MTL - I Have Medicine-Chapter 934 frank

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The feeling of being struck by the head... Gu Zuo is not the first experience.

Only in the first experience, he used the powder of Leidan to block up to 90%, and the use of this Huidan was much smaller. Gu Zuo thought about it and felt that it was from the king to the broken. The thunder of the air is very important, and it is decided to smash it.

Therefore, this time, the lightning voltage is at least a thousand times stronger than those suffered in the natural world. Of course, Gu Zuo’s own realm and body are also numerous times, so the thunder and lightning are watching the momentum. Through Gu Zuo's Tianling, he directly walked through his whole body, and he "baked" him from the inside out. Gu Zuo is also a painful pain.

Fortunately, Gu Zuo’s internal gas was originally a very gentle force. Whenever Gu Zuo was injured in the body, this gentle force would immediately ease the comfort. After a while, the place was comforted and healed. Even if there is a remnant of lightning, it will not really hurt Gu Zuo.

It seems that it has passed very quickly and seems to be very slow. When Gu Zuo endured the pain and quickly treated the whole body with internal gas, and found that he was indeed a lot stronger, the robbery had passed.

... Compared with the warrior, the danger of Gu Zuo’s robbery is really too small.

Gu Zuoton exhaled a breath and looked up at the two men who kept him guarded.

The public scorpio has already revealed a smile: "Congratulations on Azo's successful catastrophe." He seems to know Gu Zuo's doubts and continues to say, "Azo's robbery time is only a moment."

The Iron Emperor did not expect the Gusada Ferry to be so easy - it is true that the refining pharmacists are indeed much better than the warriors when they are robbing, but the number of robberies in the ruins of the emperor can only be such a point, Gu Zuo is also his The first one I saw.

However, things are not over yet.

Just as Gu Zuo was ready to get up, the public scorpio reminded him again: "Azo, the clouds are not scattered."

Gu Zuoyi, then look up and see - there is still something brewing in the clouds, and this brewing thing gives him the feeling... still a little familiar.

Gongyi Tianzhu and Gu Zuo also remembered four words - Tiandi gifts.

When you break through to the heavens and humans, do you say that when you break through to the broken air, what else?

Gu Zuo did not expect it.

Because he had thought about it before, he got the gift from heaven and earth last time. That is because the vast majority of the medicinal herbs he refines are innocent, and there is not much damage to the spirituality of the medicine. But now he has been refining the prefecture-level Dan. There have been no innocent land-level Dans in the early days. It is true that it can be controlled smoothly, but it has only recently begun.

In such a short period of time, it should not be allowed to make more contributions to the world than to ask for it...

Just thinking about it, the cloud suddenly shot a white light, and in the same general as last time, entered the body of Gu Zuo. This white light is the same as the last time, which enhances Gu Zuo's understanding, and instantly tells him to integrate a lot of prescriptions that he has accumulated but has not yet studied in depth. It can be said that he has greatly enhanced his heritage.

Gu Zuoyu looked and enjoyed it for a long time. After the white light dissipated, he perceived himself and felt that this return of heaven and earth also brought him unlimited benefits, which saved him a long period of research!

The iron-blooded emperor over there was very knowledgeable, and naturally it was discovered that Gu Zuo was given a gift, and his eyes were also a touch of surprise.

Gongyi Tianzhu explained to the Jagged Emperor in a timely manner: "Azo had received this gift when he broke through to the heavens and humans. It was only at the time that I thought about it, this must be the reason why Azo used to refine the medicinal herbs. Nowadays, Azo refining the prefecture-level Dan has no such ability, and the medicinal herbs are innocent. I thought that there would be no such gifts."

The Iron Emperor was amazed, and immediately shook his head: "The gift of heaven and earth is not innocent."

The public scorpio was a little surprised, Gu Zuo just came over at this time, but also with a surprised look.

The Iron Man is not afraid to confuse the apprentice. He said: "Since you both know that the gift of heaven and earth is related to the loss and the benefits, it is good to know that it is not just innocent."

Being so dialed, Gu Zuo suddenly realized.

The public scorpio is also a laugh, clear.

Also, there is no loss, but other grades of medicinal herbs are also between the loss and the benefits. For example, the medicinal products of the three products are obviously better than the loss; the loss of the upper three products is more than the loss. When it comes to the middle three products, the loss and benefit must be flat; the lower three products are the loss greater than the benefit.

