MTL - I Have Medicine-Chapter 51 Continue to face

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The eyes of Cang Yundi swept away in the crowd, and finally stayed on the public celestial body for a moment before they moved their eyes away.

Then, he smiled, as if he had become approachable in an instant: "Please sit down."

There are a lot of seats in the palace, and there are eight in the front, which is undoubtedly the position of the top eight in the family.

The people of the five great families, the people brought by the other three strongholds, all sit on both sides and look like the audience - even the obvious follow-ups such as Gu Zuo and Long Yi can sit down at the end. It can be called a glory.

In addition to the five sons, the other three strong warriors have already arrived, and they all have their own family support, these families belong to the first-class forces. What is more bizarre is that there is no second person in the top five families to enter the quarter-finals. I don’t know if it is luck, or what other reasons.

Gu Zuo thought with a dark heart: Maybe it was a deliberate arrangement of opponents to let other players in the family naturally be eliminated? Conspiracy theory, perhaps before the family war, the royal family decided to open the Canglong pool, but the quota is limited, do not want such super-class family to occupy too many places, affect the balance or what...

In fact, Gu Zuo’s idea is really true.

In addition to the five major families each occupy a quota, there are still three left, to be divided, which world is better? Once there is a family with more places, it may cause some turmoil. For the emperor, these powerful and vassal families, of course, the worse the better.

Moreover, the public instrument Tianzhu can learn martial arts, the most satisfactory is the Cang Yun Emperor.

Because the five major families, the public servant as the first family in the past, has always been relatively isolated, Shangguan and Duanmu, Sima and Helian, they can be said that the relationship between the two is good, especially in recent decades, such The trend is becoming more and more obvious, and sooner or later, a triangular relationship of one, two, and two will be formed, and the public servant is definitely the weakest party. Then only the public ceremonies will reinforce the forces, so that this triangular relationship will still be mutually restrained and stabilized. In addition, the other two "two-two combination" become strong, and will not be the scene that the Empire is happy to see.

Now that the public ceremonial scorpio has become stronger, he is likely to bring glory to the public servant in a hundred years. At that time, it is also very beneficial to the empire.

Therefore, Cang Yundi will not only avoid the excellence of the public scorpio, but hope that he can be even better - and not only for the sake of stability, but also because of a major event that will happen later. There is an urgent need for such a particularly outstanding young genius.

Closer to home, Cang Yundi saw everyone seated, and he did not hesitate. He said bluntly: "The Canglong Pool is open and there are always 12 places. You are all excellent heroes. If you can withstand several tests, you can Get a quota and enjoy the baptism of the innate dragon." When it comes to this, he turns his head. "But if you can't stand the test... then the rest of the quota will be re-selected."

The warriors present at the scene expressed their understanding.

After so many years, the existence of Canglongchi has long been a secret. Everyone understands that if the royal family wants to open it, it will have to pay a very large price and invest a lot of resources to sacrifice it. Originally, the royal family has already taken up this part of the loss, and is willing to share the quota, so it is only natural to test what is happening.

They have long decided, even if it is a difficult test, they will never give up!

Cang Yundi was very satisfied, he waved his hand.

From the back of the palace, there was a "rumbling" sound.

More than a dozen of the great and perfect warriors of the day after tomorrow rose their faces and tried their best to lift a huge stone out until they came to the middle of the temple, and suddenly they let go and let the stone fall.

It was the entire palace that seemed to be shocked.

Gu Zuo saw that the stone was covered with a touch of silver, probably five meters high and three meters square. Its surface is flat and looks more like a metal-mixed mineral than a simple rock.

But what did the emperor do with it? Do you have to test the quarterfinals, can they lift it up with their own strength? More than a dozen of the realms of the realm have been re-emerged like this, don't have tens of thousands of pounds... In other words, the acquired warrior usually increases the strength of one realm by a maximum of two or three hundred pounds. When the big perfection, the most It’s also three thousand pounds of strength. If it’s true, no one can lift it up.

As it turns out, Gu Zuo still did not guess wrong.

Cang Yundi said: "Please go forward one by one and use the best strength to move this piece of millennium."

Gu Zuo: So it is not ten thousand pounds, is it 30,000 pounds... This emperor is really black.

The warriors face each other, but this is the test of the emperor. If you don’t try it, don’t you lose your face? Maybe this is the test of their mentality in the face of difficulties? Therefore, even if He Lianxing and others look ugly, they are still ready to take the lead.

The public celestial scorpion sits in the seat, his lips are smiling, and his posture is still so calm.

Gu Zuo looked and felt a bit strange.

