MTL - I Have a “System” Halo-Chapter 5 I have a "pampered" halo

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[System. 】

"Fanfan, you wake up ~"

【Ok. 】

"Fanfan, I cleared the side effects for you yesterday."

【Ok. 】

"Why don't you refuse?" The system's voice was inexplicably wronged.

[Don't you feel cool? Anyway, it wasn't. Oh, you are a system, you can't understand it. 】

System that has been stabbed: ...

Fanfan you changed!

[I behaved strangely yesterday. 】

System: "What's strange?"

Mo Fan: Obviously sober, why do n’t I behave like I would do after feeling drunk?

System: "Fanfan, that's the role of the system halo, it's done automatically for you."

Mo Fan frowned: Will it control me?

System: "No, it's just that wherever you were in chaos at the time, the role of the halo was magnified, and you could not help responding according to the guidance of the halo."

Mo Fan: So, last night it was actually my thought that led the halo, but the halo just had a hint?

System: "That's right."

Mo Fan: ...

Yesterday was the crying silly oneself? Mo Fan will never believe it!

He was refreshed, and his clothes were changed to comfortable pajamas. It seemed that someone had bathed him after he fell asleep.

Mo Fan found that this is his house near the school. So, in fact, Shao Yuxuan was planning to send himself back?

Mo Fan thought that Shao Yuxuan had left, but when he went downstairs, he saw the man who was busy at the dining table, and he couldn't help walking.

Shao Yuxuan had heard Mo Fan's footsteps, but he didn't look back, until the other party stopped, he looked at him, showing a flattering smile, "Xiao Fan, you woke up?"

Mo Fan's mouth moved slightly, but at last she said nothing but sat at the table in silence.

The memory of the box only stayed in the process of filling the group with young people from time to time. After that, Mo Fan knew nothing about what happened in the room. Suddenly, he was speechless.

"Xiao Fan, I was yesterday ..."

When Mo Fan heard the other party's mention of last night, it seemed that the fire in his heart had erupted and asked, "Don't you feel sick?"

However, it was obviously something that made him feel disgusted, but in the end he was addicted to it, and Mo Fan was always less confident.

Shao Yuxuan's face turned white: "Sorry, Xiao Fan, I just want to help you."

Mo Fan shouted, "Isn't Mr. Shao even able to find a woman?"

Mo Fan was unwilling to say anything, and this moment suddenly stimulated Shao Yuxuan. Shao Yuxuan didn't speak, only looked at Mo Fan with a pair of deep eyes. Mo Fan was so guilty that he avoided it.

Obviously the other party's fault, why should he be guilty? It was Shao Yuxuan who was willing to do that. He was no better than him, not to mention that, later ...

Thinking of the touch in his memory, Mo Fan's face was hot.

Shao Yuxuan: "Xiao Fan, you are still young, we are not in a hurry, we can take your time, but I will never allow you to be with others."

"Why !?"

Mo Fan's voice was so high that he could do whatever he wanted, and Shao Yuxuan was qualified to control him.

"Xiao Fan, I didn't mean that." Mo Fan's response was a little big, and Shao Yuxuan softened, "Don't you like it too? You didn't exclude me from doing to you, you just didn't recognize yourself."

"No, I'm not." Mo Fan covered her ears and said excitedly.

He is not gay! It's just because of Chinese medicine, yes, that's it!

In the final analysis, Mo Fan is just an adult child. When it comes to experience, it is not a little bit worse than Shao Yuxuan who has been indulged in society for several years.

Shao Yuxuan's words didn't leak, Mo Fan couldn't hear it even though he felt something was wrong, he just avoided running. Incidentally, the more evasive things are more likely to come to mind, Mo Fan will soon find out that he cannot control himself and not think about the relationship between the two.

"Okay, aren't you, Xiaofan, hungry, have breakfast, this is what I made, do you try?"

"I will not eat!"

Mo Fan raised her hand and swept the table directly to the ground. The sound of the chopsticks falling on the floor sounded. Mo Fan seemed startled and choked. The sadness on Shao Yuxuan's face made him feel guilty.

Shao Yuxuan quickly converged on that look, smiled, and said, "It doesn't matter, you don't like to eat and I will prepare something else for you, Xiao Fan, will you wait for me?"

Probably did something wrong, Mo Fan did not refuse this time.

[This man is really going to the hall, going to the kitchen, the ten best men, the temper is so good. 】

System: The protagonist only does this in front of you. I don't know how cruel it is in front of outsiders.