In this way, the prefecture-level Dan of Gu Zuo refining almost no product, that is to say, the worst can also protect the capital, and the other is all benefits. As a result, naturally, the benefits are far better than the loss, and ultimately the world can be obtained. Give a gift.

When you think about it, most of the refining pharmacists who can make the loss of the income are concentrated in the top group of refining pharmacists, and even those refining pharmacists may not be able to achieve such high rates in Chengdan and Chengdan. The standard. Heaven and earth gifts are not given to people, the quality of refining is good, but it can not be counted in it.

Gu Zuo, he is almost no frying now, that is, he has no income. He is not given gifts, who is given a gift!

Of course, he is even more favored by heaven and earth.

After understanding, Gu Zu is in a good mood.

In the future, he must work harder to refine the medicinal herbs. If he is able to have this benefit every time he is thundered, he would rather be shackled twice!

Of course, the public ceremonies are once again congratulations.

Jagged Emperor is also very satisfied with the results of Gu Zuo.

He is short-sighted, but his requirements for his disciples are also very strict. The previous warnings to Gu Zuo and the public scorpio are not fake, because in his opinion, if the ability is not enough, then you can't do whatever you want, and you will have a tragedy in the end. And if you can't keep up with your partner's achievements, then you must be more and more distant from each other and become a resent in the future.

In this case, if the public scorpio and Gu Zuozhen can no longer deserve to be worthy of each other, and the other party will complain to each other in the future, it is better for him to be the bad guy. Maybe one day, the two can continue to lead.

... Of course, this is just a few thoughts of the masters. The iron-and-blooded emperor now seems to have no problem with Gu Zuo, and he still needs to know more about the public.

So, after Gu Zuodu, the Jagged Emperor called the two back to the Iron Palace.

After carefully watching Gu Zuo, the Jagged Emperor said: "Gu Zuoji is solid, and after the gift from heaven and earth, there is no need to spend more time on it. Therefore, the cultivation after that is still as usual, carefully honing the spirit."

Gu Zuo quickly promised: "Yes, the iron master, the disciple understands."

After he finished speaking, under the supervision of such a strict teacher, he did not dare to say anything to his older brother. He rushed to the corner of his usual practice and began to cultivate seriously.

The public scorpio was asked a few words.

The great emperor said: "You are now a teacher, and the body and the veins are well-adjusted. In the future, the martial arts, I also have some advice. Your body is very weird, there are many similar people, it is difficult to distinguish, you are now I can tell you that it is also convenient for later practice."

If it was still a few years ago, the public scorpio would still be licking his own physique, but now the time is different, and the person facing him is still a person with his own apprenticeship, then there is no need to hide.

Therefore, the public scorpio Tianyi said very clearly: "The disciple is the body of the scorpio." His meal seemed to be a long time, and his mouth continued. "At the beginning, Azo slowly helped the disciples to adjust, otherwise I am afraid that it has already fallen to the crown of the year."

When the Iron Emperor heard the words "the body of the Scorpio", his heart was slightly shocked.

The physique of the body of Scorpio has not appeared too much in the past for many years, and once it appears, or died, or cultivated unlawful, it is often attacked by the heavens and consumed.

But if it can be really cultivated, once it has entered the world, then... everything is completely different.

For the Great Emperor, the longer you live, the more you know, but the more you don't dare to speculate.

Like the many performances of the public celestial beings in the Dazu Dabu, it is clear that he has the fact that he is a legal body and the body is not ordinary. Even if there is a lot of speculation, the emperors hardly think of the body of the day. . Contrary to this, if other people who know the body of Scorpio have limited realm, it is easy to guess on the body of this scorpio. And this is just because of the lack of understanding of the body of God.

Now, the public sang sang personally tells the fact that he is the body of the scorpio, and at the same time, the iron-blooded emperor's mood is fluctuating, and suddenly he feels that this is not surprising.

However, the Jagged Emperor is more serious than before: "That is the case... Scorpio, you will experience the special features of your body and the methods of practice, and you should experience it as much as you can." Things are different, I need to know more, know how to teach you in the future."

The public celestial scorpion knew about what would happen after the teacher, and immediately hesitated and promised to come down.

Next, nature is to explain its own situation.

——The teacher is like this. If you don’t even know yourself, don’t you know what to say?

After that, Gongyi Tianyi began to show his martial arts without hesitation, without reservation.

Hell Road, Demon Blood Road, Heaven and Humanity, Hungry Ghost Road, Shura Road and Humanity Deity, the incarnation and the life of the Ming Bing, the incarnation and the deity, the incarnation and the incarnation, the combination of moves, different secrets...

