MTL - I Have a Game Clone-Chapter 25 barbarian

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"1000 gold coins, this is the sincere price I gave for Bruce's sake. You have 10 seconds to consider whether you agree with my offer."

The old goblin hesitated, and when he saw Ning Shi lift his legs to leave, he immediately spoke.

"Agree! I agree!"

The old man took out a **** animal skin contract and said, "Give me 1,000 gold coins, and this contract is yours."

According to the system quotation, the value of half-elf slaves is around 800 gold coins.

Of course, this is only a reference price. A person with a great face like Bruce is bound to be more expensive.

Ning Shi was very satisfied to buy Bruce for only 1000 gold coins.

He took out a bag of gold coins and handed it to the goblin.

After receiving the bloodline contract, a prompt came from the game system.

[Become the owner of half-elf Bruce, character intimacy +5, and the current character intimacy is 55. 】

After buying Bruce, Ning Shi suddenly patted his head, remembering that he had insight, but he forgot to use it just now.

[Insight target: Bruce, mental strength comparison: 16/11, all basic information can be explored]

Character: Bruce

Constitution: 12 (20)

Mental Power: 11 (20)

Face value: 10 (the son is unparalleled)

Family background: 7 (son of a half-elf leader)

Bloodline: Wind wolf half-elf (level 2/potential 9 stars)

Occupation: Bloodline Ranger

Skills: Bow and Arrow, Wind Walk, Scimitar Technique, Wind Roar.

Talents: Learning (white), Precision (white), Luck (purple).

Achievements: none

[Precision (white): Slightly increase the hit rate of archery and machete attacks. 】

[Luck (purple): The son of luck who stirs the situation of the times, every bad luck turns into good luck, and good luck comes again and again. 】

[Bruce is a hero, it is recommended to recruit as a follower, if the recruitment is successful, Bruce will open the hero template. 】

Without any prompt from the system, just looking at Bruce's other information, Ning Shi knew that it was a waste to make Bruce a servant.

In the continent of Morn, the situation of the half-elf race is rather miserable. Because of the mixed blood, it has been rejected by both humans and elves.

Humans hunted and killed half-elves, refined their blood, and sold slaves.

The elves think that the half-elves are a disgrace to the noble blood of the elves, and they have also launched a war of ethnic cleansing against the half-elves.

Half-elves have been struggling with blood and fire since their birth. At present, the population of the entire race is less than 50,000, and they live in the starry hills in the southeast of the mainland.

They rely on the complex mountain terrain of the starry hills to fight against the human slave hunters, and continue the race blood with difficulty.

Bruce is the son of the half-elf leader, and it is estimated that he is also a person with a story.

Ning Shi wasn't interested in his life experience, but he was a little envious when he looked at Purple's talent and luck.

"Bruce, you are with me temporarily, and I have to buy a few slaves."

"Okay, lord... lord."

Bruce's voice was a bit sharp, like a child's voice, Ning Shi waved his hand.

"You can call me boss in the future."

It's too evil to call the master, and it's easy to make people think wrong.

Ning Shi originally planned to buy a few slaves with strong physique to use his violent talent. Buying Bruce was just an accident.

The old goblin is a businessman. He collected the money bag and said to Ning Shi.

"Dear guest, I'm not bragging about old Harper, you can go and find out, the Blue Black Slave Store is definitely the biggest and best slave store in Duohuang City.

What kind of slave do you need, tell old Harper directly, old Harper will definitely meet your needs. "

Ning Shi nodded. Shriver streets are all blue and black. This store dares to be named after blue and black. The owner behind it is estimated to be the ruler of Shriver Street.

"I need slaves with good strength and physique. I only need four for the time being."

"It's okay, your honored guest, come with me."

Old Harper led Ning Shi into the slave shop.

The store is full of leather booths, the floor is covered with soft carpets, and the walls are hung with decorations of different styles. In the middle of the store, there is a colorful magic crystal lamp.

The whole store is decorated very luxuriously, but there is no "goods".

"You sit and drink a glass of juice. There is a manual on the table, which is an introduction to all the slaves in this shop. You can read the manual first, and remember if you like it first. I will go and arrange the goods for you first."

Harper took two glasses of juice from the waiter, put them on the table, and went into the back room of the shop.

Ning Shi looked around for a week and found that there were a lot of customers in the store, most of them were human nobles in gorgeous clothes. They sat on the leather seats, flipped through the manual, and if they were interested, they would tell the exclusive waiter beside them.

After the waiter takes notes, he will go to the backstage to adjust the goods. When the goods arrive, he will invite customers to another hall to see the goods.

The service of this store has surpassed many real-world specialty stores.

And he knows how to create a sense of dignity. In the store, there will never be a slave, which invisibly elevates the status of customers.

Ning Shi looked at the slave manual. This manual is also very interesting. It is not only rich in pictures and texts, but also clearly introduces the characteristics of slaves.

And the classification is very good, like a slave search dictionary, you can find slaves according to race, ability, appearance, blood and other categories.