"Fanfan, do you fancy him?"

【Yes indeed. 】

The system did not expect that Mo Fan would admit it, and hurriedly said, "Fan Fan, you can't like him. If you like him, wouldn't it be sad to leave?"

[Whoever says I like him will be sad. 】


It understands that Fanfan is too boring and wants to find a "thing" to play with.

After eating rice, Shao Yuxuan washes dishes with chopsticks in the same space, Mo Fan is uncomfortable.

"Why don't you go?"

"Xiao Fan ... I haven't seen you for a long time." The man was aggrieved.

"It's not my business."

The boy looks shy, but he is shy. Shao Yuxuan knows this person very well, how can he not see it? When Mo Fan woke up in the morning, Shao Yuxuan found that Mo Fan's attitude had softened, even though the other person said those hurtful words on his mouth, but he was uncomfortable.

Shao Yuxuan: "Anyway, I'm still your brother. Does Xiaofan not want my brother?"

Mo Fan froze, his ears turned red as he yelled at the other party "brother" in bed last night.


There was a noise, and Mo Fan ran upstairs when he finished speaking, and the huge closing sound could be heard downstairs.

Xiao Fan is unexpectedly cute. Shao Yuxuan's own child has no clearest temperament. The child is shy.

Guessing that the other party would not drive himself out, Shao Yuxuan immediately ordered someone to move his luggage into the room opposite Mo Fan. Although I really want to hug Xiaofan to sleep, Xiaofan will definitely not agree, just tolerate it.

Mo Fan enjoyed the care of Shao Yuxuan. The aunt cooking was driven away by Shao Yuxuan. Shao Yuxuan played the role of family cook. Every aspect of life has been carefully considered, and Mo Fan doesn't need to spend a little energy to think about these chores, just play with yourself happily.

However, one thing is not good. After Shao Yuxuan lived in, he began to set the time for Mo Fan to go home every day, and there is even an earlier trend.

"Do you still want to go to the club? Have you forgotten what those people did to you?"

When Mo Fan once again proposed to return to the club, Shao Yuxuan put a smile on his face and said solemnly.

"What did they do?" Mo Fan knew what happened, but pretended not to know. With an undefended temperament and a pourable constitution, you can remember what happened after being drunk. Isn't it too out of place?

Shao Yuxuan remembered that this person didn't know what happened. He had dealt with those people, but every time he remembered that Mo Fan was almost ... can't help it.

Shao Yuxuan's emotions were too obvious, and even the slowness like Mo Fan saw that something was wrong.

"Tell me, if you don't tell me, I'll ignore you."

Shao Yuxuan had no choice but to tell the story subtlely.

With Shao Yuxuan's affairs ahead, Mo Fan quickly understood Shao Yuxuan's meaning, and his face was blushed with anger.

"Is the world occupied by homosexuality? I don't know if there is anything good about it, that abnormal thing is simply abnormal."

Shao Yuxuan was stabbed in the heart by the plain words of the other person, "Xiao Fan, you must know that homosexuality is already legal abroad, and that husband-wife relationships have legal effects. This is natural. You do n’t know anything. Humans, do you think so? "

Mo Fan naturally knew it, but the thought of these things appearing to herself, Mo Fan couldn't help the anger.

The soft girl he likes clearly is not the five big and three rough guys.

Probably because of the intention of the person who was regarded as a friend, Mo Fan was a little bit unhappy all day. Shao Yuxuan looked in his eyes, but he didn't dare to do anything, so he was afraid of causing a rebound.

[System. 】

"Don't you just call me ringlet?" The system is going to be angry.

[Okay, little ring. How long does this task take? It's been almost six months. 】

"Mission time generally refers to the development time of the plot, and it varies depending on the situation."

[Well, it's boring, just like a child playing house. 】

System cold sweat: That is where the characters you play are too naive.

"Isn't it innocent? Someone is petting, don't worry about eating or wearing, just do what you like every day."

[Too boring. 】

"Fan Fan, be patient, next time I will pick a fun world for you."

[Which world can I choose for myself? 】

"Uh ... this is also random. I can't receive the plot until I enter the plane."

[So fart. 】


"Fanfan, you swear."

[It is also stipulated that it cannot be said? 】

"No," he said with his fingers, "Fanfan, how can you ... swear."

Mo Fan sneered and didn't speak again. People who are still in the light of the moon also need to solve their physical needs. No one is perfect.

The author has something to say: the next day of National Day ~