MTL - I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World-Chapter 1516 Colonial plan

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With regard to this summit, Jiang Chen can see at a glance where his allies are, and where is his resistance.

Yes, it can only be described by the word resistance.

Nowadays, no one can stop what the Star Ring trade does, and no one can change the decision he made. However, the opinions of these energy giants may still be the resistance of the Star Wars trade to promote the Titan colonial plan. Because what they represent behind them is not only their own, but also represents the interests of a country.

Energy is really important.

Whether it is military or economic, it can't be separated from it. And once something is in contact with the first two, it naturally has political implications.

Standing on the podium, watching the representatives of the countries sitting under the stage.

In the inexplicable heart of Jiang Chen, there is an illusion that he has become the "emperor" of the planet, and he is facing now, waiting for him to fall, but is the "Matriarch" in the empire.

Losing the NATO of the United States has already existed in name only. The opponents of the Star Ring trade have not been found on this planet. Unless all the countries unite, they will barely have a 20% chance of winning. There will be no more. One day, Europe’s “outsiders” will return to the Earth Defense Alliance banner one day, and these “fosters” who are self-respecting will soon be cut down, and eventually their hands will be given their own power.

Now, the "Emperor" summoned his "Matriarch" and asked them about the views of the colonial New World. In fact, the opinions of the "Feng Chen" are actually not important. What is important is how to divide the cake to maximize the benefits.

If the ultimate goal of the Stars trade is to eliminate all borders, upgrade the Earth Defense Alliance to the Earth Federation. So as the "emperor", or the "president" of the Earth Federation, or the so-called "ballmaster", what should be considered is not only the interests of the star trade, but also the interests of the entire earth federation.

After all, they still have a really deadly enemy who needs to face a colonial ship from 20.5 light years away, a decisive battle about the survival of mankind.

First, Kerwin explained to everyone the prospects and necessity of colonizing Io. There is no need to repeat the above resources, not just those mentioned in the Star Trade, and countries have certainly analyzed them through various technical means.

Soon the questioning session.

The first question to ask is naturally an expert in the aerospace field.

The technical consultant from the Russian Space Agency (rka) first stood up and asked questions.

"The most critical issue, how can we survive without water?"

"This question is very good. In fact, before the summit, the most we studied was this problem." Jiang Chenwei smiled and continued, "According to the outposts we have deployed at Titan." Europa stores a large amount of water resources, the surface is covered by glaciers, and under the ice cover is a flowing ocean. Not only the problem of water, but also the problem of heat can be solved. Under the ice cover, there can be liquid oceans. It must mean that there is a dramatic underwater volcanic activity on Europa."

“We are rethinking the colonial plan to focus on the living and industrial areas on Europa. And Titan will serve as our resource extraction base for the production of black alkane, transported to Earth, or other colonies.”

On the holographic screen, light blue light particles flash.

At the location where Jiang Chen’s fingers crossed, the three-dimensional images of Jupiter and all its satellites were all presented in front of everyone. Europa produces water, liquefied hydrogen, oxygen, and relies on geothermal energy to generate electricity, while Europa produces energy, two interlaced blue lines connecting between the two planets, and eventually with the Earth hundreds of millions of kilometers away, Mars is connected.

A simple trade route has been planned by the Star Trade. Starships with a star-ring trade are responsible for shipping within the stellar system. As for the transportation within the planetary system, there is no problem with the strength of several major member states.

From this concept map, everyone can see the broad prospects of colonial wood.

However, as the old problems were solved, new problems emerged.

"Black alkane? What is that?"

A technical consultant from Royal Dutch Shell, stood up and spoke.

Wen Yan, Jiang Chen slightly smiled.

"This is what we are going to say."

He said, he put his finger on the touchpad a few times, the cylindrical platform slowly rises, located in the center of the platform, is a black crystal with only the size of the thumb, just like obsidian, the surface is glass luster.

Under the capture of a high-resolution camera, everyone can be mounted on the electronic screen on the table, and the black crystal of the thumb size is clearly observed.

The obvious sign that glass luster is common in silicate minerals, especially in igneous rocks, is almost impossible to see in hydrocarbons.

Just as everyone thought it was a star-shaped trade survey ship, Jiang Chen took out a lighter from his pocket when he sampled the rock from the moon.

Then I will point it.

That's right.

It’s just a click.

In addition to those politicians and diplomats who did not understand the whole process, sitting there indifferently, almost all the technical consultants present, as well as the oil company boss who knew a little about mineralogy, all squatted there.

Especially when I saw the fire from the lacquered black crystals, an unbelievable exclamation came out.

"This is impossible!"

"Coal minerals? I heard that there is a kind of bituminous coal that can also produce a glass luster..."

Some people even eagerly stood up and said.

“Is this the black hexane? Is there a calorific value? I need its calorific value data!”

Jiang Chen raised his hand and gestured to the quiet people, and continued.

"The density is twice that of water. The composition is a mixture of alkanes... In fact, I have said that many of you have been able to roughly calculate its calorific value, and we have no intention of concealing this new substance."

"On the moon, we found a bacterium, which was temporarily named as mw1, whose metabolite is 'black alkane', a mixture of alkanes that appears black. Its molecular structure undergoes a tight z-fold, Heating in an anaerobic environment can slowly decompose into methane, ethane..."

Looking at the chairman of the Russian Gas Company, who took a breath of cold air, the Ami oil company Nasser, who was uneasy and worried about it, and the Chinese oil boss who whispered and talked behind him, Jiang Chenwei smiled and continued to speak.

"I believe that I have said this, everyone here is already very clear about what it means."

“Yes, this will be an energy revolution.”

"Of course, the main purpose of our summit is not to promote this kind of mixture of alkane that is easy to store, transport, or even use, but to tell you what kind of treasure we are facing."

"Now, I have already taken out the treasure map, then what we will discuss next is how to dig this treasure." Here, Jiang Chen paused and looked at the face that was immersed in contemplation. , slightly smiled, "We have always believed that pay is proportional to the return."

“People who are not interested can leave early.”

"But if you are interested, I promise you will not be disappointed."