His big brother has always been Tibetan mastiffs. He has so many bones in the hole and he has no strength. He doesn’t know how much he can, but he can’t be so exaggerated. According to the character of Big Brother, there must be something he does not know, and the older brother has already seen it.

The next moment, Gu Zuo will know.

He Lianxing Cheng's face was standing in front of the Millennium Stone, his hands kept the corner of the boulder, his legs squatted slightly, and this began to force.

As his strength increased, although the Millennium Stone did not move at all, its interior seemed to suddenly have a red line that stretched from below.

When the military saw it, they suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

It turns out that the Millennium Stone has such a strange place - it is completely used to test the power.

But then they are a little worried, do not know how much power, is it qualified?

He Lianxing Chengren is on the side, unable to see the changes in front of the Millennium Stone, and because he can't afford the megaliths of 30,000 pounds anyway, although it seems that he has used a lot of strength, he has not made any effort.

After working hard for a quarter of an hour, he stopped.

On the Millennium Stone, the red line is only about nine inches, and each inch represents about two hundred kilograms. Therefore, the strength of the measured Helianxingcheng is one thousand eight hundred kilograms.

If it is an ordinary warrior, it can be as good as one thousand eight hundred kilograms, but if you put it on the Helianxing Cheng, who is known as the four sons, this data is not good.

In the moment, many of Herren’s faces are hot.

No matter other people really think that He Lianxing Cheng is these strengths, or they see that He Lianxing Cheng is in the test of being forced to use all his strength, but he is not using all his strength, it is an abnormal shame.

After He Lianxing Cheng Song’s hand, he discovered that the situation was wrong.

After every measurement of the Millennium Stone, there will always be about ten minutes, and the red line will be completely faded.

This time, he was seen.

After listening to the people of He Lianjia and whispering to him, He Lianxing Cheng’s face was blue and green, only he felt that he had been greatly insulted!

He can even imagine how those people who don't deal with him will laugh at him!

Well, secretly laughing at him, there is Gu Zuo.

Gu Zuo had long watched him unhappy. In the past several times, it was this guy who was picking up the head, and it was only two in the middle of the second, and his heart was also bad. Such a person has lost such a big face now, it is a retribution! You said that if you are stupid, don’t you show up? It’s also pitiful to show off and show yourself more stupid.

This is a tragedy for He Lianxing, and it is a comedy for others.

Not to mention how much competition the five major families secretly have, saying that because Helen Xingcheng took the lead to give them a "model", what should be done next, everyone knows.

Soon Sima Yuanyou, Duanmu light capacity, and Huangfu long squatting in advance, did not dare to have a little bit of strength.

So the results also came out immediately.

Sima Yuanyou: 4,300 pounds!

Duanmu light capacity: 4,400 pounds!

Huangfu Changchun: 4,700 kilograms!

Many warriors are screaming.

It is worthy of being an outstanding younger generation of the younger generation. Their level can reach a higher level than the strength of the ordinary warrior.

He Lianxing’s fists were pinched and the bones creaked.

He not only has a strong remorse in his heart, but also hates other sons. Sima Yuanyou, who can now be counted as an ally, also noticed a trace of grievance in his eyes.

Sima Yuanyou frowned, very unhappy.

It is he who has to rush to go to be a pioneer, and then blame the people in the future, what does it mean? They are alliances, but he is not his slave, he can let him vent his grievances!

Over there, He Lianxing Cheng felt the emotion of Sima Yuanyou and found out that it was wrong. He slowly exhaled and held his grievances in his heart. They also need the power of the Sima family.

Next, the children of the other three first-class families, when they saw that the public scorpio was still sitting squatting, looked at each other and tested the power in turn.

They also did not dare to neglect, and the strength of the test was not weak, actually 3,500 kilograms, 3,800 kilograms, 3,650 kilograms.

All of them have won the Helenxing process.

After reading this, there was a disappointment in the eyes of Cang Yundi.

that is it?

The five sons of this generation are stronger than the previous generations, which gives him a lot of hope, but now it seems that it is still not enough.

Finally, there is only the last public instrument.

In the malicious look of He Lianxing and the complex look of others, he Shi Shiran stood up and walked in front of the Millennium Stone in two or two steps.

Gu Zuo heart silently read: Big Brother Come on! Kill them!

The public scorpio is like what he perceives, his brows are slightly picked, and his hands are pressed on the sides of the thousand stones.

Then, his eyes were stunned and stunned.

At the time, everyone sees it very clearly.

On the thousand rocks, the red line is like a red light, and in the blink of an eye, it goes straight up!

The red line is forty inches! Eight kilograms of strength!