department was built by Hu Changjun, and his prestige in the department is unparalleled.

Seeing that the minister was angry, the three bosses below were like children who made mistakes, bowing their heads and admitting their mistakes.

"The leader was wrong. I promise to complete the expansion of the inspection department on schedule!"

"It was me who was confused for a while. Leaders and Awakeners have all the infrastructure in place. There are 3,421 schools in total, enough to accommodate about 12 million students. UU Reading basically meets the current needs."

Seeing the three subordinates admit their mistake, Hu Changjun's face turned slightly sullen. The three were old subordinates who had been with him for decades.

"Time is tight, our burden is very heavy, and the pressure on the army is very high. We must cultivate viable forces as soon as possible."

"In the A-level Lingjing incident in Donglin City, it was announced that Blaine, the flame demon envoy, was killed by Consultant Zhao and his subordinates."

Jiang Yunsheng, director of the inspection department, nodded, "Yes, how will the credit for killing the Flame Envoy be distributed?"

"Since Ning Shi allows it, the credit will be given to Wang Yunlin, and he also agrees to his application for the exchange of A-level spirit crystals."

Hearing what the minister said, Jiang Yunsheng was overjoyed, Wang Yunlin got the A-level spirit crystal, and there was an extra general in the inspection department.

Hu Changjun coldly asked Tian Jun, director of the Exchange Bureau: "What proportion of the awakened youth in the country are those who are awakened by strength?"

Tian Jun was stunned for a moment. He really didn't know the data. Fortunately, Yun Moxiang was smart and sent him a message.

Tian Jun read out the data in the message.

"There are 58.71 million school-age teenagers aged 14 to 18 in the country, and a total of 11.8 million have awakened, of which 2.1 million are spiritual, 3.55 million are elemental, and 6.15 million are power.

Strength accounts for 52%. "

Among the awakened ones, the power-type awakened ones, who have been looked down upon all the time, are the mainstream with the largest number.

Hu Changjun said: "Considering the national strategy, Ning Shi's role is inestimable. Before him, the power-type awakeners were promoted to Tier 3 at most.

And he has the strength of rank 8.

If his cultivation method can be popularized, then he will be a master of a generation who influences the progress of the times! "