After all the exhibitions, it is already two hours.

In the process of this exhibition, the Iron Emperor will also occasionally take a shot, and take a few tricks with the public instrument, and feel the power of his moves.

After the full display, the public scorpion Scorpio has already pulled out the fine sweat on his forehead. He also said: "The disciple's body has six seas, each of which is very broad and has a vision. If it is an ordinary battle, can adhere to……"

The Iron Emperor patiently listened to the public instrument Tianzhu finished, and his eyes flashed a little bit of surprise from time to time.

With the respect of his great emperor, he has lived for tens of thousands of years, and he has never seen any warrior, and he has such a strange sea of ​​public ceremonies! Even he has seen several bodies of Scorpio, but the characteristics of the Scorpio are similar to those of Scorpio, but there is no such thing as the legendary Scorpio, which is the most The strong one is inferior to the special features of the public scorpio!

The Jagged Emperor could not help but praise: "The method of your self-realization is very high. Even if it is me, I can't see the truth. If I can continue to enter the country in the future, I will not be your opponent when I am the day of the Emperor."

The public celestial celestial being is very happy with the praise of the great emperor, but the mouth still said: "The teacher respects it."

However, he did not say that he still couldn't beat the Jagged Master, because he himself understood that the Jagged Master was telling the truth. If he was too modest, he would be obsessed by the Jagged Master.

This is true.

The Iron Emperor also appreciates the **** warrior. If he only looks at the appearance of the public instrument, he will not think that this is his favorite disciple, and he really wants to accept this disciple, or he is watching him in the hunting ratio. Many decisive performances, as well as his own potential - this made him understand that the disciple's heart is not harmless.

However, after the public celestial beings showed up, how to point to each other, let the iron-blooded emperor think about it.

The six methods are created by the public scorpio, and even the power of taboos is involved. Even the Iron Emperor can't peek clearly. If he wants to give pointers, it is better to point it out.

After thinking for a while, the Jagged Emperor said: "Your strength enters the country, and it is mostly based on perfection. Therefore, I decided to open my library to you from today. You can browse through many martial arts, extract the essence, and gather together. Within your practice, you have to create your own methods. However, if you want to create a master or above, it is extremely difficult. Even if you have higher savvy, you can't easily form it. Therefore, you can temporarily create a prototype and make the avatars practice. When I have a small success, I will come to see it."

The meaning of Jagged Emperor is very clear, that is, he let the public scorpio go to the book to create his own, creating a little meaning, he will look at it, after reading it, use his great emperor's eyesight to find him a flaw, and as long as the flaw is still there, Then you can't continue to cultivate.

The public ceremonies are very happy, even when the voice says: "Thank you for your respect!"

A great emperor also specializes in sparring, which is indeed a supreme treatment!

The Iron Emperor also said that he did it, and when he reached out, he grabbed a small pagoda.

It turns out that this pagoda is a private library belonging to Jagged Emperor. It includes not only the original books of all the ancient books in the Palace of Iron and Blood, but also a lot of precious martial arts that are privately collected by the Jagged Emperor! These martial arts martial arts were originally prepared by the Iron Emperor for their disciples and especially important confidants, but they could not be easily given, but now he has to look at the public scorpio, and he is really passionate about his disciples. It is.

The public celestial scorpion did not have much politeness. After the pagoda took root in the room, he rushed in.

Once inside, the space is enormous. Each layer of the pagoda has numerous stars and lights, and each starlight is a martial art or a martial art.

The Iron Emperor tried hard to see the public instrument, and nodded slightly.

Then he stayed in front of the pagoda and meditated quietly, feeling the infinite mystery that could only be seen in the great emperor...


Gu Zuo constantly tempered his spirit, alchemy, harden his spirit, and alchemy, and he found that it was easier to refine himself. He was so happy that he couldn't help but refining the local level Dan he had!

In addition to the kind of prefecture-level Dan that has never been refining, there are a few who have not been innocent once, and all others are innocent Dan, Xia Yundan, which can be said to greatly enrich his memory.

And the refining of the medicinal materials... are all handled by the iron and blood emperor.

Of course, when Gu Zuo may have no money, he is very generous when he can face the people he cares about.

Now that the Iron King has given him unlimited medicine, how can he not return it?

Therefore, Gu Zuo's performance is also very simple. For each kind of prefecture, he only left Xia Yundan with one, and there was no one to leave three. The other refining medicinal herbs were all used as finished products for Jagged Emperor.