Ning Shi searched for his abilities, and in the power column, he saw bearmen, tauren, barbarians, and bloodline warriors with violent bear blood.

There are dozens of slaves with outstanding strength alone.

Ning Shi took a sip of juice and casually said to Bruce: "The owner of this shop has something, but unfortunately, no matter how gorgeously decorated the exterior is, it can't hide the sinful nature of the slave trade."

Hearing Ning Shi's words, Bruce's handsome face flashed a touch of emotion.

[Explain the essence of the slave trade, get Bruce's approval, character intimacy +5, and the current character intimacy is 60. 】

Still like this, Ning Shi just regarded Bruce as a friend and said a word casually, which gained 5 points of intimacy.

After about a quarter of an hour, old Harper returned to the shop.

"Dear guest, the goods have arrived, you come with me."

Follow Harper, twist and turn, go through three doors, and come to an empty hall.

Harper pointed to a group of strong men in the left corner of the hall and said, "This is the slave you need."

Ning Shi took a closer look and saw 9 strong men standing together, extremely tall, each of them over 2 meters.

They wore only a skirt woven from animal skins, their upper bodies were naked, and their muscles were bulging, like hard stones resting on their bodies.

These people are not only tall, but also extremely thick and thick. Their arms are thicker than Ning Shi's thighs. Schwarzenegger is probably a cute boy in front of them.

Such a strong figure, at first glance, is a race full of strength talents.

"Respected guests, these 9 slaves are the strongest and the best in physique in our shop.

Each of them can easily lift thousands of pounds of heavy objects. Look at these wounds on their bodies, they are all medals of merit left when they fought against wild beasts. "

Old Harper deliberately pretended to be knowledgeable and shook his head.

"Not only that, their race is even rarer, they are the royal family among the barbarians, the barbarians.

The strength of the extreme barbarian is several times that of the ordinary barbarian, and they have a racial talent called "primarch symbiosis". After using this talent, the extreme barbarian will recognize you as the primarch as a split.

The primarch will gain the superposition of the power of all the splits, and the splits will also benefit from the power of the primarch, and both sides will become stronger! "

After listening to the introduction, Ning Shi suddenly became interested and asked casually.

"How much?"

"These are the last 9 extremely barbarians in our store. I know you know what you are doing, and you don't dare to make random quotations. You can take all 9 slaves with 10,000 gold coins!"

Before Ning Shi spoke, Bruce who was behind him spoke first.

"Boss, as far as I know, these 9 people have been in the blue and black store for almost half a year, and they have not been able to sell them. These 9 people are very edible, and they have to eat at least 1 gold coin a day.

The slaves could not be sold, and they had to spend money to support them. Because of this incident, the blue and black store was ridiculed by colleagues. "

Old Harper's face suddenly collapsed.

Bruce turned a blind eye and continued: "I've heard the stories of these nine people.

They come from the northern ice field, the northernmost part of the wasteland. The northern ice field has an extremely harsh climate and poor resources. Their tribe lacks food and clothing. Last winter, there was a heavy snowstorm, and many people were starved to death. In a hurry, 9 people voluntarily sold themselves to the blue and black store at the price of 500 gold coins, and the gold coins they got helped the tribe survive the cold winter.

But they agreed in the sales contract that the 9 people must buy and sell together. "

Ning Shi was very curious, "They won't go hunting for monsters, will UU read to get money to sell magic cores? And even if they buy and sell together, they won't be able to sell them with their talent, right?"

"The cycle of hunting monsters is too long, and the clansmen can't afford to wait.

The "primarch symbiosis" talent of the extremely barbarian can only be used once in a lifetime. Once he recognizes the master, he cannot betray him for life, and his ability is indeed very strong.

But the barbarians believe in Torrel, the **** of power, and in order for them to recognize their masters, they must surpass them in power. The Barbarians form a formation of 9 people, and when 9 people are together, they can stack power to any one of them. "

Ning Shi understood, "In other words, in order for them to be willing to use the "primarch symbiosis" talent, the power of the primarch must exceed the combined force of the nine of them."

Bruce nodded, showing a helpless smile, "This is something that even the advanced ape-type bloodline warriors who are best at strength can't do. Maybe the legendary dragon bloodline warrior can do it?"

Bruce stared at Harper when he asked the question.

Harper looked embarrassed and kept smiling to hide his embarrassment.

"Old Harper, you are not being kind. How many times have you tried to trick me?"

Ning Shi's words were a bit heavy, and Harper suddenly complained.

"Dear guest, you have misunderstood me. You said that you need slaves with strong strength and good physique. Is it wrong for me to recommend extremely barbarians to you?

Even without the "primarch symbiosis" talent, the Barbarians are the strongest of all slaves.

As for the price, I just quote at will, you can counter-offer, or you can make a price? "

"1000 gold coins, 9 people!"

This price was directly 10% off. Ning Shi thought that Old Harper would negotiate the price, but he did not expect that his face would bloom with a smile.

"make a deal!"