MTL - I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World-Chapter 1486 Unconditional surrender!

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After the capture of a number of senior US officials, such as Mike Burns, the entire central command system has been paralyzed.

At this time, unless a charming political leader stands up and gains recognition from the people of the United States and re-establishes the federal government, a scattered state national guard and a lost American regular army will not be able to withstand the attack of the star trade.

Losing the Cheyenne Mountain that could not be lost, failure has become a necessity.

In the face of the guns of the Star Trade, Mike Burns did not think about using the last bit of courage to write this history with his own blood, but also for his own mistakes. However, contrary to his expectations, the soldiers of the Star Trade did not bother him at all, nor did he put his hand on the agreement.

I saw an officer, walked up to him, handed a uture phone and an agreement to his hand, then stepped back two steps, standing behind his hands.

Through the thin, flapped screen, looking at the man standing in the middle of the empty conference room, Mike Burns’s pupil narrowed slightly, and he saw a familiar face, one of which he could not forget. Face...

It is Jiang Chen who is making a video call with him.

"This war is enough now, we offer two options."

Without any nonsense, Jiang Chen raised a finger and opened his door to raise his own conditions.

"First, you represent the federal government and surrender to us unconditionally."

"This is impossible." Mike Burns refused without hesitation.

The so-called unconditional surrender means that the victorious country will only be bound by public opinion and civilization, while the defeated country is subject to strict legal restrictions, that is, everything should follow the instructions and orders of the victorious country, and there must be no resistance. In addition, the victorious country does not recognize the political power of the former government, the original political group, and the original leader. Before the signing of the defeated country to sign a normal relationship with the victorious country, the functions of the defeated government will be exercised by the victorious garrison headquarters.

For example, the star-ring trade has caused the United States to abolish all nuclear weapons, and the United States has not even said that there is no power.

Jiang Chen did not make any indication, but just erected a second finger.

“The second option, our tungsten rods have been refilled, and we will implement strategic strikes on strategic facilities such as the Great Lakes Industrial Zone, the Great Lakes Industrial Zone, the Seattle Industrial Zone and the Houston Industrial Zone, and the Texas Oilfield. At the same time, launching 20 strategic emp missiles across the entire west coast of North America, completely destroying the national grid and Internet communications in the western North America, allowing you to return to the early days of the atomic energy era from the digital age."

Speaking of this, Jiang Chen paused for a moment, admiring the expression on the face of Mike Burns, whispering.

"Then, we allow you to surrender conditionally, and I will generously provide you with a credit of no more than one billion Singapore dollars."

"You demon..." The throat was sliding up and down, and Mike Burns said with a trembling voice.

"It seems that some people have described me so recently, but I must emphasize that we are just doing the same thing for you," Jiang Chen looked at his watch in front of him, and then said in an unacceptable tone. "You have two hours to consider, I allow you to discuss with your staff."

Although it is in consultation, Jiang Chen’s tone has no meaning at all.

Either accept the surrender or accept the destruction.

Although the last one is the choice he is not willing to make anyway, after all, the earth civilization faces far more than its own problems. In order to face the invasion of harmonious civilization, the industrial strength and economic strength of the United States and so on are all necessary.

However, Jiang Chen does not intend to negotiate with Mike Burns on this.

Because if these forces can't be the help of the Earth Defense Alliance against the aggression of extraterrestrial civilizations, then at least let it not become a drag on the hind legs...


Mike Burns had no choice at all.

After an hour of discussion with the aides, he walked into the conference room with a heavy face.

The officer who was sitting opposite him was still the officer, and the name of Jiang Chen had already been signed on the agreement. After picking up the pen, he twitched and wrote his name at the end with a trembling tip.

Just two hours after the signing of the surrender agreement, an hour after the announcements of the embassies and the embassies in the United States that they received surrender, the news of the US surrender spread to every corner of the world.

Located in a small town in Asia, the family sat in front of the TV to eat, the weather forecast originally played, suddenly inserted a news. The host reported the news in a relaxed and serious tone.

"... At 12:20 last night, the Star Wars Special Forces attacked the Cheyenne Mountain military base in Colorado, and US President Mike Burns and several White House ministers were captured. Just two hours ago, Ben The Taiwan Embassy in Washington has confirmed that the news is true. The United States, as the attacking party of this war, announced its unconditional surrender..."

The chopsticks that reached the bowl stopped and the family was stunned by the news.

"The United States surrendered?"

"How can it be……"

"This must be fake news. How can the United States lose?" About 20-year-old young people pushed their glasses and dismissed the contents of the news. They seemed to know a lot. "This xxxx is also full of trains." I remember that I was not still fighting in Columbus yesterday. Once the United States completed the war mobilization, with its strong industrial capabilities and huge reserve, the land of the new country will be defeated!"

"Have a good fight. When you were my grandfather, I..." I didn’t hear too much. The grandson was saying that the old man was just excited and looked sly, as if recalling the sorrowful years, when he falsely reported the age. After entering the army, he followed the big forces and drove the Yalu River.

"Eating vegetables and eating vegetables, he is so much dry on the other side of the Pacific Ocean..."

The family talked and laughed and continued to eat. Although the two grandchildren were screaming there, no one really took this matter to heart. Even if you want to worry about it, it should be the little king of the next door. In the first two months, he also got the oer of the University of Washington. Now it is said that he is enrolling in the University of Coro, the global enrollment, only those that have been converted into US dollars. Can't come back again...

In the foreign exchange market, the new yuan is so long, many people get rich overnight, and many people regret it.

The dollar seems to have fallen to the bottom and will never fall. On the contrary, it was because of the small part of the expectations of the defeat, the dollar exchange rate and the US stock index, which had already fallen, and the small rebound in the war.

Not everyone is willing to accept such an ending, such as Texas and other inland states, announced that they do not recognize the legitimacy of the federal government, deployed defense lines along the road, and determined to resist.

"Texas refuses to surrender, let the soft-hearted people of Washington go to surrender! We will defend the flag to the last moment, and shed the last drop of blood for the goddess of freedom!" A red-necked Texas cockroach, facing the reporter's camera Roaring.

Whether they are willing to accept or not, the Army of the Stars Trade will eventually let them accept the reality. There are also Moro soldiers who have traveled to the military bases of the inland states. The procedures for post-war compensation and trials of war criminals have been put on the agenda.

The first is the trial of the defeated, which will be conducted in the US Supreme Court in Washington...

At the same time, an admiral who was supposed to have died, drove the two-seat modified Mustang p51, and in the direction of Jiang Chen, flew in the direction of the west coast of North America.