The Iron Emperor did not refuse Gu Zuo's mind, so this time in the past, his own memory in the prefecture level Dan, also quickly changed again, the original collection of the drug, most of them were emptied out by him, enter Go to the Iron Palace public library.

After learning this, Gu Zuo could not help but get more.

Yes, there is no way to give the Jagged Master a better gift, so he will have to work harder and strive for a progress every time, and then change the stock of the medicinal herbs in the Iron Blood Master's private library for a batch!

It can be considered a little contribution...

The Iron Emperor did not bother to Gu Zuo’s head, but the tight lines on his lips were getting looser.

Gu Zuo, who waited for the blood of the chicken, refining the land-level Dan, and felt that his skills were already purely pure. Gu Zuo, who has reached the conditions, is ready to refine the heavenly Dan.

Just before the refining... Gu Zuo thought of one thing.

Little longevity.

Since I was going to make a big match, Gu Zuo almost never went to the Temple of Medicine. Is Xiao Changsheng still alone there? Although he was accompanied by black and white double dragons, he and his eldest brother never went to see him, and he was afraid that the little guy was too lonely.

Thinking of it, Gu Zuo was a little anxious.

This mentality was wrong, and the breath that came out of it was a little bit irritating... so that it was soon noticed by the Iron Emperor.

The Iron Emperor looked at Gu Zuo: "What is the reason for your heart?"

Gu Zuo licked his mouth and quickly communicated with his brother.

[Big Brother, I told the Jagged Master that I was honored. 】

[This is no problem, why did you suddenly talk about it? 】

[...Little longevity. 】

[Azo said that you and me, you can tell the master. 】

After obtaining the permission of his own big brother, Gu Zuocai said the truth: "It’s about the big brother and my son..."

Next, he had a soldier in his own house, and because of the stone egg he and his eldest brother had already given birth to a son Shi Changsheng, and all the 1510 were told to the Iron Emperor.

The Iron Emperor came a little bit interested: "Is the yin and yang two-stone eggs raised with the blood?"

Gu Zu nodded: "Yes." Since he said it, he suddenly wanted to start. "For the Master, Xiao Changsheng has been born for several years, but he still looks only one or two years old, no more. Growing up, I don’t know what the reason is... I think, maybe the method of cultivating the stone eggs is different from ordinary people, and he himself has different things. The teacher is very knowledgeable, I don’t know if I can help. Why is this so long?"

Jagged Emperor said: "No matter, bring him out."

Gu Zuo said in a hurry: "Please wait for the teacher."

After he finished speaking, he was slightly moved and disappeared into place.

The Iron Emperor perceives that the fluctuations in the surrounding space are undetectable and nodded secretly.

The grade of this soldier is not low, but I think I have been hurt before, otherwise I am afraid that this fluctuation will not happen. You can then fix it in other ways.

At this moment, Gu Zuo has entered the hall of Medicine.

In the hall, Xiao Changsheng was kneeling on the bed, sleeping with his little buttocks arched and arched.

Gu Zuo saw this scene, and the heart was soft and soft, and his eyes were soft.

Perhaps it was felt that there was a breath of close people here. Xiao Changsheng suddenly woke up. He twisted his head and saw the existence of Gu Zuo. He smiled happily, and then opened a small arm, and the whole person followed. The shift seems to appear in the arms of Gu Zuo!

Gu Zuo hurriedly opened his arm and caught him. He followed his face and was stunned by a smaller face.

Xiao Changsheng Zhangkou: "Dad! Come! Come late!"

The mouth is still unclear, but the meaning inside is very clear.

This is a spoiled, I feel that Gu Zuo is late.

After finishing this, Xiao Changsheng extended his small neck and looked behind Gu Zuo. As a result, he did not see anyone, and his face was disappointed: "Father! Father?"

Gu Zuo kissed his face: "Your father is practicing, so he can't come. Dad is also practicing before, it is late, now with Xiao Changsheng to see the grandfather is good? Is the new master grandfather, want Remember to call people."

Xiao Changsheng is very embarrassed.

He was born to know that although he could not express it, he knew that his father and father could not come with him every day. In the past, when the two men retired, they had not come in for a few days. This time is only a little longer. Xiao Changsheng is understandable.

Listening to my father’s saying, Xiao Changsheng is very nodding: "Call!"

Gu Zuo saw him so sensible, pity and kissed him, and took him quickly to leave the hall of Medicine.