MTL - I Have a Luck Altar-Chapter 17 Iron blue and white

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  Chapter 17 Iron blue and white

  Three days passed quietly.

  The county office is still patrolling boringly every day, and it has become increasingly hopeless for the traces of the remnants of Wushengjiao.

  Trying to catch the traces of those people without any clue is like looking for a needle in a haystack, and the chances are slim.

  It took Chen Yuan three days to refine the three tiger bone pills at a rate of one per day, and his strength skyrocketed again.

  Chen Yuan was also calculating while he was practicing. He used two Tiger Bone Pills for the first blood refinement, but he estimated that he would need at least two to three Tiger Bone Pills for the second blood refinement.

  As for the third blood refinement, it is very likely that four to five tiger bone pills or even double the number will be required to succeed.

   This made Chen Yuan a little horrified. If it really doubled in this way, wouldn't he need a hundred tiger bone pills to practice to the perfection of blood refining?

  One Tiger Bone Pill costs at least ten taels of silver, and one hundred is one thousand taels!

   This is an astronomical figure for Chen Yuan at present, and it is his salary for decades.

  Of course, this is just Chen Yuan's arbitrary speculation. In fact, it may not take so many, otherwise, looking at the world, it is impossible to produce so many warriors.

   Moreover, the exercises practiced by Chen Yuan are also different from body training exercises. Although he doesn't know how ordinary body exercises work to refine blood, Chen Yuan calculated that it would definitely not be easy to get there.

   Otherwise, Ping'an County wouldn't have so many blood-refining servants, but only a few bone-refining warriors.

   It can be seen from this that bone refining is rare.

  However, it must be much easier to use ordinary exercises to train the body.

  The sky is drizzling, and the dark night is coming.

  Chen Yuan dressed in black and came to a large mansion in the south of the city.

  This is the Song Mansion, or it is more appropriate to call it the Iron Mansion, because after these days of careful investigation, Chen Yuan finally knew why Song Lao Liu had such a big murderous intention.

   It is entirely because the Song Mansion is basically controlled by Tie Qinghua, Song Lao Liu's power is not as great as imagined, so he wants to kill Tie Qinghua and monopolize this foundation.

  There are quite a few guards in the Song Mansion, among them there are many warriors with blood refinement level, all of whom were hired by Tie Qinghua at a high price. As for bone refiner warriors, she does not have the strength to invite them.

  Who knows if people will turn their backs in the end.

  Although there are many masters in the Song Mansion, Chen Yuan is not afraid of being discovered, because Song Lao Liu has already made all the preparations, and he is only waiting for him to do it.

  Chen Yuan kept the patrol arrangement of the entire Song Mansion in mind, and some guards who couldn't escape would be transferred away by Song Lao Liu by other means tonight.

  In short, it is to open the back door for Chen Yuan.

  Decent back door.

   After searching around, Chen Yuan held his breath and walked slowly towards the direction Song Laoliu pointed out for him with a solemn face. During this period, Chen Yuan met the nurse and the maid, but he was not found.

   Soon, Chen Yuan passed through several gates and came to the small courtyard where Tie Qinghua lived.

   Tie Qinghua is happy and quiet, and she and Song Laoliu have already slept in separate rooms, which is one of the reasons why he dared to hire Chen Yuan to kill Tie Qinghua in the Song Mansion.

  Even if Tie Qinghua died, Tie Xuan would hardly suspect him.

  In order not to have any accidents,

  Song Laoliu told Chen Yuan that he would poison Tie Qinghua's meals today.

  The toxicity is not deep, and it is difficult to be detected. The only function is to make its blood flow difficult and unable to mobilize all the power.

   It can kill Chen Yuan with one blow!

   To be honest, Chen Yuan also had to lament Song Laoliu's ruthlessness, even after many years of being a married couple, he can be ruthless.

  The candles in the house were brightly lit, reflecting a beautiful shadow.

  Chen Yuan raised his hand and tapped on the window.

   "Dong Dong."

  In the room, Tie Qinghua was wearing a cyan robe, looking at the account book with a frown, wondering what he was thinking, when he heard the knock on the door, he said displeasedly:

"What's up?"

   "Ma'am, Master asked me to fetch something." Chen Yuan said under his throat.


  Tie Qinghua was a little puzzled, and opened the door while asking.


  The moment the door opened, Tie Qinghua instantly saw a pair of indifferent eyes of Chen Yuan covered with a black scarf, followed by a cold voice:

   "Take your life!"


   A white knife flashed, and Chen Yuan instantly used the knife drawing technique!

Tie Qinghua's heart tightened, and she backed away instantly without even thinking about it. She wanted to avoid the knife, and raised her right leg, kicking Chen Yuan's chest. He could only watch helplessly as the saber light shone brightly in front of his eyes.


  Chen Yuan slashed across Tie Qinghua's chest with a knife, but he controlled his strength, and just chopped up Tie Qinghua's clothes, revealing the white coat inside.

  Afterwards, Chen Yuan stamped Tie Qinghua's chest with a palm, knocked Tie Qinghua back a few meters, and fell on a table not far away.

  The tables were scattered, Tie Qinghua just wanted to get up, the long knife lay across Tie Qinghua's neck, Chen Yuan chuckled, looked at Tie Qinghua on the ground and said:


  Tie Qinghua's appearance is not ugly, and he can be regarded as a middle-aged man. It may be the reason why he has practiced martial arts all year round, and his skeleton looks relatively large.

  It's completely different from the charming and exquisite in the book, maybe this is one of the reasons why Song Laoliu doesn't have much interest in her, of course, this is just Chen Yuan's guess.

  Tie Qinghua felt the slight chill coming from her neck, she was startled, and forced herself to calm down, saying:

   "I don't know when Qing Hua offended Your Excellency and sneaked into the house to kill me?"

  Chen Yuan chuckled and shook his head:

   "Just now, I have already said that it was the master who asked me to come and pick up something, and this thing."

  Chen Yuan paused for a moment and continued:

   "It's your life!"

  Tie Qinghua's eyes were suffocated, and she said in disbelief:

   "Song Lao Liu hired you?"

"Congratulations, you got it."

   "Impossible, impossible, how dare the surname Song kill me? Doesn't he know that once I die, my brother will definitely not let him go!"

  Iron Blue Flower gritted her teeth.

   "Of course he didn't dare to kill you openly, that's why he hired his subordinates. The reward is one hundred taels of silver. Does Mrs. Tie think this price is appropriate?"

  Chen Yuan stared at Tie Qinghua.

   "Why should I believe what you said?" Tie Qinghua said suddenly.

   "The knife rests on your neck, can't Madam Tie believe Yuan's words?"

   "This is just your side story!"

   "Does Madam Tie really think so? The Song Mansion is heavily guarded, and there are many warriors patrolling the town. Is it just luck that I can find Madam so easily?"

   "I'm afraid I don't need to say more about the relationship between you and Song Laoliu. In fact, you already believe that Song Laoliu sent me here."

   "However, if you talk so much, I'm afraid you are waiting for reinforcements."

   "Is Yuan's guess right, Madam Tie?"


   Ask for a monthly pass!

  (end of this chapter)

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